PAGE FIVJfc. ran ,"-,' HAIL, CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1010. jjj H jjj jii BIBi (i cSIEB il v f - : ' A., v AY the joy of an awakening Spring brighten every heart at this Eastertide is our sincere wish. May each heart have the experience of casting off all that is dark and doleful, and enjoying to the full the bright and beautiful. We greet you with the most ATTRACTIVE SPRING MERCHANDISE that has ever been our good fortune display. We have rightfully been styled the HELPFUL STORE, because our styles are absolutely correct the quality of our merchandise the very best, and our prices the most reasonable. We always desire you. shall have splendid welcome. During the Alteration Sale there are over 100 cut prices. New attractions added this week. We have -secured these values in nearly every case by buying in very large quantities. The reductions are such it 1 OO Cut rices--1 oo New Tailored Suits Arrived . This Week The long' looked for. Tailored Suits have put in an appearance at last. They are elite in the ex treme; everyone exclaims at their real beauty they are not loud,' but of that quiet elegance that pleases the truly refined. During the Alteration Sale even the new I suits that just arrived AVILL BE REDUCED IN PRICE. NEW SHIRT WAISTS The new Summer Shirt Waists that have arrived only range in price up to $4.00, but they are daintily and taste . fully made, of sheer materials, trimmed in lace and embroid ery in many pretty designs. Easter Selections 8n Low Shoes Never before in the history of this store have we shown such an allur ing array of Oxford styles for wo men. Newly made and right form the John Kelly Shop artsltic .crea tions for the most critical. Reacfs Dress Goods-None Better We are showing as stylish Na display of Dress Goods as you can find in any large city. The fancy Diagonals, new Wool Coverts, all colors in Plain Serge,. which is so much in demand. The Fancy Stripe, English Tweeds and many others. We justly have tho name of being the best dress goods house !u Salem. There is positively no dress goods that equal Read's Little Girls' Dresses The daintiest and sweetest little dresses imaginable, varying from the sheer white material to the pretty ginghams. Prices reduced during the alteration salo. Little Boys' Waist Suits Very snappy suits. Price's reduced during the alteration sale'. ' NEW DRESS SKIRTS The new plaited effects in the latest materials, some with t'-e new overskirt effect; values from $3 to ?18. Have You Bought Spring Low Cuts? Longer and' warmer days Indicate that winter boots should go the way of furs and mittens. Oun new Oxfords aro so handsome and good you'll have no trouble In making a se lection or in being properly fitted. Do Voir Care ' for ' Really Swell Clothes Shoe Comfort and Shoe Style Get both here; Tho greatest shoo values are always here. I Then glanco through our MEN'S 'CLOTHING STOCK and see tho smart Spring Suits. Tho man who realty wants value- and also Insists on correct stylo and a porfoct fit-" ting and long wearing suit can readily bo accommodated here. No clothing ever expressed tho above feature In so largo a measure as those, mado to our specifications by Cohen Lied-, man & Co. Prices from 510.000 to $35. QO. During tho Alteration .Salo wo offer a specall nssortinant of brand now suits at ?J),75. . New Trimmings The most artistic display that was ovor placed before tho Salem public. In tho vory nowest and latest designs. The new gold nud Bilyor effects, beautiful pearl and Persian designs, also tho embroidery on not In all colors. The beauty of thesb dofy description. We Invito you to' Inspect them. Prices 20c to $12.00. TABERNACLE CROWDED YESTERDAY MEETINGS WILL PROBABLY END WITH THE AVEEK HAVE AWAKENED THE RELIGIOUS SENTIMENT IN THE CITV. Yesterday was a- big day at the tabernacle. The spirit of revival raa high and conversions were many. At the afternoon meeting 17 meu accepted Christ and In the evening 20 men and women, 37 In all. This weok will close the meetings in all probability, and, as the end Is rear ing the spirit seems to" rise higher and higher. The "music and singing yesterday was up to the standard If not a little better. In the afternoon meet ing Mr. Wenger and Mr. Eppley fa vored tho audience with a duet en tlPed. "Jesus Lover or My Soul" nr.,1 thn Ministers' nuartot sang, "The Dawning Love." Mr. Wognor sang "My Mother's Prayer." Mr. Taylor's address to the men at this meeting was truly one of the finest addresses the writer has ever heard. His subjeot was "Chickens Corns Home to Roost," and while one would gain the Inference from th topic that the speech would be H farce It was quite different Though It Is true that laughter was inramiiarcod now and then, men's handkerchiefs wero brought Into play quite often In drying tho tears. Big, stalwart men wept like babies as the speaker revealed unto them facts and statements that wero un deniable. He showed the evils of men and women up so plainly that some were wont to hang their heads In shame. His text was found In Psalms 104:35 and reads: "Let tho sinners be consumed out of tho earth, and let the wicked be no more." He went on to state that without the grace of God in their hearts men were susceptible to all kinds of evil influences and society was endan gered thereby; that- the only way for sinners to be consumed out of the earth and the wicked be no more, is for men to seek Christ and .theJr soul's salvation. About 2,000 men were in tne lanernacie ai mis meeting and their attention was un wavering as tho horrible truths were thrust upon them like a fnsllade of bullets. At the evening service the build ing was jammed to th doora and many stood outside, so 'anxious were they tp hear the gospel presented. The orchestra rendered a special selection, the Stalwart quartet sang, answering to an encore. Mr. Weg nor sang very Impressively, "What Will You Do With Josu?." The title of this song was'also.the subject of Mr. Taylor's address, taking for his text. Matt. 27:22 "Pilate salth un to them.what shall I do then .with Jesus which is called the Christ?" The sermon was full of spice and ginger from beginning to end and raised the question In the minds of many, "What then shall I do with Jesus." Some chose Htm as their savior; oisr Hair is Worth it Then why not cra&ult your doctor? Itn't your hair worth It7 a.i. n t mImms 4.