SILVERTON SPECIAL EDITION OF THE DAILY CAPIATL JOURNAL "MAKERS OF OREGON" SERIES, WITH REVIEW OF INDUSTRIES AND RECORD OF DEVELOPMENT ON PAG.. THREE. VOL. XX. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL IB, 1010. No. 00, Missionaries in Chang Sha At tacked by Rioters and Their Missions Burned Take Ref uge With Their Families on Warships. CAUSE, HALLEY'S COMET Claimed tlio Outbreak Was Caused By Cliineso Ollicinls Cornering the Rico Market and Exporting Rlee Tills Is Considered Only an Excuse as tho Natives Arc Superstitious and Arc Greatly Alarmed Oven tlio Reported -Coming of tho Comet. Pokin, April 15. Riots nt Chang Sha- have broken out following the demonstrations against tho mission aries of tho Wcsleyan Inland Mission and today tho governor's yamon, where the missionaries had' taken refugo, wns burned. Tho missionar ies are reported safe on board a mer chant ship. Ine mob has forced tho abandonment of tho British con sulate and tho customs house, and the situation is so serious that most of tho foreigners here havo sought safety aboard ships. Four British gunboats aro on their way up tho Slng Klang river to quell tho dis turbance. Tho causo of tho outbreak is said to llo-ln tho fact that Chinese offi cials cornered tho rico 'market and oxported much of 'tho rice. It is rumored howovor, that th cauBo lies much deeped and that ii "rico riot" merely was used as an oxcuso to inflamo tho fury of tho Chinese against tho missionaries. For somo timo thore has been i noticoablo unrest among thorn, and Christians havo been tho target for much abuse. Many persons horo, who are ac quainted with tho custofs of tho coolio class, declaro that tho rioting probably was caused by tho stories of tho approach of Halley's comet Tho ignorant laborers aro greatlv alarmed over tho comet's approach, which they fear has been sent to punish them. In season's of fear they always try to propitiate tho gods by killing tho "foreign devils," say old-tlmo residents. Tho missionaries who lives were sought by tho Infuriated Chinese aro: Rev. Robert Warren, Rev. W. H. Watson, Rev. Comper, Mrs. Com per. All of them aro Methodists. Tho mission has 700 converts at Chang Sha. There is danger that tho mob will turn on tho converts and attack tfiom. No reports havo been received of any other attacks on missionaries in Chang Sha. Fair AVcnthcr for Census Man. ' UNITED PRESS IXASnD WISE. Washington, April 15. Uniform ly fair weather was reported through-out the United States today when the army of census enumera tors started on their work of taking tho census of tho country. Director Durand Is determined that the work shall bo accomplished' In record time. Ho expects that tho preliminary count, which usually Is within a hundred thousand of being correct, will be. in within five days. The certified figures of tho popu lation will be announced about 100 days later. His Army Strengthened and Re cruited by Adventurous Yan kees Gives Battle to Madriz and Drives Him From the Field. BOTH SIDES LOST HEAVILY niucllclds Rejoices Over Mndrlz' De feat nnd Forseo a Speedy End to tlio Wnr Earthquake Does Not Seem to Have Cut Any Ice, as Notli ing Is Said of It in tlio Dispatches No Details of the Fighting, Much of Which AVns Hand to Hand. Bluoflelds, Nicaragua, by wireless to Colon, April ID. Fighting be tween tho Estrada and Madriz fac tions of the government of Nicara gua has been resumed, following a long truce. An engagement occur red yesterday between tho armies somewhero.-on the road from Lama gua and Acoyapa, according to run ners who reafched here today. Heavy losses are reported on both sides, as a result of tho engagement. Tho Madriz army retreated late In the day to Acoyapa,' whero it is rest ing today. The Estrada army, which wasi cut to pieces in the fighting around Man agua, when Estrada essayed an ad vance to tho capital In in effort to crush tho Madriz forces, has been re inforced by recruits, many of whom aro said to bo Amoricans. After tho defeat of tho Estrada army there, Madriz began an ad vance on Bluoflelds. His troops got as far as Acoyapa, whero ho stopped to recruit and establish a. baso of supplies. Tho threatened attack on Bluo flelds mado tho Estradaists work des porately to recruit their army, and a force was sent to Acoyapa. Part