DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FKHRUARY 10, 1010. pAgs VTVW I.. r ft, Values to 35c Imitation Heatherbloom and other Skirting, suitable for making Petticoats, extra special No. 3405. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP Tho Capital National Bank, at Salem, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, January 31, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and Discouuts ' $ 432,479.58 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ; . . - 4,752.20 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation ,. 69,000.00 U. S. Bonds to secure U. S.-Deposits 1,000.00 TJ. S. Bonds on hand 26,705.00 Bonds, Securities, etc. : 276,179.39 Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures ' 20,000.00 Other Real Estate owned. ..." . ." 2,499.74 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers", Trust Companies, and Saving Banks 1,146.92 Duo from approved Reserve Agents 152,900.65 -Checks and other Cash Items - . . 7,525.23 Notes of other National Banks 1,935.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents r 332.66 Ija vf ul Money Reserve In Rank, viz: Specie ; $54,459.25 Legal-tender notes 1,070.00 55,529.25 Redemptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent circu lation) .' r 3,450.00 Total $1,055,435.62 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 75,000.00 Surpus fund 15,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid,.,. 22,391.51 .National Bank Notes outstanding 57,600.00 Due to otMer National Banks 11,416.41 Duo to State and Private Banks and. Bankers 35,057.73 Due to approved Reserve Agents 900.30 Dividends unpaid , 559.00 Individual deposits subject to check 806,667.36 Demand certificates of deposit 8,384.30 Time certificates of deposit ; . . . . 16;022,42 Certified checks 2 740.28 Cashier's checks outstanding 2,696.31 United States deposits 1,000.00 Total - '. $1,055,435.62 Statio of Oregon, County of Marion, ss: I, Jos. H. Albert, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly ;swear that the above statement is true to tho best of my knowledgo and Uellet. jos. H. ALBERT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 9th day of February, 1910. C. L. McNARY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: . . ; J. H. ALBERT, E. M. CROISAN, J. H. CARSON, Directors. 2-9-lt WARNS CANNERS Atlantic City, N. J Fob. 10. -Delegates to tho National Canners' Association, in convention here, are in receipt of an admonition from Sec retary of Agriculture Wilson. Tho weoretary's warning is that the pack7 rs and canners should bewaro of mixing In tho controversy over the use of preservatives. "The packers of canned goods can not be advantaged by becoming In $1000.00 For $500.00 Linnhaven Orchard Company Lck of nrTrH I6 Prferred St0Ck ,or 8a, at w,th eab immnn fivi purcha80r an equal amount of common stock) secured by trust deed on the company's property Correspondence and Investigation solicited. Property. WRITE THE SALES AGENT OREGON TITLE AND TRUST CO. Albany, Oregon 1 volved in a controversy which has no natural connection with their buBi ness," reads tho secretary's open let ter to tho convention. American goods are tho best in tho world, and need no preservatives We know the canners of tho country uso no preservatives in their goods. and I desire to have conveyed to the organization now In session my hope that the canners will refuse to be mado tho tools of those interests which aro fighting the rulings of tho national government under tho pure food acts." ROSELAIR GIVEN NEW LEASE OF LIFE Hillsoboro Murderer Granted Stay of Execution Pend ing Appeal. John D. Rosolair, the Hillsboro murderer, secured a new leaso of life yesterday afternoon when tho supremo court granted a stay of exe cution as to his death sentence pend ing tho appeal of his case before that tribunal. Tho transcript of ap peal had already been filed in the case and yestorday afternoon John Jeffries of Portland appeared before tho supremo court and secured a certificate of probablo cause of ap peal and a stay of execution. The case has not yet boon sot for argu ment, but will probably take its regular course on tho calendar and may not be heard for a month or so. 1 Goes Rack to Hillsboro. Besides giving to the condemned man a new lease nf life the stay of execution means that if he so desire ho may roturn to tho Hillsboro county jail during the pendency of tho appeal instead of remaining in tho death cell of tho state peniten tiary. But whether his attorney will ask him to roturn to Hillsboro or havo him remain at tho state prison had not been decided today. At any rate whether ho desires it or not when his appeal Is finally deter mined, whether tho one way or tho other, ho must go back to Hillsboro. In tho event that ho Bhould win It will be necessary for him to return for a new trial, and should he lose ho must return to the circuit court of that place for