OAIliV OAFITAIj JOURNAL, SALEM, 0HKG0N. MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1010. r - 'r IDAHO PAPER TELL S OF A BIG MAN WHO DID BIG THINGS IN A DIG WAY ' David L. Burley When Made General Passenger Agent of the -Oregon Short Line Proceeded to Advertise Itfaho He Was a "Smohalla" Who Made His Dreams Come True He Gave Free Transportation to Everyone Who Would Go East and Push IdaliQ. and Irrigation. -r .-r- ffiUvr NOW HAS DREAM OF SPUDS J" ' Has Studied Potatoes Until He Is an Authority on that Argus-Eyed Fruit, Knowing More About It Than Pizarro, Who Discovered It, or Grubb or Burbank, Who Are Famil iar Enough to Be Chummy With It. .1, The Boise Capital News, one of the coast's "wide awakest" newspa pers, in its issue ot March 14 has an editorial under the caption, "A Dreamer's Accomplishments," that is one of the best and most artistic ally written descriptions It has ever been the Journal city editor's good fortune to read. Not only is the edi torial good, but the man whom it depicts is a remarkable man, one whose acts all tend to the upbuilding of any community he becomes Inter ested in; one who doesn't know what mossbacklsm means; who Is a.3 bright as a polished needle, as en ergetic as a mountain wood-rat; a progressive, go-ahead, never-say-die. optimistic man who does big things In a big way and sets the pace for others to follow by showing them how things can be done. The edi torial follows: "The world is Inclined to laugh at dreamers. They are pronuunced impractical and with that their Ideas are dismissed with a smile, moro of toleration than aught else. "But there Is a great dreamer who has done much for Idaho, nnd who lias, perhaps, never received the credit due him. And the peculiar thing about It Is now that his early dreams are coming true, instead of 'waking up' he continues to dream other dreams. "T!l!s Man some twenty years ago saw for the first time an irrigated tract of land. He didn't know a thing about irrigation, but he saw things that others failed, to see; he dreamed. He saw thousands of families cultivating the soil of Idaho made fertile by the transmission of water where but single families were then found. He appreciated what it meant to have water to seep into the soli, reaching the seeds and roots of grains and trees, just at the very time that water would do the most good, for he had lived In Nebraska, where water was often lacking just at the moment when Its presence would double or treble the crop that was produced when the crop did come. "When David L. Burley accepted the position of general passenger dgent for the Oregon Short Line railway, he was not satisfied to see his trains loaded with people ticket ed to Oregon or Washington points or from those points through to some eastern point; he wanted to see the time arrive when his trains I would be carrying passengers .back and forth in Idaho and carrying 'tickets from outside points to points E-asy WalKing That's the " Tread-well " The Fine Shoe For Men And there fs truth in this, too. II you are ar...w ...... , protection from dampness ucsiucs u wen uHF"""a Then Investigate' theTreadwell" A shoe in which the best workmanship, material, variety and sen slbleness In lasts have combined to make the desirable shoe for men. The Instep the vamp the one-piece counter uooayear wens arcs an hiuiiuui with the "Treadwell." Ask your dealer d . He can tell you. We also make pother high-grade shoes. Martha Washington for Women. Honorbllt for Men. The "Dry Sox" Shoe for wet weather. The Billy Buster for Boys, ' and others. YOUR DEALER SELLS THEM. The Washington Shoe Mfg. Co. Seattle, Wash. 1 within that state which carried so j many miles of the Short Lino sys tem. That ambition helped him magnify his dreams, perhaps, but (lie first work he did was to set about Inducing people to come to Idaho. "HT'had a dospernte time of it, and frankly (acknowledged that It cost him moro to get one man lo cated In Idaho then than it does to got a thousand of them today. He first adopted the theory that tho man who know by personal experi ence what Irrigation would do, wa3 the proper man to send among tho farmers of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and surrounding states. According ly he furnished free transportation to all who would take the trip from Idaho to go back and preach the dlctrlne Of irrigated iands. Those approached however, looked with suspicion upon the accounts of tho productiveness of Irrigation, and re fused to believe what they were told. "Then what amounted to a detec tive agency was adopted. When ever it could be learned that any whei'e In the central western states it was learned that a man had sold his farm and was thinktng of going elsewhere, agents were sent 'to him to present the claims of this wonder ful Idaho land. Still the results were unsatisfactory, even though personal sollcitation,was resorted to. "But Burley dreamed on. Thesn western men who had tried irriga tion and knew what It would do, were not believed. Some other plan had to be devised. Every land agent of every railway running west of Chicago and every real estate agent in all the towns of that country was made' agent of the passenger depart ment of the Short Line, and they were paid a commission upon, every sale of Idaho land made through thenj. They exerted every energy to induce people to visit these won derful lands. Passes were given the agents so that they ihight