DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1010. PAOH SBfWIf D ispels No smoke no smell no bother just real convenience, cheeiy comfort and cozincss. Cleaned in a minute. Brass font (never rusts) holds 4 quarts burns 9 hours. Cool handle easily carried about from room to room, anywhere. Eccause of the Automatic Smokeless Device vou can't turn the wick too high can't make it smoke no odor while burning- at full- head. It is the most durable, efficient and simplest oil heater on the market. Various styles and finishes. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours. Write for Descriptive Circulr. to the Nearest Agency o! the STAETDA&B OIL COSIPANY (Incorporated) I nihil III I Ifc I HI Teachers' Examinations. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Marlon county will hold the regular examin ation for applicants for state and county papers at the First. M ,E. church, Salem, Oregon, as follows: For Stnto Papers. Commencing February 9, 1010, at 9 o'clock a. ni., and continuing until Saturday, February 12, at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, His tory, Spelling Physical Geography, Reading, Psychology. Thursday Written , Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching, Grammar, Book keeping, Physics, Civil Government. Friday Physicology, Geography, Composition, Algebra, English Liter ature, School Law. Saturday Botany, Plane Geome try, General History. For County Papers. Commencing Wednesday, February 0, 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m., and con tinuing until Friday, February 11 at 4 p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, His Saf e Deposit Boxes For Come in and see our new building, with our massive Burglar Proof Vault, within whose walls He securely protected our Sale Deposit Boxes, one of which you should rent to keep your valuable papers in to prottect them from fire and theft. Our vault is right up-to-date, and you will say it is the finest piece of steel work '.you ever looked at. Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent at $3.00 Per Annum United States SALEM, The Anderson Tinning and Furnace Comp 558 Trade Street All kinds of sheet iron and UifcHhi lili'J I.'1 ning and roof.work 'given expert attention. Cold the On the north side of the house where wintry blasts vent their 'fury in the most exposed room the transition from shivery cold-to wel come warrfith is quickly made by the use of the PERFECTION II Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Blizzards may rage, snows fly and tempests howl, but warmth and glow are within with the Perfection Oil Heater. tory, Orthography, Reading, Physical Geography. Thursday Written Arithmetic, Theory of Teaching.Grammar, Physi ology. Friday Geography, School Law, Civil Government, Literature. 1-28-1 Ot d-ltw For that Terrible Itching. Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep their victims in pereptual tor ment. The application of Chamber lain's Salve will instantly allay this itching; and many cases have been, cured by its use. For sale by all good druggists. nr For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ufa OREGON Phone Main 886 steel work. General tin Rent ational Bank any EXTEND Gin LIMIT Petitions Will Be Circulated Today Asking for an Election. "My idea is to Inaugurate a 20, 000 campaign so as to insure for the olty of Salem a 20,000 popula tion when the census has been taken by the enumerators" said Mayor Rodgers this morning when inter viewed by a representative of the Capital Journal with relation to the movement started this morning for the purpose of bringing certain ter ritory lying north, east and south ot the city within its corporate limits. "It is true," ho continued, "that tho city limits now are very exton sive but the fact that so much of the acreage within the limits have no population upon it and the fact that there is so much acreago left out which is platted and has a pop ulation upon it, the situation bo comes such that a census return showing the acreago and population would