DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM OREGON, 'WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1010. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. HOFER, Editor and Proprietor. AN6ERS PETITIONIN Attention Mr. Builder! Independent Newspaper Doroteil to American Principles and the Ifogrosu and DOTOlopement of All Oregon. mblishcd Bvory Urenlng Bxocpt Sunday, eolem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (lnrarlablr in Adrance.) ally, by carrier! per year W.00 Por month...... ...Oo JaJlT, bT nll, P re- M Pcr "oath 83o tpMily, by mall, per rear. 1.00 Six month ...Bfo FREE LOCKS For Mount Diablo Cement Senator Bourne and Congressman Hawley Working Hard for Results Tied Up With Red Tape and Awaiting a Satis factory Report From the Board of EngineersWas Once Favorably Reported. Wall Plaster We Are Exclusive Agents PAGE TWO. 8 FOR I TH AND CANAL Overland ard You wont the Normal School qucs tlon separated from Politics. That Is what tho inltlntlvo bill dooa for Monmouth. Tills Is your opportunity to keep It always separate. Tho State educates her lawyers, farmers, doctors,, pharmacists, etc., Why not her teachers? Tho better trained the teacher, th? better school and moro intelligent service tjic child gets. Vote Yes, for Monmouth. . . o THE FAIR GROUNDS BOULEVARD. (The stroet dopartmont, the mayor and council, tho Hoard of Trade and every live man In Salom should pull for the boulevard to the State Fair Grounds. City, county and state should uhito for this boulevard. There will bo two thousand automobiles at Salem this fall at the State Fair, and one narrow streot, twenty foot wide, Is all we have to let. people get back and forth. Ijot us put up a public subscription mul build II. It is a neglect, a crime, a shamo, that some way cannot bo found to put through a broad, oasy boufovardfrom tho State Houso to tho State Grounds. A growing state, a growing" fair and growing city demand It. It Bhould bo a straight, wide streot, macadamized at least, and should not bo made dangerous with a street car line. This should be done at once, and there should be no dodging. If, wp cannot rise to tho needs of a Capital City, lot us resign and ay we do not know hqw to run a Capital City. Salem people should know Portland is ready to take tho Fair. ft'thero Is no other way to do this, lot there bo a decently organized movement of tho property owners to build the boulevard. o WHO WOULD NOT HAVE THE GUIDANCE OF THE LORD? WWIVIil UftlWlbV J. MVt VJllO UL 1111 D bandry has boon circulating peti tions for the Freo Locks and Canal at Oregon City on tho Wlllatriotlo River, and all tho granges In the Willamette Valloy are joining in petitions to congress for tho ennct mont of tho law. Tho state appro priation of $300,000 was secured by a committeo of tho Granges and commercial bodies of which tho Edl to'r of The' Capltnl Journal was ohnlrman and fight Is being kept up through tho delegation in congress who are an unit for this enterprise. Following letters have been received from two of the members from Ore gon: LETTER FROM SENATOR IJOURNE. Washington, D. C. March 15. 1910. Colonol E. Hofor, Salem Oregon. My Dear Colonel: I am in receipt of yours of March 7th enclosing a petition from some of tho granges o'f Marlon county, asking for an appropriation for free locks and canal at Oregon City. I shall take great pleasure in pre senting this in tho senate. As you are probably aware, I introduced somo time ago an amendment to the River & Harbor Bill for the pur- j poso of providing a government ap-, proprlntlon of $300,000 to be ex pended in cooperation with the state for the purchase of the present locks or the construction of new! canal locks around the falls at Ore gon City. The amendment Is now1 pending before the Committee on Commerce in the senate. It is nl-1 most impossible however to secure, an appropriation in the absence of"! a report from the Chief of Engl- j neors favorable to the purchase or' construction nnd estimating the 1 amount that will bo necessary to carry It to completion. Ncverthe- less, I have been working very hard I on this mutter In the hope that 1 1 may be able to secure the approprl- ' atlon which the people of Willam- cue vaney so union uusirtr mm ii which I believe the available com-1 IllUtC 11.11 JllDllllUO. 