DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SAUBf, OESflOff, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, iOld. Free on Refluest ?e l-HgtokeiI'for dattam pontic Mint jniepusiSSSM ww Awwfcv Cenca(fAnal B3- , ITm Km 3 doings. Beautiful Gift Edition, with six full, page illustra- fARflFII 1 1 IQTRATFH TATA I fid k,wuatt"vuwl I1 : fJ5l'mi- tJPlmfcJl ; tlons In colors from originals by Reginald F.Bolles. Ornamental LAKUt lLLUi I KA I LL LAI LUU " B! m& m cloth, gold ' lops, fdr sale exclusively at oir store OF THESE BARGAINS liOOK AnBOUflCeilieilt U Pub.' Price, $2.50. sale Price, $1.10. Editions de Luxe Almost Given Away! Salem's Bgsfc Book Store About One-Fourth Publisher's Priees Known TIiIh Is tho ciilinlnatioii of well-known panic conditions In the Subscription Rook Trade. Some big publishing failures are known to the public, but only bankers and others on tho insldo understand tho extensive financial difficulties which have caused this enormous Forced Sale. At tho inflated Subscription Prices 0,000,000 worth of Fine do Luxe Editions were recently thrown upon the mar ket by lending Subscription Publishers, Printers and Binders, who were compelled to unload nt any prico to raise money. A subscription Publishers Clearing House was formed to distribute tho enor mous stocks among leading houses In large cities. Wo bought heavily, securing the' entire allotment for this City, and therefore wo offer these Superb Editions exclusively here'. The sale comprises de Luxe publications of many s ubscrlption houses, including Bigelow, Smith & Co., Tho Davos Press, Gcbbic &Co., Tho Nottingham Society and Tho Chesterfield Society. Under tho two last mentioned imprints were rc-lssucd from the saute plates the fine dc Luxe sets of stand ard authors formerly published and extensively sold through agents by John I). Morris & Co., Phil adelphia'. All the best sets advertised widely in magazines and sold by agents at high prices .you'll find right here at astonishing bargain prices. You can now get three or four magnificent sets for the subscription prico of one. Select the favorite authors you want and enjoy the possession of a fino private library, a creditable ornament in your home nnd a good investment in every wny. 1 Only AbOUt 25C On the $! 00Ilo,lieinbcr theso "ro ot ordinary trade scls sold everywhere, but genuine dc Liixc'krgnins offered exclusively by lis in this cllxl XllC BOpklOVCf'S Cll311C& Of 3 Of De Maupassant! M m f rt "Guy Do Maupassant Is tho most gifted nmi versatile writer Franco has given us for fifty years" says George Salntsbury, tho critic, while Mr. Mablo In tho Out look calls him "tho foremost mnsier 01 mo art m short story writing." No more fascinating fiction was ovor written than "Uno Vie," "Bel Ami," "Plorro do Joan," etc., etc. This beautiful now Edition do Luxo contains tho best unabridged translations of his complete novels nnd all of his nutliontic short story masterpieces, Including 17 brilliant stories never boforo translated,, hero pub lished for tho first tlmo In book form. Tho edi tion Is printed only for subscribers and should not l(o confounded with choap editions. Tho typo U largo and eloar, tho press work extra fine, boing first impressions of now plates, tho pnpor superfine and tho illustrations Include numerous full-pago photogravures and half tones from original draw ings. Tho sot is in ten volumes. Three-quartor leather binding, marbled sides, gold tops, uncut odgn'S. Sub. Prico, $49. 00. Sale Price, $11.25 Samo in Extra Cloth binding, vollum label, gold tops Sub. Price, $35.00. Sale Price, $7.50 TV Comploto romnncos, poems, essays, HSIOYH best dramas, including Hugo's raro UllgU i,00ic ou Shakespearo and Hfo of Hugo, in ton handsome volumes, nowi Edition do Luxo from now plates, with 90 illustrations In photo gravure and half tono. This Is tho qost and most comploto sot of Hugo In English, excepting only one other costly odition which bdIIs at from $100 to $500 per aot. Edltldn limited to 1000 numbered sots. Elogautly bound In thrco-quartor leather, Luxo stylo. Sub. Price, $49.00. Sale Price, .