Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 09, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor.
independent Newspaper Dorotad to American Principle and
the Proirrem and Developement of All Oreijon.
Pabliahed Brery Brenlnn Bxcopt Sunday, Salem, Ore.
(Invariably In Advance.)
allj, by carrier, per year ......NS.00 Per month... Mo
tUXi by mall, per year. , 4.00 Tct month. 860
A'aakly, by mall, per Tcr. ...... '.00 Six tnontha ......60o
Tho Alumni of tho State Normal at Monmouth nsk your support for
that school. You know wo must hnvo teachers. Wo must educate tho
boys and girls; a trained teacher Is tho best agency for this. The cost
Is four cents a year 011 a thousand dollars. Vote Yes for Monmouth,
and, settle tills question. J. II. V. BUTLER, Sec. Com.
; ,1 0
Tho contention of tho Blmotalllsts of 189C has proven Itself to have
boon founded on sound argument, so fur ns tho voltimo of money nf.'
fectlng prices of products.
The, enormous increase in tho production of gold has boosted pro
ducts and prices.
following is tho gold production per annum and totals from 18C1 to
6,1 '
Year. Por annum. Total
ifitfl-1880 ?120,C91,000 $2, 413, 829, 000
1880-1900 168,140,000 3,102,800,000
1901-1905 323,498,000 1.617, 490,000
Total for 44 years $7,194,119,000
Tho avorage production for 44 years was $154,879,299 per annum.
That production had been nearly trebled In tho post four years.
Following is tho gold production for tho four years since 1904:
1906 '. $379,035,413
190C 407,658,902
1907 ; 413,793,125
1908. K. 436,222,000
Total for four years., t ? i,oo,oua,u
Tho average for tho four years was $409,327,300; lncreaso por an
num, 264 per cont.
The volumo of gold Increased from 189C to tho porsont, seventy-two
por cont.
It Is still Increasing in production at a Btill more rapid, rate.
The above figures are taken from tho latest edition of tho Now Inter
national Encyclopedia.
It is considered a standard authority on statistical matters.
What tho gold production reached for 1909 Is not yet known.
It will bo compiled and mado public in about sixty days, and will
then be published,
Tho Btand-pat protectionist newspapers and advocates of tho Slnglo
Gold standard are not In a hurry to attribute tho high cost of living to
tho real cause tho enormous lncreaso In tho output of gold tho solo
measure of nil other values.
Of course, tho theory that It Is tho business of government to produce
prosperity, that high prices and high wages are duo to the protective
tariff, gots a Jolt whon you admit that gold production Is tho great cause
of the inflation of prices of products.
lncreaso tho volumo of monoy nml Its purchasing power decreases,
and vico vdrsn, decreaso tho volume of monoy nnd tho more It will buy.
Honco, prices of living arc higher whenovor gold grows moro plonti
ful.and prices of living aro reduced whenever gold grows scarcer.
Tho Insurgent leaders In congress aro complaining at tho high cost
of living and attributing it to tho Inequltablo adjustment of tho tarlfT.
Tho fact Is, prices and wagos aro boostod by tho Increased volume of
gold In tho country far moro than by any effect of tho tariff.
High prices that aro brought about by legltlmato means nro all right,
If equally distributed.
But whon high prices aro tho result or trusts and combinations and
mondpoltos crentod by legislation,, then great lnjuslleo result.
Wagos respond moro slowly to hrtlfllclal olovntlon of prices, than pro ducts.
, AVngcs will never keep pace with artlilclal advance of prices or pro
duets. While McCulloch a's secretary of tho treasury could burn up tho circu
lating medium and contract tho currency, tho gf,ld money cannot bo
But tho gold circulation can bp cornered and hold up so ns to pro
duce a panic. '
It was done In tho bank panic of two years ago last fall, and can bo
dopo again. , ,
Tho cbntrallzatlon of gold in- tho hands of n row mon is tho greatest
danger that staros tho country In tho fnco.
