Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 26, 1910, Page PAGE ELEVEN, Image 11

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'Copvrlsht U1R. Iv Rv. T. 8. Lm
seolt, D. D.)
.Mnrvh 1ST, HMO.
Oeldsn text. Jmns wwnt Jut all
Ostltl. teaching In their syna
gogue, and presenta; tha gospsl of
the kingdom, anil healing all maxnsr
of sickness and itll manner of dl
among the people. Matt. 4:
The following may be used as ft
new mid complete lesson, or aa a
review of tne twelve preceding lee
ini. The date Riid title of each past
lesson, where found, the Golden
Text, and one question from each
Jeaaon follow.
Jan. 2. John the Forerunner of
Jesus. Matt. 3:1-12. Golden Text.
Th voice of one crying In the wil
derness, Prupare ye the way of the
Lord, mnke his path straight. Matt.
Verse 12. What reason Is thero
for the belief that mon and women
make their own hell or heaven?
Jan. 9. The Baptism and Temp
tation of Jesus. Matt. 3:13-17: 4:
1-11. Goldon Text. In that he hath
suffered being tempted, he is able to
succor them that are templed, Hob.
fl : 1 S.
Verses 13, 11. What light have
we to guide us in our decisions,
which is superior to reason?
Jan. 16. The Beginning of th?
Gallillean Ministry. Matt. 4:12-25.
Golden Text. The people who (sat in
darkness saw great light. Matt. 4:
Verses 1S-22. How may a man
of God recognize the call of God, to
new work, when It comes through
another man?
Jan. 23. True Blessedness. Matt.
o:l-16. Golden Text. Blessed are
the pure in heart for they shall see
God. Matt. 5:8.
Verse 3. What In the last analy
sis, is the essential qualifications for
being a subject of the kingdom of
God on earth?
Jan. 30. Some Laws of the King
dom. Matt. 5:17-2G, 38-48. Golden
Text. Be ye therefore perfect as
your father which is in heaven Is
perfect. Matt. 5:48.
Verses 17-20, How many per
sons can you recall from the scrip
tures op otherwise, who did the per
fect will of God on earth?
Feb. G. Almsgiving and Prayer.
Matt. 0:1-15. Golden Text. Take
heed that ye do not your righteous-
; sj; sj sjs j); :Jc H
! 4 i l o.. j t- .U J i 4 -l J
T V 't t rt "f" P 1 J f
St. Pauls.
The services at St. Paul's church
on Easter Day will be held at 7f'30
and 11 a. m. and 4:30 p. m. Tli3
first service will be plain celebration.
At 11 there will be a second cele
bration, with music and sermon, and
Jit '4:30 will be held the Sunday
school Easter festival, at which tho
regular church choir will assist. Tha
offertory at the afternoon service
will be John A." West's "Sweet
Story of Old." The public is In
vited to all services.
The music at the 11 o'clock ser
vice will be as follows:
Processional Hymn, "At tho
Lamb's High Feast We Sing", (El
vey). Kyrie Elelson, (Parke).
Gloria Tibi and Gratias Tibl,
Xlcene Creed, (W. T. Best).
Anthem, "Christ the Lord Is Risen
Again." (Mrs. Carrie B. Adams).
Offertory Anthem, "Come, See tho
Place," (E. W. Reade).
Presentation, ( Anon ) .
Salem's most popular res
taurant, 3G2 State street. We
never close, open all night.
Whi. McGilchrist & Sons
Everything in Plumbing
Good Workmanship; Reason
able Charges Our Motto.
We do steam and hot water
1 ibbals & Petersen
Cqurt street, between Liberty
and High. Phone Main 667.
In considering making ysur nw
light, or cocking, why not eons'
the P. P. Gas Machine and
bers Light
Will sell and Install this ' m
and guarantee It to give o pei
cent more light for the sai aene;
thun electricity or city gas. Let tn
gure with you, estimates furnished
Call at my shop and see the light
and stoves In operation.
