Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 10, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Tji lie,
i vnp n its - u
Exceptional SnapsFor
Ready Buyers
A lino dairy, grain or stock ranch of 287 acres, rich bottom
land, all In cultivation; no stumps, well fonced and cross-fenced,
good bulldingg, flrst-claos tools, wagons, harness, etc.; covon head
horsos, 30 head of cattle, Including four head of roglstorod Here
fords which cost $085; 20 hogs, 51 goats, 1500 bushels of oats, GO
tons of hay, household articles and other proporty too numerous to
montlon. ThlB placo on easy terms. Ono of tho best buys In the
valley nt $65 por ncro. Tho land will bo sold soparato, If desired
A flno business lot, 82x165, cornor Commorclal and Centor
streets, $8000, one-half cash,
Another full lot, cornor of Centor and Union street, fine now
burn, wator, oloctrlc lights, sower, etc., $3000.
Ono-hulf block of soven lots, woll locatod, no.ar North Salem
school, $1400.
H will Do to your" intarost to investigate some of our properties
before buying. Largo printed lists.
Olmsted Land Co,
373 State St.
A Large Return On
11 Tan
man investment
Horo is an oxcoptJonnl opportunity: CO to 100 per cent profit
on invostmont of $1,200. Wo havo a prune drior on N. Commor
clal, fully equipped and in good condition, and ready for business.
Has n capacity of from 200 to 250 bushels por day. Has an es
tablished business nnd commands all torritory north of Salem. Jt
can bo used out of season for other business. Last year's run
cleared ownor $700 over expenses. Will stand close Investigation.
121 N. Liberty.
ng Realty Co.
Phone Main 381
leal Estate Bargains
Auditorium Itlnk. Lot ti2M!Xl30 on cornor Front & Centor.
Boat warohouBo proporty in city.
Throo flno now modern bungalows on instalments. Good loca
tion. Prlco right.
Four flno lots in best Btroot in city for rosidont proporty. A
flno Investment for speculation. Can make $1,000 profit on this
within six months. Investigate
Flftoon ncros; ovor half in bearing fruit. Good houso nnd barn.
A good homo on easy terms; wry choap for a fow days.
200 acres mostly undor cultivation. FInost modorn improvo
monta. Best of soli; 2 Mi miles from city.
Cholco G-noro tracts nt boat station of Orogon Electric. Vory
choap, on installment. Investigate.
10-ncro tracts on proposed Orogon Electric uxtonslon. Prlco,
$50 to $100 por aero. Somo good tlmbor on somo tracts.
Money to Loan on Real IisU
er & Belle Land Com'py
437 State Stroot
Phono 8G7
MW-Pf iWIII 1 m t H H8tlPt HH 9iQi Wild MM f it) i 0D
No. 80 6 room houso, hard finish, woodshed, tollot; 2 lots 50x100
on Comer near onr lino. $1,000. Tonus.
No. 74 Good house nnd lot ROxlGO. Oloso in; $1,000.
Jo. 7 Oao Rcre with 4-room houso; good wollj clilck&n houss
" and park; good black soil. Only 91,050. Insldo city limits.
No. 70 Flvo noroa with now houso; running wator on placo; on
good road, 3 miles from city; 91,200.
"We have n sood list to select from; boo us before closing n doal.
Room 203 V. 8. Nat. nank Building
125 acres, 05 cres undor cultlva
tlon, balance tlmbor and pasture,
estimated 'at least 1,000 cords of
wood on tho placo, two lino living
springs, good seven-room houso
and barn and other out buildings
.Tho plrfoo is all woll fonced and
on good road only two miles from
Salom. With tho placo goos
horses, cows, chickens, hogs, im
ploments and farming machinery
Prlco only $9,500. Owner called
'east and if'ho can sell within tho
noxt fow days will sell for this
low prico.
Good six-room houso and lot for
$1,300. Small cash payment and
balance on terms to suit.
$3,600 buys a beautiful bungalow,
now and up to dato. Has six
rooms and all conveniences. Lot
50x160 facing Court street. This
is a modorn houso and will please
$950 buys a swell lot on State street,
close to State houso and within
walking distance of business cen
good ranch for rent.
Wo ront houses.
Wo write lnsur-
347 State Street. Ground Floor
Good now 7-rom houso and 1 4flne
lots; must bo sold at onco. Investigate.
Small house, fine well, 10 lots, all
in fruit, near car lino; snap.
100 acres, all In cultivation, good
houBO, 2 barns, on good road, in
sight of Salem; teams, cows,
tools and hay; good farm, a bar
gain, all for $85 per aero.
80 acres, all extra land, god now
buildings, on good road, closo to
Salem, closo to school, best homo
and land In 4 miles of- Snlem;
teams and all goes. See A. C.