Thoro Is nothing to provont J. Plorpont cornorlng gold, any moro than
for Patton to corner wheat.
His own solflsli lntorests might stand in tho way, as cornorlng the
monoy market would prostrnto tho Industries of tho country.
Tho selfish Intorost of tho so-cnllod monoy power of tho world Is to
kopp' things going nlong smoothly.
' : o
Whllo thoro la a gonoral tendoncy throughout tho ontlro civilized
world to drirt to ropubllcnn form of govommont and from that to a bo
clajlstlo form of ono kind or another, yot thoro travels nlong with this
romnrkablo movomont a species or socialistic conservatism, which servos
ns nn effective check to dangerous legislation.
In Illustration, wo soo Oregon's political llfo changed by tho onnct
ment or tho DIroct Primary law.
This luw unsonts, to a certain cxtont, tho old-tlmo systom over which
tho fight ror Bpolls has nlwnyB exceeded In Intensity nnd Intorost tho
consideration or tho principles Involved.
Thoro nro many who doprocnto l'io advance or anything socialistic and
cannot bollovo It possible that any sonlnllstlo propaganda contains elo
inonts or consorvntlsm.
That thoro Is n strong sentiment In ovldonco ngalnst tho porsonnol ot
the supremo court being chnngod moroly goes to lllustrnto that nlthough
Orogon la aufforlng from acuto political disease, yot thoro la n wholo
some tendency to maintain and porpotuato whatever is good in our po
Ittleal institutions.
Tho Amorlcan pooplo, In splto ot Mio'r groat love or froodom, nro will
ing to rosognlzo "logical heirs to any political throne." provided, better
ment of public service follow.
To romovo mombore of tho supremo court to satisfy tho display of
tho, powers ot liberty onjoyed by tho common votors Is nolthor common
ason'so nor productive or good results.
Tho sentiment Is growing dally In fnvor of rotnlnlng mitlsfnutory
public servants.
That servant who Is n good man.oupnblo of lllllng the oftlco. nnd ono
who tills it in tho lntorests ot tho pooplo, is In lino for n Wo-tlme posl
This pnrtloulnr sentiment Is not so dearly cherished In behalf of ninny
or tho minor political offices.
Too many otllclalB nro permitting personal Intoroata to Intorfere with
public justice.
Too many nro building up porsonnl popularity and using tho otllco to
personal advantage.
Tho only roniedy In ensos or those kinds Is to roplnco that official
with some ono supposedly free from these obnoxious tendencies.
But the sunromo court of our state Ib nn Institution so nlcoly situ
ntod' that It Is practically free from utiprofosslonnl Inftuonco and la
rapidly breaking Itsoir rroo rrom oven political intorforonoe.
It is to be hopod that at least somo ot tho present mombora ot tho
supremo court may bo re-elected and enough ot thorn to still maintain
tho present high standard.
The supremo court becomes n biuzsaw when tooled with by schem
ing ppllUcians.
The rlKbl of property, ono of the groat foundation stones of our gov
ernment, is placed Is Jeopardy whon tinkering, shallow-minded political
gnmofltors whould forever reduce the dignity nnd weight of the supremo
court to the level of minor and Ions authoritative Institutions,
The ' fto-oulifirt wlhl-OHt tendonole ot oamniunlstto government we see
repeatedly held in ohuek by remarkable conservative sentlmenta.
While the aoelallstlo advance of the Direct Primary might bo con
strued into dangerous political notion, yet the aentlmont of the people Is
forever seen to mold results nlong conservative lines.
Host Treatment for Colds.
"Moat ordinary oolds will yield to
tho Bjmnleet treatment." Bays tHt
OhloARO Tribune, "modoratlve laxn
Uvea, hot foot baths, a tree perspir
ation and nn avoidance ot exposure
to oold and wet after treatment."
