PAGE TWO. DAHjY OAPITAL JOVJXNAJj, SALEM,, OREGON, ITOIDAY,. MARCH 18, IOIQi. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL ; 12. HOFEIt, Alitor nd Proprietor. Independent l4wipper Devoted to America Ftinolplol and tUO XTogroM nd Developoroont of iAll Oregon. rdbUAod Bverjr Hrtnlng Except Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. (InvarlnblT In Advance.) tJJv, by carrier, por ftni $6.00 for month .600 Hilx, by mail, per year- ......... 4.00 Per moHth .88o pearly, by mall, per rcts.... .... 1.00 Six months ......60o Jhll Physicians Must proscribe somo of tho In grodlonts that arc contained In Hood's Sarsaparllla-for all trou bles of tho blood, stomaqh, kld noyp and llvor. They Include Bursaparilla, gtilllngia, yellow dock, gentian, wild cherry hrk, mandrake, dandelion, juniper borrie, plpsiesowa, etc. The combination and proportions arts our own formula and give power to cure boyond tho reach of any other prescrip tion or substitute. That's why it is wise to get Iiood',and only .Hood's. BASEBALL CLUBS ARE UNIONIZED """" i , GOOD ROADS MEETING AT AVOODMURN. Saturday aftoroon (March 19) thoro Is to be a Good llonds domon- Stdg6 Wetf&fer will present the County Bonding Amendment to the Constitution advocated by tho Good.Roads Association recently formed at Portland. , T , While wo may not agree with that propoSftlon, wo welcome Judge Wqbstjir'B oompatgn of education. , Frffads 6'f Good- Roads will rojolce at any opportunity to carry on thejfwqrjc of 'agitation and discussion that creutes Good Roads sentl- 1,1 Tooro sliduld bo A largo dttondanco at Woodburn Saturday to hear Judge Webster present the matter. "Oregon is ripe for a Good Konds movoniout. The Tuttlo law; tho Johnston bill; tho Crater Lake bill, have all failed to .reach results. ' ' .. ... , -The tihio has como for a state-wldo movement that shall result In praVtlcttl nijtlon and practical results. Minor differences of opinion must not be allowed further to block tho development of Oregon along the line of Good Roads construction. -o GREATEST NE1JD OP SALEM. The" first groat need of' Salem is public ownership of water. Tho plant can riow be bought much cheaper than at any time In tho future, and It is a business proposition to get possession now. THe short-sighted p6Hcy of riot buying Fairmount Park Is deeply re erette'd' bY Intelligent people. .,',,, ,i v r It would bo still more short-sighted and almost criminally foolish for tho Capital City not to get public ownership of water. Five blockn and 14 acres around Fairmount reservoir were offered tho city for sovontecn thousand dollars. Today tlwt property is worth twice ns much. The property of the Salem Walor Co. can Inside of two years bo Im proved and capitalized for twice" as much a3 it can be bought for to- dllIf tho city bought It for- $400,000 and spent ?100,000 on filter plant and - extensions, inside of two years, by the growth of the city and in creased values of property, tho plant would bo worth a million dollars. Tho good name and fame of tho city, for having dono its duty from n Banltary standpoint, would be preserved. Any Intelligent person, comprehending tho future growth and possibil ities of this city will admit that what wo pay is true: WORK CUT 0 GRA UT FOR ND JURY " ; HEW ORLEANS UNITED mUSS LEASED WIUB.l Washington, March 18. Indica tions today uro that tho opening of !,.tho Panama canal in iOlO will bo celebrated by an exposition at Now Oroans. Apparently noithor San Francisco nor San Diego will bo able to pcfeuro fodoral aid for thojr pro jected fairs. ; Since oarly In the week, a strong delegation from Louisiana, backed by tho solid South, has bqon working nruoiiR tho congressmen, and their efforts have made a decided impres sion. Membors of tho commltteo on ox- MPINKBAM CURES Added to the Long List due to This Famous Remedy. Oronogo, Mo. "I was simply a ner vous wreck. I could not walk across uho lloor without my heart iltittorlng and I could not oven receive a let tor. Every month I had such ii bearing down soimtlon. ns If tho lower iwrts would fall out. Lydla Ii. l'lnklmni'a vogeta bio Compound 1ms dono my uorvoa a great deal of good niul has also relieved tho bearing down. I recommended it to somo friends and two of them huyu been greatly bunollted by it." Mrs. Mak McKytaiiT. Oronogo. Mo. Another Grateful M'onmii. Bt