Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Will Be One of the Grandest
of the Sea
1 - son.
The aar men's ball, which takes
place at tho Auditorium rollor rink
this evening, promises to be tho most
popular and successful ovont of tho
soason, and tho 200 odd people hold
ing tlokots are looking forward to the
tlrao of their lives.
ricniitlfnl Decorations.
Tho street car boys havo dressed
the spacious auditorium up in beauti
ful stylo. Standing In tho east and
west ends of tho building are tall ev
ergreen trees touching tho roof, while
evergreen shrubs cover tho wall and
alcoves. Tho Stars and Stripes havo
hcen placod In prominence over tho
windows and the entrance, and pro
sent a really pretty scene, intermixed
with tho rich green and colored
lights. Tho celling Is one groat arch
of ovorgroons, and In fact tho entire
liall represents i thicket bower. The
orchestra stand, located In tho center
of tho room, Is covered with decora
tions similar to tho wnll design.
Grand March Feature.
David R. Yantls has been selocted
to lead tho grand march, which will
toogln at 9 o'clock, sharp. Following
Mr. Yantls, tho Salem street car boys
and tho officials of tho Portland Rail-
way, Light Sc. Power Company wlh
take up tho march and thon the
Punch to Ho Served.
Tho decorating committee has In
stalled two punch booths In tho hall,
ono In tho oast and ono In the west
section. Thoso booths nro nlso dec
orated with green and tho rod, white
and hluo. Punch will bo sorvod by
four llttlo glrlB of Snlom.
Management Selected.
Eight floor managers havo boon
h-10otod to olllclate at tho ball. They
are: David It. Yantls, it. K. Page,
MooZInn, nnyStllllor, W, Jr. Allen,
llarldiy IJosalor and W. V. Thompson.
Tho affair wi.. be strictly orderly,
and ovoryono Is nesurod of comfort
juul a congonlnl good time.
It has been arranged with tho
Btreqt car company to place cars at
the sarvlco of tho attendants at tho
hall whon It closes. Tho State stroot,
Y4v Park and tho North and South
cnrH, will wait at tho Intersection of
'Cantor nnd Commarclal stroots, whllo
tho Asylum car will wait at tho In
totfwctlou of Chomokotn and Liberty
jaioiairoy's slx-ploco prohestra has
befln ongagod to furnish music for
tho occasion.
Portland Gar Men to Attend.
"Word was rocolvod today that a
niuubor of Portland stroot car men
"UTSuld attond tho knl( tlilts ovonlng,
UtOludlug Mr. D. F. Iiointou, a high
olltclal of tho P. It., L. & P. Co.
,V offr One Hundred Dn Iters r
for Hiiy ease of catarrh that
MJiuot be oured by Hall's Catarrh
iflur. F. J. CHUNKY CO.,
TQlftdO. 0.
TWe. th umlsrslgnSHl. have known
T? J. Cheney for the last 16 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in nil business transactions, and
ftnanoitUly able to carry out any
obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cnro is taken in
ternally, acting dlroctly upon the
bjpod and mucous surfaces of the
ptoin. Tostlmonlula sunt froo.
Jluo. 75a per bottle. Sold by nil
"Tako Hall's Family Plljs for con
stipation. o
Jlnti Sarwh llrowit Buvugu
"Will road at tho Uonoftt Coucort
Friday ovonlng, Fob. 4, a. tho M. K.
m Mm m
No mwter how old iu
Wed youi hair looki, or how
lIom you have bon tray, u
' keep you leeUag yowj. pn.
(RON a ItUIKWH jfWl ttt
L..llV.u rii tiOXi U I..Ub
neve DandruU.
WiU cot toil Am or WU est jur
wrbtir. I Not B "V.
$1 & end SOe. Kole,.tIW
JPIU So Hay JiP c.Co,Ne w ri J ,U.J-
Tho following articles rf incor
poration wore filed In tho office of
tho secretary of state today:
American Development Company;
principal office, Portland; capital
stock, $1,000,000; incorporators.
E. M. Rttnyan, A. L. Veazlo and J
G. Veazle.
Celllo Improvement Co.: principal
office, Portland; capital stock,
$5,000; Incorporators, A. L. Holt,
Frank U. Jonos and J. G. Grussl.
Celllo Milling & Powor Co.; prin
clpal office, Portland; capital stock,
$5u0,000; Incorporators, J. V. Grus
sl, C. L. Daggott, A. L. Holt, Chas.
