DA1IA CAI'IT.U OUIINAI, BALTCM, OREGON, MONT)AX, APRIL 4, 1010. VAOR FOOTt. I. THE BANK'S PLENO SHOWIN DEPOSITS INCREASE IX Pith YEARS TWO-THIRDS OK A MIL TjION OP DOLLARS A MILLION' NEXT YEAR IS PROHAHLK. Tho annual statements made by the United Stato National bank of this city toll a remarkable story of growth, and one of which Hs officers and direotors may Justly feel the ut most pride in. It shows the lnpncit oonfldenco tho people gonerally have In them and Is the best possible in dorsomont of the bank's solidity. Is flattering Indeed, to all tho officers from highest to lowest, Because it shows tact, nolltonoss and kindness In all their dealings, for nothing short of theso could cause tho steady nnd rapid growth that in five years has run its deposits up from loss than $100,000 to nearly three-quar ters of a million. Note tne ronow Ing: Comnaratlvo Statement. Commenced business November 11 1904. ' Deposits 1905 ? 88,993.11 190C 139,465.72 1907....... 199,905.63 1908 312,378.68 1909 473,973.03 1910 735,076.03 o Girl Swept Through Muini'. j Spokane, Wash. April 4. Car ried 800 yards through a covered ftumu, Audrey, the s.ven-yer-oId daughter of Mrs. Samuel II. Hughes ; of Kellogg. Idaho, is nono tho worse i for her experience today. rne 1247; i THE OHUAT EVANGELIST TAYLOR AND THE MINISTERS OP THE CITY. child, with Eva Lynch, was playing i TOTAL ItESUIT OP alniiir the, ntmknr Hill flunifi near CAMPAIGN 111 the Old Stemwinder mill yesterday when she slipped Into tho raco nnd was rarriod down 300 yards. Hor playmate rnn down the grade calling for help and two men came to the rescue draining tho child out. That Tho closing service of the great revival meotings was hold at the t'nivornltv tAhnrnncln last ovnlnir. she had a heavy bearskin coat on, j Tne big building wns crowded to the accounts for the fact that she was carried so far without sinking. The flumo is sevornl feet deep and was full at the time. o March 29, March 29, March 29, March 29, March 29, March 29, SEATTLE MAKES WAR ON HAT PINS Seattle, Wash., April 4. An or dinance regulating the length of hatpins, barring those which pro irudo moro than two Inches beyond the crown1, and providing fine anil Imprisonment for violation, will bo Introduced. in the city council to night by Councilman Revelle. Corporation Counsel Calhoun, who prepared tho bill, believes that it is fully within tho police power of tho city to regulate the length of the feminine hatpin. Seattle Is following in the foot stops of Chicago In this case, tho city council there passing an ordi nance last month providing a fine of ?50 for violation of tho short hatpin rule. "A hatpin doesn't need to be two feet long to be a weapon of defense for a woman," said Councilman Rc vllle today. "The smallest pins sold is a dangerous weapon and fully ef fncient for a weapon to ward off tin advances of any man." Ut OHHBjLI con a Den LYNCHING doors. Tho choir and orchestra woro out in full forco, tho ladlos of the choir in white, and they made music , worth going a good mnuy miles to i honr. Tho pronchers' quartet sang, I and sang woll. Tho orchestra had some lino special music. Mr. Wongor sang a solo with great power and feeling. Mr. Taylor spoke from the text: J "The harvest is past, tho summer is i ended, nnd we arc not saved." Jere miah 8:20. He said in effect, that while Whittier had said that the saddest words of tongue or pen were "It might have been," that sadder yet were the words of the text. The opportuntiy past, the harvest over, too late. An artist painted a picture called the "Game of .ulfo," represent ing a choss game between the devil and a man, the devil has the best of the game, and ban the man cornered UNITED MOSS I.BASt'.n WIItE.1 Los Angeles, Cal., April 4. Tho fact that Ramon Rocoza Is in tho city jail today, and not in the morgue, nu now leans back and says, "It is tho victim of an angry mob, he owes Jour move. it you move over to to the tmoly arrival of a patrol wagon -Jesus Christ you can win out over all loaded with bluecoats. The officers the devils in hell. A minute makes rescued him from a mob that might ! Hie difference between safety and de- trentmont of some of their number night bofore Inst. Tho Boldiors gathored at the Tha lia whore they concertodly ordored drinks nnd refused lo pny for them. The Thnllws bouncers were merrily harried and harrassed nnd the sol diers wero wrecking the place when Chief Martin's Irish Brigade ar