re-sentence. Tho time set for Roselalr's execu tion was tomorrow morning. SPITZER MUST SERVE TWO YEARS f UNITED rllBSS LEASED WIHH. New York, Fob. 10. Oliver Spit zer, convicted of conspiracy to de fraud the government in connection with tho weighing of sugar Importa tions, was sentenced today by Feder al .Tudge Martin to servo two years in the federal penitentiary at Atlan ta. Spltzer formerly was superintend ent of the American Sugar Refining Company's docks at Williamsburg. With four checkers at tho docks ho was found guilty by Judgo Martin on December 17, 1909. I Tho checkers wero John C. Coyle, Thomas Kehoe, Edward A. Boylo and Patrick J. Henenssy. They wore sen tenced on January 8, 1910 to servo J a year in tho Blackwelf s Island Jail. Because of Spltzers illness, his sen tence Was not pronounced at that time, and ho was placed under ?luV 000 bail. I lie .appeared .before Judge Martin today to learn the penalty he must pay. Spltzer Immediately announced that ho will appeal tho sentence. SHIP BAD FRUIT r UNITED PM9SS LEASED WIBB.J Stockton, Cal., Feb. 10. Follow ing tho discovery that a numbor of Japanese fruit growers in tho San 1 Joaquin valley are causing serious' Injury to tho standard sot by the ma- jorlty of tho growors by shipping I fruits of low quality under Ameri can names, growers hero aro plan ning to take some action to put a stop to tho practice. A proposition is being considered today to take tho matter before tho fruit and grape men, with tho view of protecting American growers. It has been learned that carloads of fruit havo boon shipped from this valley by tho Japanese under flctt tlous names, and that they wero aided by whito men to carry out tho docep tlon. Notico of Sale. This notico will notify all parties whom it may concern That I havo sold all my Interest In my plumbing and windmill business to Purvlno & Leslie Those young men are old aaiem residents, and I respectfully solicit my old customers to give them their patronage. All parties owing mo bills will pleaco call at the old stand and settle at once. H. P. CHASE. 2-10-3t Iteducttcl DlHcount Rate. rONinp PltBSB MUHBO WIBU.J London, Fob. 10. -The Bank of Bngland today reduced tha discount rate to three par cent. W. 144 FEARS Molest the man who takes opportunity by the forelock, We have a large stock of coats and vests in woolens, worsteds and cheviots in many colors and patterns of all weights and good quality, that you can have for of Regular Price of Suit This is an excellent opportnuity for clerks and students or any man who wants to econ omize and save money, Regular $ 1 5 Suit Sale Coat and Vest Trousers to match up from . Many More at Same Havo Changed PotytQ Rfltp, Tho railroad commission has been notified by the railroad companies that tho freight schedulo ordered by tho commission with relation to po tatoes has boon adopted for carload lots and that it haa gono into effect. The compalnt against tho companies had boon made to tho commission that they wero charging more for the conveyance of potatoes and on ions than for grain, and tho- com panies wero ordered by tho commis Salem REPAIRING Our Demonstration Car Arrived Last Week If you are thinking of buying an auto it will pay you to investigate it, We would like to show you what the car can do, and what it has done in the past, If a good record and a fair price count for anything we can show you more value for your money in a Maxwell car than in any carn the market today, Model Q, 22 H, P, Runabout, With Rumble Seat, Moaoi Q, h..p. Runabout Model Q2, 22 H. P. Surrey Model Q3, 22 H. "P. Touring7 Car With Double Rumble Seat, All nnVop r A- D O-, MI,H"UM"u,Ul0a,C1111 Only FIRST-CLASS borage Commercial Street Phone 47 FUTURE sion to make for these products tho same charge as that mado on grains, PRESCRIBED BY DOCTORS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogotablo Compound, an honest, tried and true remedy for fominino Ills, holds tho record for tho largest numbor of actual curies of any similar remedy, and is prescribed and rccommonded by hundreds of fair-minded doctors who do not fear to recommend a warthy medicine even though it is advertised. Auto Garage! J. F. PRIEHS, Manager ?i025 II Model OJ, 22 $1075 Model E, 30 II. ?H25 Model O, 30 H P Magneto included Jn all models. Phone 886 repair work turned out on State street, just west of Commercial. WANT ji Reduction FIRE IN BANK BUILDING CAUSES DEATH OF THREW United I'rcBii Leased Wire. Dtiavenstad'ts wlfo, 02 years old, was burned to death. Attempts of the firemen to rescue hdr from tho window from which her husband leaped failed. Tho U. S. National Bank opening Saturday afternoon will bo an ovont in tho history of tho city. Three mora could bo fllld. SUPPLIES H. P. Sportsman's must P. Touring Car Vul Toy Tonnoau, dotachablo!l?S With Rumble Seat Removed - of tbtohop, Salem Auto Garage Borlin. Feb. 10. The Imperial Bank of Germany of discount to four per cent.