DAIIjY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1010. PAGE THREE! m m WmJP Mmm Wma JF H II f I I 1 1 f 1 f II HI KmJr Two weeks ago, reading like this: "Dispose of your silk stock at once in New York, Take the first fast boat and come home. We foresee great danger. There are great floods here and the River Seine is continually rising. Stop for nothingwe must try and protect our silk warehouses." This is the cablegram that now leaves silks in Salem, at the Chicago Store, that are worth $1.00, $1.35 and $1.50, to be sold this week at about 40c on the dollar. 3000 yards, your choice at only 49c per yard. NOW ON 4 'c c 9 49c ommo Purchase y Salem's Silk House, The Chicago Store r Just think of it! Thirty hundred yards of HIGH. CLASS SILKS! Was there ever such a purchase of uptto-date SILKS attempted before by any other house in this part of the world? No there was not, The Chicago Store is the only store that can handle and dispose of, successfully, such an immense lot of silks, We have the outlet and this lot won't last' long when you consider the extraordinary values' we have to offer our custom ers, High-class, up-to-date silks worth from $1 to $1 ,50 now on sale for only yd. In New York has succeeded in purchasing for us from time to time wonderful bar gains, but this lot of SILKS at the price is the greatest buy of his life, and he feels proud of it, We started the sale on Monday Morning o erve You can pick your choice of the entire lot. Silks worth from $1 .00 to $1 .50 Now only yard Quality Fir of All Is the main feature of this grand assortment of Silks, We bought them at a bar gain and we will give the benefit to our customers, Don't think because you can buy them at this low price that they are not worth any more, Come and see the silks and we will leave the rest to you, M a ML TMENT I EAT The line represents all the new dress and waisting silks that is now up-to-date and most fashionable in the East, Plaid Silks in a beautiful range of styles and designs. Black and White Checks, Fancy and Stripes in all colors, Rough silks in all the new shades, Tussah Silk, Rajah Silks, Pongee Silks Black Silks, Mirror Silks, Small Check Silks in the best shades, Waisting Silks and Suiting Silks, THIS IS A SILK SALE THAT MAY OCCUR ONLY ONCE IN A LIFE TIME. YOUR CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE LOT Only Q Yard The Store That Saves You Money SALEM, OREGON 1 and $1.5 NOW ON 49 49 c c 49 4 9 49c A YARD 49c 49c 4 49c I A YARD J