Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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So many dramatlzbd novels have
iallen by thlo waysldo in recent years
that the success of "The Right of
Way" which will be brought to the
Grand Opera House next Monday
night for one night stay, Is gratify
ing; tho more so because Sir Gil
bert Parker's novel, from which
Eugeno W. Presbrey made the play,
is an uncommonly fine one. The
"best points of this story of tho re
demption of a wasted life, by an act
of self renunciation, with tho hero
standing In the predicament of love
and happiness on ono sidy and honor
smd responsibility on tho other,
have been well brought out by Mr.
Presbrey, who had a hard problem
lo solve when he undertook to
makKJ a play that Bhould reflect the
novel as a psychological study and
at the samo time have plenty of ac?
Hon. In tho first scene tho cynical,
reckless and tarnished (personality
of Charley Stoelo Is thrown into bold
relief In a series of encounters with
the Judge whom ho has . defrauded,
the wife whom he has outraged, tho
murdored whom ho has saved, tho
lover whom he defies and the
drunken parson and boyish repro
bate whom Wo has led to ruin. This
swift sequence of incidents gives a
strongly dramatic thrill and arouses
Interest that Is held to the end. The
dramatization Is practically an orig
inal ulay. only S00 of the 16,000
Statement for January, 1010.
Number using rjeadlng room
dally. . ..". 200
New members .............. 82
Total membership i ........ 4174
New Books.
Purchased 47
Gifts -3
Total 90
Number of Loans.
Books 4104
kj.tta.rt i-'STr l MUO,
ItamoTM Tui, Flmjt
Fncklw, Moth rtcti
mou Dim vncHfj,
co beraty, ud ile
flu diltcUon. It
tu Stood tli lew
of (0 Tnn, ud
la M humlem we
H proMtlf toad.
Acctpl no counter
ftlt of lmUM
trtme. Dr. L. A,
Strra I1 to
Udr of tha .htttt
ton ( piittentlt
a ro imh
Will UM ttltffl,
I rtoomtnend
Coarnnd'a Crenm' t th 1m; hrmfut or U th
pnouMlon" For salt bT iU draUU and ncr
COdaBtalMS in th United Btate. 0nl nd Koropo.
RB3.T.H0FUKS, Prop 37 Oral Join Street, He Tori
A New Organ
Periodicals. . 201
words being taken direct from tha Total .......4395
Number or volumes in me
library ..9052
Ttoa following now books were ad
ded to the library during January:
Beazley Prince Henry tho Navi
gator. Brandes Young Germany.
Hillqult Socialism.
Stedman Victorian Ajnthology.
Munstorberg Psychotherapy.
Choyney European Background
of American History.
Barber Engineer's Sketch-book.
Eward Civil Service Manual,
three Vol.
Stockham Tokology.
pryer My Day: Reminiscences of
a long life.
Super French Reader.
Guerber Contes et Legondes.
Heine Die Harzreise.
Williamson Set in Silver.
Pago John Marvel Assistant.
Dillon Patience of John, More
land. Sinclair-7-The Long Shadow.
For tho Children.
Lanier Boys King Arthur.
Major Bears of Bluo River.
Adams H arpor's Electricity
Book for Boys.
Johnston- Little Colonel Stories;
Little Colonel's House Party; Little
Colonel's Holidays; Little Colonel's
Hero; Little Colonel at Boarding
School; Little Colonel In Arizona;
Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation;
Little Colonjel: Maid of Honor;
Mary Ware; Little Colonel's Knight
Comes Riding; Two Little Knight's
of Kentucky; and Giant Scissors.
Caldecott Picture Books No. 1
and 2.
Lothrop Ben Pepper; Phronsio
Pepper; Five Little Poppers in tne
Little Brown House; Five Little
Peppera and Their Friends; and
Five Little Peppers at- School.
Tho following German books were
tho gift of the lato Hon. Edward
. JAuerbach Waldfrled; Landolln
Let Mc Send You
A Treatment of My
Catarrh Cure Free
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent
Como in and see our new building, with our masstvo Burglar
Proof Vault, within whose walls lio securely protected our Sate
Deposit Boxes, ono of which you should rent to keep your
valuable papers la to prottcct thorn from flro and
theft. Our vault is right up-to-date, and you
will say it is tho finest piece of steoi work
you over looked at.
