DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, a a AT.TCAf ntT7r3nv xmvnAv ArATinr t mm nn. ii . . 1. 1 ii IT... II i I 1 I hi I I III It I' 9 - 1 .im i i u J ! i i .! I i ! 9 We do not live by bread alone, Even a busy man gets bored sometimes. What we all want is a congenial method of relaxation something thai will amuse us, The less ef fort required to secure the amusement , the better, For such a purpose the Edison Phono graph is ideal, It is right there aid always ready the ever-present entertainer, It is just as good for entertaining your friends as it is for entertaining yourself, even though they do not like the same things you do, The marvelous versatility of the Edison 'Phonograph is only equaled by its marvelous ingenuity,' Hear it, Another Tong War. united rues uurao wjtaj San Francisco, March 7. Rumors of another tong war about to start In Chinatown , aro rampant in tho orlontal quarter today. Tho Bing Kong tong and tho Low Quan Chong Chew, or Four families association, havo become involved in a dispute over a Chinese slave girl f Salem Music Co, L. F. SAVAGE, Mgr. Conversations Upper Missouri on Tear. Helena, Mont., March C. It is foared that a sorious flood will result along tho upper Missouri river on ac count of tho unusually high water, for tho first time In years. Tho river already Is higher than It Iibb boon at any tlmo during tho month of March in flvo years. o Jiulgo Harris heard arguments in an important caso at Corvallls Tuos day, concerning tho Sllotz timber lands. It was one of tho four cases transform! from Tolodo, nil involv Ing tho samo genoral quostlon, to wit: "In contest potwoon homo- stcador and squattor, has tho homo stoador, by virtuo of his having ro colvod a flnal rocelpt, sufficient legal title to evict a squatter from his land. Tho decision in tho trial will settlo tho cases. Wouldn't it be interesting if you could record all the funny con versations you overhear ? No cavesdrppphi?, of course, you understand but just those you accidentally happen to stumble onto. "Well, you just ought to overhear "Conversations" that's the name of the song. It's March Amberol Record No. 8G8. Ak your dealer to ploy It for you on tho Edison Thonograph 0t complete lUt of March lUcortU from our rtraler. or write to National nionoraph onipany, 75 Lakeside Avenue. Orange, N. J. For Diseases or tho Skin. Noarly all dlsoases or tho skin, such as ozcenm, tottor, salt rhoum and harbors' Itch, aro characterized by an intense Itching and smarting, which often makos life a burdou nud dis turbs sloop and rost. Quick rollof may bo had by applying Chamber lain's Salvo. It allays tho itching and smarting almost instantly. Many casos liavo boon cured by its uso, For salo by all good druggists. 9 George C. Will 121 Commercial Street Phone Main 159 Joyous and Clear and Fresh f Tells you concisely what the "Edison" records always are, The latest and most popular always carried in stock, Many charming ones among the new arrivals, Come In and Hear Them 1 Pianos and organs sold on installment plant and rent ed, A complete line of latest sheet music always on hand, Everything in musical Instruments, Stolo Dead Mini's Shoes. f UNITED rniCBQ LEASED WIIU3.1 Qllroy, Calif., March 7. Max Ku blc, Is in jail at Sargent today ac cused of having stolen a dead man's shoes. Incidentally the pol!co havo been unable to secure a statement from tho prisoner concerning 'four watches, seven razors and a quantity of other Jewelry found In his pos session at the tlmo he was arrested o Ten Ycur Old Detective. I UNITED I'lIESS IJ3ASED Wilts. San Francisco, Calif., March 7, An alleged burglar, who gave tho name of James Dolan, Is In jail to day charged with robbery, while 10 year-old Gertrude McConnell, to whom Dolan owes his arrest, is be ing hailed as tho "girl detective of itho Mission." President Madrlz has announced that ho would resign from tho presl doncy if tho United States refuses to recognize tho existing Nicaraguan govornmont after tho complete re storation of peace. Tho sonato committee on tho Dis trict of Columbia will demand mor; light on tho plans of John D. Rocke foller foundation before It will take action on tho bill for incorporation of the philanthropic organization. o HAPPY RESULTS. Havo nmdo many Salem Residents Enthusiastic. No wonder scores of Salem citi zens grow enthusiastic. It is enough 9 1 to make anvono hannv to flntl relief after years of suffering. Public stntomonts like tho following aro but truthful representations of tho dally work dono In Salem by Doan's Kld- noy Pills. Mrs. M. E. Latham, Morning Sido, Salem Ore., says: "I was miserable for a long tlmo and I think my trouble arose from disordered kid noys. My back ached constantly and thero was a dull, grinding pain through my kidneys. I could not stoop or lift without suffering so voroly and my rest at night was bad ly broken. Tho kidney secretions also passed too frequently. Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills highly advor tised, I procured a box and as thoy holped mo from tho first, I contin uod taking them until I had received a complete euro. I am glad to recommend Donn's Kidney Pills." For salo by all dealers. Price GO conts. Fostor-Mllbum Co.. Buffalo. Now York, solo agents for tho Unl- tod Stato. Romombor tho name Doan's and take no other. o . You Aro cordially requested to phone tny ltora of Interest, such as a per sonal about a friond or yourself, to rho Journal, Main 82. No Item too imall. o Don't Hreak Down. Sovoro strains on tho vital organs, like strains on machinery, cause broak-downs. You can't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or norvea without sorious dangor to yoursolf. If you aro woak or run down, or under strain of any kind, tako Electric Bitters tho matchloss tonic modiclno. Mrs. J. E. Van do Sando, of Klrkland, 111., writes "That I did uot break down, whllo ondurlng a most sovoro strain, for three months Is duo wholly to Electrjo Blttors." Uso them nnd enjoy hoalth and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 60c, at J. C. Perry's. o 9 vwirwTvrvirw i wb wrw" wrrrw w wmb JACOB & GRIBBLE GENERAL DEPARTMENT STORE WAREHOUSE AND SHOPS AT COR NER FRONT AND PINE STS. NORTH SALEM. ALL KINDS VEHICLES Full line of Old Hickory wagonB, La Porto buggies, Deal bug gles, Bluo Ribbon buggies. We sell tho Canton Clipper, Rock Island and other standard plows. Full line of farming machin ery and Implements. i -v Etatjft!