Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 28, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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E. IIOFER, Editor and Proprietor. '
tnd f pendent Newspaper Derolod to American Principles and
tho Prajrosa and Dorelopement of All Oregon.
Published B jgjT Kyeulns Bxcopt Sunday, galwn, Pro.
subscription rates. -
(luysrlaMy In Advance,)
I illy, by carrier, pefear...... WiOO
, lallT, by mall, per year. . 4.00
4VMkly, by mall, per your.. 1.00
Per month...... ..50o
For month 860
Six months ...Wo
Tho editor of thls'ncwsaper has been, in five counties .in tho past ten
days and has coma in contact with a great many people.
He Is impressed with tho fact that there is tho greatest era of devel
opment on- in Oregon that any state lias over enjoyed?
The year 1910 will see more accomplished Jn tho upbuilding of tho
state than any year Jn Its history .
Wh weiro in Lincoln county boosting for a Port Commission for the
peopleMf Toledo who wish to improve their liarbor clinnnels.
We wero In Benton county boosting for tho development of Corvallls
and Philomath and tho fruit industry there.
We wero at Scio, Shelburn and Aumsvllle boosting for tho develop,
mcnt of tho Sontinm country.
Wo werit to Independence Friday night through pouring rains to help
along a movement for a high school there.
We went to Donald on Saturday with Judge Bushey to talk for good
Wo wero at Buttovillo Saturday night at a nteeting of tho Trl-County
Push club to help tho movement for a bridge across the Willamette nt
that point.
We havo no time to spend with people arguelng politics or discussing
obstacles or negative propositions.
Oregon Is good enough morally and politically for any average citi
zen but wo must improve in other ways.
' Wo want better roads and streets, moro steam and electric railroads,
and betterrTvater transportation.
, Wo expect to go into every city, town and village preaching the doc
trine of dovelpmlent and progress.
After his own building was a hopeless ruin, Mr. Tooze rallied the
business men of Falls City to save tno town from destruction.
It is generally admitted that ho sved the town from destruction and
turned the tide at tho critical moment to save tho big hotel.
Such men as Mr. Tooze are never fully appreciated until the com
munity is in danger and then thcr appenr to get h little credit.
Few men would rally after such a blow but Mr. Tooze will come
through "tho Are a' blgg'er jiuslness man than he was "before.
Tho first two meetings of Judge Webster in Marlon county for
Good Roads county bonding amendment to the constitution have been
held, and the sentiment developed is not favorablo to. bonding.
If each county could bo induced to Issiw a half million of bonds for
macadamized roads that would ndt Settle tfnythlng. ' ' '
Half a million dollars might bo a small matter to a rich" county like
Marion but it would only build 100' miles of road at $5,000 a mile.
That would bo two roads across the county and tho whole county
would bo taxed for those two roads, and forever to maintain them.
Tho two-roads would be a good thing across the county and -would be
a grand object lesson on tho value of permanent highways.
If ""we hadv"two .such roads built it would add millions to the value o?
pcoperty and would probably solve tho problem of road building as the
people would find ways to build all roads like those two.
Tho Capital; Journal believes the statle Ynust have a system that will bo
adopted and can be put into operation all over the state.
This ofllco and many private citizens and business men aro troubled
by appeals and circulars to help the census department.
They Bhould all bo thrown into tho waste basket, and the census of
ficials should tako tho census as they aro paid to do.
In other countries n census Is taken In twenty-four hours and tho
returns published within a year after It Is tnkon.
In our country it takes a month to enumerate tho people, oix
months to tako special census work, and ten years Jo publish it.
Tho perpetual, permanent, ovorlasting census bureau has boon fast
ened upon tho peoplo by Congross at tho cost of millions.
It grows moro cumbersome, moro complicated and more inefficient
each year but it feeds ofllclallsm nnd pauperizes an educated; class.
o .
Tho destruction of the Walter L Toozo department storo by flro at
Falls City has not depressed tho spirits of tho owner.
He was tho last man to go down fighting the lire and comes up for
another round with tho olomenta more dauntless than ever.
Mr. Toozo will rebuild a three-story brick or concroto building and Is
offered flnnnolal backing from nil directions nnd will build.
Tho business men of Oregon are signing' the protest almost unani
mously against carrying Oregon for Constitutional Prohibition.
They do not believe Prohibition is practical in large cities.
Their reasons do not appeal to the theorist and agitator who Imagines
he can force men to become sober by ledict of a majority.
Reason, moral suasion and Christianity must reform men.
If 'there is any principle Involved In the Oregon Local Option law,
tho visionary and thorist cannot see that it is to be upset.
You cannot make them believe a wet community can't be made dry.
State "wide Prohibition absolutely Contravenes and knocks in tho
head the principle that each' community must deal with this problem.
They overthrow Prihibitlon with Local Option and then reverse.
The protest of the man of principle who stands by a law because the
people have enacted It is as nothing to the radical Prohibiten
With moral disorder in a city like Eugene they want more disorder.
What do they care that a large residence city like Salem has perfect
order with saloons confined to three blocks and vice to half a block?
They would scatter vice and bootlegging like thistle-down.
Salem Is a city of homes and schools and has the best moral condi
tions ever established in a city of this size In the world.
Tho mad. imagination of Prohis picture Salem a moral cesspool.
Tho appeal of the business men Is for orderly management of a city's
affairs but It Is wasted on the theorists who want disorder.
In the long run the business man's protest will win.
In your blood aro tho millions
of corpuoclos that defend you
against disease.