1 DDUll lW JUW know as soon ns possible what ac tion tho Committee on Commerce takes. Thanking you for transmitting this petition to me I am Yours very truly. J. BOURNE, .1R. Nephi White Hard waii Piaster We handle building materials of all kinds, including doors, windows, mouldings, lum ber, laths, shingles, roofing and building papers, Lime, Sand and Gravel. Wo have a limited amount of low grade material, suitable for cheap buildings and sidewalks, on which w. e tuakln'g estroraely low prices. HereYou Will Find REASONABLE PRICES GOOD QUALITY PROMPT DELIVERY Foot of Ferry St. Offlco Phono Main 88 By tho Lord we understand tho Divine Mind that rules tho affairs of tho universe. Wo read in Psalms 19 what this Divine Mind Is and docs for people. "Tho law of tho Lord is porfect, converting the soul. "Tho testimony' of tho Lord Is sure, making wise tho simple "Tho statutes of the Lord uro right, rejoicing tho heart. "Tho commandment of the Lord 1? pure, enlightening the eyes. "Tho fear of tho Lord Is clean, enduring forovor. "Tho judgments of tho Lord nro true nnd righteous altogether." To understand tho abovo read It again and substitute "Divine Mind" for "Lord" wherever It occurs and learn wisdom. OFFICIALISM ALARMED AN PARASITES IN REBELLION. Tho curse of modern government is multiplication of officialism, in local, state and national affairs. This parasite class want to dictate appointments, nomination of candi dates and control of government. They toll not, nolthor do they spin, and their abhorrence of working for a living has become a second naturo. This naturally turns them against any man who stands for tho appli cation of business principles In public affairs. This class of blood-suckors live lln0 tho woodcock by suction, from the life-Juices of tho people. They hato an honest man or an honest expression In a newspaper like Tho Capitol Journal as a bedbug luitoj vermicide. Docause a man, at tho ond of twenty years, has a few friends who vol untarily back him for public offlco taey writhe and wriggle like a garter snako with Its tall stopped on. Tho editor of this paper has been montioned by newspapers, and Is be ing talked 6f by friends, for tho Republican nomination for governor. This arouses tho Iro of tho offlcial class, and tho smaller tho paraslto that hangs on tho body politic, tho louder it squeals. Tho thought of an Indopondont prlvnto citizen bolng takon up by tho people and put In a pivotal position where ho would be apt to beat off somo of the parasites is appalling. Third and fourth-class postmasters are federal officials nnd not sup posed to bo managing tho politics of tho pooplo, yet these pap-suckers holler louder than any. Llttlo, hungry, snapplng-turtlo-brainod editors, llko Billy Clarke, of Oorvals, and Addison Bonnott, of Irrlgon, both stamp-llckers on commis sion, can't sleop nights out of puro sllcitudo lest tho Republican party bo raped and outraged by such a man im Col. Hofer being made governor. Tho plainest farraor, tho hardest-working laboring man, has moro sense and Just as much Influonco In public affairs as theso parasites havo his Influonco kills theirs his voto does ft. nut why should not tho petty pin-licad parasite howl, when ho knows ho Is getting what ho doos not desorvo, and getting It for his alleged devo tion to principles of which ho is as dovoid as a two-bit curtain polo. Tho paraslto class may well howl at tholr prospects If Col. Hofor should bo made govornor or Orogon. They would got such a oloanlng out that tho state would lose a largo number of Its petty aristocracy by re movals to other commonwealths. Tho ox that troadoth out ita maator's corn knows Its duty no bottor than they know tholrs, and. that Is to light Col. Hofer. o FOIl A .MORE BEAUTIFUL CAPITAL OITV. THE PLAY OF "ST. ELMO" PRESENTED AT THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE HERE TONIGHT UNDER THE PERSONAL DIREC TION OF FREDERIC BELASCO. Tho sbutlo Interweaving of intense dramatic situations, with a profound roilglous sentiment, in which Wil ESCAPADE CITY JAIL San Francisco, March 23. Mar garet McCarthy and May Sullivan, two pretty girls from Los Angeles, are in the city jail today because they