come and see for themselves and might know that they were not being asked to misrepresent. They came and, of course, were more than satisfied. Tlie stream of immigration was started. "Then the new and more exten sive Irrigation plans were made and carried into execution. "The dreamer began to see the re alization of his dreams. "He is dreaming again now. He sees Idaho producing potatoes to feed, the world. This dreamer who has the habit of making his dreams come true, thinks nothing but pota toes, he can talk nothing but pota toes he even dreams potatoes. "Satisfied that no other country is so well adapted to potato culture, this dreamer sat in his office in Salt Lake City and planned a campaign which in the end will tax the full capacity of the railway which he in part represents to make provision for. "Ho got Into correspondence with the best potato raisers tho world knows. He studied the question un til Grubb, tho 'Potato King,' could sit down and take lessons from Bur loy, tho man who "never raised a potato. He knows to a pound how many potatoes are required annurl ly to feed tho people of America. He knows where these potatoes are raised and he knows how many bushels per acre can be produced in every section of the world; he knows who has raised the largest and best hill of potatoes In the world and how he did It and he knows who has raised the largest and be3t acre of potatoes In tho world and how it was dono. "He engaged some of tho most successful and best posted potato raisers In tho world -' ordored a special train and sent thorn to ovory village, hamlot and town along the Oregon Short Lino In Idaho to toll the peoplo about It. "Ho didn't end thorc. Ho has of orcd cash prizes for tho production of potatoes. Theso prizes are not io bo paid by tho railway company, they are to bo paid by D. E. Burloy. tho dreamer. "He has studied how to make slilpmonts of those potatoes cheaper. . Ho know that a car could not bo filled more than a third full, or something like that, because thoj weight of tho potatoes above would crush and brulso those below; he has had worked out a new1 kind of box, cylindrical in shape, which will cost no more than tho ordinary po tato . sack now in use, which will hold half-bushels and bushels of pb tatoes and which can bo stacked Into a car to tho very roof, protecting the bottom potatoes as complete),' from bruises as are tho lower ones, "Theso boxes can bo shipped In flat and aro-so made that they can bo readily set up and filled with tho fine product of this irrigated Idaho soil. "Ho learned that ambitious but unscrupulous potato raisers else where had Injured the market for all potato products by first packing the best potatoes at tho top; when discovered at that by opening the bottom, they learned to put good ones both at top and bottom, and finally, when sacks were opened on tho sides, they learned to put a stove-pipe down tho center, filling It with stones, scrubby potatoes, dirt or anything which would givo weight and add to dishonest prices. "To guarantee this Idaho product he is preparing to havo established at potato centers in the state at St. Anthony, Idaho Falls, Twin Palis, Boise and other places a machine for packing potatoes. "He learned that orango growers had a machine which first took tho orange, cleaned it with a brush, then passed It along a carrier until the largest struck an electric pin, which caused that orango to drop to one side into a -box prepared for it. The' others passed along until tho next largest was separated from tho rest, and so on down to the small ones, which were dumped into tho last re ceptacle. "As the oranges wero turned to one side, they passed onto a basin, where a machine picked up a wrap per already printed and prepared, placed it over a hole, rolled the or ange onto the holo over tho paper, dropped It through Into the packing box, where It was placed, all wrap ped and ready for shipment! " 'That is just tho thing wo need,' said this dreamer. 'Wo will clean, polish and pack those Idaho potatoes that way, and thus will establish Idaho potatoes tho world over as the best market potato produced and the most reliable.' "And again this dreamer of a great Idaho will make good to an extent not yet dreamed of by most Idaho people. -o An Ideal Cough Medicine. "As an Ideal cough medicine I re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In a class by itself," says Dr. It. A Wiltshire, ot owyannevllle, Ind. "I take great ieasure In testifying to the results -of Chamberlain's Cough Medicine. , i. , I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the expectations of tho most exacting in cases of croup and coughs of children As it contains no opium, chloroform or morphine It certainly makes a most safe, pleasant and efficacious remedy by all good druggists. .mwlJiWWhilu.lV,Jl usines sMan? Then You Need Exercise All Physicians Say So After a liftfd day In store Or office the tired brain needs rest, This resf comes from physical exercise, There is Notice of Intention to Improve Win ter Street. Notice Is hereby given that the Common Council of tho City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve Winter street In tho City of Salem, Oregon, from the North lino of Court street to North Mill Creek, in said city, with crushed rock cement pavement, ac cording to tho plans and specifica tions adopted for such improvement, and on fllo in tho office of tho City Recorder, which