scarcely do thle city justice. My idea is therefore to tako Into the corporate limits tho populous centers lying north, south and east of the city and which when annexed will add to the city's population fully 3,000 people. Circulate Petitions Today. "We have no charter provision upon this subject and therefore must proceed under the state law. The law provides that petitions must bo circulated calling for a special election on the subject arid that they must be signed by 20 per cent of the legal voters who participated in the last general election. The petitions will not require many sign ers as tho vote at the last election was light owing to the fact that there was no contest. The petitions ,will then be presented to the coun cil and an election called and a no tice of the election published In a paper of general circulation and al so posted in tho city and in tho ter ritory proposed to bo annexed. Tho circulation of the petitions was com menced this morning and there will be one for each tract of territory proposed to be annexed so that if one should fail it will havo no effect upon the others in the field. "The council will meet on the first Monday after the election and canvass tho votes of the election. Tt Is necessary that a majority vote bo cast both by tho voters inside of the corporate limits and also by those In tho territory to be an nexed." Election Bo Held in March. "I expect to havo tho petitions all signed up and ready so tlnxt I can submit tho question to tho council next Monday. After action Is taken upon It by that body it will require four weeks for the giving of notices and tho election should be hold not later than the latter part of March. Matter of Enterprise. It is tho only opportunity that tho city has had of taking in this adjacent territory and It must tako quick action as the census will com mence April 15, and the tlmo is now ripe for this action to bo takon. Otlaer towns are doing tho same thing and Salem by following tho precedent sot by them will establish a name for enterprise. n You Can Cure That Backache. . Pain along the back, dizziness, headache and general lnnguor. Got a package of Mother Gray's Australian-Leaf, the pleasant root and horb euro for all kidney, bladder and urinary troublos. When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination of Nature's herbs und roots. A3 a regulator It has no equal. Mother Gray's Australian Lonf is sold by druggists or sont by mall for 50 cents. Samples sent free. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., Lo Roy, N. Y. Notice to Contractors. Notico Is hereby given thnt the Board of Directors of school district No. 40, McMInnville, Oregon, desire, proposals or'blds for tho erection and completion of a two-story brick high school building with basement, as per plans and specifications prepared by Kroner & Honn, architects, 023 Worcester building, Portland, Ore gon; plans and specifications for which said building can be seen cith er at tho office of said architects, or at tho office of R. L. Conner, attorney at law, McMinnville, Oregon. Bids will bo received not later than February 5, 1910. J. O. ROGERS, Clerk of School Board, McMlnnvillo, Oregon. l-27-5tdlJ IB FRENCH FEMSLE ttPBLLS. A iui, CuauM Kiuir for Borrow Vonu.iM, RtVU IH0WB TO FAIL. B&i 8iMr' M Iwum OuruunJ r tluatj KtfuMtd. but pnulj tut fljOtMrtn. W1U M&4 tUu uttl, M to Iw Xi. tfcM mo4 jirrbn U U UNtTf.DUtO.C4L CO., oT4. UHCACTrx. r. iMuuuiihmuuaa m Mazl'si A7if nt,un .!. p. . slmllatfng theRxxlantlRcgiaa wis of Promotes DtgestionJChtcrfiil ness and RestContalnsndlter (3puiiu.Mdr)hinc norMincraL! NOT IS An C OTIC. jtecveiFoiditsQKnmEm Ihtiflc'a Seed" sfb&Saxft- IHmtSrrti' CIctM Sugnf ISbtsjaeifhnc, A nnrfect Remedv for Consfoa-I . . I i . niluM tinn .mirainnKicii.uidiiiwu Worms.Com'ulsioiis.rmnsif ncss awlLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature oT NEW YORK. 