- l "i-fi5SJ '. GENERAL REPAIR SHOP Blacksmithing, wagon making, repairs, vehicles rebuilt and re painted. All kinds of farm machinery repaired. WE DO PLUMBING Full stock of plumbing supplies and tools, and can execute any contract In this line. Oils, paints, varnishes, stains and Alters. BUILDING MATERIAL Doors, sash, builders' hardware, nails, building paper and roof ing, sand, gravel, brick and sewer pipe, cement, plaster and lln- 1 oleum. All kinds of Harness and .Harness Fixtures. Superior Drain Drill; one good second hand Tiger Drill for salo r cheap. COLONIST TO', OREGON AND THE Great Njorthwest The management of tho Southorn Pacific Co., (Lines In Ore gon) takes great pleasure in announcing that tho low rates from Eastern cities, which havo done so much In past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement In Oregon, will prevail again this spring DAILY from March JL to April 15, lnclu slve. People of Oregon Tho railroads havo done their part; now It's up to you. The colonist rate Is the greatest of all homo-builders. Do all you can to let Eastern people know about It, and encourage them to como here, whero land Is cheap and home-bulldlng easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at homo If desired. Any agent of tho road named is authorized to receive the required de posit and telegraph ticket to any point In the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from 'St. Louis, ?32; from Omaha and Kansas City, ?25. This re duction Is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Ore. Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by tho Board of Directors of School District No. 24, In Marion County, Orogon, at tho offlco of tho School J Clork, at No. 388 Stato Stroot, for tho orectlon of n now School Build ing on Block No. 22 in Englowood Addition to Snlom, Oregon. Bids to bo opened by tho Board at tho Olork'a office Wodnosday ovonlng, March 1G, 1910, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Cortlfled chock for 5 per cont of tho amount of bid to accompany oach bid. Said check of successful bidder to bo forfeited to tho Board unless ho qualify within flvo days from dato of award. i Plans and specifications can bo soon at tho oltlco of Architect and Superintendent of Publlo Construc tion, F. A. Logg, in tho Murphy Blook, Balom, Oregon. Board re nerves right to rojoct any or all bids Dated thin first day of March, 1910. By order of tho Board, II. A. JOHNSON. Jr., Clerk. 3-3-1 3 ts SEEDS bEkDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Sweet Pea and Aster Seeds a Specialty A large variety of garden, field and flower seeds always in stock. Spring vetch, llmo and sulphur spray. Spray material, bluestono, fertilizers, land plas ter, poultry supplies, egg food, chick food, condi tion powdors, grain, feed and potatoes. Our prices aro low. Tho quality of tho goods is at tho top. Send For 1910 Catalogue H. WM. THIELSEN 151-161 High ot. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS I I SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEEDS SEEDS Phono 1JU SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS JUDGING BY APPEARANCES Of courso everybody does that, and Laundry Work can't bo judged any other way. Everything subjected to our artistic treatment cornea out us clean as a polished surface, as clear as crystal and as bright as a Bum mer's daj Articles washed proper ly last twice as long and look twen ty times better than goods badlj laundrled. Wo make cheap fabric masquerade for something better. SALEM LAUNDRY CO., Phone 23. 130-100 South Liberty St Fire C-DfooI I Proof I "l Proof In considering making your owa lght, or cooking, why not com' " he F. P. Gas Machine and r bora Light. Will sell and install thii iw nd guarantee it to give 0 poi tent more light for the sai. oonej than electricity or city gas. Lot me 'Igure with you, estimates furnlBhdd Sail at my shop and see the llghti ind stoves in operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURES 1LCOHOL utilities. Safe, economi cal, odorless. A.' L ihone J S3 FRASER 858 State St . C. T. C o. Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m., Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. For Corvallls, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 6:30 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN. Af.t. Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thoid Roofing, P. & B. Ready Roof ng. CHAS D. MULLIGAN 250 Court St. Phone 124 Feast With the Best Welcome Jo my house Everything in season always to be Mad at Hotel Salens Rates Reasonable 510 State St. Phone Main 208 Gold Dust: Flour Made by tho SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Uso. Ask your grocer for It. Bran and Shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. WHITE BOUSE RESTAURANT Salem's most popular res taurant, 362 State street. We never close, open all night. Wm. McGilchrist & Sons Phone 44 Main. 147 N. High at C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs and Livery. All Rlt Modern Rubber Tire. CHICHESTER S PILLS y.9i?V I.nJU.1 A.Lvn.i.ll..,...i .,' Milt In ltd and Uold iSii?(lJ. i. ? ' I'lir 0r TOUJ v SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVEgl MMjjOMCn 85 YEARS- mm Trade Markb UESIONS ikuuMrlct Kienrtlnir aOr l'lmi taken iCroSJh TJlumJ V!2LV Scientific American. A bamUwnely IllettratMl wMT, TjrrB,. !,. 'A 8