Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 05, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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white house xfosds
Be the Subject of Evangel
ist Taylor's Discourse at the
Tabernacle This Evening.
iCorae "and
line of
We 1
All the latest styles and designs
direct from the factory.
are oo consignment dealers
We can
save you a
margin in
price and
Va u
Music and Sewing
Salem 1 9 1 0
121 S. Commercial St.
The Willis Hardware & Imple
ment company of the town of Banks
today filed a complaint against tho
Southern Pacific Railroad company.
The hardware company alleges
that it is engaged in the mercantile
and shipping business and that the
rates charged by the railroad com
pany on each classification of freight
from Portland to Banks are double,
-whereas there should be but one
through freight rate.
It is further alleged that the com
bined rates from Portland to Hllls
boro and from Ilillsboro to Banks
are greater than those charged for
corresponding distances in the west
side addition; that claims for Josses
and damages are not recognized and
that the rates charged by the rail
roads on freight are not always the
The date of hearing has not yet
been set.
' Now Is the Time
To give your bicycle a spring over
hauling. Hnuser Bros, will attend to
it for you. Phone 410.
Plies Cured In a to 14 Days.
PAZO OINNTMENT Is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
Ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14
i days or money refunded. 60c
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg,"
writes J. A. Swensen, of Watertown,
Wis. "Ten years 'of eczema, that 15
doctors could not cure, had at last
laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured it, sound and well." In
fallible for skin eruptions, eczema,
salt rheum, boils, fever sores, burns,
scalds, cut ana piles, ?.5c at J. C.
. Foley's Kidney Remedy is a safe
and certain remedy for all kidney and
bladder diseases, whether acute or
chronic. It is a splendid tonic for
middle aged and elderly people, and
a sure cure for annoyances and ir
regularities of the kidneys and blad
der. J. C. Perry.
On account of tho publicity cam
paign there Wiero nono of the regu
lar day meetings of the great re
vival campaign yesterday nor today,
but the Christian peoplo of tho city
were engaged in Inviting the people
of the city to tho moetings. There
wns a good crowd at the Tabernacle
last evening. There was" the usual
Inspiring song service. Rev. F. H.
Neff offered tho opening prayer. Mr.
Wogner sang a boautiful song by T.
P. Bilhorn entitled, "Jesus," the
choir joining in the chorus. Mr.
Taylor spoke on the subject, "The
Paramount Issue in tho Christian
Life," taking his text from I Samuel
15:22, "To obey is better than sac
rifice." Mr. Taylor preached a very strong
sermon from this text and made it
very plain that tho only thing for
tho Christian to do is to do what
God tells him to do. Ho said that
obedience is tho supreme test of
loyalty and the only fair test. Adam
and Eve in tho Garden of Eden,
Aaron when he made the golden
calf, Achan with tho hidden wedge
of gold and the goodly garment,
Saul saving for sacrifice the cattle
that God had commanded him to
destroy, all were tried by the samo
test and all failed in the same way.
Adam turned Eden into a graveyard,
Aaron caused the people to sin,
Achan brought death upon himself,
Saul lost a kingdom because they
could not stand this test. It is this
samo test by -which the Christian of
today is to be tried.
God expects obedience in politics,
in business, in the home, in the
church. He wants obedience rather
than building colleges or giving
money. Ho wants obedience and not
excuses. Mr. Taylor told with great
force of the illustration used by
Spurgeon,- of tho plague-stricken
city, with people dying everywhere,
in which a single physician had a
sure remedy, but he was asleep.
Spurgeon cried, "Awake!. Awake!
People are dying all about you!" So
the call comes to tho Christian.
People are dying for want of the
gospel which you should carry to
them! Are you going -to save them?
After the sermon Mrs. Taylor fa
vored tho audience with a cornet
There will be services in the tab
ernacle this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
Mr. Taylor's subject will be "A
Square Deal."
A Timely Protection.
Everyone knows tho after effects of
la grippe are often more dangerous
than tho disease. So often it leads to
pneumonia, which a weakened heart
action makes fatal. La grippe
coughs that strain and weaken tho
system yield quickly to tho healing
and strengthening qualities of Foley's
Honoy and Tar. Refuse substitutes.