rived. Tho soldiers and sailors onden orod to form a flying column but the 10 policemen sailed In with their mncoe nnd soon the allies were in flight. A wngon load of men in blue and khaki uniforms wns taken to tho cltv prison; a temporary stop on the way being made nt tho Harbor hospital for repairs to tho prisoners. EDUCATING THE WO SO i NERSi ! I 1 E LITTLE HOM structlon in things in ths life. Manv Ives have been lost because some one was too late. Many souls have been lost because they have put off the day of salvation beyond Gods time. Don't let this be true of you Nearly 50 people responded to the appeal of the evangelist at the close or tne sermon, making a grand total of 1247 who nave responded to the work of the evangelist and the pas tors oi me city during the past five have put him to a violent death be cause of the assault he was alleged to have made upon 15-year-old Elsie At-mur. Thp little girl was on her way to a concert' with her mother. As she stepped under the approach of the Macy-street bridge, Ragoza seized her and attempted to carry her down the bank toward the river. The little girl's terrified screams brought sevpral men to tho scene. Thev nursiipri Itflirnzn. nnri onntnrpd Weeks him two blocks from the bridge. He , Tne service yesterday, afternoon was being roughly handled by a blgwas attended by a large crowd. A mob when the officers arrved. feature of tho afternoon was a whist- Dozens of howling men and boysl'lnS solo by Miss Clark. This was a cried "Lynch him!" "Hang him" rare treat. and the audience insisted For at least an hour they filled the I "u a recall. Mr. Wenger sang streets near the station, until they I somebody Knows." Mr. Taylor were driven away by a squad of no-""" "ls parting advice to the lice. Raeoza was charir'erd with as-1 churches and to those who have mnrin sault and placed in a cell at the city a start during these meetings. A jail. numoer responded to the Invitation o in the afternoon. Forced to Leave Home. i oorWillI(; th stings closed with the Every year a large number of poor 'Bn8ifleven'n' e,re wlH be a sufforers whose luncs are sore and i 10U.ee meeting at the tabernacle this racked with coughs are urged to go "g'lJ Mc a" ,are, invited- Tho to another climate. But this Is cost- ',astfors f tho clt? win oe C"ed up- ly and not always sure. There's a ,, r s lort speeches. Mr. Taylor bettor way. Let Dr. King's New 'J1 s".eak- The choir will be pres- Discovery cure you at home. "It ' , furn,Sh good music, and some cured mo of lung trouble," writes , are "romlsed. Mr. Taylor W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark.. an,1Vie ,evansellstlc company will go "when all else failed and I gained.,1"", HOUrn tnls week- where they 47, pounds in weight. Its surely the "u be ensaged for a time in a taber Kihg or all cough nnd lung cures." I nacle campaign. Thousands owe their Hve3 and health ' to it. Its positively guaranteed for ' Coughs, Colds, LaGrlppe, Asthma, 1 Croup all Throat and Lung trou bles, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at J. C. Perry's. o UNITBP mESS LEASED WlltH.1 Los Angeles. Calif.. April 4. More than a score of women prison-! ers at tho Los Angeles city jail) went to school today, many of them ! for the first time In their lives. , The now school at the jail em- j braces in its curriculum the domes-' tic sciences, cooking, sewing and I housekeeping, and a training school j for nurses -also has been established.! Instruction in these branches wil! oo given under the supervision of Chief of Police Galloway and Ma tron Aletha Gilbert. The plan ori ginated with Mrs. Gilbert. "1 know that when many of our prisoners leave the jail they will have a knowledge of things they never knew existed. I'll wager three In every ten of the women who come here don't know that stock ings can be darned, or that persons who are 111 can bo taken care of In a way that will help them to get well quickly," Mrs. Gilbert said. If we can -teach one woman in 10 something that will help to make her life easier and better when she leaves It will be sufficient. At any rate they will have something to do while they servo their terms." If Mrs. Gilbert s plan is success ful, It is probable that it will be giv en a fair trial in the county prison. o- E A neat, trim cotlage of 6 rooms, lot 100x100, fruit trees, berries, garden, KUI c houses, woodshed all in excellent condition, within walking' distance, one-half