Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 08, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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j' Silk
I Laches
Petticoats Only $3.35
Extra Specials
$1.00 Pillow Shams 39c
These dainty shams aro partly
of laco and aro vory pretty to
put over some dainty color.
Now 39c
$3 German Table Ltnen $1.35
$1.60 German Table linen $1.20
$1.50 Heatherbloom Petti
coats 69c
These have been great sellers
and In order to meet the de
mand we sent for anothor large
shipment. ' Special G9c
Extra Spexials
45c Corset Covers 24c
The demand for theso have
very great, but wo can still sup
ply you from our large pur
chase. Daintily trimmed Cor
set Covers, 45c values . . . .24c
camo to Spurgoon and said "I dm an
agnostic." Mr. Spurgcori sai l "'Tl.at
is Greek, itm't It?" "Yes," said the i
man. "And the Latin of li Is ig- I
noramus, lsnt It?" said Mr. Spurgeon. j
It Is impossible to conceive thnt God I
would make a world and put a boing
like man into it and not ma',o scale
revelation of himeslf. We hear a
great deal about evolution. Accord
ing to the theory of evolution there
was somewhere a molecule, nnd back
of it was a mystery, nnd it developed
into a world and then into an lnlldcl.
You can tako the monkey for your an
cestor if you like. I will take God for
mine. The Old piblo is the best ex
planation of the universe ever given.
I have been told that I am taking
chances in my beliof, but I uui tak
ing a chance on God and heaven, and
not on the devil and hell.
Tho proud and haughty man Is not
right in God's sight. What is man
that he should boast. His body Is
made of tho dust ho treads. His spirit
is the breath God breathed into his
nostrils, and He will call fdr it again.
Tho unforgiving heart Is not right
j in God's sight. If you people would ,
go and bury those old troubles God I
would give a great revival here. Tho ij
wavering heart Is not right. If God is ,
$15.00 Suits $10:00
$25.00 Suits $19.50
$17.00 Suits $12.50 $30.00 Suits S24.50
$1S.00 Suits $15.00 $35.00 Suits $29.50
$25.00 ONE-PIECE SUITS .' $14.00
$15.00 ONE-PIECE SUITS $10.25
Evangelist Taylor Spoke Prom ll.c
Text VFor Their Heart Was N,l
,'Iit '
ith Him, Neither Were
They Steadfast in His Coven int."
Thorewas a good crowd of pcoplo
au tho tabernacle last night. The
song service beganv at 7:15. The
opening prayer was offered by Uev.
O. ,A. SUJlman. Mrs. Taylor played
a cornet solo. Mr. Wegner sang
'Face to (Face, with piano and colli
'Ceompanment. An offering was
iaken amounting to $12.72, which
wakes a total to date of $214. G4 In
the offerings for the expenses of the
perparatlons for these meetings.
Mr. Taylor spoke of "Heart
Trouble" from the text "For their
heart was not right with Him, neith
er were they steadfast in His cjve
nant." He said: When a man dleo.
suddenly it was often said that he
died of heart failure. When the heart
fails there is nothing left to do but
to die. Once I was permitted to be
present at an autopsy where a man
died of what the doctors called total
paralysis. When we looked at the
brain there were little perforations
in ft. I asked the doctor what those
were, and he said that they were what
caused the total paralysis. I asked
him what caused them' and he wrdte
a little word on a card and handed it
to me. I will not tell you what that
word on that card was, but it was sin
that had killed that man. Sin with
the hiss of the serpent on it. He had
sown sin and reaped paralysis and
death. His heart was not right.
The Hebrews had seen the wonders
that God had worked In bringing
them out of the land of Egypt. What
good did it do them? Their heart was
not right, neither were they stead
fast in their covenant.
You must take some care of your
self if you want to keep your heart
right. It is just so in the spiri'ual
life. You aro sowing seed that will
bring a harvest of reward or regret.
The life shows what the heart is like.
Diagnosis is a most important mat
ter in the treatment of disease. We
will And out what is the matter with
your heart by turning the search
light of God's word on it. When we
speak of the heart we mean the life.
We say a man does things with all
his heart, and wo mean that he puts
his whole life into the things he does.
Just so the blood means the life laid
down, sacrificed. Wo may not under
stand just why God s,aves by the
blood, but we may know that he does
save from sin.
Tho unbelieving heart Is not right
In tho sight of God. The fool says In
his -heart, that there Is no God, but
the wise man never. A man once
un uown
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic. It does
not stimulate. It does not make you
feel better one day, then as bad as ever
the next. There i3 not a drop of alcohol
Aik vour doctor alt about Auer's Sanapa- in it. You have the steaiy, even nam
rilla. Entirely free from alcohol. A strong that comes from a strong tonic. Ask
tonic and alterative,
J. O, AyorCo,
; your doctor all about this.
jLioweu, rasso
1 " II ill J
Mr. L. A. Wogncr,
Chorus Director and Singing Evangel
ist, Wltlt Evangelist G. W. Taylor,
at Union Meetings in University
God, then serve Him. You are either
one thing or tho other. If you aro
not on God's side, the devil counts
you on his. You cannot trust in
riches. The grave is a narrow ditch,
but there' is a great difference be
tween your bank account here and
the account you will render on the
other side.