$10.50 Samo in Cloth Sub. Prico, $30.00. Sale Price, $7.50 do r i a Now Salntsbury Edition do Luxo of liJI7ir, i T,,o Comploto Comodio Humalno UUl&UVt fi'ho best and only unoxpurgated scholarly comploto translation. Balzac treats of tho wholo rango or human omotlons, creating over two thousand porsonnges, who movo through tho scones o The Cotnodlo Ilumnlno a comploto so o!nt world. The Illustrations Includo numorous photogra vures and half-tono reproductions from orlglnnl paintings by Fruuoli and English artists. Largo typo, suporllno paper, handsomely bound In threu-qunrtter leather, niarblod sldofl and Insldo cover lining, gold tops. Comploto In eighteen vol umes. Sub. Price, $70.00. Sale Price, $18.50 De Musset ! "Ills uovols aro extraordinar ily brilliant. Ho had no suc cessor In Franco eithor as a poet or dramatist." Eno. Brltannlcn. Tho com-, poto writings of Alfrqd Do Mussot translated Into English. English do Luxo limited to 1,000 num bered sh(h, with 1 1 photogravures, lnrgo typo, deckle edge pa pur. Ton volumes. lfllognntly bound In throo-quartor Ieathor, gold tojw. Sub. Prlco. $19.00. Salo Price, $12.25 Stunfo In Cloth Sub. Pnlao, $3G.OO. Sale price, $0.00 f Trnnslatod by Rob- Guizot's France! ?,. SS nixed tig the most nuthorltntlvo whorovor tho En glish lKiiKURKtt is spoken.' llora Is a grout history which 1vk a vivid and truthful nccount of wont, couched lit simple and direct language. This do Luxe Edition la tho comploto work, In S volumes, printed from lnrgo typo on uxoallout pnpor with por traits and historical sconce) reproduced In photo gravure and Imlf-tone. Three-quartor dark lovnn.t grain loathor, gold tops, murhlod sldw and llnl,ngs. Sub. Prico. $30.00. fiirlo Prlco, $H.75 t m Now Edition do Green's England! 'Wte plu from onrliost tlmoe, with a continuation to tho eur 1909, Including an Iutroluotlou by tho nu thor'e widow. Alice Stoprord Groeu. Countloss odltluns or this work have boon Issued because It la tho only roadnblo standard work on tho subjoot. Provlous editions, howovor. havo boon indomploto. omllng with the your 1815. In the proaont uaRittL ful do Luxe set tlte history Ik complotud to tho year 1909, making It the host amd only comploto authoritative history of England. Largo type, printed ou mipurllno pnpor, Ulna trutud wlili photogrnVuros on Jupun mw and luoUion prnteil in two colore ou liulla pltvto pupor. Five volume. Sub. Prlco. $26.00. Sale IVJee, $0.25 i . d Now Edition (let Luxo of Alns- AftKWAnll' worth's Stamhuul Novols with nmoiixn llli r.,mKt, dUOtono Illustra tions by Gorgt CruAkshank. Alns worth's Justly celebrated historical novel horo offered In a worthy edition. ro rloh lu sensational incidents, axultlng advent urea and animated soanvs. Thla sot in eight volume contains: The Tower of London, Jaok Shenpanl, Ouy Fawkoa wnd Windsor Castle. ilamltonieJy printed on fine white d Luxe pa per, nnd bound in thive-qmirter levant grnlu leAtluu' (win color), gold tope, nwrblodl Rlee and llulnc Suh. Pri f5.00. Hale Price, $8.75 Pawlinspn! Now Complete Edition de Luxo of Tho History of An clont Egypt and the Seven Great Monarchies. This famous standard woric tel!s In roadnblo style tho history of tho great mon archies Of the ancient Eastern world Egypt, Chaldee, Assyria, Babylon, Mtedla, Persia, Parthla, and Sassanlaq or Now Persian Emplrot Tho nar rative Is embellished with hundreds of Illustra tions throughout tho text, and there aro very copious nofes and indexes, making this the best as it is tho handsomest edition of the work ever issued in America. Largo type, excellent white wove paper. Thrco-quarter leather binding (dark red), mar bled Ies nnd linings, gold tops, Japan paper, titles In colors. Piyo volumes. Sub. Prico, $25.00. Salo Price, $0.25 v , Tho Dlvlno Comedy, best translation IfJJfltfv liy Longfellow, with voluminlus notes AUAl&v I .introductions. Printed from large now type, handsomely illustrated in duotone colors. 