block from Asylum Avenue car line, in good neighborhood. You cannot beat this For a Home or Investment $680 Down, Balance $20 per quarter 1500 An Exceptional Opportunity A house partly built on a fine lot in Fairmount, 50x150 feet, in a welhmproved block House complete will be worth $2500, Here is the home builder's chance, Will sell now emin For $1150 g Realty CompV 123 Liberty Street Phone 381 J X J A 1 A J 1 iA A l I ! J y rf f J Js f J f MARKETS Z i 4 1 t X i 1 l 1 t J V' rj rf J wf aft J f 29. When ?1.9B2: xRd The Journal Want Ads. Our Clothing Meets Every equirement Vhleh the best dresser could ask, a Uiey are made under the best conditions by skilled union tailors employed by rep resentative manufacturers of tho United States. There is nothing cheap or shoddy in the materials, nothing grotesque in stylo and nothing lacking In lit and finish. Tho great majority of wage earners do not feol that they can afford to have suits made by exclusive tnllors, and it is to such thnt wo cater, for there is only a little difference in clothing handled by us and the nobbiest suits mado to measure except the prico, which will avorago ono-thlrd loss, Compare Our Suits, at from GENERAL BOOTH SALVATIONIST IS DANGEROUSLY ILL UNITED rBESS LI19ID VTIU. London, April 4. General Wil liam Booth, tho .head of the Salva tion Army is seriously ill and under the constant care of physicians to day. Yesterday he fainted on the street. As a result of his illness, all en gagements have been cancelled. uenernl Booth Is 81 years old. For tho past six months he has suffered from ill health. Recently ho was compelled to submit to an operation for tho removal of a catar act in his right eye which had nearly blinded him. THE "IRISH SAVED BY . KEEN SCENT San Francisco, March Australian and Propo, Sonora, $1.95 2. 12; good to choice, Calif. Club, $1.771.S0; Northern wheat, bluestom, $1.85 1.90; club, $1.771.80; Turkey, $1.77 1.85; Russian Red, $1.77 1.80. Barley Feed barley, $1.33 1.35; fancy, $1.3G&; common to Wheat, bushel $1.00 sweet potatoes In crates fancy, $2.25 02.50. Onions -Ter cental yollow Calif., $1.50 1.60; do. Oregon, $1.50 1.60. Oranges Per box now navels, choice, $1.72; fancy, $2.25 2.50; new Tangerines, $11.50. Local ATholesalo IMarkct. Flour, hard wheat $5.75 Flour, valley $5.70 Mill feed, bran $28.00 Shorts $29.50 fair, $1.25 1.32; browing and ship ping, $1.37 1.40; Chevalier, nominal. Oats, bushol 40 42 Hay, cheat 1517 Hav. oat S15(ii)18 Eggs ;Jer dozen, Calif, fresh in- Vetch hay S15 017 irilnir n.nsM. ovtrna oo. nratc veicil nay LOWli Hops. 1909 crop 1318o Chittini bark 3e Mohair 26 n Potatoes, bu 20 40c Apples, bushel 75e$1.25 ..!.'s 12e VICTORIOUS (UNITED TBISS LBASBO WIRB.) San Francisco, April 4. Many battles in world's history have been won by an "Irish brigade" and it wns tho combined fighting ability of Ilohland, Blgelow, Gallagher, Hag heney, Qulnn, Fowlo and Brady, regulars of the city police, that put to rouso 250 soldiers and a dotach ment of 100 embryo sailors In the Barbary coast early today. Tho soldlors, recently from Tcxbb garrisons and now on route for Manila, aided by apprentices from tho training ship Ponsacola, at tempted to "clenn out" a Bnrbary coast resort because of alleged ill G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 Commercial St. Phone 47 House Cleaning MADE EASY BY THE USE OF The Santo Vacuum System Wo will save you all tho old tlmo worrloa nnd discomforts of houso olonnlng, by cleaning your carpot on tho floor, by clonulng your upholstered fur niture without romovlng It from tho room, by oloanlng your houso in ono day, making no dust or dirt. JUST CALL UP J. B. Merry & Co. Phono 008. Seward, Alaska, April 4. The keen scent of his dorr saveil th lift? of St. Clair McClary, a miner buried "90c; deep in a snowsllde, according to Sons, news which has just readied here I from the Haughan copper property The snowsllde swept down the hillside March 28. The four men at work on the property were caught and buried. Two managed t'o es cape without serious injury. The slide was so deep, however, that Ih other two had completely disap peared. Finally the dog led the searchers to a place several yards distant and uegan scratching at the debris and barking excitedly. After hard digging they came upon tin men who had been burled for eight hours. Thomas Coates was already dead. McClary was almost dead but ho ls now expected to recover. eluding cases, extras, 22; firsts, 21; seconds, 20; thirds, 19 Butter Per lb., Calif, fresh ex tras, 26; lli-3ts, 25; seconds, 25; packing stock No. 1, 2 1. New cheese Per lb. Now Call!', flats fancy, 15; firsts, 15; seconds, 14; Calif. Young American fancy, 18; firsts, 17; Eastern Oregon, 19; do. young America, 20; storage. Now York Cheddars fancy, 20; do. singles, 20; Wisconsin singles fan cy, 19; Oregon fancy, 19. Potatoes Per cental, River Whites, sacked, 60 75c; extra, 75 Salinas, $1.25 1.50; Ore $l.u; do, crates, 8595c; Butter nnd Eggs. Butter, creamery 36c Eggs .... . 