Smith & Co.
280 acres, all in cultivation, good
house, 2 barns, 3-ncre orchard, on
good road, 3 miles from station,
best buy in tho county, only $55
per ncro.
If you want vacant lots, fruit
orchards or vacant lands see
A. O. SMITH & CO.,
B44 Stnt Street. Phonoino?
W. M. Haro, a Hlllsboro pioneer of
1S53, Is dead.
In sickness. If a certain hlddon
norvo goes wrong, then tho organ
that this norvo controls will also
suroly fail. It may bo n stomach
norvo, or It may havo given strongth
and support to tho heart or kldnoys.
It was Dr. Snoop that first pointed
to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Re-
1 storatlvo was not made to doso tho
stomach nor to temporarily stirau
Into tho heart or kldnoys. That
' rtllfnrli Innnrl mrttTinil In nil nrrnnrr
Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes direct
ly to theoo failing lnsido nerves.
Tho romarkablo success of this pro
scription demonstrates tho wisdom
of treating tho actual causo of these
falling organs. And it is indeed
oasy to provo. A slmplo flvo or ton
surely tell. Try it
Sold by Capital
While Jaok Johnson is tho hoavy
Weight fighter in tho pugilistic arena
of tho day, and may oven mako Jim
Jeffries drink tho dregs of defeat
July 4, there is a man in San Fnra
cIbco who onco put the champion, to
tho cobblestones, and ho is not a
prizo fighter either. That man is
Charles Skolly, formerly a patrol
man on tho coast. Tho event hap
pened several years ago when tho
"Big Smoko" visited tho coast and
With a number of colored compan
ions decided to colobrato and became
noisy. Skolly protested, and out of
tho crowd camo tho huge form of
Johnson and asked who was going
to stop it. Without a moment's
hesitation Skelly wont right to the
bat and Johnson wont to tho floor
nnd ho was still counting stars when
the wagon was conveying him to the j
cuy prison.
Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring
Quick Results
One cent a word or first Insertion.
Jne-half cent n woid for each Insertion
thereafter. No advertisement taken or
leas than 25c. Cunt six words to the
FOR SALE Good 'l H. P. Staver
gasoline ertgino, cheap. Inquire
at 178 South Liberty St. 5-22-tf.
FOR SALE Threshing outfit, con
sists of 20-Lorscpower double cy
linder engine and 36-60 Reed's
separator, all of tho latest make.
There ia a Parson's feeder. Per
fection weigher and Farmer's
Friend blower. P. ice reasonable
and terms easy. Apply to J. J.
Langmack, Albany. Home phone
1852. 5-21-ltf
If ever a prizo fighter in his
training was blessed with an abun
dance of brains and brawn that man
is Jim Jeffries. There Is Corbott to
teach him cleverness -and speed;
Attell to Impart to him knowledge
of the game; Frank Gotch to wres
tle with him and teach him the fine
points of being rough in the
clutches; Berger to attend to the
minor details of tho training and
hosts of others, such as Dr. Roller,
Jack McCormisk and Tommy Ryan
to assist in divers other ways.
Dcspito the statement of Stanley
Kotcholl to the effect that there Is
no money oa tho other side of tho
big pond for top-notchers, Packy
McFarland has gone to take a try
at Europe. He said before leaving
that he Is going after Freddy
Welsh's title but there aro not
many men who follow the fighting
game who is going to risk much
money on him in a 20-round battls
with Welsh at tho present.
WOOD FOR SALE. Ash and flr
wood delivered In 12 and 10-
inch, in 4-foot lengths. Siddall
& Eaton, 570 N. Liberty. Phone
1G63 12-29-tf
FOR SALE Good general merchan
dise business. Only store at
place. Part cash. Address O,
Journal office. 1-14-tf.
Ono, 3 .H. P. and ono 6 II. P. Fairbanks-Morse
gas engines, with all
tools and equipment, Both 1909
make. Used 2 months light ser
vice. Anyone having use for an
engine will find it to thejr advant
age to communicate with R. B.
, Fleming, box 354, Salem, Oregon,
or call at penitentiary foundry
and see the engines. Prico low.
FOR SALE Flno lot of Mazzard
cherry seedlings for orchard
planting, Apply to E. C. Arm
strong, Salem Board of Trade
rooms, or phono Farmers 44X1.
FOR SALE Now piano won by
Bertha M. Kllnger, in Journal
contest. Reason for selling, havo
another piano. Will sell at bar
gain. Can be seen at 407 State
street. 2-1-lm
FOR SALE Good dry wood, first
and second growth fir. Apply
Phono 1225 Main or call at 213
Owens street. 2-3-2w
Edward Swartswood for years a.
deputy sheriff of Pittsburg, and who
during his career has hanged 21
men, was onco a famous batsman of
the Pittsburg team. At tho next
session of tho legislature of Penn
sylvania a proposition will be sub
mitted for tho naming of a hangman
whose duty it will be to executo
every man condemned to death in
tho state. Swartswood is an aspir- WOOD FOR SALE Grubb oak and
ant for the position and his plan is dry body fir. Downing & Eoff.
