Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 09, 1910, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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rags Kons.
Wisdom, the Wealth of the Wise
t is better to walk a mile and live
in your own house than a few
steps and carry the rent chains
'. Buy your own lot, . Plan ym own house, The installment plan assists you, The best of
all investments today, Mr, Workingman, is in
Willi VirT1i lri TlHiiir iTrti A
Terminus. of Salem, Falls City & Western Railway, The hub of future commercial en
terprises, Big factory already completed, Fine residential districts, Lots on installment
& plan,
Now Is Your Opportunity, Act in the Living
Present. $5.00 Down and $S.OO Per
Month Without Interest
A great financier once said he attributed his success to the fact, when others were think
ing he decided, and when others had decided he had executed,
West Salem is a Sound and Productive In
vestment. We invite You to See For
State Street
ers Brothers Investmei
United States National Bank Building Ground Floor
nit Co,
Owners of Farms Large and Small, Improved
or Unimproved
rin'ho mth rJav nf Anril trm uhnlpsalfi mal p.statfi firm of P. 0. I avfiv & Cnmnanv will
begin, at its offices in the cities of Salem and Portland, Oregon, the listing of every avail-
I-T1 r 1L.J !- I. ! iU- A!ll,,U nllmi Ar mill l!o -forrvir -Pnr cola rn
aoie Tarm llrdL IS i(JI Salt! III -1110 Willamette vaoy, vvo vyni mui noi icunio iui oai6 uii
commissioni as this firm does not sell on commissions.
q. Wan"" to B??v'y$nsr Ffrrm Outright
ilere is a iorn; for yoii to Pill Out and Send in to Us.
State .'. : County .
No, Acres Cleared Slashed
" Pasture, Timber Kind
Fruit . Kind J Age , Condition
Character of Land
Other Buildings
Miles from
Distance from School
Exclusive Agency
Address all Mail Regarding this Advertisement to
WHOLESALE REAL ESTATE. U. S. National Bank Building Saem, Oregon.
To be thinking of owning some real estate, It is
wisdom itself to act on the thought, If you are in
earnest about owning wour own home we can help
you, Drop in andtalkmattersoven Wehave sever
al propositions that mean good .money for those
that take them up, Why not you?
Some of These May Interest You
Wo have a cosy 5-room cottage, in choice location in East Salem, near car line; plenty of fruit,
flower beds, etc., $1600.
Now up-to-date 6-jroom cottage on 18th street, at a bargain, $2300.
Eight-room house and choice lot on Cottage street, close in; if' taken soon, $3000.
Fine new modorn 7room house, close in on Chemekota street, rustic barn. It you are looking for
something choice this will interest you, $4500.
Farms and Acreage
ISO acres, near good town, 10 miles north of Salem; 90 acres in cultivation, balance timber,
C-room house and barn, $6000.
100 acres, all In cultivation, new house and barn, one-half mile to school and three miles to good
railroad town, $6100.
30 acres, all in cultivation; well improved place; two miles from Salem, $375 per acre.
25 acres rich black soil, three miles from Salem; 20 acres just set to apples, 5000.
21 acres, seven miles from Salem, in Howell Prairie; house, barn and hop house; 14 acres in
good hop yard, $3650.
20 .acres, house and barn, one mile from steel bridge, in Polk county, $5000.
If what you want is not set forth in this advertisement, call at our office for large
printed list of property for sale, Our booklet contains, not only a description, but
also the prices of property for sale in all sections, both city and country, and will
prove a valuable guide to the buyer.
388 State Street, Salem, Oregon,
Ground Floor
106 acres, 70 in cultivation, bal
ance good timber. All fenced and
, , i i .i i ,i ,i i
I gOOU lailU, O" BpitlUUlU 1UUU 111 I
! miles of Salem. Only $50 per acre.
A snap.
1 575 acres, 5-room house, 2 barns.
goat house and orchard; 200 acres
in cultivation and crop; 200 acres
open pasture, good; balance timber;
well watered; all stock and machln-
iery goes; only $20,000. See this be
! fore you buy.
I 18 acres now 4-room house, barn,
I orchard, ilne well, 10 acres in culti
vation; three acres of line timber;
balnco pasture; all fenced, on good
road. For a few days only $2700.
Wo havo houses in all parts of
city, from $800 to $7500. Soo us,
we can suit you.
Some fine lots close in cheap.
We havo some cholco acreage in
.small tracts. House to rent, etc.
If you want to buy, see us. Wo seil
i A. O.
' Fhono 1507
544 State St.
; Address j
'.Price Cash Mortgage , J
$ $ at per cent
Good 6 room house, barn, well,
fruit trees, 2 flno lots for only 80Q.
Terms easy.
A good 6 room house, barn, fruit,
etc. Lot 100x165 ft.; 2 locks from
car: $1400.
