Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 17, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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L. L Vial A
WHEW I gf C 1 WIHWWmW r3-HM--Hfr
We do not live by bread alone, Even a busy
man gets bored sometimes. What we all
want is a congenial method of relaxation
something that will amuse us. The less ef
fort required to secure the amusement, the
better. For such a purpose the Edison Phono
graph is ideal, It is right there and always
' ready the ever-present entertainer,
It is just as good for entertaining your
friends as it is for entertaining yourself, even
though they do not like the same things you
do, The marvelous versatility of the. Edison
Phonograph is only equaled by its marveluos
ingenuity, Hear it at
L. F. SAVAGE, Mgr.
"Written for Tho Capital Journal by Joseph Patterson.
Far abovte the ordinary aro the
many Interesting characters who
dwell in the districts of Yaqulna
Bay. These men in time will be
come a -part of tbe legends of West
ern Oregon and their histories will
be recorded long after the names of
men of prominence and affluence at
the present time have faded from
-sight in tho oblivion of time.
Among these Is old man Buzzard,
V -who, at the age of 85, guards the
woods at the edge of Newport which
aro ownied by the Southern Pacific
company. Hero, in a llttlo cabin on
a small clearing made free of
-charge by some unknown men, who
incidentally sold the wood which
they had accumulated while clear
ing, at tho end of a two-mllo trail
through a dense forest lives tho
jgray headed man.
Tho first time Uo was visited, he
was found seated by his dog calmly
smoking his pipe, doubtless ab
sorbed in tho reverie of hfB past long
life of patient toll, which was grad
ually drawing to a close in a lonely
spot away from the haunts of man.
iafe Deposit Boxes For Rent
Como In and see our new building, with our massive Burglar
Proof Vault, within whoso walls Ho securely protected our Sale
Deposit Boxes, one of which you should rent to keep your
valuable papers in to protteo thorn from fire and
theft. Our vault is right up-to-date, and you
will say it is the finest piece of steel work
you over looked at.
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent at $3.00 Per Annum
United States National Bank
Thus, In the capacity of watchman,
he was still able to earn and prob
ably receiving remuneration for the
first time without giving in exchange
hours of hard labor.
His sincere welcome, spoken in a
voice as soft as a Persian's, was im
mediately a bond of friendship;
and his eyes lighted up in the pros
pect of a chat with somebody from
town, which was another world to
him. Being allowed to chooso the
topics of tho conversation that fol-
owod tho greeting, ho proceeded to
explain tho responsllbllty of his du
ties, and then gradually drifted back
to his early life, which hto had spent
on a farm in a state many miles
away and ending with a direct
question to his guest inquiring if
anything of importance had hap
pened lately.
When the time to part with his
visitor arrived ho turned, and, hold
ing out a thin but rough old hand,
he said: "Goodbye, Boy. When
are you coming back?" Tho an
swer was lost in tho farewell bark
ing of the dog.
paid for tickets for concerts, th.on.tres,
vaudeville shows and ot,hcr anuisenient
not nearly so satisfactory as the entertainment that comes
out of the horn of an Edison Phonograph.
You never heard Harry Lauder as well as h.e sings on
an Edison Amberol Record. You never heard Slezak,
Martin or Constantino to such good advantage as you
hear them on the Edison Phonograph. You never have
had in any one evening such a program as you can have
any evening, at home, with an Edison Phonograph.
If you care for amusement at all and who does not?
then this is absolutely the best bargain in amusement
the world offers the Edison Phonograph, invented and
produced by Thomas A. Edison, Victor Herbert's music
reproduced for the Edison Phonograph by Victor Herbert's
own orchestra, all of the great singers, all of the great
musicians, all in your own home at any time, for the exclu
sive amusement of your own family and your own guests.
Edison Phonographs can be hnd
from $12.50 to $200.00
Edison Standard Records - - .35
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and hear the Edison
Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Amberol Records and tret complete
catalogs from your dealer or from us.
National Phonograph Co.. 75 Lakeiida Avenue, Oranie, N.J.
THE EDISON BUSINESS PHONOGRAPH enable the atenographar to gat out
twica at many latter aa he otherwise could.
George G. Will
f 1 21 Commercial St.
Joyous and Clear and Fresh
Tells you concisely what the "Edison" records always
are, The latest and most popular always carried in
stock. Many charming ones among the new arrivals,
Come In and Hfear Them
Pianos and organs sold on installment plan and rent
ed, A complete line of latest sheet music always on
hand, Everything in musical instruments,
on Glory's Honor roll, having been in
everything requiring courage from
the Civil War to the newspaper
business. His other name is "Geo.
