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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1910)
No. 77. BALKM, OHEGON, TIU'IISDAV, MAKCH ill, 1010. . r-r MESSES p.hiftp.n Said to Be an (1116" " . r I.J. Oklahoma Cownoy is oauym 0 the Goods Suspected 0f Being Drug Store Bandit. i ti nave HIM AWAY mum un l- v.. I, Abo Su-pi'ctert of Being the .. i .if Mil 11 wuii-iiiimii K,jbor, Who Was Killed in a Pis u Dud nt Santa Clurn March 14 Voman Hays He Kcmninod in Hiding tour Days After the Man fas Killed. gard to his notions on that night. Ko admitted only that ho was in Santa Clara. Chlfton asked a num ber of hypothetical questions In con nection with the Whyback shooting, and he wanted to know juijt what penalty was attached to the crhno. Ho laid particular stress on tho fact that tho slaying of Whyback might havo been dono in self de fense. In. such a case ho wished to ascertain If a man could be con vlcted of murder In any degree or of manslaughter. Tho prlsonor was betrayed Into tho hands of tho pollco by a young woman who gave tho name of Alma Hell. She told tho pollco that sin? feared ho might kill her on account of her knowlodgo of his burglaries. According to hor story, Chlfton remained hidden In his rooms in a local hotol for four days, subsequent to tho discovery of the watchman's dead body. When Chlfteti was arrested ho was packing his grip to leave town. Among his effects, tho pollco say, was found a quantity of jewelry, .which ,ho had stolen at Meridan Corners, a dark lantern and a re volver. ' lie evinced no surprise when toM lib was In custody and asked no questions. When confronted by witnesses. tho pollco say, ho readily admitted tho robberies. As tho man was In San Francisco when the city was be ing terrorized by tho drugstore ban dit, tho pollco in San Francisco have been asked to compare Chlften's de scription with that of tho San Fran cisco desperado who has not been caught. Coal Miners in the Territory from Pennsylvania to Okla homa Decide to Strike,- and Will Go Out April!. declared that thoro 1$ no way to avoid tho Impending strike. Coal Prices Alliance. Chicago, March 31.-4-A sharp ad vance in tho price of : coal Is pre dicted hero today by dehlers as a ro suit of tho walkout of the miners in I ho bituminous coal districts pend ing a new agreement. t Is expected however, that tho quasl-strlke will b.. settled within a monlh. Calls' for Suspension of Work. Indianapolis, Ind., March 31. President Lewis of tho United Mine Workers of America, today declared a suspension of work by tho minors ; in the Eastern coal flolds. The bus i pension will last for a period of not to exceed 30 days. Lowis predicts that 250,000 of tho 500,000 members of tho organ ization will bp affected by the sus pension. Tho suspension of Vprk will Inst until a now agreement is signed be tween tho mine operators and tho miners. 1 March 31. Will Hush Wolter's Trial. tu.MTM) rums: ixssvo wim. New York, March 31. That the case of Albert .bolters, charged with the murder of Ruth Wheeler, whoso p.. Tnsp Calif.. . . . nuitian on lil In in an IJKl.i Win v - . 1olJ ,,. . AIU-'MflV. Willi 1 a It JlHl v- v w . . Lun-vj - i ii ,i -1 f - in mid .... -n-frt?enil T f ?l U II III HIM III ihvihiivvu v"' " nniK mntifo will in rnuhoH WflH 1TH11- AkAJaa nprnrcl nc lo uiu uuutu. "i' v""v" " . . : caica louny wiiun juuku iuuhiucuh refused to grant a ten-days' delay granted i... AntnntiVfi X V niillUll 11. illlli HID UV.N-" -r - iv- wHnMcna nrn Huia to n ivu U ULUV1 ' 1 1 . n hln ll nirnn f'flll I iM- According iim uu inv it. - ----- ; .. nlAn nnrf n inwnirv Hiimi ilL . f ..-. HI O M ' I I ( Til.. I Iltl c. The officers assert that they navo nft wnit ii lviiuo -v, .-. .