of tho force, according to tho reports received from the front, con sists of a numbor of Amoricans, at tracted by tho chances of adventure. The artlllory was formerly command ed by General Gordon, of Texas, once reported "killed. Ho endeavored to recruit anumber of soldiers in Now Orleans. Tho stato department was asked to stop him, on' tho ground that the movement was one against a friendly power. Gordon abandoned his expedition, but is said to havo Induced a number of Americans to go to tho front and onllst as individ uals. This is tho force that has giv en Estrada's army its great strength, No details of tho fighting have boon received. The runners who brought tho news say that tho fight Ing was desperate and hand to hand, and that many soldiers on both sides Uvere killed, but could give no defl nlto idea of tho loss. From the fact that Madriz'' army fell back, it is believed that tho victory was in favor of Estrada, and tho people hero who havo supported tho E3trada causo aro jubilant. Somo of tho hoavlest lighting of tho war has occurred near Acoyapa . o Idleness Means Vagrancy. North Yakima, Wash., April 15. Tho sheriff of Yakima county has ordered tho arrest of every idle man. Fivo were arrested in Toppenlsh yes terday and sentenced to tho chain gang today. Idleness is henceforth to bo an evidence of vagrancy horo, tho sher iff reasoning that with farmers cry ing for help, a man not working evi dently doesn't want to work. New advises us to sell all the Ladies' Suits, Coats and Millinery we can, and he will supply us with more at prices so low that no house in the valley can compete with ns. Come here and see the difference in quality, style and prices. We are offering bargains in That is keeping this department crowded all the time, Beauti ful High Class Tailored Hats, Flowers and Feathers at prices that are attracting customers from far and near, Children's trimmed hats 25c, 35c, 49c and up, Misses' trimmed hats, 49c, 75c, 98c and up, La dies' trimmed hats, the latest shown, $1,95, $2,50, $3,50 and up, 1000 vflrHs praam , www j . TV- niiinp- flannfil nnw Vn 5c cj W W fcl Q w , 3000 yards wool dress goods, 75c quality now yard 35c 3000 yards of $1, $1.25 and $1,35 dress and waisting, new spring silks ail the latest style, yd 49c 35c Madras waisting, mer,. cerized silk finish pretty styles and designs, yd 18c' Everything sold exactly as advertise, all you have to do is ask for it, Wonderful values in the new spring styles in Tailored SUITS, ONE PIECE SUITS and JACKETS $15.00 ONE PIECE SILK SUITS CO TA and da - t in an cue new snaaes, $16.50 TAILORED WOOL SUITS in all the new shades, $8.50 Spring Jackets now. $4.95 $2.25 I up - $1 0.50 r" House Dresses now up $1.49 500 yd, Spool Jttgn4c taaSpo'ol'. CHICAGO STORE S&lem, Oregon HTho Store That Saves You Money" t 25c Dutch Collars Now only CENTRAL ready trying to organlzo rollof .ex peditions and expeditions will bo sent from San Jose today Into tho mountain regions, if tho shocks sub- sldo somewhat. Violent Earthquake Shocks Do Immense Damage Through Entire .Country Hundreds Reported Killed, But News Is Meager. THOUSANDS LEAVE CITIES la Somo Mountain Towns tho Earth Opened and 1 Engulfed Many Houses All Business Is Suspend ed Throughout Costa Itlca, Vlilch Suffered tho "Worst Interior Cities Aro Practically Deserted The People Taking to tho Open Country Quakes Contlnuo Today. Colon, Panama, April 15. Re ports from tho lntorior today Bay that many towns havo ' been de stroyed and a heavy loss of life ban resulted from earthquakes which havo shaken tho wholo of Central America. Tho Bhocks contlnuo today but nro not as violent as thoso qf yesterday. No definite report of tho loss of lifo has been recolved, but it is re ported that scores havo beon killed. It 13 estimated that tho property damage will reach a million dollars. In tho interior cities today aro practically deserted. Thousands havo loft San Jbso and Costa Rica. They tiro camped in tho open court outsido tho cities. Tho towns of Cartago, Liberia, Palada, and San- Ramon aro reported , among tho heaviest sufferers. Relief expeditions havo beon sent to theso cities and full reports of tho damage dono nro expected to bo recolved soon. Tho Sierra Do Tller an rango on tho west coast of Costa Rica is bollovcd to bo