J. C. Perry.
Medford contemplates a muuiclpal
quato hotel accommodations.
and our lines In all departments are complete. You'll find tho
New Low Shoes
Are made on stylish ,easy fitting lasts and every pair Is built to
give satisfactory service. We're showing ovory desirable quality in
Vicl Kid Patent Leather and Gun Metal Calf for men, women and
Children. The splendid values wo are offering In
Will surprise you. Tho fabrics are correct from tho standpoint of
fashion and tho tailoring Is dono in America's best equipped fac
tories. Few tailors can lve you as good a fit in mndo to order
suits as you will find in our lln this season.
Our Dress Goods Department
Is a busy place these days because most ladies want their new
spring dress ready to wear on Easter Sunday, and there remain
only threo more weeks in which to make It.
This season aro unusually attractive. Diagonal weaves are ex
tremely stylish In all kinds of fabrics. The MANNISH STYLES
aro very popular for tailormndo suits. You'll notlco a docidod
change In tho colorings of the IMPORTED WORSTED NOVEL
.T1ES. This will bo tho greatest season for
Ever known. Let us show you the correct styles created for
Spring of 1910.
A now lodge of tho B. P. O. E.
came Into existence last Friday, oven,
ing when 150 members of tho an
tlored herd of this city wont to Ore
gon City and established a lodge at
that place. Besides tho members of
tho Salom Lodgo there woro largo
delegation in attendance from Port
land, Eugene, Astoria, Albany and
other Oregon towns and It was by
far tho largest and most enthusi
astic nffalr of its kind over hold in
tho state.
Kay, exalted "rulor of tho Portland
lodgo, and tho dogroo work waa put
on by tho team of tho Salom lodgo.
Tho now ordor starts out with a
membership of about 100 and under
tho brightest and most promising of
Tho ceremonial work waB undor
i mm
m waiii i i i i i in
In fact everything pertaining .to women's wear, In the largest and best assortment, now
ready for your inspection, We give our entire time and attention exclusively to the wear
ing apparel of women and children; buy in large quantities, andtherefore can undersell' the
lowest, quality considered, We absolutely guarantee to givefperfect satisfaction in every
respect, or cheerfully refund ;your money, '
Inspect our stock and let us convince you of our statement,
riiiitfj tiBlMflB tiSSHBflfi iB SBBII lllllfeta B
I Liberty Street
Salem Oreg
For- Exclusive Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear Goods
Attorney P. II. D'Arcy, Harry Al
bort and Wm. S. Walton have boon
appointed as a committee to appoint
Bub-commltteos and to mako ar
rangements in gonornl for tho cele
bration of tho fourteenth anniver
sary of tho local lodgo of Elks and
also the colobratlon of homo-coming
day. Tho event Is to bo hold on
April 21, and thoso in charge intend,
to mako It an affair which will long
bo romombored In Elkdom. Invita
tions will bo sont out to many of
tho members of tho lodgo who hava
tnlcon up tholr residence olBowhere
and it Is oxpoctcd that many of them
will avail thomsolvos of thom and
bo in attendance
A special communication of St.
Mary's Chapter No. 9, Ordor Eastern
Star, of Corvallls, woa hold Tuesday
night, at which Initiatory work was.
performed, , 1
Corvallls Lodgo No, 14, A. F &!
A, M., hold a stated communication
Wodonsday night and did work in
the F. C. degree
Tho ordor of Maccabees in this;
clfy hold nn open mooting last,
Thursday ovoning in their hall at
which W. J. Sherwood, a high ofll-,
clal of tho lodgo, attended. A pro
gram consisting of music and ado
dresses was rendered and tho oxcep'
tionally largo audlonco thoroughly
enjoyed tho ovoning.
I'jVUII MixologiKts Go Out.
Philadelphia, Pn., March G. The?
union bartonders walked out op
every bar room In tho city nt mld$
night, but tholr strlko so far hafy
been ineffectual.
Amateur drink mixors lloakod ten
tlit) aid of the utiloon keepers atrj
tho proprietors thamsolvoa put oiv
the long white aprons of the utrlkl
era. f
"it'ii pretty hard for tho bartonde,
era union to hurt us," declared oua
saloon man. "You see, Its not hart
to get volunteers In this buainesa."