----. rA- u-Min inn siiuuiiiik ui ni ill ea hi a ...v.. rtdften was questioneu cioseiy m A ... tho t,y,nntirttr Th ?hOll t v. -mMnvi nnn-r.nir.i-.ii- m iv asked by the defenso. Ho only one day's continuance, and the prisoner will be arraigned and plead ings entered tomorrow. At that time the trial date will bo set. The district attorney is anxious to havo tho case called Tas speedily as possible, and it is expected that the trial will commence within two weeks. Tho district attorney Is busily sift ing tho evidence that has come to his hands In connection with the case and it Is expected that ho will make an effort to bring out further evi dence that will connect the murderer with the "white slavo" trafflc, which tho authorities -have he.en making ef forts to stamp out. MILLION AND A HALF A DAY I 1,000 o.t m Texas. Lianas, lex., Marcn .si. wunoui waiting tho arrival of formal ordors to strike, 4,000 coal miners in Palo Lossr In Wages Alono AV111 Kench This Pinto county walked from tho mine? ... - touay. vnsi sum as .Miners liuni iow From i?:i.50 to -1.00 Per Day Ijabor Lenders Say That at the Outside of a Month Coal Prices ItLse. Thinks Operators Will Yield. Columbus, O., March 31. Presi dent Green. Of the Ohio Mine Work- Host the Strike Cannot Ko Settled ers today predicted that 40,000 Ohio miners who will quit wont wmonow will bo back at the mines within p. week. Green declared that he did not ex pect any grcnt difficulty in securing a satisfactory agreement from the oporators. lUNITED MUSS I.EABED WIIIB. St. Louis, Mo., March 31. Four hundred thousand coal miners, in eluding almost ovory man In the dis Mine Operators Meet. PHtoiinnr p.n.. March 31. A call trict between Western Pennsylvania for a meeting 0f tho mine 'operators LAVA IS FLOWING the Introduction of tho Itusso-Fln-nlsh bill in tho Douma yesterday. Tho bill gives tho Douma authority over tho affairs of Fnland. It is al most certain that tho passage of the bill will result In further disturb ances in Finland. Ever since Finland came under the to mergo Finland with Russia, and protection of Russia by treaty, there has been a constant light on tho part of the Finns to retain their troaty rights to homo rule. Tho Introduction of tho bill in tho Douma is conldored by tho Finns as another step on the part of Russia to wipe out the last thread of indo pendencc sho possesses. Montavillu AViuits a Depot. An answer has been filed with the railroad commission by the railroad comnany In the case of Geo. L. Hlb- Religious Porcessions. LAVA FLOW 100 FEET DEEP Railroud at the llaso of the Moun tain Is in the Path of the Lava Stream, and Unless tho Eruption Ceases Soon it Will Be Destroyed Peasants Have He-cntered Aban doned Tonus to- Savo ns Much of Their Effects as Possible. and the Oklahoma fields, will strike tonlorrow waB issued this afternoon, tomorrow, compelling Idleness in 2,000 mines, according to a declara tion today of A. J. Mooorsohead, president of tho Illinois coal opera tors' association. Mooreshtead stated tfcat every mine in Illinois would be closed, pending an adjustment of tho wage scale. Tho miners demand a wage increase that will enable them to earn from S4 to $4.50 per day. At. .present they earn from $3.50 to $4. 1 A joint conrerence or represemu tlves of all miners and operators will be held in Chicago next Monday. Mooreshead does not beliovo a settlement will be reached at that The meeting is for the purpose of arranging a conference with the leaders of the mine workers. The strike tomorrow will affect 40,000 men. liners Arc Well Fixed. Springfield. Ills., March 31. The miners of Illinois will go into tho fight against their employers tomor row to secure better -working con ditions, with a plentiful supply of money. The local union has $700,000 in its strike fund. j As a coincidence, It Is'iCommented on hero that the strike will ue time. Thirty days musi eiapse no ,.niiPIi tomorrow, which1 is also a said before the contending parties unliHnv K(,t thominers to can formulate a compromise. He pntphrnto the enactment of " the law. Sensational "eight-hours a day" aram G0 9 IVlflg rlZCn7 A hnndn lii of other coods suitable for spring wear, we are s..c.uB .arm iiri mi t-i l 'ii n lii iiuijanuui - ---- tk prices down to make fast selling nnti quicK saies. BIG COMPANY" SWALLOWS THE t LITTLE ONE 1910 Newest Now on Sale The greatest line of swell creations that was over town In Sal. m. Come to our store and look through ana you will say so. Salem's busy mlllin 7 shop is t ... plnco that sella tho Hats. Como here for bargl(n.- in Millinery. Pretty hats like Picture now s. lling for $1.95, $2.50, $3.50 and lip w Dress Goods and. Silks Tho greatest hcnvlng in Salem of this season's west wears and slndw.