tho quako cen Colon, Panama, April 15. A dis patch from San. Joso, Costa Rica declares that tho earthquake shocks aro becoming moro violent and re ports of loss of lifo iro heavy. Tho hoavlest loss of live, It. is reported, is In tho small towns north and west of San Jose. In tho mountain towns west of San Joso tho earth opened and on- gulfed a scoro of houses, tho ro ports say. Tho. report of property damago Is growing anu It is bolloved It will causo an enormous total. Business has -boon suspended throughout tho republic. Telegraph lines, aro working intormlttontly. Tho government offlclahj nro al ASSOCIATION ORG ANIZED Raise in Rates Will Be Taken Before the Interstate Commis sionResolutions Endorsing the Free Locks and Canal Fight. ' Albany, April 14. (Special) Tlio Open RIVer and Freight Rate convention met here and there was a largo delegation present from overy town in the Willamette val ley. Tho people of Albany had made all arrangements for a largo and successful gathering, and con cluded tho affair with an elegant bulfot lunch at tho Alco club. The city was highly complimented by all tho speakers for its fine appcar anco,and spirit of progress. Able Speeches Made. Vory able speeches wore mado by W. S. McFaddon of Corvallls, I. H. Bingham of Eugone, and II. S. Oile of Sulom. Tho first two spoke for tho open river aud tho latter for tha return of tho arbitrary frolght rate to valley towns. Harold M. Sawyer of Portland spoke of tho Harrlman merger and closing tho Sacramento gateway and Its offect on frolght rates, and .recommended that tho towns affacted by tho advance In frolght rates make up a case bofore tho interstato commerco commission Other Speakers Present.' O. M. Kom of Cottage Grovo, Mayor Matlock of Eugone, T. F. Ry an of Oregon City, M. O. Buren of Salo'm, J. R. Cnrtwright of Harris- burg, M. J. Loo of Canby, and Rail road Commissioner West of Salem dolivorod addrossos. Battle for Ireo Loclut. Col. E. Hofor, of Salem, recited tho work done for tho pust throe years to socuro tho action of tho legislature that resulted lu tho state putting up a $300,000 appropriation Oil King Building a Nine-Story Residence That Looks Down on all the Aristocratic Homes of the English Lordlings. BLUE BLOODS COMPLAIN Square .Themselves With Taf t. UNITED MEdS LEASED TTIIUJ.l Washington, April 15. Amid loud choers, tho convention of tho Nntional Woman Suffrago associa tion adopted unanimously a. resolu tion thanking Prosldont Taft for the speech ho delivered beforo tho dele gates. Reforonco to tho hisses with which a portion of tho speech was greeted, was omitted from tho reso lution. It is declared that the dele gates will tnko no formal notice of tho incident, on tho ground that tho visitors In the hall, and not dele gates to tho convention took part In tho demonstration against tho con vention's guest. Oily John Outbid tlio English Gov ernment for tlio Sitq, Paying $370, 000 for It, nnd Wholo Neighbor hood ICickcd 'Because They Thought a Business Block Was to Occupy tho Land Now They Kick Harder Thnii Before Don't Llfco Oil Smell. f UNITED ri!KSS LE1SCT1 WIMI.l London, April 15. Three month?, tho bulldors say, will see tho com pletion of tho palaco in course of construction at tho west corner of Queen Anne's gato, London, for tho English resldonco, as it is stljl ru mored, of John D. Rockefeller. Architect Ernest Runtz still In sists that tho building is wholly for tho uso of tho directors and staff of tho Anglo-American Oil Co., or Eng lish branch of tho Standard. Estate agents familiar with tho transaction (Continued on Pace 5.) For Policyholders Is the in ONLY Consideration (Continued on Pago 8.) 'P!GS IS" GOLD. I The Policyholders' Company at's why discriminating buyers of life insurance give Oregon! jfC preference. That's why no other life insur ance company did so large a business in Oregon in 1 909 as Orcgonfifc That's why in 1 9 1 0 OrcgOPfgci is surpassing month by month its magnificent rcQrd of last year. Qregonflfe , the only life insurance company exclusively Oregon. BEST FOR OREGONIANS Home Office, Corbel! BIdg., Fifth and Morrison, Portland A; L Mills L Samuel PRESIDENT Minor in St. LouU PottDlfpil Itch. b. w.!:SCorr Resident Agent , sai m. ORFGnrt r GEN. MANAGER Room 210 U. S-- National' Bbnk Biiffimg, ,