PAGE FOTH DAHjY OA 1 IT A i JOURNAI SALEM, OREGON, KIUDAV, M.YHCJI 23, 1010. TAYLOR STRIKES STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOULDER .V On t It' mm TUC THE LotsinWorden, Dorris and ML Hebron now being sold by this Com pany at $225 for the three will be increased to $500 for three the Firs $7 THIS IS A FAIR, SQUARE WARNING, AND IT WILL GO INTO EFFECT AS SURE AS THE SUN "THESE lots are worth $ 1 000.00 of any man's money to-day. We are not begging you to buy but if you want to make real money we offer you the opportunity. We have sold this property at less than its value long enough to please the public. We have given you your opportunity and if you have passed it up in the hope that this property "would be cheaper after a while" you will only fool yourself and miss the opportunity of a lifetime. WHOLESALE REAL ESTATE UNITED STATES Phone 715 t Day of M RISES AND SETS s v;, Mr OF APRIL 1. ay the Price Thr BANK BUILDING, Salem, Oregon K V ;?,: J - SAYS "YOUIt WIFE'S MONEY MAY KEEP YOU OUT OP THE TOOK HOUSE, 1JUT HER ItELIGIOX WOi . KEEP YOU OUT OF HELL"." The tabernacle was well filled again last night, the singing by the' chorus choir was excellent, the or chestra delighted the audience with a flno selection, Rev. Davis Errett offered the opening prayer, Mr. Weg ner sang "I Am Satisfied With Je sus, Is Ho Satisfied With Mo?" very effectively. Mr. Taylor took occa sion to pay his. respects to certain calculated to keep people away from tne meetings ana especially one in which It is charged that Mr. Taylor had hold up a five dollar gold piece, and said that he wanted every man In the tabernacle to come prepared to give that much to him next Sun day afternoon. Mr. Taylor denied unqualifiedly that any such expres sl.on. had been made and said that not only would no person be com' pelled to pay anything to get into the tabernacle, but that no person would bo compelled to pay anything for his services against his will. Ho also remombered the author of an Infamously obscene screed which had been written and passed In the tabernacle In a way that would surely set the man who was the au :hor of It to thinking. I The subject of Mr. Taylor's ser mon was "After the Funeral i What?" His text was from He brews 9:27. "It ts appointed to men once to die and after that the judgement." Mr. Taylor said In part: "Every man must die. Wo know that that' part of the text Is true. If God told the- truth In that part of the verse, why not accept the other part. You cannot prove to m that you will live through thf3 night, You may bo een now In the shadow of your coffin. The gospel Is a warning light which may mean oither danger or safety according to the position from which we look at It. If you were In a contracting cell such as was made for the pur pose of torture In the olden times, and should see the cell steadily con trading, and know that It was only a matter of a little time when it would crush out your life, you would be thankful to me If I should open the door and tell you that you wore free. Jesus sees us In the con tracting day of grace that is fast narrowing us down to the time when wo must pass Into eternity and says, "I will give you life, Hber.ty, salva tion. I do not want to depend on any guess work when I cross the bar. I want to know with Paul that there Is no condemnation to them which are In Christ Jesus. I wish that I might say something that would shock you and set you to thinking. There Is little use In preaching a sormon on swimming to a drownded man. The funeral ser mon Is of little use to the man un der the coffin lid. I want to preach your funeral sermon while you are still alive and It can do you some good. Shakespeare says, "For In the sleep of death what dreams may come?" After the funeral What? "The Bible says every man shall give account of himself before God." You cannot do this by proxy. Your wife's money may keep you out of the poor housif, but hor religion won't keep you out of hell. Your father 8 politics mny put you In of fice, but your mother's religion won't put you into heaven. I would rather have standing room in heaven than to own the universe and be a lost oiil. T-hero are many things In the bible that we cannot understand, but we can understand that God Is ready to save us if we will lot Him do so. Some of you sneor at God and th'nk you can cheat Him. Oh, that I had words to paint the judg ment, the lightnings flashing, the elements in turmoil, the world melt ing with a fervent heat. Come on, you who have trusted. In sophistries and false reason, look at the skele tons of your missed opportunities, you who have trusted In your day books Instead of your bible, In gold Instead of God, come up and see what a fool you were. Yotir only hope Is in the mercy of God. Accept His mercy before It id too late, o Discovers Meningitis Scrum. Now York, March 25. Physicians throughout the city are discussing tho possibilities today of a serum discovered by Dr. Simon Flexner, which ho contends has reduced the mortuary per cent attending spinal meningitis, to a minimum. Dr. Flexner claims that the serum cured 107 caBea out of 123, - Tlin usual mortality from thedisease 1 from 70 to 80" per cent. JFiexner's experlmortts showed a mortality of 1 . mi . , xv jiur uuni, iuo uiurwut)UiB were carried on In various New York' hos pitals. Flexnor's announcement was. made secretly to a selected numbor" pf physicians but later tljo report of mo discovery spreaa. , o . i ,Capt. Bogurdus Again Hits the Bull's l Kr. as Doing "sinuous." Senator Gore This world famous rifle shot whojhns tho misfortune of being blind. 