PAGB FOOT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1010. MAY GALL GENERAL PROSECUTION STILL HAMMERING AWAY STRIKE V (UNITED I'HDiS UCAHHD WIN. Portland, Ore, Jan. 2G. Dinger Ilormann wag conncctod dlroclly with tho lcnowiodge of tho Mnys-Jonos nc tivlties in school lnmls In tho Bluo Mountain rosorvo for tho first tlmo todny, by tho testimony of Emmott Callahan, an attornoy of Bakor City, "Callahan, why bother about It," Hermann Is quoted as having said to tho witness during a conference In concerning the Blue Indianapolis, Ind Jan. 2G. Antl- admi'nlstratlcn delegates to tho con vontlon of the United Mine Workers Washington in convention In this city today are Mountain reserve. urging tho calling of n gonoral it is only a matter of some 200, strlko of all coa miners affected hy 000 acres. The state will bonoflt by tho waog scale which expires March the transaction, ns well as a few men, 31, unlcs a now agrooment is of-land these man aro our friends and foctod boforo that date. aro Orogonlans." Tho radicals havo set April 1 as This In substance Is tho convcrsa- tho day for tho strlko to go Into I tion of Hormann with Callahan, as effect. Thoy favor dollvorlng an ul-1 told by Callahan, both at the pros- tlmatum at tho Joint conforonco on t trial and nt tho Jones-Mays trial. with nxlno owners that will bo hold Ho continued by saying that Her in Toledo, February 1, stating that mann had mentioned Mays and W unless an agreemont Is reached the II. Odoll ns bolng two of tho Oregon strlko will bo called. -men who were to benefit by tho TIiIb declaration of policy on tho croatlon of the reserve. part of insurgonts of tho Minn "Workors is the result of a proposi tion advanced by President Lowio to tho offoct that minors continue work nftor March 31 pending tho signing of a now agrooment or the breaking off of negotiations. o . . Prosecutor F. J. Heney has boon striving vto establish the fact that Hormann know of the frauds in school lands during tho past two or thrco days of tho trial. Yesterday ho introduced a mass of correspond ence that had passed between Mitch ell and Hermann, in regard to the Hyde-Benson claims, which Mitchell was pushing, and intends to use this as showing that iBngcr had all three lists of lands and other, data before him whon abrlskio, ot Tucson, Ariz., asked for Information, and offered to aid tho commissioner in ferreting out tho workings of tho Hyde-Benson gang. Heney did not make good his prom iso that he would close his case nt noon today. He Is apparently still far from tho end of the road, having tho cross-examination of McVan, the direct and cross-examination of Prof. Roth and tho direct and cross-exam ination of Col. A. R. Greene to finish ! before he can get all of his cases in to tho record. COUNTRY LIFE TO BE PROTECTED TincniiJini c tout IHDLimHuLL flH IJ mil l ILL SEAT THREE THOUSAN PLEASURE SEEKERS FAIL TO RETURN UNITED ritESS LDABBD WIItB. The churches of this city havo united in an organization to put on a big revival meeting at a tabernacle that will scat throlo thousand peo ple, tho meetings to begin about March first. Tho old Oregon Nur sery Company packing sheds will ANTI-WHITE SLAVE BILL PASSES HOUSE Everett, Wash., Jan. 26. Much bo utilized 'and cleaned up and fitted anxioty la folt hero todny for tho safet yof a party of five young people of this city who sot Bail on a pleas uro trip yostordny in n 16-foot sloop, and who havo not been hoard of since, ' Soarch is bolng made today, but no traco has boon found of thorn, and m last night was vory stormy, it is thought that tho sloop may have fonudorod. In the party wore tho following persons: Qoldio Hall, Bort Wlllnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hall and Roy Hall.. j Altl-j ugh tho missing men and women stntod thoy Intondnd to sail to Mukllteo, tho boat was soon head lug in tho opposite dlroctlon. No preparation had boon mndo for nn extended stay any place. o , , with a speaking stand and choir gal lory for about thrco hundred voices It Is not yet known what evangelist will be secured but the committee of Salem ministers in charge will engage a man of first-class ability It is planned to make the revival the biggest thing of the kind ever pulled off In the Capital City. Congross is fussing about chang ing tho dnto of Inaugurating the proBldont. Whnt do the people enre, so ho's a good man Rev. I. ,V Williams Testifies Row I. W. Williams, Huntington, W. Vn., wrltos us ns follows: "This Is to certify that I used Foloy's Kid nay Remedy for nervous oxhaustlon and kidnoy troublo and am free to that Foloy's Kidnoy Itomody will do nil thnt you claim for it." Sold by J. C. Porry.. o An Oregon City man wae given a divorce hint Monday on tho ground that his wife wont uutomobillng at all hours of tho night, and taking Joy rides with othor mmi. f vnitkd riu:ss uuskd winn. 11 ...311 t b 41 unlit hu ..Vlt9V? this afternoon passed tho nntl-white slave bill, prohibiting traffic in wo men, which resulted from the sonsa- tlonal oxpoHiire made recently In tho report of an Investigation by immi gration authorities. The measure was urged by Presi dent Tft in n message t'o congross, and, as the Investigation showed that tho traffic had roachod such an alarm ing proportion that rates for the sale of slaves were actually quoted in Se attle, Chicago. New York and other cities by the traders, it met with practically no opposition. SCHUYLEMANN LIBEL CASE. (Continued troni Pnzo 1) Fovor Soros. Fever mrm and old chronic soroa should not bo healed enarely, but should be kept In healthy condition. This can bo done by applying Cham barmln'a sulve. This salvo has no Ruporlor for this purpose. It Is also most excellent for chapped hands, wro nlpplos, bums and diseases of the skin. For salo by all good druggists. Milk Inspectors will make place for parlsllee to get salaries. Simple Remedy for LnGrlppe. LaQrlppo coughs aro dangorous. hb thoy frequently devolop into unoinnonln. Foloy's Honey nudTar not only Rtops tho cough, but hoale and ntrongthoua tho luugs so that no sorlous roaults noed bo fearod. tho gonuiuo Foloy's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and lain a yollow package Sold by J. a Perry, V 323 S. COMMERCIAL ST. CORN Our price on corn is the same aa for wheat and it la a far better tm tor poultry. Order a bushel oi ek and $e how many nmt urn you D. 1 WHITE & SONS Uf GonimerelAl St.. PlteHtt 160. Company received no rentals from this source whatever, Instead of ?100 per month for each equlpmont for bnttloshln and revonuo cutters, ns had been represented to mo; that the number of men employed In their factory wan about eight, Instead of 300, and that the preforrod stock had no guarantee of any interest, except upon tho condition and In tho ovent that tlTo company en mod a surplus ovor and above the salaries and op erating expense. "I had been acting as general manager for California for some tlmo. C. C. Wilson, the president of the United Wireless knew that on account of many misrepresentations madfe to me by Geo. H. Parker, of Seattle, considerable Ill-feeling had been created, so 1 was offered the management of Chicago, together with six or eight states about tha lakes. The company offered to dou ble my eommlMlon. and I reoelved the personal asmirnueo of C. C. Wil son, the president of tho company, that I could "clean up" at least $75,000 la two years' time. "I wok the matter under advise mont, and concluded that I could have nothing to do with a get-rlch-qulek scheme of this aharaotor. "On the contrary. I Immediately wrote to all who had Invostod in this stock upon my solicitation, which repreeeaUd many thousand of dollars, aad urged thorn to un load their stock at once. "To off-set my exposuro regarding tho actual condition and earnings of tho company, Parker has beon obllgM to buy up a good deal of this stock at priori ranging from 19 to $14 a share, whtoh I am Informed ho again sells through liUs agents at Ml to ?40. "The United Wlreles have five or nix small stations in Qregea, wklth are maintained at an average ooet f SUi a moatk. several ef M-hlea I aw reliably UforM ear wt te exoeed (16 to $11. leaving a mo Ik 1' loe t m to 91. "I HMderaUad that WMtllUon u WftxklHgte aittf CaUfwaie, um! else where, as far a tkeir lend bwalReas Is concerned, is no better. Also that nine-tenths of the stations aro main tained at an average monthly loss of at least $50. "When you consider that the United Wireless aro capitalized for two million (2,000,000) shares which thoy are now attempting to sell to nn uninformed public at $40 a share, a selling basis of eighty million (?S0, 000,000) dollars; In viow of the facts above set forth tho audacity of such promoters ns Fred S. Stewart, and Geo. II. Parker, is without parallel. "The United Statos Investor fig ures out taking tlfe company's own j financial statement as a basis that thero is a vnluo of $1.45 to ever share of United Wireless stock. 'Even this estimate, says the Finan cial World, 'is inflated.' " Mr. Schuyleman says that his ar rest on the ground of libel by Stew art is simply due to tho fact that Stownrt has a grlevcince against him. C. E. Whistler, of Medford; E. H. Shepherd, of Hood River; Edwin Mays, of Antelope; L. T. Reynolds, of Salem, and George A. Dorris, of Eugene, are the Oregon Country Life Commission, and met at Salem to day. This commission was appointed by Governor Benson, and held its first meeting at Salem and perfected Its organization. Mr. Whistler is on his way from Washington, D. C, and the Norfolk convention of com mission merchants. The commission met with Governor Benson and heard suggestions from him as to better ment of conditions under which farm life and farm labor can be carried on. Mr. Whistler says Oregon has the call and will get a large immigra tion of the best Eastern people. Ho says the state stands for quality, and will get quality in the character nf Its new citizenship. o SECOND ANNUAL COMMONWEALTH CONFERENCE Another Avalanche