Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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In many instances we have purchased new goods for less than we have purchased them before for the last 15years, This is owing to the fact that
the large houses that we have dealt with for 25 years, anticipating the raise in the price of materials, bought so extensively that they secured greater
values than ever, and they gave us the benefit of their buy, and we always give you the benefit of our careful cash buying, Remember our slogan
' ' - - - .... . ,
During the Clearance Sale lOjiper cent Discount On All floods in the Store, Except Contract and Rubber Goods
In net Messallne and Taffeta, ev
ery one the latest In style; col
ors, light blue, green, gray, black
tan, white, etc. Now on sale at
Clearance Sale Prices. Every
Waist plalntly marked.
$10.00 Net Waist . $6.00
$6.00 Net Waist $2.29
$5.00 Messallne Waist ....$3.59
$4.50 Messallne Waist $3.00
$3.00 Messallne Waist $1.99
Multnomah county furnishes 172,
or nearly 30 per cent o the students
At the U. of O. Lane county comes
next with 140. There are 592 stu
dents enrolled at the present time.
Put in Jail
very accurately describes anyone's
In good grade, imiatlon heather-,
bloom, made full with deep
Clearance Sale Price S9c
10c and 15c Handkerchiefs. . 5c
A large new assortment to
choose from visit our now un
derwear department.
feelings who is confined to the
house with an attack of rheuma
tims, lumbago, stiff joints or mus
cles. Ballard's Snow Liniment will
cure the trouble, relieve the pain
and make you as supple as a two
year old. Sold by all dealers.
Embroidery Sale
By purchasing 10,000 yds of Em
broidery direct from tho manu
facturers wo are enabled to offer
you the best value ever shown
In Salem. Note the Clearance
Sale Prices.
$1.25 Values 60c
50c Values 3Sc
45c Values 19c
15c Values 12 c
15c Values r 9c
12c Values 7c
10c Values 5c
$1.00 Sleeping Garmonts for Chil
dren 59c
25c Handy Diapers 19c
25 and 35c Underwear for Chil
dren . . ,19o
Theso sleeping garments- arc ex
tra well made of heavy, fleece
llnod material, with protected
feet, large pocket, and are in ev
ery way just what the little one
Cushion Tops, values to COc
Clearance Sale Price ...,19c
$1.25 values in Woolen Under
wear for women 98c
Try a Journal want ad.
Piles Cured In O to 14 Days.
PAZO OINNTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed
ing or Protruding Plies In 6 to 14
days or money refunded. 50c
Try a Journal Want Ad.
3 4
Connects with all trains at West Sa
lem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem.
Also for Independence, Monmouth
and McMinnville.
Leaves Journal office for West Salem
at 8:00 a. m., 12:00 m., 1:00 p. m.
and 3:30 p. m., every day except
' Leaves Sunday at 12:00 m.
and 4:15 p. m.
Calls at hotels on request
Telephone or leave orders at Capital
Journal office any day but Sunday
Phone 82
if. " '
Transfer I
Only Interest Shown In New
State Scheme is at Yreka,
San Francisco, CM., Jan. 26.
Lack of enthusiasm over tho project
of creating a now state of Siskiyou
from a combination of tho northorn
counties of California and tho south
ern counties of Oregon is lndlcatc'd
by dispatches received hero today.