100 consecutive living In Lin- j 0 - coin, 111. Recently Interviewed, ho. Fortify now against the Grip says: "I have suffered a long time! for it comes evorjr season snre! with kidney and bladder troubles and : Prevontlcs tho little Candy Cold havo used soveral well known kid-1 Curo Tablots offer In this rcspoct noy medicines, all of which gave me a most certain and dependable eafo no rellof until I startes taking Foloy's guard. Preventlcs-, at the "sneeze Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley's stage" will, as well, also surely head Kldnoy Pills I was subject to severe off all common colds. But prompt- backache and pains in my kidneys, ness is all-important. Keop Prevon wlth suppression and oftentimes a' tics In tho pocket or purse, for In- i'louly voiding. While upon arising stant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold In the morning 1 would get dull head- by Capital Drug Store, aches. Now I have taken three bot- ties of Foley's Kldnoy PUls and feel , 100 per cent better. I am never both-1 ered with my kidneys or bladder and 1 once more feel liko ray old self. All 1 this I owe solely to Foley's Kldnoy : Pills, and always recommend them to my fellow sufferers." J. C. Perry. 1 The greatest thing in the world is the plain truth. IMPEMALES MOUTHPIECE CIGARETTES " have a great reputation because they tell the truth about good tobacco, finelv blended. You cannot buy a better cigarette for the money and that is a fact accepted eveiywnere as true. 10 for 10 cents THE JOHN BOLLMAN CO Mfr. POSSE KILLED BLACKMAILER, ONE ESCAPED f UNITED rnHSB LKASBD WIUD. Pueblo, Colo., March 25. So far today the authorities have been una ble to get trace of the companion of Sam Falcone, a blackmailer who es caped from the sheriff's posBO yes terday after Falcone had been shot and almost Instantly killed by the posse. Falcone and his companion had written threatening letters to Tony Santuso, In which they ordered San tuso to place $2,000 in an old can tlree miles beyond the poor farm. Santuse did so but not until he had notified the sheriff who, with several deputies, sought concealment nearby. When Falcone and his assistant started to take the money from the can, the officials covered them with thcilr guns and ordered them to throw up their hands. Instead -of obeying, the blackmail ers opened fire on the posso. The officers returned the volley and Fal cone fell mortally wounded. His companion escaped on horseback. o ' Councilmcn Indicted. Pittsburg, Pa,, March 25. Five former members of the Pittsburg common council were indicted today by the grand jury. The indictments charge the former councllmon with receiving ?102,bu0 from six Pitts burg banks for their votes in favor of the passage of an ordlnnnce nam ing the banks, as .municipal deposi tories. The men Indicted are William Brand, Charles Stewart, John Klein, Joseph Wasson and Hugh Ferguson. Blew Up the Police. CNITBD 1'ltESS LEASED WIHB. Philadelphia, Pa., March 25. The police are seeking the perpetra tors of another dynamito outrage which last night injured six police men who were riding in a patrol wa gon. The wagon was moving along the street car tracks when the explosion occurred. The vehicle was going at a fair' rate of speed and the force of the explosion threw it to one side and hurled the police to the pay ment. None was seriously injured. It Is believed that the dynamite was intended for a street car and that the blowing up of the wagon was accidental. o The Lash of a Fiend Would havo been about as welcome to A. Cooper, of Oswego, N. Y., as a merciless lung-racking cough that de fied all remedies for years. "It was most troublesome at nights," ho writes," "nothing helped mo un til I used Dr. King's Nev DIs- , covery whici curod mo completely. I never cough at night now." Mil lions know its matchless merit for stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore lungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whooping cough or hay fever. It relievos quickly and never falls t satisfy. A trial convinces. 60c, ?!. Trial bottle free. It is positively guaranteed by J. C. Perry. o Coughs that start tn the fall and hang on until spring are sure Iroubja nreoaera unless cnecked and curtd. Bronchitis, pneumonia and consump tion are the direct result. Foley's Honey and Tar euros the .cough, steps the hard breathing and heats and soothes the Inflamed air passages. Refuse substitutes. J. C. Perry. Senator Gore, In a, speech a few iya ago, referred to the president: