Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 21, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"H 4
We 'do not live by bread alone, Even a busy
man gets bored sometimes. What 'we all
want is a congenial method of relaxation
something that will amuse us, The less ef
fort required to secure the amusement , the
better, For such a purpose the Edison Phono
graph is ideal; It is right there aid always
ready the ever-present entertainer,
It is just as good for entertaining your
friends as il is for entertaining yourself, even
'though they do not like the same things you
do, The marvelous versatility of the Edison
'Phonograph is only' equaled by its marvelous
ingenuity, Hear it,
Proporty ow'nors In the city who
arc interested In the subject of
street pavement met Saturday even
ing In the city hnll with Mayor Rodg
crs and Councilman Stoltz, chairman
of the committee on streets, for tho
purpose of conferring with relation
to the formation of a street im
provement company.
The movement was Inaugurated
because of the fact that there has
generally been delay In tho securing
df crushed rock for pavement and H
has also been held at a high price,
and It was to do away with these
matters that tho property-owners
liave decided to take matters In
their own hands.
The paving situation was thor
oughly gone over, and In the cortrso
I of tho discussion It developed that
an examination of tho records by
the mayor showed that the Warren
Construction company had broken Its
contract with tho county for the use
of tho crusher at a rental of $E a
day, and it was suggested' that tho
city enter Into an agreement with
tho county, install a plant al tho
quarry and thereby become Indepen
dent of companies In tho matter of
rock material. The suggestion was
made that the company incoporate,
purchase the 'necessary machinery
for tho grading, and a committee
was appointed to secure data on the
proposition, and it will leport back
to a meeting to be held during the
L. F. SAVAGE, Mgr.
,A Hunting Song by tho
Composer of the
'. "Stein Song"
"You remember how "intoxicat
ing " the Stein Song was. Tins
mew "Hunting Song" will just
carry you ofF your feet, You can
almost i'eel yourself astride of a
good horse, following the hounds
at break-neck speed. It's'Edison
:Stnndnrd Record No. 10319
Your dealer will play it for you on the
1 7&k
Gel complete Hit of M.urh Iterord from
your denier, or write to Nntlonal I'lionogrnpl,
Company, 7J Lakeside Avenue. Druniv-'i N. J
Plies Cured In a to 14 Days.,
PAZO OINNTMENT Is guaranteed tt
cure any case ot Itching, Blind, Bleed
lng or Protruding Piles in C to 14
days or money refunded. 60c
0001) ROADS !
Pursuant to a request made by
one of its many subscribers the Cap
ital Journal hereby publishes the
names and salaries of tho county of
ficials, and they are as follows:
H. P. Minto, sheriff $4000
F. J. Rice, assessor 4200
W. II, Bushey, county judge. 1200
R. D. Allen, county Clefii.... 1800
D. G. Drager, county recorder 2800
J. G. Moores, treasurer 1200
W. M. Smith, sounty school
superintendent 120C
W. H. Goulet and J. T. Beckwith,
county commissioners, $4 per day
for every day in session, together
.with mileage.
The salaries of the sheriff, recor
der and assessor include the salaries
of their 'deputies. Tho county clerk
In addition to his salary is allowed
by statute three deputies The firs'.
deputy receives a salary of ?10O per
month; thi second, $75 per mont'i,
and tlie third, $50 per month The
count' school superintendent is alfao
allowed $400 a year to bo used for
an assistant.
ijf Wfe p, ft,
Is Really a Science
t It needs study and thought much more of it than the av
erage man can afford time for, The clothes we make meet all
the requirements of the most fastidious dressers, as well as
those who demand the greatest service for their money, We
make the clothes fit the man, and not try to make the man
fit the clothes, Our line of new spring fabrics contains all thai
fashion decrees, Our prices are as low as goodness grants
and as high as the best quality and workmanship require,
Easter Is a Good Time to Get That
Spring Suit. See What We Can Do
for You in Suits from
$ 1 0 to $30
You will find the best tailoring talent is demonstrated in every
suit on sale in this store, ., ,
When it comes to furnishings, men are no less critical than
. women,-. We've carefully studied the male taste in everything
contained in our Men's Furnishing Department, That's why so
many men leave the question of selection entirely to us,
Prices are The Lowest
Consistent With Good Quality
There was a good attendance at
the Woodburn Good Road meeting
last Saturday. E. P. Morcom pre
sided in a very graceful manner and
introduced Col. E. Hofer as tho first
speaker, who advocated state high
ways built out of an appropriation
with convict labor, If the county
puts up a part of the expence say
25 per cent.
Judge "Webster advocated the coun
ty bonding 'plan to amend the consti
tution so aB to allow counties to Is
sue bonds for the construction of
permanent highways.. He was asked
at the close whether Multnomah
county would ever make use of the
bonding proposition and admitted
to Col. Hofer such was not the In
tention, as that county could build
all the roads It needed without any
bond issues.
County Judge Bushey spoke of the
dlmcultles the county court had to
contend with In road, matters, and
how they were working it out in
Marion county without running the
connty in debt. There Is prottv
strong backing hero for County Com
missioner Gouley to become a can
didate for re-election this fall and he
has consented to be a candM-'
the people want him.
He that sows wild oats ot any va
riety should remember that sure will
tho harvest be.
After electing officers and also ap
pointing a committee to take the
stepa necessary to the forming Of
the club into a corporation, tlu
Canoe Club, which met Saturday
evening, adjourned to meet again on
April 1.
The club has for some time con
templated the erection of a com
modious clubhouse and, looking to
that end, it has been negotiating for
a site on the banks of the Willam
ette river near the Salem Flouring
Mills. The subject was discussed at
length .at the meeting and the plan.
141 Commercial St. Phone 4-7.
ill "teJlih
84 8 9 tOf 4Hhe-WWtfrWW'C 1 9 i KH 818191 9 t g i f 10 HBW
1 121 Commercial Street
George C,
Phone Main 159 S
1 Joyous and Clear and Fresh f
2 Tells you concisely what the "Edison" records always
I are, The latest and most popular always carried in I
$ stnnk. Manv charming ones among the new arrivals.
T -ww... . j l W - JL.
Come In and near I hem $
j Pianos and organs sold on installmont plant and rent-
1 ed, A complete line of latest sheet music always on
hand, Everything in musical instruments,
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a great
sufferer from female troubles which
caused a weakness
and broken down
condition of tho
system. I read so
much of whatLydla
E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound
had done for other
suffering women I
felt sure it would
help mo, and I must
say It did help mo
wonderfully. My
pains all left me, I
frew stronger, and within three months
was a perfectly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to
show the benefit women may derivo
from Lydia JJ. Pinkham's Vogotable
Compound." Mrs. John O. Moldan,
2115 Second St., North, Minneapolis,
Thousands of unsolicited and genu
ino testimonials like the above prove
the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, which is made
exclusively from roote and herbs.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
not lose sight of theoe facts or doubt
the ability of Lydia E. Pinkliam'a
Vegetable Comjtound to restore their
If you want special ndvlco writo
to Mrs. Pinkliaiii, nt Lynn, Mans.
confidential. For tiO years slio
lias boon helping sick woman in
this way, froo of charge Don't
hositato ivrite ut oacc
as outlined, was to supply the clali
houso with baths and complete gyn
naslum equipment, but tho matter
did not go further than a discussion
as prior to proceeding it will be nec
essary for the club to incorporate.
A committee was appointed to take
the steps necessary for incorporation
and when it reports back to tho club
at the next meeting some definite
action will probably bo taken as to
the clubhouse.
The officers elected are: Chester
Cox, president; Dan Allenvlce-pros
ident, and Russell Smith, socrotary
and treasurer.
Tho Medford Tribune has words of
warm praise for "St. Elmo," which
was recently presented in that city.
It took Eugone thrco days to get
through colobratlng tho oponlng ot
Its new Y. M. C A. building.
The Medford Tribune Intimates
that the Willamette vajley will never
raise gobd applos, and yet that sanio
valley had made tho Oregon red ap
plo famous long boforo tho world
had ever hoard of Rogue rlvqr. It Js
true that the apples grown In tho
Robuo river country are tho very
best, but there 'are othor orchard
countries, and tho Wlllaniotte valley
Is one of them, and one of the best,
One of the causes -of high living
is tho habit some people have of
eating cereal foods, In which wheal,
oats and corn are sold at about 10
a bushel, which is a high price for
that kind of stomach dlstender, and
fashlonuble "bran -mash."
The Corvnllls Republican advo
cate) banishing chickens from the
corporate limits, and thoy are Amer
ica's greatest song birds, top. The
same paper iwys that city Is "long
on dons."
Otto Kuhn, a Now York hanker,
pa'd $600, 0QO for an oil painting.
6 by 9 feet. Over In eastern Oregon
lie could buy three townships. 0 by
18 milew, for that sum, and havt-
2000 wiuare miles or tn? flneat seen
ery on 'ur:ti thrown In.
When an auto runs Into and
wrecki u cigar itore, can the acci
dent by any posit, hie construction be
declared due u "wreckleaa" driving?
Now Utat Si. Patrick has mn
proper'y honored, St. Ulnio will be
here Wctlnosday, and a dandy good
saint, too.
Having had Col. E, Hofer duly
rttn over by a strcot car when he
was CO miles away, safoly stowed
away In St. Vincent's hospital and
slowly recovering from Ills mutila
tions and Injuries, it is to bo hoped
tho Orcgonian Is satisfied.
Mrs. G. Lake ot Seattle has adopt
ed tho calling of "counselor in do
mestic affairs." It Isn't a now trade,
for nearly every woman delights In
trying her hand nt It for her neigh
bors. ' Tho ohances aro Mrs. Lake
has been through tho divorce mill.
It Is said Eugene paid Oliver, tho
ovangollst, $300 a week for live
weeks; but then It was glad to got
rid of him nt any old prlco.
S '
' Clihuiglion Ik Xot Irish.