A fine 20-acre tract 5 miles out,
running water; good well; house; 2
barns; orchard; 3 acres Umber and
pasture; 3 cows; L heifer; 2 calves;
2 horses; wagon; buggy; hack
harness; all tools; 50 chickens; 140
bus. potatoes and corn. A snap at
$4000, terms.
A beautiful 20-acre home; good
9-room house; 2 barns, orchard,
All kinds Iruits and (lowers. This
is a dandy, close in. Terras; see It.
12 acres, close, line Improvements.
Lots of fruit. Just outside of city,
cheap. S5700.
: 40 acres 5 miles out. Good tin
Iprovoments, fruit etc; no better
I land, tine location. This Is worth
seeing; only $7500.
I 5 acres of splendid orchard, 6
'miles out; mostly winter apploa; no
buildings. $1,500.
I Two nice lots on State St., $100
j Good new house and lot, north
front, $1,000. Easy terms, small
I 5 room house, north Commercial
St.. $1,000. j
I Houses in all parts of city for
salo and rent. Fruit tract orchards,
I small and large farms. For bargains
I of all kinds seo mo. Also employ
I mont for both men and women, all
' lines of work. Notary work and In
surance. For tho best opening, In u flno
i now progressive town on the Chlca
; go. Milwaukee. & St. Paul It. It. at
j Othela, Washington. Lots from
$7( to Jpnuo, oasy payments, unar
antoo steady work, at good wages
and if, property is not ns represented
your monoy back with expenses.
It. It. HVAN
Cor. Commercial and Center Sts,
Striking Evidences Seen in Recent Activities on Texas Gulf
Coast Galveston Lays Foundations Millions Expended
as Bases for Great Port, City and Pleasure Resort Gar
land of Orange Blossoms.
Perhaps tho most trlklng ovldonco
of tho growth of this country In gen
eral Is to be seen In tho tronQ of
commerce and Immigration In recent
years, and particularly in tho move
ments now In progress, commercial
ly, Industrially and nErlcuIturally,
along the gulf Iront ofho state of
When the improvement of Galves
ton harbor was undertaken in 1890,
Galveston folks figured that a large
volume of business would Bhift from
the Atlantic ports to tho now gulf
outlet as soon as tho big ehips could
oome up to tho wharves, as Galves
ton would fmrnisn "tho lino of least
resistance." Hut In this they wero
disappointed for a time. Water can't
1)0 made to run up hill. Railroads'
loading from tho "granary or the
nation" continued to take products
for export to the Atlantic ports, al
beit rates slumped. The dream of
diverting commerce was not real
ized. Within the last few years tho com
morco of the port of Galvoston has
grown enormously. It Is now 882
per cent greater than In 1890.
Growth of tho west nnd southwest,
growth of tho "business of the coun-i
try In general, Is the causo, Atlan
tic ports aro still doing business at
tho old stand. But they havo be
come crowded. To oxpnnd their ter
minal facilities nnd to build to thorn
now lines of rallrond would Involvo
enormous expenditures. It Is
cheaper to hulld to tho gulf, and
tho groat railroads of tho west havo
boon pu'tlng'out lines to that body
of water, as the cotton plant sonds
Its roots to motet soil In a dry son
son. Upon tho surplus commerce
Galvoston Js growing. Tho Atlantic
rosorvolr Is full; Galveston and her
sister port of the gulf have beeoino
205 acres 4 miles from Dallas;
100 In cultivation. Good house and
two barns. Price $14,000. Tormf.
118 acres, 60 cleared. Now house
and two barns: 4 miles from Dallas.
A snap. Price $35 por acre.
58 acres all cleared. 18 acre
hops, two acres of orchard. Good
houve and barn. Mineral springs on
place. Price $150 per acre.
40 sores near Shaw. 11 acres in
fruit. Horse, cow, 100 chicken,
wagon, buggy, harness, and all tools
go with place. Also some oats and
.IifHi. Price, $5,060.
C-room house, 3 closots, woodshed,
well wator and city wnlor at cor
ner nf lot- barn. 20 larire fruit
troos, chicken park; 2 blockHfrom
Yow Park school; 1 blocks
from carllno. This is a real
choap place can bo bought for
only $850; $C00 cash; balance
$5.00 per month.
05 acres, 3 miles south of Salom;
running water on it, good tlm
bor, some In cultivation; for $85
per acre.
80 acres, 3 miles south of Salom on
Jofforson road; excellent fruit
land; can ho bought In 10-aore,
20-aoro, etc. This Is good land,
and will soon raise in price, so
you had bottor toko advantage of
tho opportunity and invost in a
good thing.
Now is tho time to buy your home
Wo have ItT
. J. O. SCHULZ & CO.
Hush Hank Illdg.
l'r lrrin und City
tho spillway for tho nation's foreign
Influence of the Big Ditch.