donned male attire and started to rowed the ' necessary clothes from male friends. The girls had reached California and Stockton streets, the heart of the Chinese quarter, when they were noticed by Policeman Curtis. He ob served that they took unusually short steps. A hurried Investigation was made, and then two tearful young women were bundled Into a patrol wagon. -o Notice of Final Account nnd Scttle-Ment. lard Holcomb, tho inspired young ; explore Chinatown playwright, has succeeded in faith fully following Augusta J. Evans' story of "St. Elmo," has mado this play tho dramatic sensation of Now York, and in tho cities of the East it Is being witnessed nightly by Miss Sullivan Is the daughter Michael Sullivan, superintendent streets in Los Angeles. THE our'm (Somparv This is nn old song with Tho Capltnl Journal. It has hollered mid prayed for parks and sunken gardens. Tho odltor In tho city council got plans drawn for Wlllson avonue. Tho park committeo, compoBOd of Stolz nnd Eldrldgo ondorsod tho plan.' Then .after spondlng about $200 la llmo an plans It was abandoned. It was found that somo of tho park board was not satisfied with tho plans. Like Fnlrmount Park, It was knlfi'd mul scuttled by some ono who first favored it. In splto of those IniluoncoH from tho stone ago, and tho days of sani tary regulations conllned to tho rall-ronco corners, Salom must be mado a boautlful city. Salem must have paved Htreets, bo tor Mater, artistic bridges, boule vards, parks and moro beautiful private residences. Tho city has cone to tho crossing of tho ways and must take tho right road or be lost in tho woods. EVERYBODY'S FOR EASTER. Tho April Everybody's always trios hard to have an exquisite covor page. A dozen unhatohed chicks In tho sholl nro premonitions of niuga.iuo nurprlst'H. Threp storloB worth ropoatlng "Under tho Spreading Chestnut Treo," pans th,o limit. Tho Rtdgowuy Co. (Spring and Micdougol stroots, N. Y.,) also makos a special. It was to tho Now England merehmts and manufacturers, telling them what oils them, t West Mr. Rldgowny would got a big salary as a boostor. Nothing In tho way of a cough Is quito bo annoying as. a tickling, teasing, whoorlng, bronchial cpugh. Tho quickest relief comes porhapa from a prescription known to drug gists everywhere ob Dr. Snoop's Conga Remedy. And boeldoa, It Is o thoroughly hnrmloss that mothers slvo It with porfect nafoty ovon to tho youngest babes. Tho tondor loaves of a almplo mountain shrub, give to Dr. 8hoop's Cough Roniody lta remarkable ouratlvo offoot. A few days teat will toll. Bold by Capital Drug Storo. TL A fi t. I 1 l Ka I. 9 uapuai National carm Salem, ureflon Capital, Surplus mul Undivided Profit. 1 10.000. Officers and Directum: ,j, lit Aiuen i-ream am X. M. Crolsan. . Vice-President g Jos 11. Albert caauier John A. Corson Geo. F. Rodgors In Dr. Shoop'a Health Coffee, pure healthful toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc., aro bo cloyerly bl.onded as to glvo a wonderfully truo coffoo taBte, color, and flavor. And besides. Health Coffee goes a third farther than any otbor kind. You actually got 100 full cups from a 25o, iu pound packago. And Health Coffee la "made In a minute." No 20 to 30 minutes tedious boiling Is, at all necessary. And bealdos thorn la not a grain of real coffoo In It. Sold by J. W, Harrltt. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Marlon: In the matter of the estate of Aaron T. Bliss, deceased: Notice Is herobv 0f given that Charles G. Briggs, admin of istrator, with tho will annexed, of the . estate of Aaron T. Bliss, deceased, Has The young women, both of whom "eu .ms "nlu . account as sucn admin are 18 years of age, have been guests; istrator of said estate in the county at the Hotel Piedmont. They bor- cour of ? s.tate of Oregon, for the : county oi iManon, ana mat said court lias appointed and set Monday, the i 25th day of April, A. D., 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, and the . court room of said court, in the city I of Salem, county of Marlon, state of , Oregon, as the time and place for the I hearing of objections to said final ac count and tho settlement thereof, and that all persons interested in said es tate may appear on or before said date and file any objections thereto. Dated Salem, Oregon, March 21, 1910. CHARLES G. BRIGGS, Administrator with the Will An nexed of Estate of Aaron T. Bliiss, Deceased. T. H. Ward and Frank Holmes, Atttorneys. 