- If you want variety, tl'le. quality and low pricos, como to the Chicago Sl01 We i n please you,, Sale prices, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up 1910 Newest Spring Suits Now on Sale Stylish GARMENTS Like the Picture Now Selling at Small Prices 'IINITI-D PRESS LBAHBO WtHK.l Salt Lake City. March 31.-G. C Tavlor. manaEer of the Pacific dls- trlct of tho American Express Com : pany, announced today that the Amnrlcan had absorbed the Pacific Exnress Company. In the near future, Mr. xayior said, the American Express Company would put on solid through express trains from New York, Chicago and Eastern noints to Denver, Salt Lake City and Ogden. The new trains will cut down the running time between tho cities for expresss, and will make certain trans fers that have heretofore been made, unnecessary in handling through busi ness between East and West. o .Itig Kind of Opium. UNITED rilCSS LUASEU W1UE. Vancouver, 13. C, March 31. Smuggled opium worth about $2500 was seized lato yesterday by customs ollicluls on board tho Bluo Funnel liner Titan, now docked here. There was something over 100 five tael tins of the "dopo" hidden away, partly In barrels of ship's supplies, and partly In coal In the hold. This Is one of tho largest quantities that smugglers havo over attempted to bring Into this port at ono tlmo. UNITED i'llESS LEASED WIHE. Naples, March 31. The mountain villages of Borello and Belpassa have been left to their fate, accord ing to advices from Catania today. Tho flow of lava from 35 craters of the giant mountain of Aetna has widened In its progress down tho southern slope of the volcano. Sol diers have abandoned tho towns per mitting the inhabitants to re-enter them to remove everything of value that could be carried to safety. Other towns on the mountain side, which have partially been burned by tho solidifying lava, have been depopulated for several days and the soldiers axe preventing the peasants from re-entering them be cause of danger. Intervening hills havo checked the flow of lava toward Catania, accord ing to reports and the lava la now flowing toward the coast. The lava is estimated to bo 100 feet "deep in places. MOORE S FATE RESTS Catania Is Celebrating Its Es Cape From Destruction With brd against the Oregon Railroad & Ringing of Church Bells andfThTs .uit "S iututed by nib- bard on behalf of the people of Mont avllla and has for its object tho compelling of the company to pro vide tho people of that place with u depot. Hlbbard in his complaint says that the people of tho town purchased three acres near the com pany's track and gave It to tho com pany on condition that it would build a spur and a depot, but that it has failed to build tho depot. The company's answer is in the form of a general denial. o Testimony Is Against Defendants. Watseka, II., Man-h 31. Mrs. O. F. Albrecht testified in the Sayler murder ease today. She declared that on the night of the killing she saw a revolver In the pocket of John Grunden, one of tho defendants In CtlSO Her testimony strengthened tho contention of the state that Grun den, Mrs. J. B. Sayler, wife of the dead banker, and Dr. Willam Miller all took part in the affray. She declared that wnen sne saw them shortly after the tragedy, Grun den's shirt and Mrs. Sayler's waists were blood stained. Trial of the President of the Oregon Trust and Savings Bank,vNow Defunct, Was Submitted this Morning. THE JUDGE JOLTED ATTORNEY CASE IS OF WIDE INTEREST The Chnrgo Against Moore Is That Ho Allowed tho Bank to Itcceivo Deposits When Ho Knew That It Wns Insolvent Several "Others Aro Indicted in Connection With the Matter, All of Them Prominent in Portland. Largest Stream Diverted. Catania, March 31. Bells of tho cathedral, the monasteries and churches of Cantanla are ringing to day while joyous processions of de votees fill the streets in thanksgiv ing for deliverance of the city from the Deril of Mount Aetna's lava streams. The civil authorities todoy an nounced that the largest stream had been diverted from Catania by a range of low hills and that it is flowing to the sea. Even the sorrow stricken thou sands from the mountain towns is sued from the refuges to join the demonstration. Persons who have been permitted to visit the territory through which the lava Is flowing describe tho mov ing mass as an impressive sight. They declare that in many places the lava has filled deep ravines, then taken up Its onward flow. The railroad