Somo diversion will In all likeli
hood como with the complotion and
utilization of tho Panama canal
not becauso of tho gulf ports aro so
much nonrpr tho Atlantic portal of
the canal than are our Atlantic ports
Dut oecauso tho gulf portB will thou
be as favorably situated as aro
thoBe of the Atlantic seaboard In ro-
Bpect to Oriental and. other Pacific
coast commorco. At tho presont
time they aro tho least favorably sit
uated of all American ports In that
regard. In corcsoouonca of which Or
iental business moves by rail to Pa
cific and Atlantic iorts oven out of
reading Itooni I Coast Country.
Llkewlso tho Texas coast country,
Hie great 'coastal plain, is being rap
Idly populated, aovoloped and util
ized, not through a process of dlvor-
ulon, T)ut becauso tho surplus of In
habitants from oldor sections Is horo
'ilndlfctg o'lhow room. No part of our
country Is yot crowded as Is Europo
and Asia, but Amorlcans havo boon
nccustomed to plonty of breathing
spneo and donrand it. The plonoer
Bpirit yot lives. Whonover a section
becomes modoratoly thick In settle
ment, ttio 'nomadic Impulse assorts
Itsoir. Thus, tho now sections got
settlors, not so much becauso of su
perior advantages in soil und cll
lnnta nB because thoy havo breath
ing space; and thoy do not got sot
tlure In considerable numbers until
that space is needed.
Transportation facilities, of
course, havo much to do In dotor
Tninlng tho oholco of the homoeuok
or. Transcontinental rnllroUds,
ocean to oean linos, which wo'o
stretcnod ticross tho country In the
C0s and "70'h, afforded nccoss to
Bufllolbnt now country to last for
many yonrs. In consoquonco tho trl
anglo of Texns, which lies bolow the
southernmost of those transconti
nental linos, was practically neglect
ed until rocont yonrs. Itathor cur
lously. It was oarly tho subject of.
colonial effort, for in 1685 tho Chov-
nllor LnSuIIe planted the Ill-fated
colony; St. Louis, midway tho Toxus
coast. Not until tho lnttor half of
tho nineteenth century, howovor,
was much progress mado in tho set
tlement of Texas, and tlion the
building of transcontinental rail
roads to tho north loft tho lowor tri
angle of the stato to one side, nnd
only within tho last twonty years
havo tho ports beon sulllcloutly de
veloped to make Its seaboard Im
portant, Taken Out of the Back Yard,
nut this strip of country has beon
taken out of the backyard, A rail
road travorsos tho coast country
from end to end, following tho trail
which Genoral Taylor made on his
march to Mexico. This road was
built tlvo yuuis ago, partly to open
this country to sottlomont, partly to
establish a new short lino to the City
of Mexico. Benjamin F. Yoakum,
tho railroad magnate, projected it.
He Ih a Texas product; grew up as
a farmer boy, raised and sold fruit
t,uu, itia! Riiowm a mi u'uuut sc'.'.,
agriculture nnd horticulture. When
In training for his big work he
learned that some of the pioneers
of r he coast country were succewi
fully growing oranges upon u small
scalo. Ho stored this information
awuy, and, whon he got out upon
a largef stago and next t6 the
monoy boxes, he built tho Gulf
Coast Lino and placed arnottior gar
land of orange blossoms upon tho
brdw of Columbia.
During the last three or four
years tho Influx of population Into
tho coast country has boon enor
mous. Tho nurseries of America
and Japan havo been swamped with
orders for orance. lemon, crape
fruit, flg nnd olive trees. Commer
cial shipmonts of tho fruit has be
gun. Thoy nro raising cane on tho
battlolleld of Resaca do la Pal ma
nnd elsewhere In tho lower Rio
jGrnndo vnlley, and up nnd down tho
said valley and up nnd down the
coast, tho production of sugar, rice,
onions, fruit and vegetables has
grown nnd is growing enormously.'.
Millions for Foundations.
These largo movomonts aro re
flected In tho towns and cities of the
togion. Gnlyeston, notably, has
ibeen busy during tho last nine years .
in laying tho foundations for great
things. Many millions of dollars
havo been put Into improvements
public and private Two notable
works have been, completed, a third
is tinder construction, a fourth and
fifth nro projected and assured.
Tho first of theso was a great sea
wall, 17 feet htgh, 20 feet wide at
thq base (tho same being protected
by 27 feet pf granite riprap), and
17,592 feet in length, constructed
by tho people of Galveston, through
their county government, at a cost
of $1,500,000. This has been ex
tended 5,506 feet by tno rcderai
government to itrotect Us Fort
Crockett military reservation at a
cost of $300,000, the ontlro wall
forming an embankment for tho
grade raising, which comes to a, level .
with tho top of tho wall, tho enUro .
length, 4.37 miles, nnd, breadth,' one
mllo, of the city. The Btorm of July
21, 1909. Was a severe test to this
wall, and a most satisfactory Oho to
Galveston people, who had bullded
it, aB the protection It afforded was.
thorough, there bolng no erosion of
tho grade, no damage to tho city, and
not tho least damago to the wall lt
solf. In raising tho grndo 16,000,
000 cubic yards of material was Ail
ed In at a cost of $3,200,000.
