Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 15, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    tu.v (uutTAii sxxma&JU, SAxmu oitsaoiff, Friday afiul is, 1010.
Fruit Tracts, Schools
James Crai
General Merchandise
Country customers are made welcome
at this store, which is headquarters
for them at Silverton
First quality Patent Flour by the
carload or in lots to suit dealers
Feed kept on hand at all seasons
Carpets, Wall Paper
Mattrasses, Bedding
Jewelry, Silverware.
Everything to furnish a house.
Webb & Moores
All work done with neatness and de
spatch. Sample room furnished for
commercial men. Prompt attention
N given to all work in our line.
General Blacksmithing
$ , oorsesnoemg
Repairing of Vehicles and Machinery
Drug Store
Drugs and Stationer)
Prescriptions carefully compounded fiy
graduate pharmacists.
Silverton sits In a cozy angle of
tho Hills, on both sides of Silver
Creek. The city now spreads out a
square mile and Is extending Its sub
urbs by le..ps and bounds lri every
direction. The Waldo Hills aro just
south of the city, two miles north is
tho Allqua. Two miles west runs
the classic Pudding river and tho
three valleys aro beautiful. Well im
proved farming lands sorround Sil
verton on all sides. Tho Waldo
Hills, Howell Prairie, and the Abiqua
Valley are tho richest soils in the
world, with a great deal of beavor
dam land. But the foothills aro tho
future gold mines. These rougher
and cheaper lands are going into
apples the foothill lands producing
the finest winter apples, in color,
shipping and keeping qualities.
Tho Silverton Lumber Co.. has
transformed Silverton from a sleepy
country trading place Into a busy,
humming, Industrial shipping point.
Out of 902 carloads of freight going
out of here C07 carloads were lum
ber for 1909 more than two-thirds.
Steady payrolls makes a world of
difference in the trade of tho town
which formerly depended entirely on
the farms. About ' $12,500 u
month was added to tho payrolls for
lumber manufacture alone. Several
hundred families are supported from
tho payrolls of the Silverton Lumbor
Co. Tho town has built out towards
tho mill and on two sides of it.
The company is building two miles
of road to extend Its logging oper
ations In the woods.
The Silverton Lumber Company
was organized In 190G and the mill
was started in 1909. It has been
running steadily slnco then with a
cut of about 20,000,000 feet a year.
The plant includes 14 miles of rail
road track, with twenty cars, two
engines, five donkey engines and
planners and dry kilns. The pay
rolls include tho office and mill
force of about ninety men with ono
hundred men working In tho timber
and on the railroad. The officers of
the company aro R. A. Cowden, pres
ident; J. D. Casey, vice-president,
and, W. A. Reynolds secretary and
Started Building Boom.
As a result of the establishing of
a saw mill here there has been a
great advanco In the price of prop
erty and nearly one hundred new
houses have been erected the past
year. Thirty now houses aro Jn
process of construction at present.
A now brick block Is to bo erected
by E. S. Porter of Konny & Porter;
a building is to go up on tho Hunto"
corner; and Sam Amos, Bock Broth
ers, and J. D. Drake may build this
coming year. A creamery and loo
plant aro under construction nt pres
ent. Tho ice plant will have an 8
ton machine, capable of turning
out about 3000 pounds of ice per
day. Tho capacity of tho now
creamery win be about 10,000
pounds per month to begin with. '
Public Improvements.
Under this heading Silverton can
claim to have a protty good pros
pect. Tho ocunty will erect a now
steej bridge over Silver Creek Jn
place of the old wooden moss cov
ered structure. The material In tho
old bridge will bo used to build a
bridge ncross Sliver Croak botwoen
Allen's addition and Gelsor's ad 11
tlon. This will be dono by a sub
scription, ..The most progressive poo
plo of Silverton want to bond the
town for a sower system and there
Is some talk about paving the prin
cipal business street from Fischer's
Mill to tho Southern Pacific depot.
Tho city of Silverton owns a rock
crusher and steam road roller and
thore Is to be a good roads congross
held hero within two weeks to pro
mote public sentiment for bettor
A Big Shipping Record.
According to statistics furniiaod
llvo stock. This Is a largo potato
shipping point and also an Immense
amount of express goes out.
Two Good Local Banks.
Deposits In tho two Silverton
Banks on April 1st aggregated $633,
446.00; tho Coolldge and McClaln
Bank, organized in 1880, Is officered
by Alfred Coolldgo, president; A. P.