on the eastern side of the mountain's base is in tho path of the approaching flow and unless the eruption soon ceases, will bo de stroyed. o TROUBLE IS BREWING IN FINLAND Hammond, Ind., March 31. Mar tin Solkdt Is nursing a badly swollen jaw today, and Judge H. F. Kaske has a-.blg lump baqkjofhls right hand, In addition to a reputa tion for the healtniest punch of any one on tho Indiana bench. Solkdt disregarded the judge's or der that he refmin from coaching a witness in a trial yesterday. There was no bailiff in the court room. About the fourth time, Solkdt framed tho witness' answer, Judge Kaske walked slowly to the offend er's side and planted a full right swing somewhere on the jawbone, be neath the left ear. Solkdt went over for the count. Kaske later explained that ho con sidered it unnecessary to have Solkdt arrested for contempt of court. Solkdt was equally willing to pass up a chance of legal redress. UNITED PRESS XJ3ABED WIBB. Portland, Ore., March 31. With tho completion of tho argument of District Attorney v.amoron, the case against W. H. Moore, president of the defunct Oregon Trust and Savings Bank, who has been on trial here for the last two weeks on an Indictment charging that he accepted deposits with a knowledge tnat .no wua insolvent, was placed in the hanas oi the jury shortly before noon today. A verdict is expected to be returned late this afternoon. The last witness for the prosecu tion was Mrs. D. -. Watts, wife of a drug clerk, who testified that she bad taken Minnie Mitchell to tho bank to make tho deposit on which the indict ment against Moore is based. Tho prosecution aimed by her testimony to contradict Mooro, who, In his ex amination, denied being In the bank .andltnesalng uie transaction be tween tno cierK ana. miss Aiaivueu. This testimony ill rebuttal was obr jected to by attorneys for the de fense on the ground that tho testi mony should have been brought out in tho chief testimony of the case, and as later introduced was merely cumulative. This objection was sustained by Judge Bronaugh. Today's session of court was occu pied by arguments of tho attorneys for both sides. BABY IS BURNED TO DEATH .1. H. Tamisle Is Dead. Mr. J. B. Tamisle, of Hllsboro, died this morning at his home in that tcity. Ho'has been a resident of Ore gon since 1 87 1. He was .bom la Syracuse, N. V., In 1833. Mr. Tamls le's wife died the loth of last Decem ber, and since that time he has cared little for this life, and has seemed to be waiting to join .her, Mr. Tamlsie leaves tho following sons and daughters: Dr. A. E. Tam isle, of this city; J. II., V. H., Dr. J. C. and Dr. G. W. Tamislo, all of Portland; Dr. J. P. Tamiso, of Hllls boro, and Mrs. Wm. Riollng and Miss Marie Tamisio, both of Hillsboro. Tho funeral notice will be an nounced later, but burial will prob ably be in Hillsboro. o- Medford, March 31. Through the carelessness of an older sister. Lucile, the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Weeks, of Trail, near the summit of the Cascades, j Married n Few of Tliein west of this city, was burned to ilnatli i rrsm.o hikkb i.hakkd wim., Sunday night, according to a report Iloboken, N. J., March 31. Emll rcching hero today. Karl Van Muollcr, known ad XUo Tho parents of tho two girls were "marrying count," who was arrested UNITKP J'llKHK I.R.'.PEn WtllH. Petersburg, March 31. More trouble with tho Finns Is expected by Government olllcials today, following St. HER ANNUAL VISIT, gavo .V., crnntOKt values WP OVef Z dolnE he'gmxioat business we ever done in at the prices, we koh hip ... $7.50, $8.50, $10.50, $12.50 and up SALEM, OREGON "The Store That Saves You Money" Si tvrw' i "1 1 I 1 1 T Jg I " both absent from home when the tragedy occurre i. Lute in tn- Ci noon tho older sister lighted a lamp, and placed it upon tho floor. Later, while sho was absent, tho little ono toddled to It, and accidentally upsot it. Her clothing was a mass of flames before tho elder sister could render any aid. at Los Angeles, and charged with blK- amy, and brought hero, was found guilty today, and sentenced to eight years at hard labor in the ponlten tlary. Mueller was charged with having married tweiuy or more women. Ha admitted having married "one or W(I " GEE, IT'S HARD TO DECIDE WHAT TO BE! Carter In New YorK American. i. i