said specifications are horeby referred to for a more perfect description of said improve ment, said Improvement to bo made at the expense of the adjacent prop erty within the limits of said Im provement. Remonstrances may bo filed against said Improvement within 10 days from tho final publication of this notice. Tho date of tho first publication of this'notlco Is tho 9th day of March, 1910. ByO rder of tho Common Council. W. A. MOORES,' City Recorder, 3-9-lltd WAlTHJMWATCifflit Tlie Authentic American Watch a in . w, it. is universally acknowledged that the United States has' produced the best machinery in the World. American agricul tural implements, electrical machinery, locomotives, clocks and .Waltham Watches lead in the markets of the World. As long ago as the Centennial Exhibition in 1870, the Commissioner from Switzerland visited the Waltham Watch factory and picked out' a watch at random from a lot of others. When he returned to. Switzerland he told the Swiss Watch Manufacturers that not one. Swiss watch in 50,000 would compare with that Waltham watch" he had picked up haphazard at the Waltham Factory. A state-, ' ment even more true now than then. We advise you to buy a Waltham Watcli adjusted to. temperature and position and to buy only from a jeweler because he can 'regulate it to your personal habit and occupation. Never; buy from Mail Order Houses. They cannot have the thorough! knowledge or the equipment for, regulating high grade .watches?, . WALTHAM WATCH COMPAN-lfc ' "WALTHAM, MASS. Send for the "Perfected American Watch," our book about watches V t Capt. Bogardus Again lilts tho Bull's'! Eye. This world famous rlflo shot who 100 consecutive shots.ls living In .Lin coln, 111. Recently Interviewed, he says: "I havo suffered a long time with kidney and bladder troubles and hilve used soveral well known kid ney medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I startes taking Foley's Kidney Pills." Before I used Foley's Kidney Pills I was subject to severe backache and pains In my kidneys, with suppression nnd oftentimes a cloudy voiding. While upon arising in tho morning I would get dull head aches. Now I havo taken three bot tles of Foley's Kidney Fills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never both ered with my kldnoys or bladder and once moro feol like my old solf. All this I owe solely to Foley's Kidney Pills, and always recommend them to my follow sufferers." J. C, Perry. Tho training of a dog Is a hard job because in tho first place one has. to know moro than tho dog. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY JOURNAL JUDGING BY APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that, and Laundry Work can't bo Judged any other way. Everything subjeoted to our artistic treatment comes out a olean as a polished surface, as clear as crystal and as bright as a sum mer's day. Articles washed proper ly last twlco as long and look twen ty times bettor than goods badly laundrled, Wo make choap fabric masquerade for something better. SALEM LAUNDRY CO., Phono 25. 130-100 South Liberty St. Coughs that start In tho fall and hang on until spring are sure trouble breeders' unless checked and cured. Bronchitis, pneumonia and consump tion aro tho direct result. Foley's Honoy and Tar cures tho cough, stops the hard breathing and hoals and soothes tho inflamed air passages Refuso substitutes. J. C. Perry. fhune 44 Main. 147 N. High it. C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All RIki Modern Rubber Tire. Bicy Sundries Q Q fpmxe Rural Modct jjji) Bicycle Repairing CE, HARVARD, DAYTON mo Better Than a Good Wheel v We have the Racycle, Excelsior and Cornell, all superior high grade wheels. All who ride them like them. Prices $25 tO $75 J Expert Repairing. Moderate Charges WJien your wheel needs attention we would be pleased b hear from you, s Frank M 447 Court Street oore Phone 368 On an average, sixty reputed con tonarians die each year in England and Wales. 0' Tho Lush of n Ii'lviid j Would havo boon about as wolepme to ! A. Cooper, of Oswego, N, Y., as a t niorolless lung-racking c.ough that de- j (led all remodles for years. "It was most troublosorao at nights," hp) writes," "nothing helped me un-1 til I used Dr. King's New Dis covery whlc'i cured me completely. I never cough at night now." Mil lions know Us matchless merit for i stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, sore I tungs, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, croup, whooping cough or hay fever. lOMvtCO IJUIV1VI UHM w i j satisfy. A trial convinces, doc, i.uu Trla bottlo free. U Is positively guaranteed by J. C. Perry. CHICHESTER SPILLS Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop wlro, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing, P. & B. Ready Knot ng. CHAS D. MULLIGAN 250 Court St. Phono iai Now is the time to select your new Bicycle. Let us show you our line. We will convince you that it is to your interest to ride .one of our Bicycles. fy Si Vyl T.L. no otk-r. UT f lr v VI W lrIU. A.k WrlfM'.fkS.Tr-KB 15 a vtOTtiMrat. Bs.f.Sfe. )' VtlUl Everything in Plumbing flood Workmanship; Roason able chargesOur Motto. Vt . o steam apd hqt water fittiiiK- '! ibbals & Petersen Court street, between Liberty ud High. Phone Main 6C7. ycle K epamng We are well equipped to take care of your wants in repair ing, a complete line of Tires, Rims, Etc. CALL PHONE 410 SOLD BY DRtGGlSTS VEJftfrHERIi