M. Zadow nnd Frank U. Jones.
Mr. B. A. Kelloy, Bolvldero, 111.,
writes us: "I am an ex-engineer with
22 years actlvo service to my credit
About throo yoars ago my kidneys
woro affected so that I had to give
up my engine. First I was troubled
with severe, aching pain over tho
hips. Thon followed Inflammation
of tho bladder, and specks appeared
before my oyes. A sample of Fo
ley's Kidney Pills that I tried, so
benefited me that I bought more,
I continued to tako them until now
I can safely testify they have mndo
me a sound and well man." Sold
by J. C. Perry. Druggist.
Notary Commissions.
The following notarial com nils
slons wero Issued today by the secre
tary of state: F. L. Bowen, Baker
City; K. L. Moulton, Oregon Cly;
J. A. Bowlley, Astoria; Jas. A. Ster
ling, Drnin; C. W. Rychard, Spring-
flold; V. V. Tomllnson Ontario;
p. Farrell, A. I. Moulton, Jas. G.
u,. s. Portland; and W. L. Pat
terson, Baker City.
Instant ltellof, I'erniiinent Oiiro
Trial Package flailed Free to
All In l'laln Wrapper.
We want every man and woman,
suffering from the excruciating tor
ture of piles to just aend their
namci and address to us and get by
return mall a free trial package of
tho most affective and posltlvo cure
over known for this disease, Pyra
mid Pllo Cure.
The way to prove what this great
remedy will do In your own case, Is
to just fill out free coupon nnd send
to us and you will got by return
mall a froo sample of Pyramid Pile
Then after you havo proven to
yourself what It can do, you will go
to tho druggist and got a BO-cont
Don't undergo an oporatlon.
Operations are rarely a success and
ofton lead to terrible consequences.
Pyramid Pile Cure reduces all In
flammation, makes congestion, Irri
tation, itching, sores and ulcers dis
appear and the piles simply quit.
No kntfe and its torture. No doo
tor snd his bills.
For sal at all drug stores at 50
cents a box.
Fill out tho blank linos be
low with your name and ad
dress, cut out coupon nnd mall
PANY. 2 10 Pyramid Bldg..
Marshall, Mion. A trial pack
age of the great Pyramid Pllo
Curo will then bo sent you at
once by mnll. FREE, In plain
City and State
That's tho way you feol about tho
lungs whon you havo a hacking
cough. It's foolishness to lot it go
on nnd trust to luck to got over it,
whon Ballnrd'B Horohound Syrup
will stop tho cough and honl tho
Prloo 25c, 50c and $1.00 por bot
tle All doalors.
Clmmhct-laln'a Cough Remedy the
Most Popular llccauso It 'is
tho Best
"I havo sold Chamberlala'a Cough
Remedy for the post eight years and
find It to be ono of tho best selling
medicines on the RmrHot. For ba
u'es and young children there Is
nothlug hotter in the lino of cough
syrups." says Paul Allen, Plain
Dealing, La. This remedy sot only
our the coughs, colds an4 aroup
jsrt cotnmon among young children
j but is pleasant and safe for them to
J take For sa'o by aU druggists
$ jjc'a
Jury in the Case of Nancy vs.
the Oregon Electric Fail to
The case of Nancy Jones vs. the
Oregon Electric Company was tried
-boforo Judge Blngfiam of tho Wil-
lamotto moot court last evening. Tho
jury disagreed, though at one time it
voted 5 to 1 for tho plaintiff. This
was a civil suit in which Nancy Jones,
tho plaintiff, alleged that she was
compelled to ride in the baggage
compartment from Salem to AVillson
vlllo on Jnnunry 1, 1910, and as a re
sult contracted rheumatism, for
which sho asked $1000 damages.
Tho plaintiff, it appeared, had no uso
of hor lower limbs on account of par
alysis, and had to be wheeled about
In a reclining chair. Sho and her
son, Harry, testified that they ap
plied for transportation of the defend
ant company, and desired tho chair
and Mrs. Jones to be placed in the
regular day coach apartment, but the
conductor refused, and told them she
would have to ride In the baggage
room. A point of issue between the
parties was whether the chair could
bo taken Into the car through tho
door, and whether there was room
within for It. A diagram of the car
was produced, showing that it could
have been; this the defendant denied
to bo a correct drawing of the car In
question. The plaintiff brought ex
pert testimony to show that she could
not ride In the seats of the company's
car." This the defendant answered
by saying the seats wero adjustable
and could be made to recline. The
court Instructed that it was for the
Jury to find by the facts whore tho
responsibility lay for her having rode
in the baggage car compartment.