- . nvmrt nrtaTmrmcn
AliCOHOIj utlHtle. Safe, economl
cjU, odori&M.
Fire i-O Fool
Proof 1 "" JT Proof
Paoss 1S5
808 State St
nfM wfor mn to b of thf tfl.
Matt. :1 (It V.I
Vsrsw 6, B. Why do Jwm so
strongly rseomml prlvst prayer,
and what ar It advnMtagvet
Feb. 1 J WorMllne ami TtnsI.
Matt :1S4. Golden Text. Ssck
ye first the kingdom of God and hit
righteousness, and all thaw things
shall Iw added unto you. Matt. 8:
Vers 1. What wauld Jeans
have every man to consider as hhi
chief "treasure?" See verse SI. ,
Feb. SO. The Golden Rule
Temperance Lesson. Matt. 7: 1-12.
Golden Text. Therefore all things
whatsoever ye would mat men
should do to you, do ye even so to
them, for this Is the law and the
prophets. Matt. 7:12.
Verses 1, 2. When men condemn
others on mere suspicion, what is
generally the roal ground of their
Feb. 27. False and True Discl
pleshlp. Matt. 7:13-29. Golden
Text. Not every one that salth unto
me. Lord. Lord, shall enter Into the
kingdom of heaven, but he thnt do
etu the will of my Father which Is
in heaven. Matt. 7:21.
Versos 13, 14. In what sense Is
the gate to eternal life narrow, and
the way to destruction broad?
March G. Jesus the Hoalor. Matt.
8:2-17. Golden Text. Himself took
our Infirmities and bare our sickness.
Matt. S':17.
Verses G 7. So far as the records
show, Jesus while In the flesh, healed
all the sick ones that were brought
to him, Is that sufficient to provw
that he will do the same today?
March 13. Two Mighty Works.
Matt. 8:23-34. Golden Text. What
manner of man Is this, that even the
winds and the sea obey him! Matt.
Verso 27. Whioh would be of the
greater benefit to mankind for God
to run tlio univere, and tlio affairs
of man, on fixed laws, or by MJ ni
cies? (This question must be an
swered in writing by members of the
March 20. A Paralytic Forgiven
and Healed. Matt. 9:1-13. Golden
Text. The Son of Man hath power
on earth to forgive sins. Matt. 9:G.
Verse 2. Of how much avail is
the faith of one man on behalf of
Lesson for Sunday, April 3. 1910.
Tho Power of Faith. Matt. 9:18
34. Sursuin Corda, (Ely Service
Sanctus, (Parke).
Benedictus qui venit, (Parke).
Agnus Dei, (Parke).
Communion Hymn, "Bread of tho
World," (Hodges).
Gloria In Excelsls, (Old Chant).
Nunc Dlmittls, (C. A. Barry).
Recessional Hymn, "Come Ye
Faithful, Raise the Strain," (Sir Ar
thur S. Sullivan).
First 1'ivsbyterian Church.
Church street, near Chemeketa
Order of service Easter morning at
11 o'clock:
Orchestra, "Easter Flowers," Worrell
Doxology and Invocation.
Chorus, "Christ Is .Risen," Schubert
Solo, "The Way of the Cross"
Mrs. Walters
Reception of Members.
Quartet, "The Lord is Exalted" West
Offering Orchestra
"Love Song ' Nevin
Solo, "The Messages of the
Lilies" Mlnette
Mr. Hull.
Scripture Reading, Romans 6:1-14.
Hymn, "Hark! Ten Thousand
Harps and Voices"
Sermon. "The Power of Christ's
Life" , II Tim. 1;10
ChoruB, "They Have Taken
Away My Lord" ....Harrington
Hymn, "I Know That My Re
deemer Livoth"
Session meets at 10:45 a. m. in tho
pastor's class-room to receive any
desiring to unite with this church.
Care For Vour Trees
Spraying Pumps and Hose at
all prices.