To make and keep these little soldiers
healthy and strong, is simply to mako
and keep the blood of tho right quality
and quantity.
This is just what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does -it helps tho little 6oldiers in your
blood to fight disease for you.
It. cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
ness, dyspepsia, general debility, andl
builds up tho whole system.
Tlic Authentic American Watch
When you bu)' a watch it pays to buy a good one. 'A watcli
is something that should last a life time and longer. If you buy,
a Waltlmm Watch you will know that you are safe on this point.
When you buy a watch go to n jeweler whom you know or
know about, and tell him you want a Waltlmm Watch and one
that is adjusted to temperature and position, and then have him
regulate it to your personal habit and occupation. You will then
have a watch that will keep time under all conditions.
When you buy a watch remember not only that Waltham
Watches are the best, but that they were the first American
Watches. Every watch making device and invention Qif
importance in use has originated in the Waltham Watch Factory.
Send for the "PartecUnl American Watch," our book about watqhos.
Delay Has Been Dangerous in Sa
lem. Do tho right thing at the right
Act quickly In times of danger.
Backache Is kidney danger.
Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly.
Cure all distressing, dangerous
kidney ills.
Plenty of evidence to prove this.
F. A. Sutton, Hoyt & West Sts.,
Salem, One., says: "For 10 or 12
years, rheumatism and kidney trou
ble were the plague of my life. I
suffered Intensely from a pain In tho
small of my back and was often un
ablo to move. I doctored and tried
a number of remedies but to no
avail, and I was In a bad way when
I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at
Dr. Stones Drug Store. They bene
fited me at oince and after I had
taken the contents of three boxes, I
wasfroo from every symptom of
kidney complaint. My health Is now
of the best. I cannot recommend
Doan's Kidney Pills too highly."
(Statement given Jan. 31, 1906.)
On November 22, 1909, Mr. Sut
ton confirmed his former statement,
saying: "I willingly reiterate all I
havo previously said in favor of
Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy
cured me three years ago and I have
had no return of kidney trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Prlco 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for tho Uni
ted States.
Remombor the name Doan's
nnd tako no other.
Wo offer Ona Hundrod Dollars re
ward for any caso of catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Tolotfo, O.
We, tho undersigned, havo known
F. J. Chonoy for tho last 15 years,
and bollovo him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions, nnd
financially ablo to carry out any
obligations madr by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75c por bottlo. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Bend Journal Wants Ads.
We do not live by bread alone, Even a busy
man gels bored sometimes, What we all
want is a congenial method of relaxation
something that will amuse us, The less ef
fort required to secure the amusement , the
better, For such a purpose the Edison Phono
graph is ideal, It is right there aid always
ready the ever-present entertainer,
It is just as good for entertaining your
friends as it is for entertaining yourself, even
Though they cio not like the same things you
do, The marvelous versatility of the Edison
Phonograph is only equaled by its marvelous
ingenuity, Hear it,
Salem Music Co,
L. F. SAVAGE, Mgr.
8 1 8 1 ft't'WB'l 8181 8,I84'8't8li 8'MH'
Notice of Intention to Improve Trade
Street from the West Lino of
Commercial Street; to tho East
Line of Front Street.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Common Council of the City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems it expedient to
Improve, and proposes to improve
Trade Street, from the West line of
Commercial Street to the East Una
of Front Street in the City of Salem,
Oregon, with bltulithlc pavement on
a bituminous base, according to tho
plans and specifications adopted by
the Council for Improvement of said
StrWot on file in tho office of the City
Recorder, said Improvement to be
made at the expense of the adajcent
property within the limits of said
proposed improvement.
Remonstrances may be filed
against said improvement within 10
days of final publication of this no
tice. Date of the first publication of
this notice Is 17th day of February,
" By order of the Common Council
of the City of Salem, Oregon.
I'm a llBf
Junction Is to have a now block
this summer. It will be built of
either brick or concrete.
Woman of Importance
That's the title of a song, and it's
also true of the woman who sings it
Stella Mayhew. If you've heard Stella
Mayhew on the stage, you know just
how important she Is. She's the fun
niest girl in this country, on or off the
stage and nothing but an Amberol
Record could begin to do her justice.
March Amberol Record No. 374. Hear
her today at your dealer's on tho
Get complete list of Masch Recordi from
your dealer, or write to National Phonograph
Company. 75 Lakeside Avenue. Orange. N.J.
18fr8fr8fr8 1 8 It i-9i 91 81 8 t-8445i8fr8 SIC ll(DiCTlCDIQIipE8SQIC8H
121 Commercial Street
Phone Main 159
I Joyous and Clear and Fresh
$ Tells you concisely what the "Edison" records always
are, The latest and most popular always carried in
stock, Many charming ones among the new arrivals,
jj Come In and Hear Them
Pianos and organs sold on installment plant and rent-
ed, A complete line of latest sheet music always on
hand, Everything in musical instruments,
Capita! National Bank J
8. Sa mm. arcnon
i , Capital, Surplus nnd Undivided I
I'rorus, iu-iu.uuu. i
Officers nnd Directors:
J. II. Albert President Z
IS. M. Crotoaa. .Vlce-Prealdont l
X Joa, II. Albert Cashier
jonn a. i mrson
Geo. P. Rodgors 8
S4MH-81 8 1888181 88 IIWW ,M8-frH8-r8-r8-W-8818a 818181 818 18 181818 1 8 1 8 1 8 i 888848B