Not ojily is there apparent apathy,
but in soma counties there appears
to bo a general sentiment against tho
Tho strongest support accorded to
tho scheme appears to como from
Yreka, in Siskiyou county, which
town would mako a bid for tho cap
ital. Opposition to tho plan Is ex
pressed in dispatches from Redding,
Shasta county, and from Eureka, In
Humboldt county, both of which woro
planned to bo included in tho now
state. Bosidos tho foregoing coun
tios, tho backers of tho now stato
plans woro t olncludo Del Norto, Mo
doc, Lassan and "Trinity coiintlos, in
California and soveu counties In
Oregon. ,
Boys' Plain
Knee Pants
51.00 values &5r
Boys' long pants, $2.85 val $1.65
Extra Special
Sale of
Men's Pants
$2.00 Values $1.60
$2.50 Values $2.00
$3.00 Values $2.40
$3.50 Values $2.40
$4.00 Values $3.20
$4.50 Values $3.60
$5.00 Values $4.(10
$6.00 Values. $4.80
al legislative bodies. Northern Cali
fornia, it is claimed, has long been
neglected, whilo Southern Oregon
says it is impossible to got a national
appropriation for any part of the
state that does not border on tho Co
lumbia river.
At tho meeting of tho Modford
H Commercial Club, tho largest body of
its kind In Oregon, outsido of Port
land, a mention of tho proposed now
stato brought about u wild demon
stration on tho part of tho 800 men
present, which lasted many minutes.
Local leaders in tho movement aro
claiming today that tho sontlmont ex
pressed nt this representative gath
ering is universal throughout South
orn Oregon.
The Burns Club of Salem Was
Organized Last
Tho ono hundrod and fifty-first
anniversary of Scotland's poet, Rob
ert Burns, was celebrated with songa
and readings from, thje poet's writ
ings and also remarks upon his
writings and llfo by prominent men
entering into tho composition of Sa
lem's business and professional cir
cles. Prior to tho rondltion of tho pro
gram a committee on permanent or
ganization roportcd and a constitu
tion and by-laws and ofllcors woro
olected. John Bayno was elected
president and H. P. D'Arcy was
elected vlco presldont and Vm. Mc
GUchrist was olected secrotary and
Tho program oponed with tho
song, "Tho Leo Rig" which was ren
dered by Wm, McGUchrlst, and then
followed remarks of flvo minutes
duration by Judgo Webster, Hon.
John Mlnto, P. H. D'Arcy, Judga
Galloway, C. L. McNary, P. J.
.Miles, A. N. Mooros and H. S. Pol
ual. Then camo tho sons, "High
land Mary" and "Bonnio Doono" by
Mr. Minto, which were effectively
rendered and following them camo a
milng of tho "Cotter's Saturday
Night" by Geo. A. Shand. Mrs.
James Hunter gavo a pleasing ren
dition of tho song "Jessie's Dreams"
and Wm. McGUchrlst gavo a delight
ful reading of Tam O'Shantor. John
Bayno road Burn's address, "To n
Louso" and also his address, "To a
Daisy." Wm. McGUchrlst sang four of
tho poot's favorlto songs, "Bonnio
Mary of Argylo," "Afton Waters,"
"Sho Is My Daisy" and "I Love a
Lassie." Tho program camo to a
closo with tho audience singing
"Auld Lang Syno."
Dospltlo tho fact that tho night
was rainy and stormy tho colebra
tion was woll attended.
Proposition to Make NtmS(uto Will
lie Boosted Here.
Yroka. Cal., Jan. 20. Tho movo-
ment to make a now stato to be called
Siskiyou, out of 11 countloH, half in
northorn California and half in Ore
gon, comprising tho richest part of
tho Pacific coast, is growing today.
Yroka, tho county soat of Siskiyou,
is favored for tho capital of tho pro
jected commonwealth. Tho proposed
namo of tho state Is to bo Siskiyou,
and organizations aro bolng formed
to "boost" tho proposition along.
Groat interest is bolng manifostctl
by citizens hero. A full-page map of
tho now "stato" haa boon printed and
! nnnloa nrn linlnf annf Kt.no .1 nn of ntfrtt
the adjacent country.
Humboldt County Opposes It.
Eureka, Cal., Jan. 20. Tho poo-
Sclioiue Originated With Roomers;
Roddlng, Cal., Jan. 26. There is'
no liubility of an alliance of tho north plo of Humboldt county aro a unit in
er nan southern portions of Califor
nia and Oregon, respectively, for tho
formation of a now stato, nccordlng
to citizens hero today.