18c Buttorfat 39c Butter, country 30c Poultry. Broilers and fryers 15 Hens 16c Roosters (young) 12 c Roosters (old) Sc Turkeys Ducks Livestock. Steers (1000 to 1200 lb) $5.756.5J Steers (under 1000 lb) $4.605?( Cows Hogs, fat 99Ue Stock ecg "ua 5 spring iambs j veal, according to quality .10llc o Some men aro so queer "Aand you are going to toll me of one par ticularly queer one." "Yes, It's Mr. Barberton. His wife used to beg him for nickels and dimes, and now lie's cheerfully paying her a hundred a woek for aliniony,"- Glevi'lnnd Plain Dealer o Call tor City Warrants, Notice Is noreby ghen that there are funds on ha ml and applicable tt tho payment of all warrants drawaoi the street fund of the city of Salea, Oregon, and endorsed "Not paid tot want of funds." Holders of said warrants will please present them for payment at tho office of tho oily treasurer in tho city hall, as Inter est will ceaso from and after this date, March 26, 1910. R. A. CR0S94N, 3-2 5-1 Ot City Treasurer. Bishop's Ready"- I Tailored Clothes FOUR YOUR HAIR Here Aiv Facts AVe Want You Prove at Our Risk. to Marvelous as it may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Touic has grown hair on heads that were once bald. Of course it is understood that in none of these cases were the hair roots dead nor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. When the roots of the hair are entirely dead and the pores of tho scalp are glazed over, we do not be lievo that anything can restore hair growth. When Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will do as above stated, it is not strange tlVt wo have such great faith in It and that we claim It will prevent baldness when used In time. It acts scientifically, destroying tho germs which aro usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of tho hair, stimulating and nourish ing them. It is a most pleasant toi let necessity, Is delicately perfumed and will not gum nor permanently stain tho hair, Wo want you to get a bottle of Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve scalp Irritation, remove dandruff, prevent tho hair from falling out and promote an increased growth of hair and In every way give entire satisfaction, simply como back and toll us and without question or for mality wo will hand back to yon every penny you paid us for it. Wo lend our endorsement to Rex all "93" Hair Tonic and sell it on this guarantee, Tiecauso wo bolleve It Is tho best hair tonic over discov ered. It comes In two sizes, prices, 50 cents and $1.00. Romember you can obtain It only at our store. J. C. Perry. o , Rheumatism. Moro than tan out of every ton ensos of rheumatism aro simply rheumatism ot the muscles, due io cold or dojnp, or chronic rheuma tism. In such cases no Internal treatment U required. The free ap plication of Chamberlain's Liniment U all that Is needed, and it is cer tain to Kive qulok relief. Give it a trjal and see for yourself how quick ly it relieves the pain and soreness. The medicines usually given Inter nally for rheumatism aro poisonous or very strong medlolnes. They ure worse than usolass in cases of chronlo and muscular rheumatism. For sale by all good druggists. Smart Styles Gentlemen who demand ex actness of style and fabric will find an exhibit of spring models a most peremptory and choice conception of tailors' art, -This season's garments are snappy and stylish in appear ance and material, We show them in just the p-oper degree of smartness that instantly they appeal to the distinctly dresser, Conspicuous among them, are greys in all the popu lar weaves -and shades, Thry are not very high priced, start ing at $15.00 and runs as high as $35.00 Rnvs'. and voune; men's suits are shown in all shades and materials .sufficiently complete to satisfy anyone, Boys' suits range in price from $3 to $10 Young men's from $6.50 to $25 Salem Woolen Mill Store m