Willie this treatment Is simple, It
requires considerable trouble, nnd
the one adopting It must remain in
doors for a day or two. or a fresh
oold is almost sure to be contracted,
and in many instances pneumonia
follows. Is It not better to pin your
faltfc to an old reliable preparation
like Chamberlain1. Cough Remedy,
that la famous for Its cure of colds
and can always be depended upon
For sale by all good druggists.
Salem, Oregon
Capital, Hurplu.v and Undivided
Profits, rl 10,000.
Officers mid Directors!
J. il. Albort President
B. M. Crolsnn- .Vlco-Prealdont
Job. II. Albort Cashier
John A. Carson
Qoo. P. Rodgers
Welch System Said to Be More Colsely
Hill Managers.
Kugene, April S.fJlSpeclal)
This city is in tho thrfj of convul-
Identified With the
slons. The railroad si
viting ovory character i,f Speculation.
Railroads are to be he,.,,- Jhore and
everywhere. Hill's kurvej01"8 aro
found under ovory dowf,, anu"
some of them are repJri(MO be sur
veying a line to Eugene through 15
feet of snov; on top of the Cascade
mountains. The Lane County Asset
Company Is enshrodded In mystery
and tho movement of Its principal
backers are watched with interest.
Tho sudden activity of tho Portland
Eugone & Eastern has also attracted
considerable attention. Wnat Is still
In tho air still stays there. It re
fuses to come down. Whether there
Is any connectloh between tho activi
ty or the Portlanu, Eugene & East
ern and tho Hill englneors reported
seen In this loacllty is not known.
Agnln tho .isset Company, composed
of local people in tho main, is said
to be representing the Sotunern Pa
clllc Company. How many of these
newspaper railroads are to be built,
and' when, Is a mater of conjecture.
Tho only tangible evidence that any
of these floating roads are actually
going to bo built Is the awarding of
a contract to Contractor Rooney, of
this city, for a heavy Howe truss
bridge for the P, E. ft E. across the
river to Springfield. The present con
tract calls for a bridge much heavier
than orlglnany plannedi This invites
the supposition that, tho road Is to be
extended further, and will carry
heavy traffic coming from unknown
conectlons. One droamer says the
road will bo run into tho McKenzio
country for tho purpose of trans
porting supplies of tho Northwestern
corporation to tho big power plant to
be erected at Martin's rapids this
summon Tho Asset Company, which
was anxious to secure tho construc
tion of the College Hill loop for the
bonus offered, has been given tho op
1 portunlty to make good by the Welch
people, Nothing so far has been
done by" the Asset crowd towards
building tho loop. Tho removal of
Manager Talbot, of the Oregon Elec
tric, and the affiliation of Mr. Wolch,
off the P. E. & E., and John F. Stev
ens, of the Hill Interests, has caused
considerable speculation as to its significance.
Tho Pacific States Telephone Com
pany, In undertaking to raise the
rates of rural to.phone connections,
has met with considerable opposition.
Tho farmers have signified their In
tention to Install a line independent
of tho Pacific States Company.
Tho Both-eKlly Lumber Company
Is expecting dally the Inrgest locomo
tive over brought to Oregon for lum
bering purposes, it will cost some
thing like $2,5. iuii and will 'walk"
up the side of a mountain with 10
cars of logs as easily as it will run
down hill.
Business men are looking for an
exceptionally good year. The results
of tho "boosting" are beginning to
be felt, so It is said. The present
commercial club, while not shouting
from the housetops, Is, through its
booster, doing considerable effective
work along original lines. Tho gen
eral inquiry for literature keeps up,
and many newcomers are noticed. A
number of Eugone people have re
ceived "boost" literature from Salem.
Ono merchant questions the advisa
bility of boosting. Ho says ho contrib
utes to the promotion department,
which, in turn, brings competition to
Eugene' to share In tho profits. Why
should he hire a booster to bring
him competition. That's his way of
looking at It.
Fine Program Concludes With Ball Orations by P. H.D'Arcy
and Willis Duniway.