See us for Aero-motor Wind
mills, Fairbanks-Morse Gaa
Engines. N
Best workmanship pur motto.
Cor. Front and State Street.
Phone Main 346.
Gold Dust Flour
Made by the SYDNEY POWER
COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon.
Mode ft r Family Use.
Ask your grocer for it. Ilrnn
and Bhorts always os hand.
Salem Fence Works
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Fencing, Hop wire. Barb Wire,
Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai
thoid Hooflng, P. & B. Read;
Hoot ng.
250 Court BU
Phone 131 I
ftuftday srheot at It s hi K.
MMtlHg at . m. Annual Ooagr
gaUotMU HteotlM. MoMtar at T: J9 p.
. Tms taltm' AM toelety will
asrrs a smsshk-. wit host ekars. lo
tits roMgrssntkHi at 8 : ! p. m. In
torturs resM of the church and the
meeting, will Ws held about the table
at 7:19. PnWUe cordially Invited lo
all of the services. Ksv. Usury T.
Itabcock. pastor.
Lutheran St. John's Church,
Missouri Synod, oornsr Gstoter and'
14th streets KUtstsr ' Mi-rises Skin,
day VwrnlHg m 18:0 o'closk and
line! tali serrlM second Batr dar.
Monday morning, at 10:80 o'clock.
Geo. II. ISngel. )Nwlor.
(ieniuut Lutheran.
&at State street Sunday school,
9:S0 a. m.; regular service, 10:30
a. m. C. liopf, pastor.
Christ Inn Science. 1
First Church of Christ, Scientist, j
410 Chemoketa street Services:
son sermon, "Reality." Sunday
school at 12 o'clock. The Wednes
day evening meeting Ib held at 7:30
o'clock. Reading room In the church
Is open each afternopn oxcopt Sun
day rrom 2 o'clock until 5. A cor
dial Invitation is oxtouded to all to
attend the services as welt as to
visit tho rending room.
Unity church (Unitarian), Cheme
keta St., at Cottage; Paul S. Bandy,
minister. Residence, 273 N. High
St. Eastor worship and sermon at
11 o'clock. Subject, "Life Moro
Abundant." . Miss Cornell Baldwin
will play a violin solo, Godard's
Berceuse from Joceln. Mrs. Cohlor
will sing, "Tho Light from Heaven"
by Gounoud; and special Easter mu
sic will bo rendered by tho choir. A
cordial Invitation Is extended to all.
First Christian.
Corner of High and Center Sts.
Bible school 10 a. m.; Dr. II. C. Ep
ley, superintendent. The Knights
Templar, their wives and friends
will meet at the 11 o'clock hour, and
conduct their service, after which
the pastor will preach on the themo
"If a Man Die Shall He Ltvo Again?"
Special music by the C. C. C. C. and
an appropriate solo by Mrs. Frank
Watson. Christian Endeavor, 6:30
p. m. No ovening service on account
of Union Evangelistic meetings at
the Unlverslt ytabernacle. Tho pub
lic cordially Invited to all these ser
vices. D. Errett, pastor.
Evangelical Association.
Corner 17th and Chemeketa Sts..
H. C.Baker, pastor. Sunday school
at 9:50 a. m. Morning service at
11:00 a. m. No evening service.
St. Joseph's Catholic.
Rev. A. Moore, pastor. There
have been services Thursday, Friday
and Saturday. Special musical pro
gram for Easter Sunday. Mass at
7:30 and 10:30 a. m. Preaching by
Rev. Father Schmidt. O. P. Vespers
at 7:30i
o '
Central Congregational.
Corner 19 th and Ferry strect3,
Rev. p. A. Stlllmnn, pastor. Sun
day school, 10 a. m. Morning ser
vice, 11 a. m. Easter sermon by the
pastor. Special music both by the
Sunshine and the adult choir. Tho
sermon will be followed by a com
munion service and the reception of
new members. No afternoon or
ovening services on account of the
services In the tabernaCle.
