r ! 1?' r - a.. OOO ' Norfolk, -Va., Feb. 13.-Are tfio words o our text truo? 1b it possible thnt the true religion of the Blblo demnnds nothing more of us than is expressed In "this text? What about the Jew ish Law? "Wliat about its Bin-offering, its burnt-offering, its tbauk-offeriugs? .Vhat about the tcu commandments? What about tho digest of those com- . ihandments approved by our Lord Je sus, "Thou shalt love tho Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy being, with all thy strength; and thou slmlt love thy neighbor as thyself"? What about Church attendance? What about our responsibilities to our families? To the Church? To the poor? What about study of the Bible to know God's will? What about our responsibility for the heathen? Wlint about baptism and tho Lord's supper? Indirectly, Uenr brethren, all tho innttcrs Included in our questions and many more are included Incidentally In the provisions of our text. Sometimes a wholo sermon. Is preached in a few words. No one will dispute tho rea sonableness of the Divine requirement ns" stated In our text. Our Creator .could not justly or with self-respect "nsk less thnn this of his creatures who would enjoy his favor. Tho interests '.of nil demand that these principles . should bo required of every creature permitted the enjoyment of Divine fa vor to tho extent of eternal life. Who ever falls to come up to theso condi tions would thus evidence his un- ' worthiness of life eternal; his pro longed existence would merely be a prospering of slu and a menace to tho happiness and righteousness of others. But now let us hoo the scope of this Dlvino requirement, whose justice wo have already, acknowledged. Wo note the natural division of our text into three parts: (1) Doing justly; (2) Loving mercy; (3) Walking humbly. The requirement of justice in all our dealings with our fellows, commends Itself to every rational mind. It In cludes the whole Law of God. A brief statement of that Law which had our Lord's approval reads, Thou shalt lovo the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy mind, nil thy being nud all thy strength; and thou shalt lovo thy neighbor as thyself. On those two prqposltlons hang all tho Law nud tho Prophets. It Is but Just that wo should recognize our Creator as llrst; that wo should glorify the One who gnvo us our being nnd all the blessings that como thorowlth; that wo should bo obedient to his righteous requirements that mako for our own happiness nnd thnt of others, it Is nlso but right that wo should recognlzo tho rights of others, as wo would have them recognlzo our rights. The Golden Itule Is tho barest of jus lice. Not a hair's breadth less would come within the requlrouicnts of our text, Do Justly. Come, then, let us reason , together. How many of us do justly in all of Ufo's affalrs-ln our relationship to our God and to our neighbor? Begin at home. Lot oneh ono criti cise his wonts and his deeds toward his pa ronls t toward his children; to- ward his brothers; toward his sisters; toward husband; toward wife Do wo in nil of our relationship of llfo , troat thoso who tiro so near nnd so dear to us according to the standards of iusttct, according to tho tloldon Utile? Do wo do toward them ns we would havo them do toward us? If not, after mtiklug a beginning with tho Lord, striving to rondor to him our homngo and obedience, lot us close ly scrutinize every word, every act of tho homo life and boo to what oxtent theso can bo Improved upon and made (moro nonrly Just. Tho majority of "ittetnlo. wo fool sure, will bo surprised to kuow how unjust they havo been toward thoso who nro of the very nearest nnd dearost of tloshly relation ships. Follow the matter up and consider the Justice or injustice of your words and dooda In dally llfo with your neighbors nud dally associates. Do you Invariably spoalc to them in the same wordB and with the samo tono and gesture that you would approve if they wero in your place and you In theirs? In mnttora of buslnoss do you drlvo u closqr bargain with them than you would thluk Just for thorn to mako with you? Or, on the other htind, do you ask of them higher prices for the cervices or materials you furnish them than you would consider Just and right if you wore the purchaser and they tho sunders? Do you wateh your chickens that they do not commit den- rjKlaffona upon your neighbor's gardou " carefully ti you would wish your neighbor to watch, his chickens us re tenocTn your garden. If you hud ono? Do you blow tio niaro tobacco amoko in tfio faoo of .your neighbor than you 'vgauia llfce to have him Mow In your Mm?' Are you a careful itbout wIh IwrTour foot when onterffig U bouse aVm would like ulm to be when an twin yur bou-? Do you treat all HiftH. women, children and RJnmla s kindly. m gently, as properly every h-hv ri you think would bv J rlKlU If von were In their !' ud tuV iu your? D yu 8 k,nd' PULPIT.. I WHAT char't... god REQUIRES RUSSELL $ ' OF - .US Pastor Brooklyn ; "7", , . , m i I v Text, "What Doth Thy God Require ol 1 abernacle. f. 71, bul t0 Do Judy, and to Lore Mercy, ' and to Walk Humbly With Thy God" r,(Micab vi,8.) 