F. X. Matthleu Cabin No. 12 Nn
tivo Sons of Oregon, will give au
othor of tholr grand colobratlons at
Old Champoog, Monday, May 2,
Thle colobratlon will bo In honor
of tho first Provisional Government
mooting hold at Old Champoog,
May 2, 1843, being tho C7th anni
versary, also tho 10th Annlvorsay of
tho dedication of tho monumont
erected to its further memory. Hon,
P. II. D'Arcy, of Salem, will act as
chairman. Hon. Willis S. Duniway,
ot Portland, will rendor the annual
TI10 Pnrrott band will turnlsh
good music for the day nnd night.
A dance will bo glvon same ovonlng
In W. R. Schouror's hall, Buttovllle.
Tlckots, 75 cents to the dnnco.
Don't forgot your lunch basket.
Tho O. C. T. Co. steamer will soil
excursion tlckots to any place south
of the locks to Champoog and re
turn and north of Nowborg and ro-
turn for 50 cents. Leaving Port
land at 6:45 o'clock a. m., and
loaves Champoog for Portland at
4:00 o'clock p. m., giving a show for
all those coming from Portland or
Salem by electric cars to catch boat
duo from Portland at Wllsonvllle at
11:00 a. m. O. C. T. Co. steamer
will leave Salem at 6:00 a. m., and
leave Champoog at 4:00 p. m. The
Orogon Electric car foot of Jefferson
Streot will' sell excursion tickets
from Portland to Wllsonvllle nnd
return for 80 cents, and Salem to
Wllsonvllle and return for $1.20.
meeting boat from Portland duo at
Wllsonvllle at 11:00 a. in., for
Champoeg. Notice Don't take car
later than 9:15 a. m. from Portland
or Salom. Tho flyer leaving Port
land at 9:15 a. in. will stop at WU
sonvlllo on tho above dato.
F. E. Osborne,
Lester Matthleu,
E. A. M. Cone
lou8ness. Deserted, 'crippled, she
could do no work to earn money
tor the support of her babies. But
the eldor'son camo to the front,
three younger boys did whatever
they could, carrying papers, running
errands, piling wood, doing nil that
was possible to "help mother."
Some way, somehow, tire family
Uved, and gradually the sting of de
sertion faded from memory, and the
mother and her babies were as hap
py as posslblo under the circum
stances. And then came sickness. The lit
tle girl, she was only 5 when she
died, had been sickly all her life. A
few weeks ago she was troubled with
throat disease. This developed Into
diphtheria, but a doctor was called,
and the disease was thought to have
been checked.
Yestorday morning tho child was
sick again. She had never fully re
covered from her previous Illness,
nnd as the day wore on she faded.
Gradually the little heart grow
weaker and weaker, until finally It
stopped altogther, and little Muriel
was dead.
Begs for Father.
During the last hours of her life,
the little girl begged, begged pit
eously, to see the father who had
deserted her nearly three years ago;
and the mother's grief-stricken
heart was compelled to bear the dou
ble burden of having an old sorrow
refreshed and of seeing her baby
fade away.
Then came the end. The little
llfo departed, and mother's darling
was still forever.
And so this suburban mother,
crippled bereaved, deserted, sits to
day and faces her greatest sorrow.
She wishes for no financial assist
ance. "I can take care of my baby's
burial," she says; "but I would be
grateful for some flowers. I can't af
ford to buy tho flowors I would like
to bury with my darling."
The dog In San Francisco was
burled in a silver-mounted casket,
and Its coffin was covered with hot
house blooms.
The baby who died yesterday wljl
be burled In a simple coffin. And
the flowers?
Will tho people of Portland lot
this little body go to Its last resting
place without one final tribute ot
The News Is so sure that they will
not that It offers to see that rill flow
ers delivered at the News office be
fore 12:45 tomorrow afternoon are
placed on tho little casket in time
for the last final ceremony.
If you have a broken speed
gear or had a general smash
up, send your car here and we
will put It In business again.