'Guaranteed wcfcrilw Exact Copy of Wrapper. I Economy res n KfflM1 imguicatomactaoniBo mm n if if ill My entire stock of shoes are reduced in price to suit your pocketbook. Broken lots must be cleaned out. J. VOGT 115 Liberty Street. Salem, Oregon S (Successor to 151-161 High St. Grain, Seeds, ft William Thi Hay, Feed, Potatoes, Supplies, Etc. 25 Per Cent Discount on Rex Condition Powders for the Next Ten Days Regular $2.00 Pall $1.50 Regular $1.00 Package 75 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. V Do not say it is impossible, That is what they told Marconi. If you aro sick and uao tried help, try chiropractic spinal DR. H. S. STONE i Chiropractic (KlRo - Rooms 400.108 Office Constitution Free. U8. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature of Us For Over Thirty Years tmc eiNTAuit iodhnt. new von om. JUDGING DY APPEARANCES Of course everybody does that, and. Laundry Work can't bo Judged any other way. Everything subjected to our artistic treatment comes out aa clean as a polished surfaco, as clear as crystal and as bright as a Bum mer's day. Articles washed proper ly last twice as long and look twon ty tlmos hotter than goods badly laundried. Wo make cheap fabric masquerade for something bettor. SALEM LAUNDRY CO., Phono 25. 1S0-1OG South Liberty St. Is the Road elscn THIson & Co.) Phone Main 1 39 Floor, Poultry everything and did not recelvo T adjustments and cot well Praak - Tlak) Spinologlst. N. Dunk IJulldliyi. Haloiu, Oregon th.6 jJl Aw Fire E.. D Fool Proof I "T Proof In considering making your owa light, or cooking, why not cona' tho F. P. Gaa Machlno and ben Light 1 Will soli, and install this m and guarantoo It to giro ft per cent moro light for tho eav- aonoy than electricity or city gaa. Let mo flguro with you, estimates furnished. Gall at my shop and seotho lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOnOL utilities, safe, eeonoml eal, odorless. L L. FRASER PhoHO 335 858 State St. Salem's Old Reliable MARKET Has been thoroughly renovated from ceiling to basement. Nickel plated racks havo been put In In place of wooden ones. Tho woodwork has been enam eled and a marble wainscoting put in. Drop in and look around. L C. Cross & Son Phone 391 WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT Salem's most popular res taurant, 302 State street. Wo never closo. upon all night. Wm. McGilclirist & Sons Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop wire, Burb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mal thoid Itooilng, P. & B. Ready Root ng. CHAS D. MULLIGAN 250 Court St. riiono 124 Gold Dust flour Made by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Use. Ask your grocer for it. Bran and Bliorls always ok hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. GREAT Oil NESE DOCTOR U. M. HUM has raodiclno which will cure any known dlscaso. no makos u specialty of and gu.-.ranteos to cure Catarrh, Asthmn, Lung, Throat, Hheuiimtism, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kldnoj troublos; also any blackened ar swollen soreness, broken Hmba; Smnllpox, Epldonilc; all kinds of Bolls, Lost Manhrod, Female Weak ness, HernlH Troubles and PnralysU onsultatlon free. Care of Yick Si 2Tong Co., Chinese drugs and horhi "Pi 163 High ntreot, upstairs. Salom, Or CHICHESTER S e9rZ . TIIK DIAMOND III1ANI). Ab ynur DrusaUt tot . I'lIU in Itril od Ualil nift.llkN fit other. II us ffyour tiei uo mat Hiiiboa. !riTttil. A.krnrt'liM'l ir your v 1)1 ,jiii! iutAri l'IU.N,f .AlwmKt ycin known us llaUboiat. Alwyi KclUUt Sfl! n HY nmifiOKTS FVFRYIVHERE OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I DtoinNa CopyniQHrB Ac. Anyone (ni1tnK a (telrh mid dxerlltii var nuloklr lUPoflmu i ir oi ini . a frg wliwlier hi mtrniVvti u prubulur pmc ':"'1.T oromunle nMiuNrUtlrooiiinieuiial. IIANDSOOIt onTnlouU out freo. ifldfiit niii'iii 1 tvr imlSfwgiMtnllf I'Hlemt tHken thr.mirli iluuQ O). TOCttjT tpiti.il tutictt wlttiout clixr. la tb Scientific jfiincriCtin. A handwmsir iiiimf wwklr. 1rrt Mr i.'.L mi bifjn ftmttit. Ifdftf t lour ! ! Salem Fence Works AS 0 m Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C. Stan . fHHr4g4g4-4-Hh ItHHI 9 1 19 t9i U. ' "HUH.iUlft ti.U... II. I-.