000ll"""'"t,"""""""""" ly of your neighbors as you would have them speak of you? Or do you hold up their imperfections to ridicule, as you would like to havo them hold up yours? Do you guard your tongue so that you speak only things you would think proper for your neighbor to speak respecting you, if you changed places? 8Imple Justice Nothing Moro. Do you not begin to sec, dear friends, that what God requires of us Is much beyond what the majority have been rendering? Do you stand appalled and tell me that It would bo Impossible to live fully up to that standard? 1 agree with you. And St. Paul agrees, say ing, "We cannot do tho things which wo would." Tho Scriptures again agree and declare "There is none righteous, no, not ono. AH have sin ned and como short of the glory of God." What shall we do? Shall wo say tht because wo arc unable to live up to our own conceptions and stand ards of justice we will make no at tempt to do so, but nbaudon those standards entirely? God forbid. Wo are weak enough and Imperfect enough as It is. To Ignore our best Ideals of justice would be to tnko off all tho brakes nnd permit the downward tend encies of our depraved natures to go rapidly from bad to worse to carry us further nnd further from God and tho standards of character which he ap proves. Wo can surely bo content to do nothing less than our very best to live up to our own Ideals and to raise those Ideals as tienrly as possible to the Divine standard. What Would Be the Use? Supposo wo do our very best dnlly to mensure up to our highest concep tions of our God-given Ideals and standards, would God accept of this and count us worthy of his fnvor nnd of eternal life? Surely not. The Law of the Lord Is perfect. Justico is Justico. Not the hearer of a law, not tho woll-wlshlng. receives tho reward, but tho doer, tho obedient! Here, then, wo llnd ourselves In dltllculty. With our hearts, our minds, wo npprovo God's Law and deslro to bo obedient to him, but llnd, as St. Paul says, that many things wo wish to do wo fall to accomplish; and many of tho things wo do not wish to do wo cannot avoid. "Wo cannot do tho things that we would." We approvo tho oxcollent do mands of God's Law. Wo disapprove tho Imperfections of our own flesh. Llko St. Paul, wo cry out. "O wretch ed man that 1 am! who shall deliver mo from this dead body?"-thls body that Is Imperfect through Inherited slu nnd weaknesses. With our minds wo serve God's Law and approve It; but with our bodies wo como short. What Is our hopoV How shall wo bo delivered? Can we prevnll upon God to change the rcnsonablo requirement of our text so that It shall read. What doth God require of me but to will justly and do Imperfectly? We can not hope foe such a change In tho Dlvino Law. Are wo then hopeless as respects Divine approval and eternal llfo? (Honmus vll. 17-21.) j Tho Gift of God Is Eternal Life. I ' In our moment of perplexity wo hear God's message "speaking peace through Jesus Christ our Lord." Tho message of peace Is that what wo could not do for ourselves in tho way of lifting ourselves up to Divine ap proval God has provided shall ho done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our fnlluro to keep ttie Law marks us ns" unworthy of eternal life, and I worthy of tho wages of sin net ctcr ' mil torment, but death. God In mercy ' concluded to offer us eternal llfo as a , I gift because of our not actually merit- ! Ing It under his legal roqulromouts. ; i Thus we read. "The wanes of sin Is death; but the ulft of God Is eternal llfo through Jesus Christ our Lord" (ltomuns vl. J3i. What we could not obtain logally under tho Dlvtuo re qulromouts God proffers to us na a gift. But tho gift Is a conditional ono as grossed In tho words, "through Josus Christ our Lonl." Only thoso who accept Jesus Christ as "tho Way, tho Truth, and the Life" may havo God's gift of etornut life. Henco It will bo seen thut It Is wholly u mistake to suppose that the heathen at homo or abroad can got otoruul life, tho gift of God, In Ignorance of Christ. All tho Scrlpturos contlrm this and declare not only that we cannot save ourselves by obedience to tho terms of God's Law, . but that "there Id none other mune un 'dor heaven glvou among men, whereby wo must be saved"-through faith In his name turougu luitu in ms uiuuu (Acts lv, lii). But how Is this done Justly? aud. why does God so limit his gift of eter nal life? God's Law represents hlmsolf and cannot change, lie cannot require loss thau perfect Ion. To do o would be to Oil Hie Universe to nil otornlty with depraved nnd imperfect bolng. God has a higher plan thau this and de clare. "As the htwvons are higher than the earth. o tire iy ways higher than your way" (laalah lv. fit. He