Private Oarage Owners.
We will wash, polish and
oil your cars for $12.00 per
month and deliver them to
you. .
We do vulcanizing second to none, bring us your tires instead of
sending them away.
Yes we carry a complete line of Auto Supplies. Drop In and see
I them.
POll RENT First class Machines, day or night.
J. F. Priehs, Mgr. Phono .J8
Oh, Trader
In your hour of E E E,
If on this paper you should C CC
Take my advice and now be Y Y Y,
Go straight away and advert III,
You'll find the project of good U U U,
Neglect can offer no exQ 0 0
Be YYY at once, prolong yorr dAAA,
A silent business soon dK K
London Express.
The Capital Journal
Brings Results
"A Human Interest Story," as Told by the Daily News of
Portland Surely the World Is Far Out of Balance From
Some Cause-Is It Possible That Commercialism and Greed
Has Smothered the Spark of Human Kindness and Sympathy,
A dog was hurled at San Fran
cisco Inst Saturday nftornoon. Tel
egraph wires carried tho nows nil
ovor the country.
It was an aristocratic dog, nnd
Its funeral was In a way ono of
tho "sooloty evonts" of tho season.
It was n $100 coitln whloh encased
tho dead body ot tho doconsed ca
nine, nnd dozens ot rrlonds or the
sorrowing mistress followed tho
lumrso which boro tho casket to tho
The enskot wns lined with silks
nnd satins and decoratod with em
blems nnd modals, tor although but
n dog, Roth that was tho dog's
nnmo wns nn nrlstoornt. Tho blu
ost ot dog blood ran through her
volns nnd in tho hall or dogvillo
fmuo slto nnd hor aneoatora held
high nnd prominent place.
So Ruth wns given r funeral, with
muoh pomp mid ceremony, and many
tears were shed m tho casket con
tRliilng her remains wag lowered to
lta last renting place.
That whs n dog's funeral, the bur
ial of a "ftoolety" dog.
llaby (ilil Dies.
Todny, In a llttl houi out In the
Mount Scott dUtrtet. there llw the
dead body or a baby girl.
Today there la at that auburbaa
homa a mother who bears th great
eat sorrow life baa brought her, but
whoa uwuralug takaa not the form
of wild outbursts of grlaf.
Today aha alta and gtutee with
tearles eyes upon tha little form of
what was only yesterday her little
girl, bar baby.
Tomorrow afternoon at 8 o'clock
simple funeral services wilt be held
over tho little body, nnd, encased in
n co mn of plainest build, the tiny
form will bo laid away Tor the lost
long rest.
A sorrowing mother, tour broth
ers and a few kindly neighbors will
follow tho baby form to tho grave
yard, and thon the world will go
right along In tho samo old way,
and within a short tlmo all but tho
loving mothor and relatives will tor
got that such a little darling ovor
lived or died.
Tho tunoral or tho dog will bo
cnlled to mind tor years, however,
ns n most notable tribute to tho ca
nine race; ns It was a thorough
bred, sooloty dog, which was bur
led Saturday; and It Is only a work
ing woman's baby who will bo burled
Tho baby, whoso dead body lies
out lu tho suburbs todny, was tho
only daughter ot a poor working
woninn or tho Mount Scott district.
This woman threo years ago was
deserted by hor husband.
She was lett with four children,
three boys and the little girl, to care
ror. There was nn older son by a
former marriage, but he had his
hands full.
So the deserted woman faced the
world as bravely an she .could.
Iter Hand Mangled.
She went to work In a laundry,
and was set to running a "mangle.'
That the machine merited Us name
waa evidenced the same day she be
gan to work, for om ot her hands
waa eaught in Uie maohlnory and so
badly crushed that It had to bo am
putated. And then she was obliged to fuco
the grim realities or llfo In ell aer-
UNI1XU PltKKS UlASEn 1"!Jin.l
Poughkeopsie, April 9. Some un
usual marriage stipulations were
brought to light at the opening of
the $50,000 breach of promise suit
brought by Miss Mary Horner
against Henry Webondorfer, a weal
thy resident. Tho case is on trial
before the supremo court.