F." For twenty years he was NoW'
port's Justice of tho Pieace, and his
name was a terror to tho near crlnv
Besides fighting several oral
duels, Dad established his fame as
a marksman In a prlvato shooting
match with one, not the first one,
George Washington, whom ho chal
lenged for a shoot on the outcomo
of which one thousand dollars was
wagered. Tho target was an official
card, such as is used by "Doe" Car
ver, "Cap" Hardy and Police Ga
zette "Wonders," placed at a dis
tance of ono hundred yards from
tho contestants.
After tho first Bhot, however, Dad
discovered that tho contest was a
"put up" game; for he caught tho
man in charge of tho targets punch
ing false holes through his compe
titor's cards; and, if it hadn't been
his off day for Bhootlng, Dad would
have landed him before his ammu
nition supply gavo out.
Another citizen whom Nowport
people aro proud to mention as a
friend, Is Henry Malu. Henry was
with us 90 years, and still would bo
If It was not for this: Two years
ago, ho invited his old cronies to a
Thanksgiving dinner, but, on tho
dny before, mistaking tho date, ho
cooked tho turkey and cranberries
and swieot potatoes and then sat
down awaiting the arrival of his
Henry's wrath warmed ns the
good things cooled; and, unwilling
to wait any longer he hurried off
downtown. Tho first guest ho mot
was "Dad" Sylveston. "Look hero. J
George," Bald Honry. "why didn't
you boys show up at my Thanksgiv
ing dinner?"
"Bless you, Honry," answered
George. "This ain't Thanksgiving;
Its tomorrori"
With that Honry stamped hla
foot and grew so angry that ho said
ho would pot Uyo Jn such a slow
town any longer. The next day he
was up bright and oarly, and, plac
ing his belongings in a satchel, he
left for Albany, where he now re
sides. In conclusion comee "Wild Bill'
ave bow
Kdlson Amberol Records (play
twice ns long:) - - - - $ .50
Edlon OraiidOpern Records 75. and 1.00
Phone Main 159
last but not least. His real name is
William, and ho hails from tho 81
lotz Indian Reservation, where ho
has a homostoadL
Bill speaks Indian with a decided
Gorman accent, carried a half-dozen
six shooters and can give "pointer"
to tho "Wild Man of Borneo" if ho
over comes to this town. At this
writing he Is unmarried.
Life on Pniuuna Oannl
has had ono frightful drawback
malaria trouble that has brought
suffering and death to thousands.
Tho germs cause chills, fover and
ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassi
tude, weakness and gonoral debility.
But Electric Bitters never fall to de
stroy them and euro malaria trou
bles. "Three bottles completely
cured mo of a vory severe attack
of malaria," writo Wm. A. Fretwell
of Lucama, N. C, "and I'vo had
good health ever since." Curo
stomach, liver and kidney troubles,
and prevent typhoid. Guaranteed
by J, O. Perrjrt
Notice of Intention to Improve Trade
Street from tho West Lino of
Commercial Street to tho Hast
Lino of Ferry Street.
Notice Is hereby glvon that the
Common Council of tho City of Sa
lem, Oregon, deems It expedient to
improve, and proposes to improvo
Trado Street, from tho West lino of
Commercial Stneot to tho East lino
of Front Street In tho City of Salom,
Oregon, with bltullthlc pavement on
a bituminous base, according to the
plans and specifications adopted by
tho Council for Improvement of Bald
Stileet on file in tho ofllco of tho City
Recorder, said improvement to be
made at tho expense of tho ndujeont
proporty within tho limits of said
proposed Improvement.
Roraonstrancos may bo fllotl
against said Improvement within 10
days of final publication of this no
tice Dtiio of the first publication of
thla notice U 17th day of February,
By order, of the Common Council
of the City of Salem, Oregon.
A fow notes taken from a French
paper on an oxceedlngly interesting
subject just at present may not be
Hnlloy's Comlot, which Is inter
esting bo many people, will roach Its
closest point to tho earth on May
18th. On this date thto tail will
point directly toward tho oarth, aa
tho tall always points away from tho
sun and tho comot will bo botween
tho earth and tho sun. Tho most
beautiful view of tho comet, how
ever, will bo ior soveral days just
boforo or just after MtHf 18th. Tho
oarth is going at about 72,000 mites
an hour and tho comot is travelling
at about 100,000 miles an hour, and
on tho night of May 18th theso two
bodies will rush past eaoh other at
a speed of about 180,000 miles an
Tho tall of tho comet Is supposed
to bo about 15,000,000 miles long
and as tho comot will bo about 15,
000,000 miles from tho earth, wo
will probably pass through whatovor
j there Is of this tall. According to
tho best roport, while this tall is
millions of miles long, if It could bo
gathered up it could bo put in a
small sized room.
Other than the light which may
bo soon at night, its effect on tho
earth will not bo noticed.
