Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 13, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    tagk so:.
Cool Kitchen
Oil Cook-stove
Jias a Cabinet Top with a shelf for keeping plates and food hot.
There are drop shelves for coffee pot or saucepbns, and nickeled towel Tacks.
It has lorn; turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finirfh) with the
bright blue ol the chimneys, makes the stove ornamental and attractive.
Made with 1,2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stovco can be had'witii oi
without Cabipet.
CAUTIONARY NOTE : De tore you gel this stove-ce thai the name-plate rrails " NEW PFRFECTI09L
Every dealer everywhere! If not at your, write for Dcvcriptlvc Circular
to the nearest ot'ency of the
Standard Oil Company
For Oio Albany Arm try.
Tho plans and specifications (or
tho armory to bo constructed nt
Albany havo boon forwarded to Gov
ernor Bonson by tho adjutant goner
nl any any porsons desiring to bid on
tho contract work may secure llio
Make Home
Install a
Miido Jn Snlcm.
The Cost is Not Large.
House With
jur customers
m H3 i
finish and quality of jewelry of all
Our new spring stocks are well
selected and represent the latest
designs and most artistic styles for
the most fastidious purchasers as
well as the popular styles for all.
We call your attention to our new
showing of diamond rings, signet
rings and a complete line of novelties
in gold silver and cut glass.
Corner Stateand LibertySts.
Perfect Cooking
Tfye housewife with
years of experience the
woman who knows how to
cook finds, after practi
cal tests and hard trials,
the New Perfection Oil
Cook-Stove is her idea of
what a good cook-stove
really ought to be.
She finds it requires less
attention, costs less to op
erate, and cooks all food
better than any other stove
she has ever tried.
She finds the New Per
fection oven bakes anJ
roasts perfectly. The
necessary information with regard
to thom by calling nt tho governor's
office. Tho plans must bo In tho
hands of tho architect by April 15,
nnd tho bids must bo accompanied
by a chock equal to 10 per cent of
tho contract price.
Tliey Heat the Whole
One Fire
Phono 886
Brief Biography of Illustrious Oregonian Whose Name It Is the
Purpose of the People of Proposed Nesmith County to Honor
and Perpetuate.
Jnmoa Willis Nesmith, a man hon
ored for his upright character, and
roverod as a citizen pf loyal Integri
ty, his name will shlno in the firma
ment of illustrious Orcgonlans, a
truo boacon light of progress, Illum
inating tho social atmosphoro and
lighting up tho way for succeeding
generations. Colonel Nesmith was
indebted for his sturdy prowess to
tho Scotch-Irish blood which coursed
through his veins, kindling within
im thoso incentives to deeds of
manliness which characterizes tho
race. Gifted with this nature, ho
wits spurred on to do nnd daro, and
tho triumphant rownrds which
Crowned his efforts at last woro a
fitting tribute to his lifolong devo
tion to hard, unceasing toll and un
swerving principles.
More than a hundred years before
this country was fairly launched on
Its carder as a nation among tho In
dependent govermonts of tlio world,
tho ancestors of Colonel Nesmith de
cided to Journoy, from Ireland to tho
nowly discovered land , in tho West.
They camo to Amorica, and Inter
"history fixes tho dato of 1814 as tho
year of William Ncsmlth's mnrriago
to Miss Harriet Willis, tho daughter
of a man who owned tho land on
which Elizabeth town Btood. Tho
couplo wont to Maine to live. In
1820 whllo visiting Now Brunswick.
their son James Willis, tho subject
of this skotch, was born. Dark
clouds obscured tho boy's early his
tory. His mother was drowned, and,
a few years later his fathor lost his
all in a destructive firo. The de
vouring flames forced tho family to
fleo to a marsh for safety, whet
tho victims crouched low whilo the
city and forest about thom becamo ;'
roaring furnace. Tho exposur?
killed James' stepmother, and he
was compolled to seek tho friondly
caro of neighbors. His father was
ruined irretrievably. Despito this
dosolnto beginning," young Ncsmlth's
llfo grow brighter in after days.