But recently my muso broke forth
In song
Lugubrious and laohrymoso, and
Tears In hor voice, ns In her eyes,
I ween,
'Cuuse in tho dust trailed Erin's
woll-loved groon,
Whon the ,"Tur Baby," colored imp
of sin
And pot of Boston, got the best of
PJynti. ,.,
The dusky Idol df tho Hub's
"Back Bay"
Plucked Ireland's shamrock on St.
Patrick's Day.
Today sho sings, hut with a Joyous
With bubbling laughter, Jolly, gay
and right.
It was no Irlshmnn that foil; no,
Ply nil, bo It known, was but a
name "de guerro,"
From Oroeco, or Spain, or maybe
country Stygian,
fJCame ho who bore It, and bin nnmo
No strotch of fancy, such a name
ns that
Could fnatyn on an honest, pug
nosed fat-
Ods death! Ods boutklna! Ukewlae,
also, pshaw!
No nigger fingers touched an Irish
So a n a. my muse, as Joyous as a
Creaieirto! Hyaa! Bkookum! ('lit.
Bravura! Hlp-hljt! ifolty! That's
the cliial
French. ' ICngl'sb. Irian. Dutch, or
what you plsaaa
Just so your song leavea not a
shade of doubt
That 'twas 110 Irishman went down
and out.
Heating Plants.
Scaled bids will bo recolved by
tho Board of Directors of School
Dlst. No. 24 in Marlon County, Ore
gon, at tho offlco of tho School Clerk
at No. 388 Stato St., in Salem, Ore.,
for Heating and Ventilating Plants,
to bo Installed In tho Englewood and
East School buildings.
Bids to bo received on tho two
plants together and also on same
Certlflod check of 5 pop cent of thn
amount of bid to accompany each
bid. Plan of buildings can bo bad
at Architect F. A. Loggs' office In
Salem, Ore. Bids to bo oponcd by
tho Board, April 2, 1010, at 7:30
p. m at tho High School Building.
Board reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids.
District Clerk.
Don't Break Down.
Sevoro strains on tho vital organs,
llko strains on machinery, causo
break-downs. You can't ovor-tax
stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or
nerves without serious danger to
yourself, If you uro woatc or run
down, or under strain of any kind,
take Electric Bitters tho matchless
tdnio medicine. Mrs. J. E. Van do
Sando, of Klrkland, III., writes "That
I did not break down, while enduring
a most severe strain, for threo months
Is duo wholly to Electric Bitters."
Uso thorn and enjoy health and
strongth. Satisfaction positively
guaronteod. COc, at J, C. Porry's.
ABstu, Cmi Knur ftrBirrtMspyiMTVATto, j
MVHIIIOWHTOUIl. HrJ8i.dt!utu. 1
faction Uuart4 r Unr ltrd4, tout WrvM
for DIM) ur Lot. Will iitwl ihccaoa trlaJ.la I vmli tut
ba rl(fV4. HarapW Km. Ifvuf drufIildMlt
um miw yvur vrutrt hi inr
SolrJ In Salem bv Dr. S. C. St on
Snlem'a most popular roa
taurant, 302 State street. We
nevor close, open all night.
Wm. McGilchrlst & Sons
Notica Is hereby given that on tho
12th day of March, 1910, tho under
signed, Seid Back, sold and asslgnod
all ot his right, title and Interest n
and to the lease, agrcultural imple
ments and livestock on that certain
hop ranch .and vegetable garden lo
cated on tho Bono and Whltaker
ranches on Brown Island near Sa
lom, Orogon to Wing ITlng Yin &
Company, and that the said Wing
Hlng Yin & Company havo assumed
and agreed to pay all Indebtedness
against Seid Back on account Of said
ranch, and Is also tho owner ot all
tno claims against parties for com
modities purchased from said ranch
Tho said Sold Back will bo no longer
responsible for any work done or
supplies or material furnished said
ranch, and all persons are directed
to pay tho Bald Wing Hlng Yin &
Company for any debts duo to said
ranch, and present any bills against
said ranch for payment to tho said
Wing IUng Yin & Company.
A Neighbor of Yours.
As well as yourself Is liable at any
time to have rheumatism. Wo'ro alL
liable to havo cuts or burns, bruited
or scalds, crick in tho back, neck or
side some kind of an ncho or pain.
Then heed this advice and tell your
neighbors Ballard's Snow. LInimont
all wounds. Sold by all dealers.
Cold air Is quite a different thing
from pure air, Bo sure tho cold air
is pure.
A falling tiny nerve no larger
than the finest silken thread takes
from tho heart Its impulso, ita pow
er, Its regularity. Tho stomach also
has Ita hidden, or inside nerve. It
was Dr. Snoop who first told us It
was wrong to drug a weak or falling
stomach, boart or kidneys. His pro
scription Dr. Shoop's Restorative
is directed for the causo ot theso
nllmonts -those weak nnd faltering
Insldo nerves. This, no doubt, clear
ly explains why tho Rostoratlve has
of late grown so rapidly in popular
ity. Druggists say that those who
tost the Restorative even for a tow
days, soon became fully oouvirced
of its wonderful marlU Anywav,
dpn't drug the organ. . Jjroattng tho
aause of sickness Is tho only susibla
arid successful way. Sold by Capi
ta) Drug Store,