OUR mixed pork
10c per pound.
' mercial street.
sausage sells for
173 South Com-1-12-tf
WANTED Wood choppers, $1 per
cord, ono lady dishwasher, ono
lady waitress, two girls for house
work. A. C. Smith .& Co., 544
State street. Phono 1507.
1- 7-tf
WANTED Stock hogs, all kinds
livo poultry. Highest cash price.
Hop Leo Chinese Laundry, 225.
Commercial St. 1-25
WANTED At Salem Hospital, a.
cook. Apply in person.
2- 2-tf
WANTED Loan of $500 on house
and two lots, for ono year, will, pay
8 per cent. See Meyer & Belle
Land Company. 2-3-tt
WANTED A neat girl to do gener
al housework in family of three.
648 Union street or phono 780.
WANTED Immediately, two good,
pure blooded Barred Plymouth
Rock cockerels. Also good regis
tered Jersey bull, about two years
old. What have you? State price.
John Glrardln, Turner, Ore., Route
No. 1. 2-8-3L1
WANTED Young men to learn au
tomobile business by mail and
prepare for positions as chaffours;
and repair men. We make you
expert In ten weeks; assist you to.
secure position. Pay big; work;
pleasant; demand for men great;
reasonable; write for particulars,
and sample lesson. Empire Auto
mobile Institute, Rochester, N. Y-
wines, liquors and cigars. We han
dle the celebrated Kellogg and:
Castle whlskled. Cool and re
.reshing beer constantly on draught
South Commercial St. 9-3-lyr
city hall. For wator service apply
at office. Bills payable monthly
in advance.
247 MIIIt street, South Salem,
manufacturers of all kinds of
boxes, crateo and fruit dryer ac
cessories. Phone 308. tf?
outllned Is to execute murderers at
night without previous notico and
with only such witnesses present as
is prescribed by law as he believes
publicity In hanging is ono of the
causes for tho increase of crime.
Phono 1283 or 1417. Deliver to
all parts of city. 2-4-lw
days' test will
onco, and see!
Drug Storo.
Strawborry fair for throo days
tho program at Lobanon.
For Farms twil City
tk .....
My list may oouvata exaotly what
you want. T. a JORY,
S06 Com'! St, Bales, Or.
Hoarso Coughs Stuffy Colds,
pain in choet nnd sore lungs, aro
symptoms thnt quickly devolop Into
a dangorouB Ulnoss If tho cold Is not
oil rod. Foley's Honoy and Tar stops
tho cough, heals and oases tho con
gested parts, and brings quick re
lief. For salo by J. C. Porry.
A kid Isn't always a son of a
buttinsky, for somo buttlnsklos have
no chtldron. '
A Simple TrlcK.
It's an oasy mattor to koop your;
joints and muscles supple no mat
tor what your ago may bo or how
you havo suffored with rheumatism,
Rub yoursolf night and morning
with Ballard's Snow Linlmont,
Cures rheumatism, stiffness, cramps,
arlqk In the baok, sldo, neck or
limbs, and roll eves nil aches and
pains. For sale by all doalera
o Francis J. Honey will 1$ offerd
tho nomination for the qfflco of AU
tornoy Gonaral of California, on the
Loaguo ticket
Reason Buthronf H.
Because meats are go tasty thay
are consumed in groat excess. This
leads to stomach troubles, bilious
sees and constipation. Revise yonr
diet, lot reason and not a pampered
appetite control, then take a few
doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets and you will boob b
well agalB. Try it For sale at all
good druggists. Samples tree.
If the Ideas of Coach Stngg of the
University of Chicago prevail with
relation to the game of foot ball, it
will undergo a number of changes at
tho meeting of tho National Rules
body on Mnrch 25. Stagg is of tho
opinion thnt nl applicants for tho
game either in high schools or clubs
should undergo a medical examina
tion; that tho halves should be
shortened to a maximum of 20 min
utes, or that four quarters should
be made of 10 minutes each; and
thnt games between palably uneven
ly matched teams and between high
schools and universities should bo
Robert P. Kernon, who was at
ono time famous as nn nil around
full back for Harvard, another who
believes that tho rules governing
gamo of football should bo revised.
According to his idea tho gamo !y
suffering from appendicitis and tho
forward pass Is tho diseased and
usoloss vormlform appendix which la
in noed of the surgeon's knife. Tho
prosent tandem and onsido kick, ho
says, must also go with tho forward
According to Alec Flndlny, tho
well known golfor, thero are six pro
fessional golfers, in tho United
Status whoso combined savings ox
coed the million dollar mark.