Winning his own way from boyhood,
"ho boenmo nccustomod to tho hard
"knocks" of tho world and strugglod
on with his sunny disposition unim
paired. Ho sot out for tho Western
Resorvo, renchlng tho home of his
cousin, Josoph 0. Wilson, nonr Cin
cinnati, Ohio. Tho two attended
scliool together, and from grnvo sor
row tho Now England boy gradually
beenmo associated with happier
times. Tho great tldnl wavo to tho
Pacific slopo drow young Nesmith
along in its alluring course.
Ho wns anxious to sco tho coun
try, nnd no longer folt nny mis
givings about leaving his Eastern
home, for his last dearest friend, h'3
fathor, had Just died and left him
nlono to fight his battlo of HfoV
Mounting a horso, ho started off to
meet Dr. Whlto's train at Independ
ence nnd accompany him to Oregon,
but bad nows reached his oar that
restrained him, Tho Pawnees were
hostilo, and it would havo boon shcr
mndnoEs to risk nn onoountor nlono
on tho plains with tho blood thirsty
savages who crouched in every
shadow, ready to slaughter tho first
whito man they saw, For a year
Honesty speaks for itself.
are so honest in their workman
ship, so superior in good tobacco
well blended, smoke so fragrantly
cool through the mouthpiece
that they speak quality in any
10 for 10 cents
Mr. Nesmith remained at Fort Scott,
Kan., occupied with the carpentor's
piano and saw, and in 1843 ho
Joined tho Applegate party. In the
'long hours of that toilsome rido over
tho prairies, several membors of tho
train who belonged to tho legal fra
ternity started n mock trial. Nesmith
took part In tho exerclso and dis
played such an amazing amount of
gonitis in his interpretation of Jus
tice that ho was advised to Join the
legal profession. Arriving at Ore
gon City ho put his talents to a
practical test, and two years later
sorved as a Judgo under tho Provis
ional Government Shortly after, the
attractions of Miss Paulino Coff of
Polk county enchained tho attention
of tho young advocate, and tho re
suit was a happy wedding, after
which young Nesmith took his brlds
to live on tho banks of tho Itickreall,
in Polk county, whero they took up
a donation land claim which is still
owned by tho Nesmlths.
Tho murder of Whitman was a
sad blow to Nesmith, his Intimate
friend. Among tho first to strike
for Cayous country to avengo the
foul deed was tho lawyer-pioneer.
In 18C5 tho Itoguo Rtvor and Yald
ma wars called for tho full play of
Nesmith's military powers, and the
flno services which ho rendered won
for him the epaulets of a colonel.
Two years more elapsed, and the
colonel was placed in charge of In
dian affairs, a responsible work cov
ering a territory embracing Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. Meanwhile
Colonol Nesmith had been digging
gold in California, unearthing suf
ficient treasurer to pay back a debt
of $1000 to Dr. McLaughlin, who
had loaned him n herd of cows at,
tho timo of his marriage in 1846, as
a wedding compliment.
About this time tho news that
Fort Sumpter had been fired upon
startled tho country Into wild alarm.
Tho story of how Colonol "Nesmith
remained steadfast to the principles
of tho Union is a matter of national
history. In September I860 Nes
mith had been elected to a seat In
tho United States Senato, and in that
stormy period tho one thought of
complete confidence which tho peo
ple reposed In tho now senator was
based on tho known fact that his
fidelity to tho Union was unchange
able, his faith incorruptable, and
whatever should como to pass that
tho fate of -the nation would bo ef
fected by his vote, they knew ho
would servo his country well. Ho
tfns sworn In as n Senator on March
4, 1861. Prosidont Lincoln took the
colonol into his confidence, and tho
vnrlod military observations of the
hardy Orogonlnn, picked up In fron
tier combats, wore now employed in
tho conduct of tho Civil War.
At tho close of the war the Colonel
becamo opposod to Republican re
construction and joined the Demo
cratic forces. His term as a senator
expired on March 3, 1SC7. Colonol
Nesmith has n glorious charactor.