Loula, Mo. "I was bothered terribly with a femalu weakness and liad backache, bearing down pains niul pains in lower parts. I began taking jjydin & Pinklmm's Vmjotablo Com. pound regularly niul used the Sauativo AVush arid nowl liavo no more troubles that way." Mrs. At.. Ur.uzoo, 6722 Proscott Ave-, St. Louts, Mo. Jjecaipw your case Is ii dilllcult ono, doctors having dono you no .good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydla 13. Plnklmm'a Vogetablo Compound u trial It surely 1ms cured many cases of female tils, such as In Bainmation, ulceration, dtsplacempnts, fibroid tumors. Irregularities, periodic pains, backaclio, that benruiK-dowii foojljig, Indigestion, dizziness, and nor vouk prostration, It costs but a trtilo to try it, and tho result is worth mil lion to many suffering women. positions, before whom the Louisiana delegation appeared, have expressed themselves as being In favor of New Orleans as tho location for the expo sition. Although thero are chances of either San Francisco or San Diego se curing the government's sanction to their proposed exposition, .tho two Pacific coast cities will have much to overcome, due to the fact that tho California congressional representa tives are divided, ono-half favoring San FranclBco, while tho others fa vor San Diego as tho fair site. a Nqw Incorporations. Articles of Incorporation filed in tho otllco of the scqrotary of state, March 10, 1910, as follows: Advance Advertising and Manu facturing Company; principal of fice, Portland; capital stock, $25. 000; Incorporators, J. T. Klrkup, II. C. Lampton and II. S. Plllsbury California Furnituro Co.; princi pal ofllco, Halier City; capital stock, $5,000: incorporators, U. S. Parkor. Itobt. D. Pugh and Louis II. Striogol Hamilton Company; principal of fice Portland; capital stock, $100, 000: Incorporators, It. F. Fetors, M. II. Clark and N. It. Landis. J. W. Leo & Co.; principal ofllco, Alborson; capital stock, $20,000; Incorporators, II. H. Dunlop, Loo. II. Schmidt and J. W. Leo. o A Had Combination. Anderson, Calif., March 18. Oeorgle Bhmd, four years of ago, 1m In a dying condition today from burns resulting from an explosion of gasoline. Tho child had boon play ing with a can of gasoline. Ho found a match, which he lighted and threw Into tho can. In tho explo sion that followed tho child was burned about thu head, arms nnl shoulders. o ! si s sfc H $ q INCORPORATIONS. $ $ , x Articles of Incorporation Woro lllod In tho olllfo of tho sooretary of state March 17. 1910, as follows: Tito Ilrown Company; principal of flro. Portland; capital stock. ?50u0; Incorporators, Moris Ilrown, E. A, SchnfT and V. H. Wlilto. Lakoport Improvement Company: principal oillce. Portland; capital stock, $150,000; Incorporators, II. Kennedy, H. A. Mather and L. 11. Roeder. Mullnda llatghts Realty Syndicate: principal ofllco, Portland; capital stock. $1100,000; Incorporators, J. ... Weatherbee. R. W. Wilbur and S. C. Spencor. National Laundry Company; prin cipal oltlen, Portland: capital stock, $20,000; , incorporators, L. H. Sam mons, S. 1). Wright and N. Anderson. Tho Park-Harris Investment Com pany; principal ofllco, Portland; cap ital stock, $10,000. Incorporators. Jos. Jacobberger. N. A. Solmnen and J. O'Noll. Pigeon Springs Logging Company; principal otllco, Portland; capital stock, $25,000; Incorporators. C. K. Hank, 11. K. Hank and .1. 3. Crumb ley. lClumnth Falls Athlotto Associa tion; principal otllco, Klumuth Falls; Incorporators. John V. Huston. J. Scott Taylor and A. D. Mllor. o Tho ono who lives harmoniously Is not afraid of "death." e That thero will be less cases to bo presented for tho consideration of the coming grand Jury than thoro have been for a number of years was tno prediction of Deputy District At torney Wlnslow when seen by a rep resentative of tho Capital Journal today with relation to the matters to come before It when It convenes for tho April term of the circuit court. Tho grand jury wllj convene March 28 Just a week prior to the convening of the court term and Deputy District Attorney Wlnslow has been busily engaged In the subpoenaing of witnesses and pre paring the cases In general for their presentation. Practically everything now Is In readiness for submission to the jury from the time it takes up Its work until It Is ended all mat ters will bo hurried