It is said that Australia has three
things that itxprIdoa itsolf on its
wool crops Its minos and tho fact
that "Bob" FitzimmonB camo from
that country.
LaGrlppe pains that porvndo the
entire system, LaGrlppo coughs that
rack and strain, aro quickly cured
by Foley's Honey and Tar. Is mild
ly laxative, safe and certain In re
sults. Sold by J. O. Perry, DrugglHt
FOR SALE Largo house suitable
for roomers or llghthousekeeping.
Will sell on terms. Inquire of
owner. 411 Front and Center
Sts. 2-7-lwk
IL O. MEYER & CO. -The best and
largest shop in the city. 8b
first claw barbers. Only first olav
bootblack In city; porcelain hatha
and everything pertaining to a first
class shop. Also carry a full Unf
of cigars aau tobacco and barbers'
supplies. 163 Commercial street
next door to SlatesmaB offlw
it a 4-e-M
FOR SALE Some S. C. Rhode Island
Red hens and ckerels. G. W. Hi
rons, 2417 Trade street, corner of
24th. 2-8-3tM
FOR SALE CHEAP Two thorough
bred Rosecomb White Wyandotte
cockerels. Phone 799. 2-8.3t
FOR SALE CHEAP Extra fine-lot of
2-year-old Mazzard seedling cherry
trees. Thps. Holman, Eola. Phono
Suburban 81. . 2-9-3t
TO. RENT Eight acres cholco beav
er dam land, woll tiled, comfort
able building. Experienced gard
ener wanted. Address Wm. H.
Egan, Gervais, Route 2, phone
Farmers 36, ner Chemeketa sta
tion on Electric R. R. 1-4-tf
-Real estate.
loans and insurance, notary pub
lic, employment bureau. Phon
554. 476 Court Btreet, Salem, Ore
gon. Ticket office Hamburg-American
steamship lines. 11-1-lyr
Old Postofflce stables, at 254 Fer
ry street, between Commercial
and Fiont. Telephone 188. Some
of tho finest liveries In the city
un be found hero. W. W. John
son. t
Osteopath and Nerve Specialist Grad
uate of tho American School of
Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1902.
Post-graduate and specialized Id
nervous diseases at Los Angeles'
College 1909. Treats acute and
chronic diseases. Consultation
free. Lady attendant Offlco
505-6 U. S. National Bank Bldg.
Phone 859. Residence 346 North
Capitol St.; phono 469. 8-30-tX
tel and livery barn for ront. Ad
dress W. P. Gilbert, Aumsvillo,
Ore. 2-8-4w-d
FOR RENT Six-room houso. newly
remodeled. Inquire Highland gro
cery. . 2-S-3t
Estimates made and first class
work dono. I. D. Driver, 517
North Capital street, Salem, Or.
Phono 926. 6-26-tf
FARM FOR RENT Wo havo a good
farm for rent; closo to town. Soo
Bochtel & Bynon, 347 Stnto Itreet,
ground floor. 2-9-tf
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246.
Me3ts uvory Thurelar vonlng at
. 8 o'clock in Holma. hall. A. B.
Banbei V C; F. A. Turner, clerk
ery Friday night at 7:3 o'clock
in Holman hall. Goo. H. Dacon, C.
C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk. 1-10-09
tolate dollvored to prlvato families
In any quantity, to any part of the
city. Starr Oil Co. Phone 1729.
of Husbandry Meets In Hurst
Hall on Stnto street, on tho fourth
Saturday of oaoh month, at 10:30
a, ra. Visiting and sojourning
members welcome. F. R. Myers,
master Zolla S. Fletcher, secre
tary. 12-SMyr
130 Liberty St. Phono 485
Paper Hangers nnd Painters
Carry a full line up-to-dato Wall
Hangings, Mouldings etc. Paints
Varnishes, Calsomino nnd Glass
pies, and all kludo of pastries,
cookios, eta Watch for our wag
on. Phono 954. Radock fc
Smith. ' 11-19-tf
more thatt nny other bread, yet
the prlco is no hlghor. For sale
at your grocer's. California Bak
ery, Thomas & Cooley, Props.
sors to Cummins Trnufer Co'. All
kinds of transfer work dono.
Furniture moved nnd pianos boxed
ready to ship, Prompt uorvice
our motto, 253 South Commercial
street Phono 210. 10-13-tf
THRO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot
water aud steam boating and tin
ning, 164 Comorclal street Phone
Main 192. 8-1-17
heatlug, gas Ui lng; prices reas
onable; work guaranteed; mH
rntaes firntshod. Phone 87S.
1066 Chemeketa street 4-17-