3-21-5t o Heating Plants. Sealed bids will bo received by tho Board of Directors of School Dlst. No. 24 In Marlon County, Oro gon, at the office of the School Clerk at No. 3S8 State St., In Salem, Ore., for Heating and Ventilating Plants, 1 to be installed In tho Englewood and East School buildings. Bids to bo received on tho two! plants together and also on same separately. Certified check of 5 per cent of tho amount of bid to" accompany each bid. Plan of buildings can be had at Architect F. A. Leggs' offlco in Salem, Ore. Bids to bo opened by tho Board, April 2, 1910, at 7:30 p. m at tho High School Building. Board reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. H. A. JOHNSON. JR., District Clerk. 3-17-10t-dly THE WEDDING RING That magic llttlo band that plays Its Important part particularly by popular favor after the advent of EASTER. CUPID, with his magic key, loosens the gentle fetters of al ready united hearts, and proc'alms the sacred union that calls for the crowning blessing of human lives. And Then the Creations For the Bride A jewelry store is the natural place to seek gifts of lasting value. Thore aro many things here that are beautiful, useful and that will hold their worth almost indefinitely. Numberless arti cles in jewelry that give much pleasure to the bride. EASTER GIFTS Have become popular and the custom Is growing. Theso little gifts need not, of necessity, bo large or expensive, as thore are so many other gifts to be mado during the year. It is, nevertheless, decidedly graceful and. appropriate to remember one's friends on this, one of tho most joyous festivals of the year. If flowers aro appropriate, why not a handsome vase to put them In? Wo have some very dainty and beautiful vases in cut glass. They aro not expensive and we will be pleased to show them to you. Barr s Jewelry Store Corner State nnd Liberty Streets JESSES Thoro la n rumor that someone wished to aeeaeslnato the vloe-prwl-denu l'erhap he hoard sam&ona oll him "Sunny ,11m." 1 , o- . A Hwollcn tlnw la sot pretty nor pleawnt. Whether It Is cAuied by neuralgia, toetlmahe or accident. Itallanl's Inow Unlmout will reduce the swelling and relieve the peln. The great ami aure euro for rheumatism, outa, bums, aealda nny and all aches and pains, gold by oil dealer. crowds which tax tho capacity of the theatres everywhere. Metropolitan critics havo do olnrod that nothing so profoundly gripping has boon staged In tho East Tor years. Throe generations of thoatro-goors havo lost thoJr hearts to it. Grandparents, paronts and chlldron. Its sweep or satisfaction Is universal. To bo prosented here by tho Alonznr Touring Co. this ev onlng at popular prleos or best re served seats at $1.00 nnd down. "A Stubborn Cinderella." That quality musical play, "A Stubborn Clnderolla." will bo aeon at the Grand Opera Houso on Satur day, March 26. Manager Mort. 11. Singer an nounces tho original cast headed by Mr. Homer D. Mason and tho ori K'nnl Princess Theatre production. Or tho numerous successes of The Princess Amusomont Company, "A Stubborn Clnderolla" has been tho moat sensational. It Btnrtod Its ca reer In Chicago, playing nil through tho torrid boat of summer when every theatre oxcoptlng tho Princess had to close Us doors. The past summer this charming play dupli cated at Iloston tho phunomennl run at Chicago n year ago. Its pretty plot, startling chorus features and exceptionally strong cast, stamped it lust aeason ns tho most noteworthy musical show over produced and no doubt a capacity audience will be dollghted with "A Stubborn Clnder olla." Sent on aale nt box office, Saturday, at 9 a. m. Grand Opera House Jiu. F. Cordray, Mgr. JUDGING UY APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that, and Laundry Work can't bo judged any other way. Everything subjected to our artistic treatment comes out as clean as a polished surface, as clear as crystal and as bright as a sum mer's day. Articles washed proper ly last twice as long and look twen ty times better than goods badly laundrled. We make cheap , fabric masquorado for something better. SALEM LAUNDRY CO., rhono 25. 