Honest, opon-henrted nnd courage
ous, no danger nor unexpected event
could shake his firmnoss or disturb
his presence of mind. Of vigorous
mentnl power, humane disposition,
and liberal opinions, he was venlv
nature's nobleman. In his masterly
eulogies upon the powerful oppon
ents of his, Charles Summer and
General Lane, he revealed n depth
of feeling and broad-nilndednoss in
liis treatment of their characters
that evoked national applause, Dif
fering ontirely from their vlows on
public quest'ous of the hour, Colonel
Nosmlth. nevertheless, showed In
the sympathetic tone of thoso ora
tions the enternal chord of humani
tarian regard which nelthor war nor
polities could sever.
Ills was a patriotism without a
blemish, a statesmanship wlthoit
gullo, a londorshlp of armies with
out fatal ambition, a magistracy
without severity, yet Inflexible Is
uprightness. He wns a citizen, ex
emplary In the dlsohnrgo of every
duty, a man who had modesty with
ut diffidence courngo without rash
ness. In 18S0 he died.
Co'onol Nosmlth hold tho follow
ing o'vll offices:
Judge undor tho Provisional Gov
ernment 1845-46.
Member of Provisional Logisla-
Of course everybody does that, and
Laundry Work can't be Judgod anj
other way. Everything subjected to
our artiatlo treatment comes out a
clean as a polished surface, as clew
as crystal and as bright as a sum
mer's day. Articles washed proper
ly last twice as long and look twen
ty tlmea better thau goods badlj
laundrled. We make cheap Jabri
masquerade for something better.
Phem 113. 1UO.I0O bUtU Liberty
Hollywood is a subdivision of
Grounds on the Silverton and Garden Roads.
Tho land in Hollywood is acknowledged by all familiar with the soil conditions to be tho best in this
section; that means the best in Oregon. Ask anyone In Salem, any old timer, any one of our competltlors,
thnt is a liberal proposition and they will nil tell you that Hollywood Is tho Cream of tho Valley.
Five and Ten Acre Tracts
Hollywood Is divided into 6 and 10-acro tracts, and is now offered at prices that will surprise all who
who investigate. In order to close out tho tracts at once, wo havo set the very low price of $175 per aero
and up. Terms: One quarter down, balance to suit the individual buyer. You should see Hollywood.
We win take you out to tho tract at any hour in one of our machines or rigs, all we ask is the oppor
tunity; you will buy If you see Hollywood. '
The Salem Apple Orchard Company have purchased and will set out an orchard in this property; the
trees are now on the ground. Beforo purchasing in Hollywood they investigated the land In all parts of
the county. That alone is a strong recommendation for our tract.
Prices iu nollywood will soon be double what they are at present. Just as soon as a few homes get
started, up will go tho values. Get a home in this close in property.
See Hollywood at Once
347 State Street
ture 1845.
United States Marshal 1855-56.
Superintendent of Indian Affairs
United Sjtates Senator 1861-67.
Member of Congress 1873-75.
When not occupying public office,
Colonel Nesmith devoted his time to
farming. He owned a 2000 aero
farm in tho Rickreall valley and
was a successful breeder of pu '-2
bred stock.
Colonel Nesmith's widow survival
him until 1800. The following chil
dren, all of who.m aro living, also
survive him: Mrs. Levi Ankeny,
Walla Walla, Wash.; Mrs. H. L. Mc
Arthur, Salem; Mrs. Wm, Molson,
"Montreal, Canada; James B. Nes
mith, Rickreal, and William G. Nes
mith, Blue River.
is a man who can't see good in any
person or thing. It's a habit caused
by a disordered liver. If you And
that you are beginning to see things
through blue spectacles, treat your
liver to a good cleaning out process
with Ballard's Herblno. A sure cure
for constipation, dyspepsia, indiges
tion, sick headache, biliousness, all
liver, stomach and bowel troubles.
Sold by nil dealers.
llent Her Children to Death.
Akron, O., April 13. Mrs. Rosa
Maquard, who beat her two-year-old
daughter, Margaret, with a club and
probably fatally Injured her one-
year-old baby with the same weapon
yesterday, is being held for exam
ination before an Insanity commis
sion today.
"Tho spirits kept bothering me,''
she says in explanation of her deed.