Tho third notable work, now un
der construction, Is a great cause-
way to connect Galveston Island with
tho mainland. It will bo two mllo
long, will cost $1,500,000 and will
havo ways for pedestrians, automo
biles, wagons, etc., for the steam:
railways and for tho Galveston
Houston (electric) lnterurban rail
way, which Is now under construc
tion. It will be tho largest structure
of its kind in tho United States, ex
cepting the Floriaa Keys viaaucis,
and will bo wider than any lengthy
vlnduct in the world.
Greater Galveston Harbor.
A fourth project In courso of re
alization Is Greater Galveston har
bor, as planned by -the engineers of
tho United States army, which will
includo tho port of Galveston and
tho subports of Texas City and Port
Bolivar. Tho plan Includes tha
deepening of tho channols to thlrty
flvo foot and tho opening up of the
ontlre water front of lower Galvos
ton bay. The work will cost approx
imately $30,000,000 nnd require 10"
to 15 years to execute At present
Galvoston has thirty-two feet of,
water and Texas City and Port Bol
ivar 'twenty-flvo foot. Texas City ity
sevon miles distant from Galveston
and Port Bolivar live miles'.
Tho federal government has thus
far expended $10,500,000 on tha
Galveston harbor improvomonts,
with tho result that tho poople aro
saved more than $30,000,000 por an
num In transportation charges, or
about the cost of tho now project.
It lo worthy of note that tho saving;
In ocenn carrlago on foreign com
morco within tho last twority yoars
has been groator than that which
has beon accomplished In rail car
riage. For example, tho rate on cot
ton from Galvoston to Liverpool haa
fallon from 60 cents per 100 pounds
to 27 cents, whereas tho rail rates
from Texas common points to Gal
voston hnvo been roducod 15 conta.
Tho Pleasure Side,
Anothor notnblo feature of the -now
actlvltlos along tho Toxas coast
Is tho development of plcasuro re
sorts. Tho most ambitious of the
projects is that of Galveston. Thls
city has for many yoars had consid
erable ropntation, especially In tho
southwest and west, ns a resort, but
It is now proposed to place it in the
front rank. A stop In this dlroct'ou
Is tho proposod nnd nssurod erection
of n first-class soasldo hotol, front
ing Seawall boulovard and overlook
ing tho bob. Within two wook
nioro than half a million dollnrs In
stock was raised by prlvnto subscrip
tion for this purpose, nnd It Is prob
nble that a million dollnrs will be
Investecl In tho ontorpriso.
The proposod slto of tho hotol Iff
tyi tho gulf front, across tho Island
from tho sconos of shipping and
trndo, "far from tho mnddlng
throng'B Ignoble strlfo." Bases for
tho expectation that a hlEh-olass re
sort will bo developed aro salubrious
climate, an incomparable beaah
long and showing, snlondld for surf '
bathing and affording thirty-two
nillos of, flno drlvowny; tho mntch- .
less Seawall boulovard. three mlleu .
'n length, connecting at one ond
with the bonch and at tho other
with oleander nnd palm-llnod Broad
way, -and through It with the Causw-
wny and tho shall road to Houston.
fifty miles north, tho wholo afford- l
Ing opportunity for the most lordly
nutomoblllng on the contlnont. Also ,.
there nro nquatlc sports, llshlng and '
hunting, from tho tnmoBt to tho
gnmost, ard n city of quaint charm. ''
All of which development nnd '
projeciod development, as was saldi.;
at the outsot, is ovldonco not of dl-
version, but of tho tromendouB, rest-,,,,
less growth of our common country., , ,
Tho Sound Bleep of Good Health. '."
The restoratlvo power of sound "
sloop can not bo ovor estimated and"" '
nnd ailment that provonts it Is a ' "'
mennoe tn health. J. L. Southors, 1 ' '
Eau Clalro, WIa says: -"For a Ion
tlmo I have been unable to sloop,
soundly nights, becauso of pnlns ,t
cross my back nnd soreness of my ,
Kidneys, My nppotlto was vqry poor'
nd my gonoral condition was verT"
much run down. I have boon tak
'ng Foley's Kidney Pills but a, sljqrt.iw.
time and now sleep as sound aamici
rook. I eat and njpy my moaifej
and Hiv Tfncml ondlMon n grtrntlyi
Improved. I csh honestly ruuuas
mond Foley's Kidney PJlla as I knsiw ...
they have cured mo," J. 0. Perry.