PAOB FOOTS DAILY CAPITAL. JOCRNAJU SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1010. I The Advertisement of Worden, Dorris and bron are all on the New Main Line between Portland and San Francisco. Dream Railway. Not on a fffV'' 3 I NOTICE THIS The firm of P. C. Lavey & Company has leased the ground floor room in the Uni ted States National Bank Building for one year. We desire to carry on a Real Estate Bus iness that will be pointed to with pride by the citizens of Salem. We will spare no expense in advertising your city and valley manner. We want to co-operate with the other reliable realty firms of Salem, with those firms who believe in 1910 progress and advancement. You are going to like us because we are going to. do right all the time. Very respectfully P. C. By P. C LAVEY, President. Here's evidence to prove our claim, and we have more to of ferIater Worden, Oregon SUNSET ifn.nru a cu acta I ROUTES QN THIS LINE NOTION THIS Wo hnvo Just secured COO flno lotH In tho grout coming City of Klamath FftUa, Oregon, "Tho Rpokano of Orogon," and If you doairo to buy lots In that city, boo us FIRST. Our proportion aro all Inside tho city, nour tho control real donco part, on high ground and with clour crystal wutor plpod to tho spot. No othor Orm has properties liko these, and tho prices and tornia aro right. Lot this llrm put you right boforo you make a mlstako. Klamath Falls property la a gllt-odgod lnvotftment, gunran. toed. Mt. Hebron, Cal. "GDEN & SHASTA! ON THIS LINE P C Upited States National Bank Building, Ground Floor. Corner Commercial and State Street, Wholesale and Retail Real Estate. Backed by the largest money interest on the in a truthful, honest A Citizen of Vancouver, Wash, A. citizen of Vancouver, Wash ington, was sont by twonty-flvo lot purchasers, all acquaintances? and frlonds of his, to inspect tho towns of Worden, Dorris and Mt. Hebron, and report as to wheth er or not our representations wore truo. We will not uso thl3 gentleman's name In our ndvor tielng, because ho does not deslro his name In print, but wo will furnish his namo on request. At St. Elmo Hotol at Vancouver, this dologato reported that P. C. La voy & Company had told tho truth In tholr advertising. Over forty purchasora Is tho result of this Investigation, and It was a 'closo Investigation, madq by n man who had no Irons In the llro further than to Inspect our properties and roport back to thoso who aont him. Wo defy any Investi gation by any ono. Wo want moro peoplo to personally Inves tigate Another ICye-Witness Portland, Or., Fob. 2G, 1910. This Is to cortlfy that 1, Robert Culihan, a restdont of tho city of Portland, Orogon, 420 Joitorson strcot, havo vlsltod and Inspected tho townBltoa ofWordon, Orogon; DorrlB, California, and Mt. He bron, California. I did so of my own froo will, for tho purposo of verifying statomonta mado by P. C. Lavoy & Company In tholr ad vortlaomonta and with tho vlow of Investing In thoso properties. HKHK ARE THE MUX REMIND 1 O. LAVEV & CO. In pushing thoso towns forward. Tho tltlo Is In tholr hands ;soa who thoy aro, and tholr standing In tho financial and business world: MR. S. O. JOHNSON, Klamath Dovolopmont Com pany, President, Tho S. S. Johnson Company, Director. Weod Lumbor Company, DN rector. F. W. WENDLING, Klamath Dovoopmont Co., Vloo Prosldont. Wood Lumbor Company, Pros. Idont. California Pino Box & Lumbor Company, President. Wondllng Lumbor Co., VIca Prosldont. Nairn Lumbor Company, Pros ldont. Stnnlalaus Lumbor Co., VIco Prosldont. I AVFY SJ29 I found that, Instead of enlarging upon the facts, that P. C. Lavey & Company did not tell half the good there is in this proposition. Tho citizens of Dorris, California, with an hour's notice, filled tho onera houso and tho leading citi zens and business men told and convinced us that their town was progressive. I was surprised to find so many up-to-date business houses that would do credit to u town five times larger, a flno de pot, churches, schools and resi dences. Tho land surrounding all threo towns produces wonder ful products, samples of which wo saw at tho Bank of Dorris. I firmly believe in tho futuro of thoso threo towns nnd take pleas uro In stating thnt P. C. Lavey & Company's representations are truo in overy respect. A Letter by AVm. S. Worden Klamath Falls, Or., Fob. 20, 1910 To Whom Tills Mny Concern: I searched this coast high and low for a- firm that did things. Wo wanted such a firm to bring people to our threo now townsltes on tho now lino of the Southorn Pacific in tho groat Klamath country of southorn Oregon. J. choso P. C. Lavoy & Company, of Portland, becauso I, as woll as every man on tho coast, knows that P. C. Lavoy, president of that company, ranks highest as 'a hard workor nnd as a progressive, ng grosslvo builder of properties and rosult-gotter. My judgmont has SAN FRANCISCO