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent at $3.00 Per Annum J
tates National B 311
United S
"If you would have a safo yet cor
laln Cough Remedy In tho home, try
Dr. Shoop's at least once. It is
thoroughly unliko any other cough
preparations. Its taste will bo en
tirely now to "you unless it is al
ready your favorite cough remody
No opium, chloroform, or any other
stupefying Ingredients aro used. Tho
tender leaves of a harmless lung
healing mountainous shrub give to
Dr. Shoop's Cough Romedy its won
derful curative properties. It Is tru
ly a most certain and trustworthy
Sold by Capital Drug
Tho citizens of Sclo aro rojolclhg
over the prospects of a $12,000
A Scene from "The Right of Way," at the Grand Monday, February 14.
Dllrvred to Any Rail
road Station or Boat
l..wPj in Oregon
Hrc la a Dloture of ana of tha moat
ferreotly finished organs now manuiao
ured. It la the Paolflo Queen, mad
specially for Ellera Piano House.
Choice of fancy walnut or selected oak
cases. Fine, very Urge beveled plate
mirror, perfectly finished! n ornament
to any mansion.
Numerous new and valuable Improve
ments are embodied In this organ, mak
ing It at once one of the best and moot
curable organs manufactured In the
United State.
Built with special regard to Paolflo
Coast ollmate.
Besides the regular reed tone, this
Instrument also has several ootaves of
the regular pipe affect, to be found In
w ether make.
Great Special Offer
T more thoroughly Introduoe this
organ we are making most exceptional
concessions In our prices and terms and
will deliver a strictly brand new, per
fect and fully guaranteed organ, freight
P4. t0 .a7L railroad station or boat
lauiumg in me staie or uregon for 5 la,
on payment of $8 down and 14 a month.
The fancier tyles. $:, $6, etc, on
eame terms. Write us today, as this
, roRTULND, onnao.v
UtfXt, leading and Most Ucapoualbla
Western Dealer.
StM at Seattle, Spokane, Taooma,
Wall Walla, Ban Franclaoo, eta.
A4AreM Xearest Store.
book. P. Aug. Anderson, ono of the
best of our so-called "character ac
tors" plays Joe Portugals notably
well. In both dialect and make-up
ho is an Ideal riverman. As for the
Charley Steele of Hallett Thompson,
it is the best of his stago portraits.
He makes Steele's regeneration and
and ultimate return to a conscious
ness of his past life, as well as his
heroic self-sacrifice, really impres
sive. Tho company as a whole is a
good one, and the pictorial side of
the production very beautiful, the
scones being Steele's den, the Cote
Dorian, the "hut on tho mountain,
and the very picturesque Valley of
Cooling Springs. Seat sale starts
Saturday at 9 a. m.
You economize . greatly when us
ing Dr. Shoop's now coffee substi
tute known to first class grocers
everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health
Coffee. A 25c, 1 pound package
gives 100 cups of a wonderfully sat
isfying table drink. Pure toasted
grains malt, nuts, etc., give to
Health Coffee a wholesome, and sat
isfying tasto and flavor. And there
Is not a grain of real coffee in St.
Besides, Health Coffeo is "mado in
a minute." No 20 to 30 minutes
tedious boiling. Sold by J. W. Har
rltt. o
Laura Alice Shelton died at Ly
ons, One., January 13. Tho funeral
was largely attended, there being
thirty-six carriages filled with rela
tives and friends which Is some consolation.
Grand Opera House
r I n mm ai 9 si
Sir Gilbert Parkor's famous novol.
An excellent company.
Sent Mlo starts Saturday at 9 a. ni.
First time at popular prices, 11.00,
75c and 50c.
C. E. Gauss.
It Will Take Any Case of Catarrh,'
No .Matter How Chronic, or
What Stago It Is In, and
Provo Entirely at My Own
Expense, That It Can
Bo Cured.
Curing catarrh has been my busi
ness for years, and during this time
over one million peoplo have come
to mo from all over tno lanu wr
treatment and advlco. My method
is original. I cure tho disease by
first curing the cause. Thus my
combined treatment cures where all
else fails. I can demonstrate to you
in lust a few days' time that my
method Is quick, sure and complete
becauso It rids tho system of tho
poisonous germs that causo catarrh.