The attorneys on both sides han
dled their case well. There was some
quibbling and unnecessary delays.
Attorneys for tiie plainff wero Yates,
Stone and Schaup; defense, Vincent,
Wurtx and W. L. Smith.
Threatening foverlBhnoBS with
children. Is quickly and safely
calmed by Preventlcs. These llttla
Candy Cold Can? Tablets should al
ways be at hand for promptness
la all-Important. Preventlcs con
tain no quinine, nothing harsh or
sickening"; They are Indeed "the
stitch in time." Carried in pocket,
or purse, Preventlcs aw a genuine
safeguard against Colds. 25c. Sold
by Capital Drug Store.
R. J. Silencer, a Salem man,
wae committed to the state insano
asylum today. Soveral woeks ago
Spencer called at tho sheriff's office
and Informed tho olllcers Jfvt people
were attempting to make way witn
him. He ssld that Clnide Patlsum
was placod in a mess of beans at one
time, and later, upon onterlng his
room in this city, ho heard the dis
tinct click of ft revolver.
The Insane man Is well educated
and writes continuously on religion
A Safeguard to Children.
"Our two children of six and eight
years have been slnco Infancy sub
loot to oolds and croup. About three
yoars ago I started to use Foley's
Honey and Tar, and It has never
fallod to provont nnd cure these
trouble. It Is tho only modiolus
I cnu got tho children to tako with
out a row." Tho nbovo from W. C
Ornstoln, Green Bny, Wis., dupli
cates tho oxporlonct) of thousands of
othor UBors of Foloy's Honey and
Tar. J. C. Perry, Druggist.
Oottago Undertaking I'tirlort.
Cottage and Chomokota Sts. Calls
Jay or night. J, O. Sill. Phone 724
Many eczema sufferers have failed
so utterly with salvos and othor "dis
coveries" that ovon tho nssurauco of
tho beet physician or druggist oanno.
induee them to Invost nnottw dollar
lu any remedy.
It Is to theso dlscourago'l JuifWors
in particular that wo now offar. at
only 25 cents, a trial bottU of the
uaoentod standard oosema ruidy, h
Blmpla wash of oil o Vl,gniu
thymol and glycerine, as ooa.oiiurt
ed In D. D. D. ProsorlntleB.
Hundreds of oures haye convinced
us and wo know you can tiro o pi
stantiy with the first application that
It takes Rway the Itch at ome J
I Lad the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's. New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free
Had Hidden Wealth Amounting
to $80,000 Believed to
Have Been Murdered
Bellingham, Wash., Feb. 1.
Sheriff Stevens of Skagitt county
with a posse led by a pack of hounds
is today trying to find some trace
of tho supposed murderers of Amos
Johnson, an aged ueeident of Gue-
nies, Ireland, near Anacortes, who
has mysteriously disappeared under
circumstances that load the officers
to beliovo ho has been killed.:
Tho old man was worth $80,000
and Is said to havo kept most of his
wealth hidden in his house. Yester
day a neighbor went to tho place to
Averts Hair Vliror ii rnmnn;Pfl nf Sulphur, Glycerin, Qulnin, Sodium Chloric!,
ryn iiuir vifrur K cumpusKU Ui capn,, SasCt Acoho, Water, Perfume.
Show this to your doctor. Ask him if there is a single injurious ingredient. Ask
him if he thinks Ayer's Hair Vigor, as made from this formula, Is the best prepa
ration you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let him decide. He knows.
T. P ATgn Pom
Will YOU Accept Tliis Instant
Sl'.N'U us jo'f name on .1 i"si
V.Y will inal vu a s nn.i- nf
Kiiruluii i C'at.irrh.U Ji ii
At All Druggists
25c and 50c
Tnhes- OP
' fill I J M
Sample mVI
IMKmatulMTufE'll .,4i. ItHllfwnbshiMafCII
borrow some farm machinery. lie
found everything about the house In
such shape that it indicated the man
had not intended to leave. His hat
and coat were on a peg in the room
and a frying pan was on the table.
But the man had been aw?,y for
some days as his livestock were suf
fering for want of care.
Struck iv Rich Mine.
S. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala.,
says he struck a perfect mine of
health in Dr. King's Now Life Pills
for they cured him of liver and kid
mey trouble after 12 years of suf
fering. They are the best pills on
earth for constipation, malaria,
headache, dyspepsia, debility. 25c
at J. C. Perry's.