Tho general Impression is that tho
scheme originated with Siskiyou
boomora, who issuod a mnp to show
tho purported advantages of the plan.
There is no talk or agitation on
tho Question hero at present.
Tho Movement Heartily Endowed
by tho Commercial Club of that
opposition to tho formation of tho
stato of Siskiyou, according to nonu
nion t oxpressed horo todny.
Campaign nlong these linos flndu
nbsolutoly no support in this county.
The peoplo of Humboldt aro Call-
iormans, ana win couiiiuio to re
main so.
At tho Annual Alumni Modal do
bato and tryout for the Inter-state
dobatlng tonms hold at Villard hall,
University of Onogon, at Eugene last
Saturday ovoning, Carloton E,
Sponcor, a freshman from Cottage
rove, Oregon, and graduato of tho
Rosoburg High School, won tho
alumni modal for tho best Individual
tlenbter. Sponcor was a mombor of
tho Orogon team which last week;
unanimously dofoatod tho Unlvorslty
of Utnh, and ho formorly dobatod in
tho Orogon High School Dobatlng
league, Eight mon participated In
tho contest last night, which was al
so tho final tryout to select tho lu-tor-stnto
dobatlng teams against
Washington niul Idaho, an tho fol
lowing woro choson: Porcy Colllor,
'11, of Eugono; Carlton E. Sponcor,
'13, of Cottage Grovo; Loon Rny.
'12, of Eugono; Howard Klmmor
man, '13, of Salom; Durloigh Cash,
'12, of Hood Rlvor; and Burns
Powell, '12, of Portland. Tho ar
rangement of thk mon on the teams
Is loft to tho dobatlng coach.
Real Kstuto Tniupfci-8.
Mcdford, Ore., Jan. 20. Local
londors in the movement to croato
a new stato out of Northern Califor
nia and Southern Orogon, whon
shown dispatchos from California un
favorable to tho project, today statod
that as soon ns possible thoy would
start an active campaign to call at
tention to tho advantages to bo de-
rlvod from the oroation of tho now
The movement originated in Mod-
ford some months ago, and has since
boon endorsed by many commercial
bodies and man in all walks of Ufa.
It was brought about through the
seaming Inability of the territory em-
bnieod in the new state to secure any
recognition by either state or nation-
Every Mother
Is or should bo worried whon tho
Uttlo ones have n cough or cold, rt
may load to croup or pleurisy or
pneumonia thon to something
more serious. Ballard's Horohound
Syrup will euro tho troubles atonco
and prevent any complication.
OHiitJrr9 cry
$ nviuMYPatcm mil sci jr
X "271 Knt Mute St.,
IMiono Miilu 1118.
I Large and complete stock i
specialty maae ot mgn
!! grade winter apples, De-
- mand is large tor Lam-
j ! bert, Bing and Royal Ann
h. and F. V. Glltnor to H. S. Far
go, land In Minion county, w d, 51000
T. B. and A. Kohobqrgor to W. J.
and B. it. Savngo, 15 acres in t 7 s,
r 2 w. w d. $0000.
W. und II. B. Morris to F. J. Laf
ky, 80 acres in boo 1, t 9 s, r 3 w,
w d, ?10.
Maggie J. Ramj) to J. R. Ilroyles,
lo.t C In block 1, Rood's add to Salem,
w d, $1800. t
S. llurdott, ot ux., to J. T. Carlisle,
10. 10 auroH In bquh :ir and aot 0 o,
r a w. w d, $1075.
Stoniucli Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should tako Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver tablets.
Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edlna, Mo.; says:
"I huvo used a great many different
modlolnes for. stomach truoble, but
find Clinmborlaln'a Stomach and
hlvor Tablets more benotlolal than
any other remedy I ever used." For
tale by all good druggists.
Chlldran Cry
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