44 full page plates. Tho best edition of Dante. Durably bound In cloth. Completo in four vol umes. Sub. Price, $G.00. Salo Prico, $2.05 Same In leather, extra do Luxe Sub. Price, $25.00. Salo Price, $0.25 Bff -ii 1 Best edition do Luxo of the fullltl I nHr.tl ' famous Muhlbach Library or 1MMMKSUV1I roal Historical Romances, in thrco-quartor leather binding. Thousands of sets of these fascinating and valuable books havo been sold at high prices through agents and by exten sive magazine advertising. Tho magazine editions nro greatly Inferior to tho genuine dp Luxo edition which wo offer horo. This edition do Luxo is enre fully printed on superfine whlto wove paper ,md Includes full-pago photogravure Uustratlons from historical paintings, printed on Japan paper. Tho throo-quarter levant grain loathor (red) binding is very handsome and durable. Marbled sides and inside linings, silk headbands, gold tops, uncut edgos. Formerly published by D. Apploton & Co., this edition issued for subscribers by The Chestorfiold Society. Size of volumes 5x8 about 9,000 pages In tho sot. Eighteen volumes. Sub. Prico, $72.00. Salo Price, $18.50 C ; i A great Poet, Playwright, USCar Wilde! ovo11 .nnd Essayist. WVUl TMlUfi Literature presonta fow moro remarkable careers than that of Oscar Wildo. While yot a student at Oxford his pooms woro compared with those of Tennyson. In 1882, whon only twenty-six years old, his locturo tour of Amorlca netted him over $50,000. He was un doubtedly tho greatest playwright of his time. This only comploto authorized edition de luxo Is now for tho first time mado accessible for Ameri can readors by special arrangement with Wilde's lltorary oxocutor, Mr. Itobort Ross, and with tho London publishers, Mothuon & Co. Tho platos of this odition which woro Imported from England aro tho snmo ns thoso of tho raro English edition lssuod by Mothuon & Co., of which only a fow sots found their way to Amorlca to bo quickly bought up by blblophlles nt $75 and upward por sot. Spaco horo pormlts mention of only a few more Important titles, such as tho Duchess of Padua (first comploto odition), Intentions and other Ec says comploto, Pooms, Ravonnn, Tho Sphinx, Bal lad of Reading Gnol, tho Harlots House, and all pooms complete, Including many novor beforo pub lished ; Lady Windermere's Fan, A Woman of no Importance Florontlno Tragedies, Vera, Tho Nihi lists, Salomo, and all other plays comploto; The Picture of Dorian Groy, A House of Pomegranates, Tlio Happy Prince, Lord Arthur Savillo's Crime, and all othor tales and novels comploto; Rovlows and Miscollnnlos nowly collected and published for tho first tlmo. Ton volumes. Tho typo of thoso English plates is oxtra. largo and handsomo, printed on suporllno whlto woven paper with tho Aldus de luxo water-mark. Tho Illustrations In photogrnvuro and half tono aro from original drawings. Cloth btndlng, vollum labols, gold tops, uncut edes. Sub. Prico, $35.00. Halo Price, $7.75 Throo-quartor loathor binding, oxtra lovant grain loathor, marbled Bides and linings, wide loather comers, silk headbands, gold tops, gold backs, uncut odgos. Sub. Prlco, $49,00. Sale Prlco, $11,25 I Aloxandro Dumas is deolarod by lUmaS! V'0unt,0S3 enthusiastic admirers to bo (ll0 I)rnco of romancorg( Ho car, rloa along tho render breathless with interest, through plots and counterplots, ingonlus intrigues, humorous situations, and novor-ondlng ndven turee, all told with Inimitable wit and dialogue. Uooklovora should not confound this now edition do Luxw with tho numorous very incompleto sots or Dumas which omit many or his brilliant novols. Probably tho world will novor seou an absolutely comploto sot or Dumas ror It la Imposslblo to dls corn posltlvoly nil or Dumps own writings front thoso to which ho allowed his nnmo to bo plncod, although wrltton by othors In tho "Dumns Syn dlouto or Authors." Tho present now edition, howovor, contains all or tho rocognizod master pieces or Dumas, about 13,000 pages, and thoro roro may bo oalled praotloally complote tho most eatteractory sot ovor lssuod In Hnglsh tho best translations. IUustrntod with numerous duotonee In two col ors, tho typo, payor nnd proeswork aro oxcollont, Throo-quartor louthor binding, inarbtod sides, full gold baolcs, gold tops. Hlghtoon volumes Sub. Prloe, $80.00. Salo Price, $10.50 I it is indeed true that though written PlflTA I 2.300 veara .inn tho wnrkn nf Plato ulVl discuss the very same problems that wo discuss today and still rank among tho great est productions of tho human mind, toachlng tho great truths of life with convincing logic and fasci nating simplicity. Plato Is as necessary to a library as a foundation to a house. This edition do Luxe in three volumes contains the blest trans lations with introductions and notes, including: 1. Tho Dialogues. 