Race auicido
As President Roosevelt calls It Is not
nearly the menace to increase In pop
ulation that deaths among Infants
are. And eight out of ton of these
deaths are directly or Indirectly
aaused by bowel troubles. McGeo's
Baby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysen
tary, sour stomach and all Infant ail
ments of this nature. Just the thing
for teething babies. Price 25 and
GOc. Sold by all druggists.
Of good health should prevent sick
ness instead of lotting themselves get
sick and then try to cure it. So long
as you keep your liver, bowels and
stomach In a healthy and active con
dition you won't get sick. Ballard's
Herblne relieves constipation, inac
tive liver and all stomach and bowel
troubles. Sold by all dealers.
One way of being, remembered is
to leavo behind a lot of unpaid ac
counts. A falling tlijy nervts no larger
than tho finest silken thread' takes
from the heart Its impulse, Its pow
er, Its regularity. Tho stomach also
has its hidden, or Inside nerve. It
was Dr. Shoop who first told us It
was wrong to drug a weak or falling
stomach, heart or kidneys. His pre
scriptlon Dr. Shoop's Restorative
Is directed for the cause of these
ailments these weak and faltering
Inside nerves. This, no doubt, clear
ly explains why the Rostorativo has
of late grown so rapidly In popular
ity. Druggists any that those who
test the Rostorativo even for a few
days, soon become fully convinced
of its wonderful merit. Anyway,
don't drug tho organ. Treating the
causo of sickness Is the only sensible
and successful way. Sold by Capi
tal Drug Store.
Nothing In tho way of a cough Is,
quite so annoying as a tickling,
teasing, vheezlng, bronchial cough.
The quickest roHef cornea perhaps
from a prescription known to drug
gists everywhere aa Dr. Shoop's
Cough Remedy. And bssldea, It Is
Mi thoroughly harmless that mothers
lre it with perfect safety even to
'be youngest babes. The tender
leaves of a s'mpls mountain shrub,
-five to Dr. Shoop's Oough Remedy
ts remarkable curative effsot. A
few days' teat will tell. Sold by
Capital Drug Store.
' W4H4Wfrlff t ta4tteittlfcglJi
I 1 144 East State St. Phone 460
Save Your Cash Checks
With every $10 worth of cash cheoks returned you receive EOc
In merchandise, given as a premium.
"A Penny Saved Is
A Penny Earned"
Our prices are at tho bottom.
--- o oa o iBiBian
f O 8 6 HP
Foley's Kidney Remedy Is a safe
and certain remedy for all kidney and
bladder diseases, whether acute or
chronic. It is a splendid tonic for
middle aged and elderly people, and
a sure cure for annoyances and Ir
regularities of the kidneys and blad
der. J. C. Perry.
Is there anything moro rotten than
the polltax swindle, anyway? Yet a
few years ago they tried to make you
show a polltax receipt before you
could vote.
A Swollen .law
Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether
It Is caused by neuralgia, toothache or
accldont, Ballard's Snow Liniment
will reduce the swelling and relievo
tho pain. Tho great and sure cure
for rheumatism, cuts, burns, scalds
any and all aches and pains. Sold
by all dealers.
A 20-acro fruit tract. Wo havo
20 acres closo to Salem, in the best
of fruit land; all In Royal Ann,
chorrlos, boarlng young orchard.
This Is an excollont fruit ranch and
can bo bought at a reasonable price.
Eight-room house, not finished,
on 20th St., with 8 lots. A roal
cheap pluco if taken at once, for
Five acres on Jefferson Road, one
acre strawberries; cheap, $000.
4-room houso nnd two lots on
22nd Stroet for only $700.
10 acres, Joins' eity limits; -nil
In cultivation; 8-room houso; hard
finished; brick foundation; good
well on porch; barn; a flno place for
Two lots and 5-room house; a flno
residence. For a short time $2250,
Npw Is the time to buy your
farms, we have them from the best
to the poorest, and prices reasona
ble. Inquire at our offlco,
.7. C. SCIIL'LZ & CO.