Send your name and address at once
to C. E. Gauss, and ho will send you
tho treatment referred to. Fill out
tho coupon below.
and Auf dor
Works, four
von iieutersnoien;
Korner Collected
Beniedlx Der Procesz; Ohne Pass
and Die Hochzolterelse.
Moyr Zwel Freler.
Gorman-Spanish Dictionary.
Spanish-German Dictionary.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
We, tha undersigned, have known
F. J. Chenoy for the last 15 years,
and bellove him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and
financially able to carry out any
obligations mad" by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75c per bottle,
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
9 r j ei
no Hoi say u is impossioie,
That is what they told Marconi.
9 If vou aro sick and have tried everything and did not receive
heln. trv chlronractlc BDinal adjustments and got well
Chiropractic (KI-Ro-Prack-TIck) Splnologlst.
Rooms 400-408 U. S. N. Bank Building.
Office Cousnltntion Free. Salem, Orcgoq
This coupon is good for a
package of GAUSS COMBINE
package of Gauss Combined
Catarrh Cure, sent free by
mall. Simply fill In namo and
nddress on dotbed lines below,
and mail to C. E. Gauss, 7651
Main St., Marshall, Mich.
Twenty acres In tho Hood River
(40 cents per dozen on tho nest)
for beef (10 cents a pound on tho
block). Let us pray.
Lanio Shoulder.
This is a common form of muscu
lar rheumatism. No internal treat
ment is needed. Apply Chamber
lain's Liniment freely three times a
day and a quick euro is certain. This
linlmont has proven especially val
uable for muscular and chronic
Sold by all 1 rheumatism. Sold by all good drug
Tho man who Is always trying to
Bit down on other peoplo is pretty
Buro In timo to sit down on a tack
Threatening feverlshness with
children Is quickly and safely
calmed by Preventlcs. Theso little
Candy Cold Cure Tablets should al
ways bo at hand for promptness
Is all-important. Proventlcs con
tain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening. They aro Indeod "the
stitch in time." Carried In pocket,
or purse, Proventlcs aro a genuine
safeguard against Colds. 25c. Sold
by Capital Drug Store.
Taxes aro now due.
Struck a Rich Mine,
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala.
says he struck a perfect mlno ol
hoajth in Dr. King's New Llfo Pills
for they ourod him of liver and kJd
noy troublo after 12 years of suf
fering. They aro tho bent pills on
oarth for constipation, malaria,
headache dyspepsia, debility. 25c
at J. C. Perry's.
Tho Walla Walla chicken fanciers
urgo the substitution of eggs
for tho salvation of their souls.
o .
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Most Popular Because It Is
tho Best.
"I havo sold Chamberlain's Cough
Eomody for tho past eight years and
modiclnos on tho market. For ba
bies and young children thero is
nothing hotter In tho lino of cough
syrups," says Paul Allen, Plain
Dealing, La. This romedy not only
find It to bo ono of tho best selling
cutvs tho coughs, colds and croup
so cdmmon among young children
but is pleasant and safo for them to
take. For salo by all druggists.
A bigy tongue Is no ovldenco of
an industrious person.
O i
For that Terrible Itching.
Eozema, tetter and salt rheum
keep thotr victims In paroptual tor
ment. The application of Ohaniber
laln's Salvo will Instantly allay this
1 tou In (?, and many oasos havo been
cured by Its use. For sale by all
good druggists.
But perhaps kitchen sanitation is
most Important of all, for foul odors
may spoil, oven make dangorous,
niot artlPJpj pf fogd, Poftarp 9?
the defoctivo, leaking kitchen sink!'
Perhaps we'd bettor havo a look at
all tho pipes In your kitchen forth
with, j
141 S. Liberty Phono 550
Of courso everybody does that, and
Laundry Work can't bo judged any
other way. Everything subjected to
our artistic treatment comes out as
oloan as a polished surface, as cloar
as crystal and as bright as a sum
mer's day. Articles washed proper
ly last twlco as long and look twen
ty times bettor than goods badly
laundrled. Wo make cheap fabrlo
masquerade for somothlng bettor.
Phono 25. 180-100 South Liberty St.
Beer Sold in Carload Lots.
Shipments in Kegs or Bot
tled Beer to any Point on
the Pacific Coast : : : :
Brewing Plant and Offices I
On Trade St In Wliolesole District Salem, Oregon ;;