130-100 South Liberty St. ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23 r. Frederic Belasco Presents A Man of Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous en- orgy are never found where stomach, j liver, kidney and bowels nro out of order. If you want theso qualities ' nud tho success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills, tho matchless , regulators, for keen brain and strong body. 25c at J. C. Perry's. Dramatled by Willnrd Holcomb (Tho Big New York Success.) From Augusta J. Evan's book of the ' muno unme. THE DRAMATIC SENSATION OF THE YEAR Prices, $1.00, 75c, 50c. Seat salu opens on Monday for subscribers and 1 ou Tuesday for gonerul public. Nott. A full house ror "St. El-, mo" secures all the Belacso plays for Salem. A physician declares ho nutomn bilo promotes nppendlcltls. He ma bo correct, but there are cheaper ways of acquiring the disease. o A Nelghbor-of Yours. As well as yourself is liable at any time to havo rheumatism. Wo'ro all liable to have cuts or burns, bruises or scalds, crick in the back, neck or aide somo kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advice and tell your nolghbors Ballard's Snow Liniment all wounds. Sold by all dealers. To much work and no ulv makee dull beys and dead ouee CHICHESTER S PILLS J?'v' 'VB' ""su u . few. Mtifel .M, kw iuilZ V IHAkMtUulnt.AlMMllaUkhU SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Grand Opera House, JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. SAT., MARCH 26 rhif real musical comedy event of the aeoson 1 Quality Musical Play A STUBBORN CINDERELLA With UOMMll U. MASON. All the original r&vorltee, the Original Mum mot h Scenic Pro duction and The Famous Prlnceea Theatre Chorus (Most superb alnstng and dancing chorus In America) A Whirlwind or Fun, Muele and Pretty Girls. Prloee. $1-00. TSc, 50e, Seat ale start Frtde.y ut 9 a. m. Everything in 'Plumbing Good Workmanship; Reason able Charges Our Motto. We do steam and hot water fitting. libbals & Petersen Court street, botween Liberty and High. Phone Main 5G7. Fire O Fool Proof 1 "i Proof NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that on the 12th day of March, 1910, tho under signed, Seid Back, sold and assigned all of his right, title and Interest n and to tho lease, agrcultural Imple ments and livestock on that certain hop ranch and vegetable garden lo cated ou tho Bono and Whltaker ranchoe on Browa Island near Sa lem, Oregon to Wing Hlng Yin & Company, and that the said Wing Hlng Yin & Company havo assumed and agreed to pay all indebtedness against Seld Back on account of said ranch, and is also tho ownor of all the claims against parties for com modities purchased: from said ranch The said Seld Back will be no longer responsible for any work done or supplies or material furnlshod said ) ranch, and all pereous are directed to pay the said Wing Hlng Yin .v Comimny for any debts due to said ranch, and present any bills against j said ranch for payment to the Bald Wing lung Yin & Cdtnpauy. i SEID BACfc. 3-16-6t-dly Care For Your Trees Spraying Pumps and Hose at all prices. Seo us for Aero-motor Wind mills, Fairbanks-Morse Gas Engines. SANITARY PLUMBING Best workmanship our motto. PURVINE & LESLEY Cor. Front nnd State Street. Phone Main 346. In considering maklns yenr i tjrht, or cooking, why not com the F. P. Gbd Machine and bora Light Will soil aud Install thu ' m md guarantee It to give n pt rnt moro light for tho bh. oonej I than electricity or city gas. Let m Hgure wth you, ostlamtes furnished Call at my shop aud see the llghti nd Btpvea In opomtlon. I also carry PYRO DENATURED LCOHOL utilities. Safe, cconomi fAl, odort-s A. L. FRASER Gold Dust Flour Made by (he BYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made fcr Family Use, Ask your grocer tor It. Dru and Bhorts always o band. P.B. WALLACE, Agt. Salemjme Works Hlittar 1HA S58 tttaie Ut Yoh can lead the average' man a; mile easier than you can drive hlmj a rod; and. if it happens to be a woman, ten of 'em. ! ueadquaneis tor Woven Wire tVncins. Hop wire, Barb Wlro, i'.'uitry Netting, Shingles, Mai i.irt Rooting, P. & B. Ready rioot ng. CHAS D. MDLLIGAN 250 Court St. Phone I'M