through with all dispatch possible under the circum stances. Four Cases Bound Oyer. In all, there have been four cases bound over to tho jury from the various magistrates In tho city and county, and these will .probably be taken up prior to any other matters. After action hns been taken with re gard to them, tho Jury will no doubt Investigate a number of matters of Its own volition, but as to who will bo 'Involved and the character of tho offenses which will be charged, Is a mattor upon which no Information can bo secured until tho Jury takes nctlon one way or tho other, as the statutes provide that this work must not bo disclosed. Ono of the cases which have been bound over to .tho jury and to which considerable Interest attaches, is that of tho state against John' L. Schnyleman. Schuyleman represents a wireless telegrapli company at Port land and was arrested somo time ago by Fred Stewart, who is the repre sentative of tho United Wireless company, on the charge of criminal libel Tho offonso is alleged to con sist of tho publication by Schuylo niau In the Portland .Tournnl of an advortisoment which was derogatory to the company ropresentod by Stow art. . Schuyleman whs givon a pre liminary "hearing before Judge Wob ster and bound over to the grand jury. Another case which will be acted upon Is that of Mol Hamilton, pro prietor of the Court saloon, and Frank Collins. Tho charge against thorn is that of disposing of lntoxl cnntH to n minor. Besides these, thero are two oth ers tho caBO of tho state against Doc Whlto,' charged with the crime of larcony, and tho enso of tho state against Charles Amldon, charged with burglnryln tho daytime. Insurance Cases. At tho session of tho last grand jury Stato Insurance Commissioner Kozler presented a numbor of Insur ance cases to tho Jury for considera tion, and after listening to the tes timony offorcd tho jury declined to take any action, as It considered that sufllclont ovidonco had not been submitted, but recommended that they bo submitted to tho next grand Jury. It Is understood that slnci then Commissioner Kozlor has been successful In securing tho necessary additional evidence and that the jury will bo nBkod to act upon n numbor of cases where the stato Insurance laws have been violated by insurance companies. UNITED t'BESS LEASED W1B13. Boston, Mass., March 18. Today thero is a labor union for baseball playors for the first time In the his tory of tho great American game. The United Baseball League is the first to become unionized. Tho regu lar charter, authorizing the creation of such a union was received here yesterday from President Gompers of the American Federation of La bor, by Dr. G. H. Lawsbn, president of tho league. All men who. play with the league this season will be compeleld' to join the union first. The new union will be started With some strength, as there are' teams In Boston, Philadel phia, Providence, Newark, Patter son, Trenton and Pawtucket which are members of the league. Synopsis of the Annual Statement of tho PHOENIX INSUJtANOE CO., Op' HAItTFOKD Of Hartford, in the Stato of Con necticut, on the 31st day of Dtdom ber, 1909, made to tho Insurance CommlMlonor of the Stato of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $ 2,000,000.00 Income. Premiums received during the year In caeln i . . . .$4 ,889,175.57 Interest, dividends and rents received durinz vear n.'ifi Income from other sources received during year 593.75 Total Income ....$ 5,278,080.58 Disbursements. ' Losses paid durin"g the year .'..$ 2,182,858.14 Dividends paid dur ing tho year on capital stock . . 309,760.00 Commissions and sal aries paid during the year 1,'447,G49.02 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year 128, 809. Amount of all other expenditures 226,488.70 SEVENTEEN Total expendltures.$ 4,295,565.42 Assets. Value of real estate owned $ Value of stocks and bonds owned .... Loans on ', mortgages and collaterral, etc. Cash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and In transmission Interest and rents due and accrued ., 141,013.38 8,121,703.00 68,183.33 707,033.59 828,628.95 74,261.98 Total assets $ 9,941,424.23 ad-Ore- Total assets mltted In gon. . . . : $ Liabilities. Gross ' claims for losses unpaid ....$ Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding hlslcs . Due for clnimisslon and brokerage . . . 