Mrs.. Maquard is 20 years of age.
. Best Treatment for Golds.
"Most ordisary colds will yield to
tho simplest treatment," says the
Chicago Tribune, "moderative laxa
tives, hot foot baths, a free perspir
ation and nn avoidance of exposure
to cold and wet after treatment."
While this treatment is simple, It
requires considerable trouble, and
tno one adopting it must remain in
doors for a day or two, or a fresh
cold is almost sure to bo contracted,
and in many instances pneumonia
follows. Is It not better to pin your
faith to an old Tollable preparation
like Chnmberla!ns Cough Romedy,
that is famous for its cures of colds
and can always be depended upon-'
For salo by all good druggists.
Even tho wise men are occasional
ly otherwise.
More than ten out of. every ten
ensoe of rheumatism are simply
rheumatism of the muscles, duo. to
cold or damp, or chronic rheuma
tism. In such enses no interna'
treatment is required. Tho frao ap
plication of Chnmborlain's Liniment
Is all that is needed, and it Is cor
tntn to glvo quick rellof. Give it n
trial and seo for yourself how quick
ly it relieves the pain and soreness.
The medicines usually given inter
nally for rheumatism aro poisonous
or very strong medicines. Thoy nro
worse than useless in cases oi
chronic and muscular rheumatism.
For salo by nil good druggists.
. o
Tho crow sticks steadfastly to hts
caws. .
. o
Forced to Inve Home.
Every year a largo number of poor
sufferers whoso lungs are sore and
racked with coughs aro urged to go
to another cllma e. But this is cost
ly and not always sure. There's a
hotter Way. Lot Dr. King's New
Discovery cure you at home. "It
cured mo of lung trouble," writes
W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark.,
"whon all' else failed and I gained
47 pounds In weight. Its surely tho
King or all cough and lung cures."
Thousands owe their lives and health
to It Its positively guaranteed for
Coughs, Colds, LaOrippe, Asthma,
Croup all Throat and Lung trou
bles. SOc and $1.00. Trial bottle
free at J. C Perry's.
i.i i . o
The night key la not usually the
key to success.
d fAr nt hls nsner "1
receive, on request, a clever "No-
the George O. Savage farm, located
Telephone Main 452
Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privil
ege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
It is silver-plated, very pretty, and
positively prevents al dripping of tea
or coffee. The Doctor sends it, with
his new free book on "Health Cof
fee" simply to introduce this clever I
substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's
Health Coffee is gaining its great
106 acres, 70 In cultivation, bal
ance good timber. All fenced and
good land, on splendid road in 7
miles of Salem. Only $50 per acre.
A snap. ' I
675 acres, 5-room house, 2 barns.'
goat house and orchard; 200 acres!
In cultivation and crop; 200 acres I
open pasture, good; balance timber; I
well watered; all stock and machin
ery goes; only $20,000. Seo this be
fore you buy.
18 acres new 4-room house, barn,
orchard, fine well, 10 acres in culti
vation; -three acres of fine timber;
balnce pasture; all fenced, on good
road. For a few days only $2700.
We have houses' in all parts of
city, from $800 to $7500. See us,
we can suit you.
Some fine lots close in cheap.
We have somo choice "acreage in
small tracts. House to rent, etc. ,
If you want to buy, see us. We sell '
Phono 1507 544 State St.
$2600 will buy a nico new house
of 8 rooms on North Cottage street,
, - , . . . onn
in a fine neighborhood; $800 or
$1000 will handle the place. The
house is modern, and has every con-
venlence. Large lo't. This is aspo-
cial price put on for a few days only-
Here is a snap A six-room house
within two blocks of Yow Park schoo
lot 80x140, close to car line; has
linrn nnil wnodshod: citv and well
. ... ,., tt traoc TUia
water; ten largo fruit trees. This
place can bo bought during tho pros-
ent week for $S50; $500 cash; bal -
anco. $10 per month. Will ront for
thnt amoun.t or more
is aciuauj
worth $1100. If you want a house
elthor to live in or ront, you can't
boat this.
Soe us, for we can show you what
you want In the house line.