Rooms 1 and 2. Bush Bauk Bldg.
For Farms nnd City
My llMt may cou.nln exactly what
you want. T n .TORY
205 Com'l St. Salem, Or.
The quality for our coods Is of S
B4c i a io nniin iC'Ugi g khob
Shoes i
Low shoes for men, ladles and
children that fit and wear well.
Low priced. Call and see them
before buying elsewhere. You
will bo pleased with my goods.
Repairing done. Speak German
and English. i
115 N. Liberty St. Phone 7C3
IO I s) I CM'8 1 8 1 0 KH 8 1 8 Q 1818 849M
Of course everybody does that, and
Laundry Work can't bo Judged any
other way. Everything subjected to
our artistic treatment comes out as
clean as a polished surface, as clear
as crystal and as bright as a Bum
mer's day. Articles washed proper
ly last twice as long and look twen
ty times better than goods badlj
laundrled. We make cheap fabric
masquerado for something better.
Phono 25. 130-100 South Liberty St
Read The Journal Want Ads.
O. Co T. C O.
Steamers Pomona and Oregona
leavo for Portland Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 10 a. m Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday at 6
m. For Corvallls,. Tuesday, Thure- 1
day and Saturday about 6:30 p. m
M. P. BAM) WIN. Ar
Phono 44 Main. 147 N. High st.
Proprietor of
Cabs and Livery. All Rigs
Aodern Rubber Tire.
Good C room houso. barn, well,
fruit trees, 2 flno lots for only .$800.
Torms easy.
A good C room house, barn, fruit,
etc. Lot 100x165 ft.; 2 blocks from
car; $1400.
A flno 20-acro tract 5 miles out,
running water; good well; houso; 2
barns; orchard; 3 acres, timbor and
pasturo; 3 cows; 1 holfer; 2 calves;
2 horses; wagon; buggy; back
harness; all tools; 50 chickens; 100
bus, potatoes and corn. A snap at
1000, torms.
A beautiful 20-acro home; good
9-room house; 2 barns, orchard.
All kinds fruits and flowers. This
is a dandy, closo. In. Terms; seo It.
12 acres, close, flno Improvements.
Lots of fruit. Just outside of city,
cheap. $3700.
40 acres 5 miles out. Good Im
provements, fruit etc.; no bettor
land, fine location. This is worth
seoing; only 97500.
5 acres of splondld orchard, 6
miles out; mostly winter apples; no
buildings. $1,500.
Two nice lots on State St., $100
Good now house and lot, nort'i
front, $1,000. Easy terms, small
5 room house, north Commercial
St.. $1,Q00, ,
Houses' In all parts of city for
sale and rent. Fruit tract orchards,
hinall and largo farms. For bargains
of nil kliulfi seo me. A)o employ
ment for both men and'women, nil
lines of work. Notary work and In
surance. For the best opening, in a fine
new progressive town on the Chica
go, Milwaukee, ft St. Paul R. R. at
Otliela. Washington. Lots from
$75 to $soo, easy payments. Guar
antee steady work-, at good wages
aud If property is not as represented
your nioney back with expenses.
8 EH
Cor. Commercial and Center Sts.
i I
Classified Ads
Capita! Journal "Want Ads" Bring
Quick Results
Ob ctnt a word 'or flrnt tnitrtlon.
,)n-bl( ctnt a wo.d for mch Initrtlos
tktrrtfttr. No a4wtUfmnt tikto lot
itn than 26c Cunt six word U tb
FOR SALE Choice lots closo In, al
( bo 6-roomcd houso and two lots,
$1300; good 200-acre farm, 100
i acros under cultivation, running
j water, 3 horses, 10 cattle, 40 goats
! 20 shoop, 100 hens, 2 acres or-
chard, 7-rooiu house in fair condU
tlon, largo barn, all farm imple
ments, Including wagon, buggy and
harness, all for $35 per acre; also
5, 10, 20 and 25-acros, $90 to $175
per acre. E. Luptou, 1408 Ferry
street. 3-1-1 in
I WOOD FOIl SALE. Ash and fir
wood doltvered in 12 and 16-
I inch, In 4-foot lengths. Slddall
& Eaton, 570 N. Liberty. Phono
h 1CC3 12-29-tf
F0U SALE Good general merchan
I dlse business. Only store at
place. Part cash. Address O,
Journal oftlce. 1-14-tf.