explains that his ulOmatr purpose la that then) shall h m tutprfct creature In nil ul Uulrew. All who Uearta are loyal to Ulm and the principle of his jjeniljjiittli olfijrjoteaj1ana all nlfnTniVifnHtrdifel In the Se'oond mth. ihtifl. eventually, every knee shall bow rtiid every lotigue con less to tlie-gldry of God. Then every creature which is In henven. and on the earth, and under tho earth, shall be heard saying. Blessing, and honor nnd glory and power bo unto him that sltteth upon tho throne, nnd unto tho Lamb forever (Revelation v, 13. You Are Bought With a Price. Possibly God could have arranged some other way of dealing with slu and sinners which woUkl not havo re quired tho death of Jesus as tho Ran som price, tho purchaso price, tho re demption price for sinners. But th fact that this mothod was adopted by our great Creator assures us that no. other method would have been so wisp, so Just, so beneficial. No other method would have so fully demon strated God's Wisdom, Justice, Love and Power. In brief, then, God's arrangement is that all of his human creatures shall havo opportunity of full return to har mony with himself, provided they wish to do so. provided their hearts, their wills, nro fully responsive to the letter nnd spirit of his Law tho require ments set forth in our text. God bus provided In Jesus for the satisfaction of Divine Justico as respects all of tho condemned race who deslro to return to his favor. We agree with all the orthoddx creedB of Christendom that only re pentunco from sin and an endeavor to put It away from our thoughts nnd words and deeds, combined with faith in tho Redeemer's sacrifice and a full consecration of heart and llfo to do the Father's will nothing short of this attainment will gain the salvation which God Is now holding out to man kind. To such tho Apostle explains thnt tho righteousness, the full demands of the Law of God. his full requirement. "Is fullllled In us who nro walking not after tho tlesh. but after the Spirit" (Romans viil. 4). From the, moment of our consecration nud begetting of tho holy Spirit God deals with this class ns with sons. He trains them in tho School of Christ, disciplining, chnston ing, proving thorn, testing the sincerity of their consecration Vows and the loyalty of their hearts. To thoso who prove faithful the great reward is promised glory, honor, immortality, jolnt-helrshlp with the Lord Jesus Christ in his Millennial Kingdom and its work of blessing nil tho families of tho earth (Galntinns Hi, 29; Revelation 111. 21). Our disagreement with nil "orthodox creeds" is in respect to what shall be done with tho uusaintly with those who do not present themselves to God nnd who are .not begotten again of tho holy Spirit. Our creeds of tho dark ages misrepresented tho teach ings of tho Bible in respect to theso nud told us that they are all to bo con signed for hundreds or thousands of yenrs to Purgatory or for all eternity In hell torment Not such is tho teach ing of God's Word, but the very re verse, ns wo have previously shown. The Scriptures do not declare, In thee nnd in thy Seed shall all tho families of tho earth be damned; but tho re verse of this that they shall all bo blessed. All tho sin-blind eyes shall bo opened. All tho deaf eurs of ignorance Bhnll bo unstopped. For tho blest thousands yenrs of Christ's reign tho world's uplifting or resurrection will proceed, while tho knowledge of the glory of God shall fill the wholo earth. Tho angels on the plains of Bethlehem did not declare to the shepherds, Fear greatly! for behold, wo bring you bad tidings of great misery which shall bo unto all people. Their message was tho reverse of this: "Fear not; behold, wo brlmr you nood tldinos of great joy which Bhnll bo unto all people" (Luko : 11. 10). God who had a "due time" for cnlllne natural Israel aud who had i also a "due time" for calling spiritual Israel, has a "due time" for making known tho riches of his graco to the non-elect world of munklud. And tho "elect" of spiritual Israel and of tint urol Israel are to bo the channels of this Divine graco and mercy, which, during the Millennial Age, will tlow as n river of salvation, to which all mankind will bo Invited to como nnd drink freely. Love Mercy and Walk Humbly. It may astonish some thnt God re quires even more thau Justice, which is his legal stuudurd. In his permis sion of sin nnd its wngo of death ho has shown tho sinner his owu mercy or love. And It is for tho sinner's ben-1 out and for tho good of nil, that God requires that all who will havo tho full benefit of his mercy shall bo re quired to culttvnto this mercy quality In their own hearts. As tho sluuer attempts to conform his life to tho perfect standard aud finds himself un able to keep God's Law aud obliged to come for tnorcy. to the Throno of Grace, ho Is informed that ho can havo that morcy only upon condltiou that , ho will exercise similar mercy toward