9,941,424.23 499,345.14 4,293,241.71 82,000.00 POUNOSf WEIGHT A Young Lady in Portland Tells How Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Her. In most .diseases of women weight is ftn-indei of progress or decline. A remedy thut will increase the weight of the patient will assist to the first step toward recovery. This is trno also in the case of grow ing girls when pallor is accompanied by loss of weight and hick of development. Miss Gertrude Lines, of No. 389 East Forty-fifth street, Portland, Ore., owes her good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and out of gratefulness tells of her cure; as follows: "About' two years sgo I began to suf fer from weakness common to girls of my ago. I was greatly run down and weighed only 98 pouuds. I had no ambition to do anything and was simply lifeless and weak. I had a great deal of pain through the temples nud tho back of my head. These headaches came on as often as two or threo times a week. My stomach was out of order and J would see black specks before my eyes. "I had been sick for about a year or more when I began to take Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for I know that they had cured n relative of nuiemin. After tak ing a few boxes of tho pills I was com- nlMnlv mirorl. Mv tinjitlrw?lip; h.irft Hiq. wl mill I liuvn rrnineil 17 uniiiuls 1 Losses incurred hi weight." ing Uie year 20.S00.01 A booklet, "Plain Talks to Women," , Totni amount of will bo sent free to any woman suffer-1 ,rislia outstanding ing from weakness. It explains fully i Oregon, Dec. 31, . why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are suited 1909 5,908.631.00 to tho needs of weak women of all ages PHOEMX INSURANCE CO., OF and cives many helnfnl siiKcestious in . KAIlTFOUl), CONN. regard to tho care of their health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills harmful or lmbit-forming drugs and the sufferer who gives them a trial, will avoid the danger so common in tnking driigs which only deaden pain. These pills have cured sncli blood and nerve diseases ns anseimn, rheumatism, stom ach trouble, nervousness, ucninlgin and St. Vitus' dance and have been found invaluable in partial paralysis and loco motor ntaxis. They are for sale by all druggists, or Buy SHoeis With. Sense "The Treadweir That means easy Walking and a, happy disposition. When we say "shoes with sense" we mean shoes that are made to fit the foot, SUlit with care, by experienced work men,- Honest materials used, ( Sensible and well appearing lasts used And other serviceable points for the good of the shoe that make It easy on the foot. We suggest the Treadwelt because we know that It is built under these conditions. Others know It, and If you once buy a Treadwell you will, too. Get acquainted with a good shoe and ask your dealer about It. He knows. We also sell these high grade shoes: Martha Washington for Women. Honorbllt for Men. The "Dry Sox" Shoe for wet weather. -The Billy Buster for Boys, and others. YOUR DEALER KEEPS THEM. The Washington Shoe Mfff. Co. Seattle, Wash. Total liabilities ..$ 4.S74, 586.83 Total insurance in force December 31, 1909 $14,520,451.25 Business in Oregon for the Year. Total risks written during the year ..$ 4,313,540.00 Gross premiums re ceived during tho year Premiums returned during tho year. . Losses paid during the year . : dur- 72,534.59 14.S20.26 12T.507.23 Bicyc e Sundries Bicycle Repairing PIERCE, HARVARD, DAYTON I ro.rfir.1 tn tlin niro nf Hipir IipbIHi. I By D. W. C. SKILTON. Pres. Resident General Agent, W. HARVEY WELLS, 636-03S Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Ore. Salem, Oregon Agents, . MEYER-BELLE LAND CO. 1 o Fortify now against the Grip for It comes every season sure! Preventics the little Candy Cold Cure Tablets offer In this respect will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of prico, n most certain and denendable safo- 50 cents per box ; hIx boxes for 2.50, by i guard. Proventic's, at the "sneeze will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. But prompt- . . t i.t:ii! r.jj.l 1 (lie ur Yiui!iiii iueuiuiuu uumuiiuy, i , , RMipnM.ni1v. N. Y. staSe Fire pOFodl Proof 1 "i Proof Read The Journal Want Ads. In considering making yur owi IkM. or cooking, why not cans' (he F P. Om Machine and ' ! ter Light. i Will sell aud Install this nd guarantee It to glvo sent more light for the sa '.bun electricity or city gas. igUre with you, estimates furnished Call at my shop and see the llgho ud stoves In operation. I also carry PYKO DENATURES ILCOnOL utilities. Safe, eronomi cal, odorlM. ' mi o pei nope) Let m ncss Is all-Important. Keep Preven tics In the pocket or purse, for In stant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold by Capital Drug Store. o San Francisco is decadent.