2. The Republic. 3. Trial and Death of Socrates. Tho type is large and clear, printed on super fine white wove paper. Tho illustrations include photogravure and duotones (in two colors) on In dia plate paper". Three-quarter leathler binding, gold tops, mar bled sides and linings, silk headbands, Japan vel lum titles. Sub. Price, $15.00. Snle Price, $3.00 GebbieBurns! Self interpreting Edition do Luxe of Robert Burns' Comnlete Poetical and Prose Works. Printed for subscribers only. All Scotch words throughout are in italic typo and English meaning in small typo at the end of each lino. Tho set includes Burns' immortal songs, words and music, letters and life. Tho only com plete edition, containing 100 more poems and over 200 mono letters than any other set of Burns. The Illustrations number over 100 rare engravings, in cluding duotones, photogravures, manuscript fac similes, colored map, etc., six volumes. Elegantly bound In three-qunrter levant grain leather. Sub. Price, $35.00. Solo Price, $8.75 Smollett! I ine History of English Literature, II- i llflfi ! Hustrated Edition de Luxe in four handsome volumes. President Butler of Columbia writes: "Taine stands head and haulders above the authors of other works on English Literature. His estimates are just, his style charming. You cannot get too much Taine." Tho entire field Is covered by Taine from earliest to modern times with Illustrative excerpts from great writers, with an excellent Index, making this an excellent reference work. Large typo, extra white wovo paper, handsomely Illustrated with duotones on India plate paper and photogravure on Japan paper. Three-quarter leather binding, marbled sides and linings, Japan vellum title pages, gold tops. Sub. Price, $21.00. Sale Price, $5.50. The writings of this classic old novelist are famous for depict ing with spirit and wit the free and easy manner of eighteenth century life. Sm'ol lot deals with the ridiculous and humorous side of life. Thackeray called his "Humphrey Clinker" the most laughable story ever written. The novels, "Roderick-Random," "Peregrine-Pickle," etc., ex cel in original comedy. Tho set contains the complete novels, unexpur gatod, best text, largo type, fine paper, illustrated, six volumes, Edition re Luxo, limited, numbered by hand, three-quarter leather binding. Sub. Price, $30.00. Salo Price, $7.50 Samo in Cloth Sub. Price, $22.50. Sale Price, $5.50 Plutarch! Plutarch's Lives includo bril liant biocranhlea of tho chief J norsonatres of Greek, and Roman history, embracing tho six hundred eventful years, 500 B. C. to 100 A. D. Shakespearo himself drew ideas and characters from Plutarch, and so have countless other writers. Emerson says "cannot ba spared from the smallest library his lives aro as entertaining as a French novel." Edition de Lujjo, five volumes, limited and numobred, large typo, good paper, Hustrated. Durably bound In beautiful style, three-quartor genuine leather. Sub, Price, $22.50. Slilo Price, $5.50 1J I Scott It was who named Fielding rlftlfllflP "The Father of tho English a iviuiii I Novel," because Fielding created a now school of literature the novel. After more than an century his novels still hold, a foremost place among the world's masterpieces. Ho wroto thoso celebrated novels, "Tom Jones," "Joseph Andrews," "Amelia," etc., which are truly classics of their kind. Edition do Luxe, limited and numbered, (uni form with Smollett,) largo type, excellent paper, illustrated, complete novels, unoxpurgated, six volumes, three-quarter leather binding. Sub. Prico, $30.00. Salo Prico, $7.50 Samo in. Cloth Sub. Price, $22.50. Sale Price, $5.50 r 4 9 rfc a Th0 Decline and Fall of (iibbon s Koine" th Roman Emp,re UlRMim O IWUIW. covering tho period from tho death of Julius Caesar and the down fall of tho Republic, through thlrteon centurlos, to thp fall of Constantinople. "Whatovor. else 13 road, Gibbon must bo read too." Now Edition de Luxo, tho only largo type set in six volumes, It nmst not be confounded with tlio cheap broken typo spts in flvo volumes.) Notes by MUraan, Oulzot, and Dr. William Smith. Elegantly Illustrated and bound In three-quartor