McClaim, vice-president, M. J. Ad
ams, cashier; Ed. R. Adams, assist
ant cashier. The heads of this bank
aro also intoresfed in two banks at
Colfax, ono at Spokane, and .banks
in Farmington, Tekoa, and Oaksdnle.
The People's Bank, organized
190B, has Marlon Palmor for presi
dent, O. L. Hattoberg, vice-president;
J. W. Hyett, cashier and E. S.
Palmer, Lew Ames, McD. Carpenter
additional directors.
Additional Industries.
Silverton has somowhero between
two and three thousand happy, busy,
prosperous people. Thoy aro all
protty well- employed. There are
threo warehouses at Silverton, kept
by Wolf & Son, Laughmlller Bros,,
and Wolfard & Co. Thero aro two
other sawmills, two flouring mills
nnd two sash and door factories.
A Live Commercial Club.
Silverton has a strong Commercial
organization with officers as fol
lows: . Millard A. Seltz, Pres., Geo.
"W. Hubbs, Sec, S. E. Richardson.
Vlce-Pres., Trustees James Craig, P.
L. Browne, and L. H. Fisher. The
'total membership aggregates about
ono hundred, composed of two
class, activo and subscribing mem
bers. Schools and Churches.
Silverton has two fine large pub
lic school buildings and a full twolvo
grade high school under City Supt.
Bootlscher. Thero Is an enrollment
of nearly five hundred in tho public
schools and a very bright, progres
sive student body.
Next to Salem, Silverton is about
tho strongest church town in Marlon
County, and all tho lodges aro represented.
Movement for a HospKal.
Dr. F. M. Brooks who has boon
practicing medicine and surgery hero
for nearly twenty years is helping
lalong a movoment to have a hospital
established at Silverton. He has a
well equipped office with, electrical
apparatus and X-ray machine, with
a chemical labratory and dark room
for testing eyes. Associated with
him is Dr. R. E. Klolnsorgo, Mlcro-
scoplst from tho University of Iowa
Tho hospital movement Is boinc
neipou along by Rov. H. M. Mason
and Rov. O. A. White of tho Nor
wegian Lutheran churchos. There
aro threo of theso churchos in SI1
verton; supplying about 1,000
bcandinavlan population.. This ele-
mont Is steadily increasing, fifty to
ono hundred families being added
yearly. Tho hospital is bolng organ
ized ns a stock company nnd not as
a chnrltablo institution.
Lights, Water, nnd Telephone.
Sllvorton has a water service with
a pumping plant taking water from
Silver Creek. The city has' flro pro
tection In tho shape of hydrants, an
onglno and two hose wagons. The
city Js lightod by tho P. R. L. & P.
Co. Tho Interurban Tolophone
Company was organized five years
ago by P. L. Browno, manager. It
has about one hundred miles of lino
connecting Woodburn, Marquam,
Monitor, Mt. Angel, McKeo, Scotts
Mill, and Molalla and has about four
hundred patrons. Two now lines
aro being constructed connootlng, up
about twonty-flvo moro families,
Real Estate is Active.
A groat deal of land in and about
SHvorton is being cut up in fruit
tracts and a largo amount of acreage
'is being plated to orchards. Ranches
from a quartor aero to ton ooros aro
laid off In each tract and for a milo
or two before you reach Bllvorton
by E. L. Smith who has boon agent I you bfgln .t0 fBB" rW8 "'houses ou
buijuiuuu nuii iruuiB. mo uiggesi
sale of real estate on record was
of tho Southern Pacific Company at
this point for twenty-two years
thero wore 902 carloads of freight
sent out during the yoar 1909. A
total of 05 cars of morohandlso were
received and besides nearly a car
load per day of broken shipments.
averaging about 15,000 pounds each
or a total of 415 oars arriving at
SUvartdu. Among the freight sent'
out were CI carloads of bops, 63 car
loads of flour nnd 19 carloads of
mad the other day by Andorson &
Fry. They sold 152 acres located
two miles west of Silverton belong
ing to U. S. Simmons for $22,800.
The purchaser was Thomas Johnson,
recently from Nebraska.
Has Two Nowspapors.