Farm property around Salem Is
cheaper than land In many other
parts of Oregon, and there Is none
hotter In any other portion of the
state. In Southern Oregon and in
Hood River district lands sell for
many times what they do in this lo
cality. Such a farm as Is mentioned
below would bring at least $400 per
acre In either seotlon. Let us show
you this place.
120 acres of fine, level, rich Salem
Prairie land, close to school, for only
$16,000. There is no better land in
the valley. Good Improvements: all
fenced; 20 acres of fine young or
chard. Located about 3 Mi miles oast
of town.
If you want a real good produolng
farm, let us toll you more about this
place. It Is a farm that will stand
closest investigation.
347 State Street Uround Floor
Dr. Cook is out with a statement
that he will prove that he mado that
trip to the north pole. The dootor
has been located In Chile.
For Farms and City
Fair I
about one mile
of the
Ground Floor
popularity because of: flrst, its ex
quisite taste and flavor; second, Its
absolute healthfulness; third, its
economy 1 lb. 25c; fourth, its
convenience. No tedius 20 to 30
minutes boiling. "Made in a min
ute," says Dr. Shoop. Try, it at your
grocer's for a pleasant surprise. J.
W. Harritt.
A $2700 Bargain.
Wo have 22 'acres at the edge of
a good small town; all in cultiva
tion, In crop now. Every foot of this
fine little place is good. There is a
spring on one corner which you can
step across and runs all the year
around. With this place goes all
the furniture, wagon, tdam, chickens,
a new $70 steel range, etc, every
thing is new. some implements, ev
(erything necessary to go right to
work; a young orchard on the
place. This is certainly a snap and
we offer it for a short time only for
the small price of $2700. To see the
place is to like it, and if you aro.
looking for a small place you can
not And a better one than this. We
will be glad to show it to you at any
We have some line large farms, at
very reasonable prices, near good
towns. Now is the time to buy them,
because money can be made on the
Investment. All kinds of city prop
erty for sale.
J. C. SC1IULZ & CO.,
Bush Bank Bldg Salem, Ore.
, Jod 6 room house, barn, well,
fruit trees, 2 fine lots for only $800.
Terms easy.
a good 6 room house, barn, fruit,
etc. Lot 100x165 ft.; 2 blocks from
can J". g
running water; good well; house: 2
barns; orchard; 3 acres timber and
pasture; 3 cows; 1 heifer; 2 calves;
2 horses; wagon; buggy; hack
harness; all tools; 50 chickens; 100
bus. potatoes and corn. A snap at
$4000. terms.
A beaut'ful 20-acre home; good
oom h(jugo. orchbard
a, j K.in(js frlts nnd flowers. This
fis a duudy, close in. Terms; see It.
12 oores. close, flue Improvements.
T t e 1 . t . . ...... t . l f .it..
cllea S5700,
40 acres 5 miles out. Good im
provements, fruit etc.; 10 better
land, tine location. This is worth
seeing: only .'iJT.lOO.
5 8C66 of splend'd orchard. 6
mPe out; mostly winter .npp as; no
buildings. $1,500.
Two nice lots on State St., $100
Good new houge and lot, north
front, $1,000. Easy terras, small
5 room house,' north Commercial
St., $1,000.
Houses in all parts of city for
sale and rent. Fruit tract orchards,
sma l and large farms. For bargains
of, .1!!- kinds soe me. Also omploy
mri 1 for both men nnd women, all
lint , of work. Notary work and in
sure oe.
For tho best opening, In a flno.
new progressive town on the Chica
go, Milwaukee, & St. Paul R. R. at
Othela, Washington. Lots from
$75 to $500, easy payments. Guar
antee steady work, at good wages
and if property U not as represented
your money back with exponses.
Cor. Commercial and Center Sts.
Two lots in South Salem; prlca
$400 each.
Three lots one block from Hast Sa
lem school; $950.
Five-room house and lot 7axlS71
feet, one block from North Salgm
school; price $1500.
Three lots In West Salom. 40x125;
price $300 each.
Two lots, 60x160, on Saginaw
street: prise $1050. Terms,
We have meved our office to rgora
7 Bayno block, upstairs. Give us a