OUR mixed pork sausage sells for
10c per pound. 173 South Com
mercial street. 1-12-tf
FOR SALE Good 1 H. P. Staver
gasoline engine, cheap. Inquire
. at 178 Sojtn. Liberty St. 5-23-ti.
FOR SALE Extra choice seed pota
toes. Also a quantity of Fmall
potatoes. J. H. Lanterman. 9G0
Broadway. Phone G78. 3-5-tf
FOR SALE Modern five-room cot
tage, bath and plumbing complete,
full cement basement, furnace, elec
tric lights, flno lawn, fruit trees,
shade trees, berries, flowers, 1477
Chemeketa street. 3-10-tf
FOR SALE Ton lots; nowly fonced.
All under cultivation. Seo owner,
22 nd and Hyde streets. Turner
Road. 3-14-lmo
For sale, 17 CO Wallaco stroot.
WANTED AT ONCE. Five mon to
work on farm und hop ranches, 2
men and wives to work on farms,
4 men and teams, 1 chambermaid
All good wages. A. C. Smith Co.,
544 State street. Phon 1507.
iEN WANTED Hop yard work;
$1.75 per day. Krobs Bros., Bush
bank building. Phono 121.
TEAMS WANTED Hop ynrd work
Krobs Bros., Bush bank building.
Phono 121. 3-10-tf
WANTED A lady cook and lady
pastry cook, Enquire at 311 Na
Commercial. Ask for Mark B.
Coom. 3-3 lit
WANTED. To rent by desirable
tenant. 7-room houso, modorn lm-
, provomonts central location; no
children. Call or address 495 N.
Commercial streot. 3-25-2t
SOIL FOR SALE. Sold very reason
able; good loam for lawns or other
filling dellvorod. If you want ex
cavating dono, phono mo. D. D.
Barron, Phono 204. 3-25-;tt
FOR SALE Six room houso, four
lots, 940 North Seventeenth St.
FOR RENT A lG-acre hop yard.
For furthor Information Inquire
of W. II. Egnn, Gervals, Orogon.
R. R. No. 2. Phone, Farmers, 36.
FOR RENT Flvo-room house, oiio
block from IJIghlund depot. 2102
Elm uvonue. 2-1916t
FOR RENT 52 acres of new land
Just outsldo of city limits, for
grain or corn on shares, one-third
of crop. Enquire R. R. Ryan,
corner Commercial and Contor
Sts. 3.24-3t
FOR RENT Six room house, with
barn nnd garden ground, at 19th
and Bellvue streets; $11 per month
Seo D. W. Eyre nt United StateB
National Bauk. 3-25-3t
tolate delivered to prlvato families
in any quantity, to any part of the
city. Starr Oil Co. Phono 1241.
of Husbandry Meets in Hurst
Hall on Stato street; on tho fourth
Saturday of each month, at 10:30
a, m. Visiting and sojourning
members welcomo, F. A. Myers,
master. Zolla S. Fletchor, secre
tary. 12-31-lyr
Woods, tuning, polshlng, repair
ing. Telephone 934. Shop 630
N. Winter 8t. 3-3-lyr
A I'loaHint Phytic.
When you want a pleasmu physic
give Chamberlain's Slomaoft id Liv
er Table! a trial. They are mild und
gentle In their notion and always pro
duce a pleasant oatliartlo.effeat Cull
ut all good druggists' drug stores for
h free sample.