The pioneer newspaper is the
Silverton Appeal, which has Just
been sold out by II. E. Browne and
J. B. Hoblet to H. E. Hodges and
James Bennott Mr. Hodges Is a
practical printer and hns worked in
tho offlco for fourteen years. Ho ia
a son of Capt. Hodges, a well known
Orand Army man and village shoe
maker. Tho Silverton Leader Is published
by J. E. Hosmer and J. M. Brown
and has been in existence for several
years. Mr. Hosmer Is also tho in
ventor of tho gravity hand culti
vator, tho only implement of the kind
In existence.
A Llvo General Merchant.
Geo. Cuslter has for seventeen
years conducted a general mer
chandise business in Silverton. Ho
has seen tho city grow In that time
from a moro village of four hundred
people to ovor two thousand popula
tion and his annual sales amount to
$40,000. Mr. Cuslter also buys all
kinds of farm products.
Tho Vijlngo Blacksmith.
A. G. Steelhammer has for eigh
teen years been pounding away in
tho same blacksmith and wagon
shop. Jack Riches was his partner
up to eight years ago. Ho now
works two men nt horse shooing and
ropalra everything from a wheel-bar
row to farm machinery. Mr, Stell
hammer will bo a candidate for tho
legislature on tho republican ticket.
Ho says ho will go before the people
on tho direct primary and will sup
port tho republican nominees, 'oven
If Jio should not bo so lucky as to
got on the ticket himself.
Jeweler, Furniture, Fnrmer.
F. E. Wray has beon in business
at Silverton for twenty years as n
jeweler and In connection with his
trado ho has beon In tho furnlturo
business for seven years. He carries
a largo stock of carpets, rugs and
house furniture, and has sales
amounting to about $20,000 a year.
Ho has lately become tho owner of ' a
flno piece of farm property which he
Is improving and making himself a
suburban home.
Bins Threo Hotels.
Silverton, has threo well kept
hotels, tho "Silverton", tho "Ander
son," and the "Wray". Tho latter
was formerly known as tho "Cot
tage." Postal Business Increasing.
Upon to March 31, 1910, tho busi
ness of the Silverton postofflco un
der F. R. Blackerby, P. M., had
just about doubled. Stamp sales In
creased $800 in tho paBt year. In
four years tho monoy order busi
ness hns increased $20,000, Mr.
and Mrs. Blackerby work very hard
to ploaso tho public and have a fine
standing with tho department.
I'ioneor Hardware Business ,
Tho J. Hicks Hnrdwaro Company
is nn Institution that has beon dolus
business continuously nt tho same
stand for twonty-flvo yoars. Tha
Hicks family aro among tho plonoors
of Sllvorton. Ono of tho brothers,
Chas. Hicks, at present bolng Com
mnndor of tho Goo. II. Thomas Post
Grand Army of tho Republic.
Ames Hardware House.
This Is ono of tho largest firms In
this line In tho WHInmotto valloy.
Thoy koop a largo stock of heavy
and sholf hardware fencing, and are
headquartors for tho staple linos of
farm machinery and vehicles.
Silverton Department Store.
James Craig has for thirteen yoar
conducted a department storo that
at the samo tlmo is a kind of hoad
qunrtors for tho, country pooplo for
miles around. Mr, Craig Is' a cham
pion Sllvorton boostor and good
roads enthusiast, An Irishman from
Ulstor, a country whoro sprang tho
ancestors of nine presidents of tho
United States. Mr. Craig does not
contino himself to boosting in tho
United States, but sonds lltoratur?
out in all his mall and somo of It
roaches oven Iroland, as will bo soon
by tho following from tho Carrlck-
Forgus Advertiser, a nowspapor pub
lished in his native town:
Drugs and Stationery.
Tho Johnson drug storo qf Sllvor
ton Is conducted by Lewis Johnson,
Ph. G. Ho holds the doublo honor
being both a University graduate
and a graduate In pharmacy. 11$
has met nil the requirements of tho
State Board of- Now York and of
Oregon, He got his degree in tho
University of Buffalo nnd then went
(ConUnued on Page 4.)
General Merchadise and Pro
duce Taken In Exchange
Coupons, With Eyery Cash Purchase
... of Dry Goods and Jewelry . .
fir Lumber
Our Specialty
In Carload Lots
John Hicks Hardware Co.
Successors to Brooks' Drug Co.
Prescription Druggists
Twenty-two years' experience.
Your patronage solicited.
Hardware Store
' Our Specialties
Fencing, Paints and Farm
ing Implements