Probably tho smallest audelnco
that has assembled at tho Grand
Opera Houso during tho present soa-
son was that which greeted, tho ron
dltlon of tho flvfo act drama, "Tho
Right of Way," undor tho porsonal
direction of Theodore Roberts, Mon
day night Those who failed to at
tond, without doubt, missed tho treat
of tho season, as tho play, liko the
novel, Is ono of tho best before tho
public at tho present tlmo. Hallott
Thompson, as Chas. Steele, waa a
wholo show in himself and tho lovo
scono in tho last act was ono of tho
most beautiful that has over b'eon
rendered at tho local opera house
Tho company was well balanced and
each ono seemed to bo admirably
uttegt .to. the. part they played, and
wo venture tho assertion that if tho
"Right of Wiiy" was to be ropwitod
again, tho opera house would bo
crowded to tho walls.
Threatening fevorishnoss with
children Is quickly and safely
calmed by Prevontlcs. Theso little
Candy Cold Curo Tablets should al
ways be at hand for promptness
is all-Important. Proventlca con
tain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening. They aro Indeed "tho
stitch in tlmo." Carried in pocket,
or purse, Prevontlcs aro a genuine
safeguard against Colds. 25c. Sold
by Capital Drug Storo.
"Notlco of Intention to Improve Com
mercial Street from tho South
Lino of Mill Street to tho North
Lino of Mission Street.
Notice Is hereby given that tho
Common Council of tho City of 8w
lem, Oregon, deems it expedient to
Improvo, and proposes to improve
Commercial Street, from tho South
lino of Mill Street to tho North lino
of Mission Street in tho City of Sa
lem, Oregon, with bitullthlo pave
mont on a bituminous baso, accord
ing to tho plans and specifications
adopted by tho Council for Improve
ment of said Street on fllo in tho of
fice of tho City Recorder, said im
provement to bo made at tho ex-
ponso of tho adjacent proporty with
in tho limits of said proposed im
provement. Romonstrances may bo filed
against said Improvement within ton
days of final publication of this no
tice. Dato of first publication of this
notlco -thlB 12th day of February,
By order of tho Common Council
of tho City of Salom, Oregon."
W. A. MOORES, Rocordor.
2-12-llt dly
Staggers Skeptics.
That a clean, nice, fragrant com
pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salv
will instantly relievo a bad burn,
cut, scald, wound or piles, stagger
skeptics. But great cures provo Its
a wonderful healer of tho worst
sores, ulcors, bolls, felons, eczema
skin eruptions, and also chapped
hands, sprains and corns. Try It.
2Cc at J, O. Perry's.
Over 22,000 applo trooa will bo
sot -out in Yamhill county this sea
Hoarse CougliA, Stuffy Colds,
pain in cheat and soro lungs, are
symptoms that quickly develop Into
a dangerous Illness If the cold la uot
cured. Foley's Honey and Tar stops
the cough, heals and eases tho con
gested parts. a.nd brings quick re
lief. For sale by J. C. Perry.
I "I Proof
In considorlnit makinic your own
light, or cooking, why not coos?
the F. P. Gaa Machine and '
bora Light
Will soil and Install this me
nd guarantee It to give o pen
cent more light for tho saw aoaeyi
than electricity or city gas. Let tee
figure with yon, estimates furnte&e!.
Call at my shop and see "Ow lig&ta
tnd ntoves In operation.
I also carry PXBO DURLAuTUmSB
ALCOHOL utilities. Safe, ecoarek-
eal, odorlece.
808 Stale Bt.
Steamers Pomona and Oregons
leave for Portland Monday, Wednes
day and Friday at 10 a. m., Taoa
day. Thursday and Saturday at 0 a.
m. For CorralHs, Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday about 0:80 p. ra.
Salem's Old Reliable
Hau been thoroughly xeaev&teA
from celling to basems&t.
Nlckpl plated racks have- Sxea
put in in plocp of. wooden c-RSa.
The woodwork has bee C38a
eled and a mar bio walaacotiag
put in. Drop in and loo
around. t
E. CCross&Soo
Phone 391
Headquarters for Woven Wire
Fencing, Hop wire, Barb Wire,
Poultry Netting, Shingles, MoJ
thold Roofing, P. & B. Ready
Roof ng.
S50 Court St
Phojtto 124
Feast With the Best
Welcome to my house
Everything in season always
to he had at
Hotel Salem
Rates Itcasonablo
510 S to to St Phono Main 208
le, mlttT with Iitue Ribbon.
w incr mr or 7 OOP '
..ruffftat. AlkrofiriJlfKH.TIBM
'i i'PX or jfotu-
Salem's most popular res
taurant, 3C2 Stato street. We
nover close, upon all night.
Wm. McGilcfirist & Sons
Phone 44 Main. 147 N. High it
Proprietor of
Oabu and Livery- All Him
Modern Kubbor Tire
Phoae 185
Salem Fence Wrks