tttose who trespass against him, his 1 Ideals and Interests. Humility Is a quality very necessary to every croature. Pride U a foe which besots not merely the weak and Imperfect, but which overcame tho great nugel of light. Lucifer, aud trans formed him from a faithful servant of Johovnh Into Satan, the Adversary of God. Wo aro glad, thoroforo, that Di vine Wisdom requires humility ns one of the conditions of our acceptance with htm. This requirement assures us of tho security of the Dlvino Um pire against all treason In tho future; for none will be admitted to tho etor 3Hl life conditions either uow or In tho MlllonulHl At' except the humble. Let us hearken then to the lesson of Mir text and conclude with the words of the ApoNtl?. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mluhty ha ad of God. that u may exalt you In due . time" (I Peter v. . AND ALL DISEASES PIP "Two years ago a severe cold settled oh my lungs and so completely prostrated me that I was unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I went back to work, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tenn. PRICE 50c A Common Cold. We claim that if catching cold could be avoided somo of the most dangerous and fatal diseases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed of germs, of in fectious diseases. Consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold favors the development of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodgment. There is little danger, however, of any of theso diseases being contracted When a good expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is used. It cleans out these culture beds that favor the development of tho germs of theso diseases. That Is why this remedy has proved so universally successful in preventing pneumonia. It not only' cures your cold quickly, but minimizes the risk of contracting these dangerous di seases. For sale by all druggists. o Notice of Intention to Improve Trade Street from tho West Lino of Commercial Street to tho Bast Lino of Ferry Street. ! Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems it expedient to improve, and proposes to Improve Trade Street, from the West line of Commercial Stroot to the East Una of Front Street In tho City of Salem, Oregon, with bltulithic pavement on a bituminous base, according to the plans and specifications adopted by tho Council for improvement of said Stivot on file in tho office of the City Recorder, said improvement to be made at the exponso of tho adajcent proporty within tho limits of sai-.l proposed improvement. Remonstrances may be filed against said Improvement within 10 days of final publication of this no tice. Date of tho first publication or this notico is 17th day of February, 1010. By order of tho Common Council of the City of Salem, Oregon. W. A. MOORES, Recorder. 2-1 7-1 ltd o In sickness, - ir n certain hidden nervo goes wrong, then tho organ that this nerve controls will also suroly fall. It may bo a stomach norvo, or it may havo given strength nnd support to tho heart or kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that llrst pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Re storatlvo was not mado to dose tho stomach nor to temporarily stimu late the heart or kidneys. That old-fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direct ly to theso failing inside norves. The romarkablo success of this pre scription demonstrates tho wisdom of treating tho. actual causo of these failing organB. Anti It is indeed oasy to prove. A simple five or ten days' tost will surely tell. Try It once, nnd see! Sold by Capital Drug Store. "I have been ustug Cascarets for In somuia, with which I have been afflicted for tweuty years, and I can my that Cas carvta have given me more relief than any othr nuunuy I have ever triad. I shall certainly recommend them to my friends us btm? all that they are represented. M Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. PUotaftt PitUUble. Potent, TmI Good, b Seed. Newt Mokea. WMlnMi er Qrifxv. Wa.l&. SGc- Nevm toKt in bulk Ttteifea tibx tablet waiTitxKlC C C liuaraaMed to cure oc your wooey txu&. 9U nsontma DR. KING'S Dl U8HS and GOLD! THROAT AND SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. PERRY (S3MES59E23B3S! Safe Deposit Boxes For Ren Come in and see our new building, with our massive Burglar Proof Vault, within whose walls He securely protected our Sale Deposit Boxes,- one of which you shouldirent to keep your valuable papers in to prottect them from fire and theft. Our vault is right up-to-date, and you will say it is the finest piece of steel work ;you ever looked at. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent at $3.00 Per Annum United States SALEM, WW The Anderson 558', Trade Street and Furnace All kinds of sheet iron and steel work. General tin ning and roof work given expert attention. J. 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