The procrastinating, heart Is not
right. If you are going to bo n
Christian don't wait, and then bring
God the withered remains of a wasted
life. Have you a longing for some
thing better? The answer Is In Jesus
Christ. I cannot cure you, but I can
point you to the great physician who
can cure you.
After tho sermon 28 peopld carae
and took Mr. Taylor's hand in re
sponso to his invitation, and prbmh.vl
to lead a Christian life.
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg,"
writes J. A. Swenson, of Watertown,
SVis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15
doctors could not cue, had nt last
laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica
Salvo cured It, sound and well." In
fallible for skin eruptions, eczema,
salt rheum, boils, fever sores, burns,
scalds, cut ana piles, Zur. nt J. C.
and LARD
Myrtlo Creek, Douglas county, 13
have a cannery with a capacity of
4,000 cans per day. It will be com
pleted in time to tako care of tho
1910 crop.
Foley's Kidnoy Remedy Is a safe
and certain remedy, for all kidnoy and
bladder diseases, whothor acute or
chronic. It is a splendid tonic for
mlddlo aged and elderly people, and
a sure cure for annoyances and Ir
regularities of tho kidneys and blad
der. J. C. Perry.
are representative of everything that -is pure, choice and fine.
Government Inspected
Every package boars the Federal Stamp, which stands for whole
someness, healthfulness and sanitary caro( in tho packing.
Insist that None but the Columbia
goes upon your table. Same price, but better, safer meat.
At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes
Pioneer Packers of (he Paclflc
Coughs that start in the fall and
hang on until spring nro sure trouble
brqeders unless checked and curod.
Bronchitis, pneumonia and consump
tion are tho direct rosult. Foloy'B
Honey and Tar cures thocough, stops
tho hard breathing and heals and
soothes tho Inflamed air passages,
Refuse substitutes. J. C. Perry.
February, of this year, was a
' record month for homestead entries
mt tho United States Ind Ofllce In
HosoburK. the " total being 58, In
volving an aggregate of 0,933 acroh.
Nutwltluttand tho fact that Eugene
A NelRhbor of Your.
As well as yourself Is liable m any '
time to have rheumatism. We're all :
liable to have cuts or burns, bruise I
or scalds, crick In the baek, nck or
i side Home kind of in tube or pain. .
i Then heed this advice and tell your
neighbors Dullard's Snow Liniment
relieves all aches and pains, nnd heals :
all wounds. Sold by all dealers.
Dry Goods Millinery Shoes
Early Spring Arrivals at Popular Prices
Now Challlos, pretty patterns, yd So
Now Percales, pretty patterns, yd c
New Dress Ginghams, yd 8 l-3c
Now Linen Suitings, yd 17c
Dainty Corset Covors .23o
Embroidery Skirts, extra wido and nno. ..$1.25
Long Silk Gloves, pair . 75c
-Long Kid Gloves, pair .$1.50
Nice. New Dress Trimmings. Silk Braids and Buttons
NIco Embroidery Shirt "Waist GOo
Pretty Embroidery Shirt Waist 65c
Special Tailored Shirt Waist $1.2G
Wide Embroidery, yard 10c
Boys' Overalls, extra good . .... 50a
Children's Uompers, extra good) ., .....50c
Boys' Waists. . ,..25e
Boys' i Sweaters 35o
New Madras Curtain Scrims, Pretty Designs, only 12 12 cents per yard
Our Millinery Department is now oponed. It Is better than ever. Call and boo the display of nlco
Flower Hats. Fine Street Hats, Shapes; Largo assortment of Flowers. ' ,
Tho New Hat Ornaments. And all reasonable prices. i I
tern & Greenbaum
A Few Words In Appreciation
Wo wish to express our thanks to, our friends, tho ladles of Salem and vicinity, who attended yester
day, our Spring Opening and magnificent display of .Millinery, Hair Goods, and Ladies' ready to wear
.Ami. Tir - : i-.i . . '
in buo. wjiviue uuw kuus unuy lor apring ana master. r . rf!J! ' 'fR c.TOffi fW
Millinery on sale $3 to $30
Suits on sale $12 to. $75
That are perfectly beautiful. You should see them. , '
We Take Pride in Our Window Display
They are changed frequently. Watch them. They are perfect dreams of loveliness. Wo aro always
pleased to see you and discuss, tho styles for tho coming season.
We Respectfully Court Your Criticism
May Wo
01iverMichaux Co.
For Style, 1
1 jj
In tailored and fancy effects. Style, material and workman
ship was our first consideration when we purchased them. No
duplicates will be seen of any suit bought of us, as we are
sole agents of the lines we handle, Prices range from $12,75
up and an Inspection will convince you of the excellent values,
We are safe to say that our garments compare favorably with
those of other stores $5 to $1 5 higher,
Beautiful New Millinery
Extremely Low Priced
If saving Is an object to you here is your chance, We car
ry an enormous line from $1,75 for ready-to-wear to $45
dress hats, no two alike, Look our line over before you pay
Taney prices eisewnere,
Extra Special
It will be a matter of dollars and cents to watch our
specials from now on,
Positively Wednesday Onlw Imported English Kid
and Chamois Gloves, .... i
Regular $1,25 tomorrows .98
Regular $1 ,75 tomorrow $1 .3'J
Regular $2,00 tomorrow $1 ,63