Staggers Skeptics. -
That a clean, nice, fragrant com
pound like Bucklen's Arnica Salvy
will Instantly relieve a bad burn,
cut, scald, wound or piles, staggers
skeptics. But groat cures prove Us
a Avonderfnl healer of tho worst
sores, ulcers, boils, felons, eczema,
skin eruptions, and also chapped
hands, sprains and corns. Try It.
25c at J. C. Perry's.
pant. Tnwll. Mn.
Kiimigh for spver.il days' tioatnifiit.
Knous'i to provo to nii cop.cluMVi-iv
tii.it it is tho most mm wlous remedy tor
cat. wi ll, tlie pleuMinu t, satost. most
bootliliij: ami healing methad (or tlio
treatment of this foul disease.
Kumlnn s Catarrhal Jelly Is nppliud
directly on the raw surfaces.
Reduces the thickened membrane,
stops abnormal discharges, clears the
n.isal nassairos for easv. ua'ural breath-
inland permits fie air l pass imougn
the lungs over healthy surfaces.
That is the logical way to euro ca
tarrh Dr. KoiiiIimi s way. -
You would not anotv salt vatr to a
wound nor spray it with a vlojenunydl-
Ask Your Physician or Draggist
cine which would burn. Itch and Irritate
the raw places;
V'or the same reason yon should stop
the use of spras. snuffs, douches and
atomUers for catarrh. The delicate
lining of the nas passages Is raw. in
flamed sore from the action of the ca
tarrh germs.
Kondon's Catarrltal Jelly is soothui.
healing, pleasant and cooling. Apply it
once and )ou will have instant relief.
Continued iie. thre times a day, will
effect a permanent, safe and spend' cum
of Catarrh. Catarrhal lefoes. ltay
Fever. Asthma. Coid iu lha Uc.itl, C,v
t4rr!i of the Stomach, or nv comptica
tiou rvsultinc from cli ionic ua&jlcauri'h.
Koiicloii Mig. Co.,
at dross kt'
er Krllc ui
fcss, fR.EE
Chicago, Feb. 1. Accusing her
husband, Eugene J. Field, Jr., the
poet's son, of spending his nights read
lng romantic novels, and his. days tn
sleep, Mrs. Eugeno Field, Jr., former
ly Elinor Brooks, today filed suit for
A Common Cold.
Wo claim that If catching cold
could bo avoided somo of tho most
dangerous and fatal diseases would
never be heard of. A cold often
forms a culture bed of germs of in
fectious diseases. Consumption,
pneumonia, diphtheria and scarlet
fever, four of the most dangerous
and fatal diseases, aro of this class. '
The culture bed formed by tho cold
favors the development of the germs
of these diseases, that would not
othorwiso find lodgment. ThSero is
little danger,' however, of any of
theso diseases being contracted when
a good expectorant cough modlclno
like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is used. It cleans out theso culture
beds that favor tho development of
the germs of these diseases. That
Is why this remedy has proved so
universally successful in preventing'
pneumonia. It not only cures your
cold quickly, but minimizes tho risk
of contracting these dangerous di
seases. For sale by all druggists.
Try a Journal Want Ad.
Relief FREE?
'I he Messed rrlief that even the free,
samplu will brintf iu will cnwuiragd
jou to continue us uso until a complete'
curo 1.4 effected.
Yon cannot afford to neglect-nasal
catairh etcii In its earliest stao, U
will not jjet better of itself. Nogluct of'
cold in the head Qiens the way fpr. tm
attack of the Orftfirrh germs.
Over 10,000.000 packages of his. won
derful roniedy have been sold in-lfijunrs.
Thousands have testified. to its merits iu
unsolicited letters. Rend this:
Saattle, WukIu
Gentlomen: I have Inula bail eolil atxX
cnturrU in the lieutl foe months. I aavu
beca to a eooil Uoctor ami hml it treated.
butdM not itct much rellejf, so I houril ot
your Catarrhal Jolly nnd h.ivo usetl It
four Jayi, -ami feel fine h tlio heatJ.
iloaso koaj tne a free samplo of IHleas.
Remember, that Kondon's Catarrhal
Jelly Is sold by oxer 35.000 druggists iu
the United States but it yours doe not
tiave it, shI to us for doc or 60c tubo
(stamps Or coin), and we will mall at
once, postpaid The 50c sii contains
three times as much as the 9rk: sise.
l-.vcry ru.kH4u is sold untler our abso
lute guarantee of satisfaction or money
refunded Semi for fiee sample today.
Minneapolis, Minn.
er write n
t ri-- Hi-.'-'-.