Miss Horner Is 4S years old. She
alleges that Webondorfer proposed
and she accepted him in September
and the followinc month he broke
tho engagement.
Part of a letter from the man
which she Introduced as part of her
evldonce against him road:
"I will pay you monthly payments
of $300 a year and $250 on Christ
mas. If you aro good to me, at my
death I will deed you property
i yielding you an income of $1,000.
"This Is void, though, If you nnd
I don't get along.
If we live togother nt the end of
threo years I will pay you $10,000
and nt tho ond of five years, or any
thereafter, I will pay you $15,000.
On your side, you will have to treat
me kindly and will hnvo to keep a
good table for me."
Hut Had to Admit That in the He
cent Election the Local Option
ists Got a Hlack Eye.
'Washington, April 9. A porusnl
or tho approprlat'on measure cover
ing the oxponso ot select comm'tteos
of tho house, today shows that tlu
$2500 for the purchnso and care of
Spoakor Cunnonvs automobile Is in
cluded In iho lump appropriation of
$75,000 for fhe house commltteo's
It ' nniirrent thoreforo that al
though th house refused to adopt
n resolution granting the sum for
the maintenance of tho speaker's
car. It practically acceded to the
proposition by voting for tho gen
eral expense appropriation.
o .
How the Evil One Cume to Ho Popu
larly Known as "The Old Scratch.'
Ono of the ninny familiar uames
of his santanlc majesty is "Tho Old
Scratch. " It is undoubtedly due to
tho fact that scratching Is so dlsn
grooablo that peoplo thought It no
worso thau the evil ono. A scalp
full of dandruff keops one scratch
ing all tho time; not only disagree
able but considered very Inelegant
In polite society ns It should bo
boonuso ono ought to koop tho scalp
so cloan thnt It would not Itch. To
euro the scalp of dandruff effective'
ly. use Nowbro's Herploldo. It kills
the germ thnt creates tho dandruff,
wnleh Is prellmlnnry to falling hnlr,
and. finally, baldness. No other
hair preparation kills the dandruiT
germ. Herptclde also is a very de
lightful and effective halr-dreselng.
Sold by loading druggists. Send 10c
tu stamps for sample to The Herpt
clde Co.. Detroit. Mich. One dollar
bottles guaranteed - J. C. Perry.
(From Dally Eugene Register)
The Salem Journal, discussing an
Associated Press dispatch sent out
from Chicago on tho prohibition Is
sue In this state, quoting State
Chn'rninn Newell as saying nn effort
will be mode to carry Lane county
for prohibition, says, concerning Eu
gene: "In tho recent city election bond
Issues for a city hall and refunding
bonds were defeated.
"This was due to the revolt of the
business men nnd taxpayers at the
results of proh'bltlon.
The above shows how little tho
Journal knows about the situation
In Eugene. Tho bond Issue was de
feated, but tho liquor question had
nothing to do with It. In that elec
tion Is was proposed to Issuo bonds
In the sum of $150,000 to take up
warrants In that sum, most of which
had been issued to pay for the pav
ing done by private Individuals, tho
city thus becoming responsible for
the debts of private Individuals. To
this procedure many taxpayers
strenuously objected, as they did not
want to become responsible for the
debts of private parties, and, there
fore, refused to vote the bonds, pre
ferring to let the city warrants
stand as liens against tho private
property thus Improved, so that the
taxpayers, as a wholo, would not bo
held for such Indebtedness. It was
supposed that whon the paving was
done the city would invoke the Ban
croft bonding act and thus relieve
the taxpayers or any liability tor the
debts or private parties ror such
Improvements, and which It tailed
to do, using tho taxpayers' money,
Issuing warrants on the general fund
In payment to tho Warren Construc
tion company of these private pav
ing bills. It was this general objec
t'on to obligating tho taxpayers to
tie themselves up, through a bond
ing scheme, to tho paymont of prl
vato paving debts that caused the
defeat of the $150,000 bond Issue,
and not tho status of the liquor
question tn Eugene.