of Today at the great over-surplus stock sale now con ' eluding. Every woman loves handsome jewelry. Every woman likes to feel that her jewelry is solid and perfect that she has just what she paid for. Every woman likes to save money, tec. Consequently, every woman ought to patroilze this great sale it means safety, satisfaction and economy, WHEN WE SAY IT'S A BARGAIN 'TIS SO. BARK S JEWELRY STORE Corner State and Liberty The second annual Common wealth Conference, a movement started last year on the semi-centennial of the admission of Oregon into the Union, will be held at the University of Oregon February 11th and 12th. Prominent men from various parts of Oregon and from the faculty of the University will be speakers on the occasion, and the subjects for discussion will be the leading problems now before the state. The sessions last year were pronounced most prontable by all present, and this plan to unite science and the arts of practical life in Oregon was recognized as on? of greatest promise for the best up- j building of the state. The complete program will be announced in a few days. o Ton Are cordially requested to phone tny Item of interest, 'such as a per sonal about a friend or yourself, to The Journal, Main 82. No Item too imall. o It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine containing opiates that merely stifle your cough instead of curing it. Foley's Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and expels the poisonous germs thus preventing pneumonia and consump tion. Refuse substitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in the yellow package. Sold by J. C. Perry. Came Near Choking to Death. A little boy, tho son of Chris D. Peterson, a well known resident of the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had a sudden and violent attack of croup. Much thick stringy phlegm came up after giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says "I think he would have choked to death had wo not given him this remedy." For sale by all good druggists. Achtung. Der Deutsche Verein von Salem 1st hiermit eingeladen die sechste Maskerade von dem Deutschen Verein von Oregon City am 29ten, Samstag, mitzufeieren. Das Committee. 1-2 6-3 1 AVER'S MAOR VIGOR Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing? lnTi-0r1ipnt: Sulphur. Glycerin. Qutnln. Sodium Chlorld. ingredients . CapBioum ge, Ai0Ohol. Wutor. Torfume. We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put it up. J. fl. ATF.n Company. Lowpll. Jm. PIONEER DIED IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY Mr. Kll Williams died at his home in Oregon" City this morning at the ago of 63 years. Ho was an Ore- J gon pioneer and a cousin of Richard j and Georgo H. Williams, and was 1 at one time assessor of Clnckamas ! county. Ho leaves a daughter in j this olty. Mrs. C. D. Tillson, and his body will bo brought here for burial, j of Small Sizes img Men Suits It Is anything to create a new job on tho taxpayer these days. Tho tonder lonvos of a harmless lung-henllng mountainous shrub, glvo to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy Its marvolous curntivo properties. Tight. tickling. or distressing coughs, quickly ylold to the henliug, soothing action of this splondid pro scription Dr. Shoop's Cough Reni ody. And it is so snfo and good for chlldron, as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harm ful drugs, mothers should In safety always domand Dr. Shoop's. If othor remedies arc offered, tell them No! Bo your own judge! Sold by Capital Drug Stor o Try a Journal Want o Ad. eami en's a"d Y You may read our advertisement all you like, in fact (such a standard by which to determine correctness of price is invaluable) and it pleases us very much, but if it means plain dollars and cents and you are looking for real value, look these over before they are all gone. ALSO A AND EXTRA SIZES CASTOR I A Tor Infatua and Children. Ttis Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature of XOTIOK TO SUUSCRmERS. The Capital Journal bags to oall attention of subscribers to the following simple rule for their observance. Watch the tag on your paper, showing date to which paper la paid and remit promptly In ac cordance with this tag, or notify this office to discontinue send ing It. Unless this Is done a bill will b 8t fro hi this offloe for the time tke paper ooBtiBttee. Rates by nail or speoial deliv ery at RHtwrbaii etores: Detly (per year) $4.88 Weekly 0r year) l.iG S. HOFBR. Pttelkher. $12.00 $6.50 Men's Suits Sizes 32 to 37. These are not bought for the occasion clothes, but a run of smaller sizes thatJV have accumulated during our sale, They come in all the new colors and pat terns, suitable for business or dress ww. Boys' and Young Men's Suits , Sizes 14 to 20 long pants for the young chaps who wish an inexpensive suit of a nice patterns and style to finish out school or for every day wear you will do well to look over this assortment of clothes, ALEM WOOLEN MILL ST OR