PAINTING Paper hanging and siga
writing. Seo mo It you aro think
ing of doing work of tho abovo do
sorlption. P. O. box 213. Allan
Hutcheon. Saloni. 3-10-lra"
wlnos. liquors and cigars. Wo h au
dio tho cclebraW Kollogs and
Castle whiskies. Cool and rs
-reshlng beer constantly on draught
South Commercial St 9-S-lyr
city hall. For wator serrico apply
at offlco. Bills payable monthly
In advance.
247 aiiu-r street, souta Basem,
manufacturers of all kinds ot
boxes, cratea and fruit dryer ac
cessories. Phone 308. tS
ELLIS & WOOD -Real estate.
loans and Insurance, notary pub
lic, employment bureau. Phone
554. 476 Court street, Salem, Ore
gon. Ticket ofljco Hamburg-Amor-lean
steamship lines. 11-1-lyr
H. O. MEYER & CO. -The best and
largest shop in the city. Six
first class harbors. Only first class
bootblack In city; porcelain baths,
auu everything pertaining to a Itmf
class shop. Also, carry a Sail SPJ
of cigars and tobacco and barbers'
supplies. ' 162 Commercial street,
next door to Statesman offlco.
DR. B, H. WHiTE,
Osteopath and Nerve specialist Grad
uate of the American School of
Ostoopathy, KIrksvIllo, Mo.. 1902.
Post-graduate and specialized io
nervous diseases nt Los Angeles
Colege 1909. Treats acute tond
chronic diseases. Consultation
free. Lady attendant. Offlco
505-6 U. S. National Bank Bldg.
Phone 859. Residence 336 North.
Capitol St.; phone 469. 8-30-tf
Estimates made and first eljL
work done. I. D. Driver, Ba.7
North Capital tTt, Salem, r.
Phone 926. 6-XC-tS
130 Libwty St. Phono 486
Paper Hangers and Painters
Carry a full lino up-to-date Wall
Hangings, Mouldings oto. Paints
Varnishes, Calsomjno and Glass
THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot
wator a ad steam heating and tin
ning, 164 Comcrclal street. Phone
Main '192. 9-1-Ly
heating, gas nt ing; prices reas
onable; vrork guaranteed; estl
mtaes Iirnlohod. Phono S73.
1066 Chomoketa streot. 4-17-tS
sors to Cummins Bros. Transfer
orders for transferring promptly
attended to. Wo also carry a lino
of building material, pastor, ce
ment, lime, building blocks, and
fancy cement bricks.
Old Postofflce stables, at 254 Fer
ry street, botweon Commercial
and Fi ont. Telophono 188. Some
of the finest llverlos In the city
an be found hero. W. W. John
sou, tl
more than any other broad, yet
the price is no high or. For sals
at your grocer's. California Bak
ery. Thomas & Cooler. Props,
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6340.
Moots ovory ThurPlB venlng at
8 o'clock In Holraan hall. W. W.
Hill, Counsol; F. A. Tumor, clerk,
ery Friday night at 7:3ft o'clock
in Holman hall. aeo. II. Dacon, O.
0.; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk. 1-19-0B
W. H. Byrd, president; Mrs. H.
W. Meyers, vice-president; Ed,
Gllllngham, secretary. Executive
commlttoo: Rev. Barr O. Lee.
Miss Klttlo Moore, Mrs. E. Holer.
Cases of cruelty to animals should
bo roportod to this Socloty for ln-
A man frequently owes his reputa
tion to whut people don't know about
A Timely Protection.
Everyone Knows the after otfects of
a grippe aro often moro dangerous
than tho disease. So often It loads to
pneumonia, which a weakened heart
action makes fatal. La grippe
coughs that strain aud woaken the
system yield quitftly to tho healing
and strengthening qualities of Foley's
Honey and Tar. Refuse substitutes.
J. C. Perry-
Uvsryhody should loveTkomus A.
ttdlson for his b&autjrul. joj)Mwlsui.
He predicts an era of cheaper cloth
ing and less woidc.