gonulno leather. Sub. Price, $33.00. Sale Price, $7.50 jpi a This Is a now complete Edition do Luxo V tfifi' of Poe's complete Tales, Poems, Essays JL VWi an,i Miscellanies the most desirable library edition In existence. The type is largo and clear, text pago printed carofully on superfine white wove paper, with ex cellent photogravure and hair tono Illustrations. Frontispieces aro hand colored. Edition limited to 1.0D0 numbered sets. The binding three-quarter leather. Ten volumes. Sub. Price, $49.00. Snle Price, $12.00 Same in Cloth Sub. Price, $35.00. Sale Price, $0,00 Stevenson ! This new Edition do Luxe (limited and numbered) brines to booklovers for tho first tlmo an approximately definitivo edition of Stovonson at a moderate price. Heretofore tho only other good edition has sold at from $52,00 to $104.00 por sot, moreover, this new sot contains hundreds of pages of valuable matter never before presented In book form not oven In tho most ox ponsivo editions. Tho typo Is a new Scotch stylo, good pnper, with portraits and other Illustrations trom photographs. Ton volumes. Three-quarter loathor binding. Sub. Price, $39.00. Sale Price, $0.50 Samo In Cloth Sub. Prico, $30.00. Sale Price, $7.50 Irving! 'Tho Books ot Irving, Tho Founder of American Literature, aro wholesome, full of sweetness and charm, of humor witnout any sting, of amusement without any , stain; and their mono solid qualities aro marred by neither pedantry nor pretension." Charles Dudley Warner. This do Luxe edition deserves special attention, as It contains all of Irvlng's writings, with tho author's latest revisions and several valuable maps. Complete, In ten handsomo volumes, Illustrated with many half tones, photogravuno portraits and maps. The paper made expressly for this edition Is a very fino white wove, and tho presswork Is of tho best quality. Tho typo is larga and clear. Three-quartor leather binding (dark red), marbled sides and insldo cover linings, gold tops, uncut edges, silk headbands, Jnpau tltlb pages in color. Sub. Prico, $45.00. Solo Price, $11.75 De Luxe Classics- Sub. Prico, por Vol., $6.00 . Sale Price, $1.25 Each Including the host or Pres. Elliot's Recommendations for his "Five-foot book shelf" ndmlttedly the most rendablo classics deserving of a place in ovory private library. Each volume or theso eight do Lujo classics Is printed from largo clear typo upon extra white wovo papor with tho exclusive watormnrk "Aldus do Luxo" in each pago. The tltlo pages are printed on Japan vollum and the photogravuro frontispieces are printed by hand also upon Japan vellum. The binding is three-quartor lovant grain eathor, of a rich old rose shade, cloth sides, silk headbands, gold back stamping gold tops, uncut edges, ench volumo Is boxed. Published by tho Chestorfield Society Addison's Essays LIm, Ed. by de Lnxc Edited by JOHN RICHARD GREEN, M. A., LL. D. The Meditations of the Emperor Translated by GEORGE LONG, M. A. MARCUS AURELUS ANTONINUS With a biographical Skotch and a view of tho philosophy or Antoninus by tho translator. BACON'S ESSAYS Counsels, Civil and Moral Including nlso his Apophthegms. Elegant Son. tonces, and Wisdom or tho Anclonts. with a Bio graphical Introduction by Honry Morley. CHESTERFIELD'S LETTERS Inoludlng his Sentonoes and Maxims, with a pre fatory notu by Oharlos Sayle, and .a Critical Essay by 0. A. Salnte-Bouv, d I'acadenHe Franoalse. THE DISCOURSES OF EPICTETUS with the Encholridlon nnd Fragmonts, translated with notes, a Hfo and a view of his philosophy, by Georgo Long, M. A. ' The Autobiography of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Including Poor Richard's Almanac, A Plan for Saving Ono Hundred Thousand Pounds, Advico to a Young Tradesman, Dialogue between Franklin nnd tho Gout. The Art of Procuring Pleasant Dreams, Familiar Lottors and other papers. LINCOLN'S SPEECHES Including his Inaugurals and Proclamations with a Biographical Introduction and Prefatory Notes, WEBSTER'S SPEECHES Embracing Webster's acknowledged master plocos In each department of oratory, Including Tho Dartmouth College Case, Tho Plymouth Ora tlon The Bunker Hill Monumont, Tho Character of Washington. Reply to Hayne. Reply to Calhoun, Tho Constitution of tho Union, otc, etc.