(A 'Mr ViKw far falling hair. ww - " j - - - la ii joes no Losor oie others said, "Not tonight." How men and women can stand up under tho preaching of such facts and say "Not tonight," Is boyond all cogni tion. His sermon all through was an earnest plea for the acceptance' of Christ. The meetings will at least last through the remainder of this weok and till Sunday night of next, but no assurance Is given out for them lasting longer than that. The ladles' meeting at tho M, E. church wns, we are Informed, very interesting and filled with much en thusiasm, much talent being dis played among the wives of the Salem pastors Tonight Rev. Taylor will talkon "The Power of Memory." Every body Is Invited totittend these meetings. THE CORONER'S JURY WILL REPORT- TODAY Seattle. Wash., March 21. The coroner's Jury Investigating tho Wel lington avalanche, left for Welling ton by special train at 9 o'clock this morning headed by- Coroner J. C. Snyder to completo tho taking of evidence. Tho Jury will leave Wel lington on the return tonight and will probably reacll Its verdict bo fore arriving in Seattle. Strange cases of mistaken Identity jj "n"nu i crop out m me inquest. E. W. Boles of Mjiyberry, Ont. twloe reported dead In the wreck, ap peared before the Jury Saturday to testify. He had walked to Scene the day before the slide. Joseph Benler, a timber cruiser, walked Into the morgue yesterday and looked at a corpse tagged, "Joseph Beuier. No. 83." "Some mistake,' said Ren jar. "1 missed the train. JUDGE BURNETT HOLDS COUUT TO IIEAll ARGUMENTS Judge Burnett today hold an In formal session of tho circuit court for the purpose of listening to the arguments of motions and demurera and preparing matters in general for tho expediting of tho court work when the regular term convenes lu April. Because of tho fact that the proceedings were of an Informal character no rulings were mado but the various matters submitted wero taken under advisement until the regular terms commences when tho decision will bo announced. Ruhhlght Cuse Bo Flrnt. While no cases wero sot for trial today "owing to tho facts, as stated, suggestions wero entertained by Judge Burnott as to the tlmo of tho trial of cases. It was suggested that tho case of tho State of Orogon against Jos. J. Buhhight bo tried first. Buhhight Is charged with ex tortion, and tho crime Is alleged to consist In threatening to prosecute Alfred Kllnger on tho charge of Bell ing Intoxicating liquors to a half- broed Indian unjoss ho paid him tho sum of $35. Buhhight Is tho city recorder at Mouhta Angel. Tho noxt caso to bo tried will probably bo that of 0. A, Whalo, ad ministrator for Mrs. C. A. Whale, against tho Portland nllway, Light & Posver Company. Mrs. Whalo fell from ono of tho cars of tho company Inst fall during tho fair near Marion quaro and died from tho injuries rocolved and the suit is brought to recover damages for hor death. o- . Some women want to vote; others merely wont a voter. Many n reformer Is -willing to work at his trade only on the condi tion that ho bo put In chargo of tho payroll. Pictorial Review Patterns are unexcelled In style and workmanship; simplicity and accuracy characterize every model. Ton and fifteen cents, Including a cut ting and construptlon guide, Invaluable to the home dressmaker. Spring Quarterlies and April Patterns now In. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Miti. B. T. Hwart i!71 Commercial Ht. FIELD GARDEN FLOWER Experience and a thorough knowledge of our business and the markets of t,he world enable us to furnish tho very beat seeds ob tainable. It has taken many years to eatablsh this relation with the producers and beat grownrs, but only In thUt way is It possible to obtain the finest, true stocks at no greater wist to our customer than the ordinary k'ada. Q Alt DEN, FARM AND ORCHARD SUPPLIES Fletcher & Byrd 312 North Commercial Street, Salem THE WEDDING RING That magic little band that p'ays Its Important part particularly by popular favor after tho advent of EASTER. CUPID, with hla muglc Key, loosens tho gentle fetters of 1 ready united hearts, and proc'nlniH the sacred union that culls for the crowning IjIlw.Iiik of human llvos. And Then the Creations For theBride A Jewelry store Is the natural place to seek gifts of lasting valuo. There are many things horo that aro beautiful, useful and, that will, hold their worth utmost Indefinitely. Numberless arti cles In Jewolry that give much pleasure to the brldo. EASTER GIFTS Hhvo become popular and tin custom Is growing. These little gifts need not, of nncosstty, ba largo or c&piinslve, us thero aro so many other glftB to be mado anting the year. It 1b, uqvertholoss, decidedly graceful and appropriate to remember one's friends on this, ono of the most Joyous festivals of tho your. If (lowers aro appropriate, why not a hundsome vase to put them In? We have some very dulnty and beautiful viihos In cut kU'sj. They are xiox expensive and we will be to show thorn to you. t larr's Jewelry Store Comer (State and Liberty Streets s