For the boneflt of tho Journal. It !
might bo stated here that local op- j
t!on has come to stay In Eugono and
Lano county and is not to be side
tracked by any such mlsrepresenta
t'on ns made by the Journnl In th
above quotation.
Eugene will repudiate none ot Its
financial obligations, but will meet
th.em all intelligently. In doing this,
however, It will protect the rights
nnd Interests ot tho taxpayers wher
evor they appear,. Just as It did In
the bond election ot March 2, anil
will strive to do In- ovory other elec
tion. Eugene is capable ot taking care
ot the local option question nnd ot
overy other question that may come
tip for consideration here without
free or solicitous advice from the
journalistic buttinsky at Salem.
For Constipation.
l t 1 kl
( 'j rf ry wf
'i" T- 'V
r n
Salem is all swelled up over tho
fact that at a special election held in
that city, Tuesday, territory 'was an
nexed which adds nearly 5000 to its
population. Eugene will extend Its
limits at tho April election and add
to Its population. Eugene Register.
Salem Is not at all swelled up
over tho additions to Its population.
People from all over the state have
come to Salem to reside, and many
more aro expected. We should not
be surprised to havo the Register
man added to our population before
Charles P. Rtrnln .mnnnnnoe him
self as a candidate for governor on
me aemocratic ticket. This Is noth
ing new, as the democratic party
has been under a strain for a goodly
number of years.
The Oreirnn nnriArs nr n lin.n
number of them, take a' fling at tho
x-uiij.iHu jury mat acquitted Hanker
Mooro. Thov dn nnt rrH(loo tha
acquittal, but the verdict that round
him not guilty, and at the same
nine saiu no snouiu do reprimanded
tor allowlncr criminal nnta t
in the bank with his knowlfrir?A nn.I
Lutheran St. John's Church.
Missouri Synod, corner Center and
Hth streets Sundnv
vices at 10 o'clock. Geo. . Engol.
the pastor, belnir sick. Pmf v w
J. Sylvester from
. tub uiamunu mum 1
1I1U U 11.4 U4 U.I4 MJa?
Aik ut -iii-tirVK.r rs a'
Mr. L. II. Farnham. a oromlnent
druggist or Spirit Lake. Iowa. say.
chamberlain's Stomach nnd Liver
Tablets are certainly the best thing
on the market lor constipation.'
, Give these tablsts a trial. You are
certain to find them agreeable and
pleasant in effect Price, 25 cents.
I samples free. For sale by all good
I druggists.
State or Ohio. City ot Toledo. Lucas
County, ss.
Frank J. Chenev fnkou mti. v.f
ho is senior partner or the Arm of
F. J. Chenev & fin., rt
in the City ot Toledo. County and
"" uioresaia, ana mat said Arm
will pay the sum ot ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS Tor each and overy case of
Catarrh, that cannot be cured by the
use ot Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo nnd subscribed
In my presence, this 6th day of De
cember. A. D. 1886.
(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,
Mntnrv TJ.iYill.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces or the
system. Send tor testimonials tree.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
o ,
Tho olty council of Easton, Me.,
voted by a large majority to ask the
logulature to amend the city char
ter so as to give the municipal suf-.
rrnge to women owning $500 worth
or property.
Piles Curvd in n to 14 Days.
PAZO OINNTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case or Itching, Blind. Bleed
Ing or Protruding Piles la 6 to H
days or money retunded. 60c
Ceamlpitllan, Ilea dacha;
,Hlom(h Trouble-, Terlhla
Don't Kctpl Bunpi. mxiUd vnk&jfddiil
njufcUUl. A. 3. OLMSTED, La Roy,N. Y.