Hot Springs Company, Presi dent. Pacific Const Redwood Com pany, Dlroctor. Doschutos Lumber Company, Prosldont. SAN FRANCISCO Big Basin Lumbor Company, Prosldont. Humboldt Savings Bank, rector, California Stnto Board DU of Trade. Hot Springs Company, Vlco Prosldont. WM. S. WORDEN, Rlght-of Way Agont S. P. R. R., Klamath Falls. Orogon. WE WANT AGENTS IN EVERY CITY ON THE proven right, because his com pany has already accomplished more than all others who have over tried in this field. I guar antee that the representations he has mado of these three - towns aro true to tho last word. Re spectfully, WM. S. WORDEN, Assistant to 'the President. And Hero Is Further Evidonc" from Two Pioneers Read This Sworn Statement of Daniel L. Gordon and H. F. Chapman, both well-known and respected pioneers of Klamath County: Klamath Falls, Ore., Juno 23, 1909. This is certify that I, DANIEL L. GORDON, havo lived In Kla math County, Oregon, on land part of which now constitutes the TOWN OF WORDEN. for the past twenty-eight (28) years, nnd havo farmed said land each year during that time. That I raised tho following crops: Wheat, oats, barloy, rye. timothy, clover, and all kinds of garden truck, potatoes, corn, beans, squnshes, tomatoes, let tuce, onions, radishes, otc, wa tormclons, cucumbers and on one 20-acro tract which I used par ticularly for potato crop I havo raised ns high as 165 bushels to to tho acre. I remombor particu larly ono sack which was plckod contained 31 potatoes, total AND H I'UE ARE THEIR HANK REFERENCES The very beat financial indoramont we ever saw. BANK REFERENCES BY PERMISSION Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, California. Morchauts National Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota. First National Bank of Minne apolis, Minnesota. The Anglo & London, Paris National Bank. San Fran- clsoo, California. First National Bank, Jose, California. San Crookor National Bank, Francisco, California. Bank of California, Sau Fran- clsco, California. Here's Our Offer To You We sell you three lots, one in each of these three towns, at from $175.00 for the three up to $500.00 for the three. Terms, 10 per cent down, balance about as you please to suit your purse. These prices will be advanced 25 per cent on the 15th day of March. This is not a bluff, but a fact; all you have to do to lose out is wait till the 16th of March, and then if these prices are not raised 25 per cent we will pay you $1,000.00 in gold. You are dealing with a firm in this instance that does as Is says It will do. P. O. LAVEY & CO. weight of sack being 104 pounds. This is a particularly well adapted section for tho growing of fruit. I have an orchard con taining about 100 trees, bearing apples, plums, prunes, cherries and apricots, and my trees this year are loaded. Small fru'lts, such 'as currants, raspberries and gooseberries, do exceptionally well. In fact, tho section of the country immediately adjacent to tho town of Worden is freest from frost of any placo in Kla math County. All of tho above has been done without Irrigation. With the ad vent of tho new canal, survey for which runs through the town of Worden and through my adjacent land, tho productivity of said lands will be greatly increased. DANIEL L. GORDON. This is to certify that I, Henry F. Chapman, own 1G0 acres of land ono mile west from the bus iness part of said town of Wor den; that I have resided therefor tho past fourteen (14) years, that I havo read carefully Mr. Gordon's affidavit, and know the same to bo true, and that I here by wish further to state that 1 can and do raise the samo crops on my lands each year. II. F. CHAPMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 23d day of June, 1909. Louise E. Sargent, Notary Public of Oregon. Farmers and Merchants Na tional Bank, Hanford, Cali fornia. Humboldt Savings Bank, Sau Francisco, California. First National Bank, Fresno, California. First National Bank, Grants Pass, Oregon. American Bank & Trust Co., Klamath Falls, Orogon. National Bank of California. Los Angolee, California. BANKERS San . Tho Anglo & London, ParU National Bnnk, San Frnncls- co, unuiornia. Merchants National Bank St Paul, Minnesota. COAST COMPANY Worden, Oregon 0Jl THIS LINE NOTICE TniS Wo have just secured 500 flno lots- in the great coming City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, "The Spokane of Oregon," and if you desire to buy lots In that city see us FIRST. Our properties are all inside the city, near the central resi dence part, on high ground and with clear, crystal water piped to the spot. No othor firm has properties like theso, and tho prices and terms are right. Let this firm put yojj right boforo you make a mistake. Klamath Falls property is a gilt-edged investment, guar anteed. Dorris, Cal. ON THIS LINE Salem. Coast Main 715 W SUNSET " I JOGDEN & SHASTA! J