- A ne gro whipped an Irishman on St. Pat rick's day, and no ruce riot fol lowed, o Good Cough Medicine ror nitl rcn. The Season for coughs and colds I now at hand, and too much care can not be used to protect the children. A child Is much more likely to con trnot dlntlnrH or scarlet fever when Now is the time to select your new Bicycle. Let us show you our line. We will convince you that it is to. your interest to ride one. of our Bicycles. Bicycle Repairing We are well equipped to take care of your wants in repair ing, a complete line of Tires, Rims, Etc. CALL PHONE 41 0 his cold the less risk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the sole rollance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried It are willing to use any other; Mrs. F. F. Starcher, of Ripley, W. A., says: "I have never used anything other than Chamber lain's Cough Remedy tor my children, and It has always given good satis faction.' This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic, and may bo given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by all good' druggists. MHSMWHUMaaenaamaBBaHSUu A. L. ERASER JUDGINO IIV APPICAHANQHS Of course everybody does that, aud Laundry Work can't be Judged any other way. Rvorythlng subjected to our artistic treatment ooinea out a clonn as a polished surfscw, as clear as crystal and as bright as. a sum mer's day. Articles washed proper ly last twloe as loug and look twen ty times better than goods badl? laundrled.. We make oboap fabric uiasquewdo for something better. HALHM LAUNDRY CO., Phono S3. 130-100 South Liberty Bt Superiority is a question of -ho u degree, oome men are big because other men are little. IMPERIALS MOVTHPICCB CIGARETTES excel through comparison. Of course there are others but none as good everybody says so. 10 for 10 cents THE JOHN BOLLMAN CO., Mfr. Qft8 Btt Bt Gold Dust Flour Mnde by tho SYDNEY POWKK COMPANY, Syduey, Oregon. Made fcr Family Use. sk your grocer for It. II ran niul Hhorta always on band. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. t Capital National Bank J Snlnm flronnn Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, rHO.OOO. Officers and Directors! J II Albert President B Mr Crnlsan. .Vice-President Joa. II. Albert Cashier John A. Carson Geo. P. Rodgera wnnmiwnmuim Ao! CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm It quikly ntxorbed tiittt Relief at Once. It svxitlu's, iht) won hi mi-: u brvu.' rvhiiluni: fi.'i Cut h tuid .trlw't 'IWHT ft Cold iu Old Uv U.a SeoM-a of liH 8 Cwfc.ll ami tLucll. Pull Hlie 50 i U , at Drug ttiittt ur by wuil. Iu lupil 1 form, 75 i-enU, lirotUora. &u Uuku Street. Kew York. OTTOLENE Shortens your foodLengthens your life Cottolene is a wholesome, product. It is made from Cotton Seed Oil in a thoroughly modern and hygienic manner, and is just as pure as olive oil. It is a, clean product because its source is clean. From Cottonfield to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. : Cottolene makes a palatable, digestible, healthful food, which will agree with the most delicate 'stomach. Lard food, on' the contrary, is- indigestible, and will cause trouble sooner or later. Cottolene is a product of nature. Warmed into life by the Sun on Southern Cotton Fields, nurtured by rain and dew, the cotton plant finally concentrates in its seed that ? J li.. I .1 I t r .. i iiie-gmng ana me-susiaming quaiuy wnicn is tne Dasis or uottoiene. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no other shortening so good. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Your,iSer authored to refund your money in case jou are not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair t(. NfVPr 5in1d in Rllllr c!f p4ckd In peilt vWth an air-right top to Irom catching dust and ubtutbjig diMgreeble odors, such aa nth, oil, etc. i Made only by THE N. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY