Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"Washington, D. C, Jan. 26.
Charges that he is using his position
in tho, army to lobby Alaskan meas
ures through congress are basis for
a demand resting with Secretary
Dickinson, of the war department,
today, that an order bo issued assign
ing Major V. P. Richardson to his
. post in Alaska.
'"1 The demand is made by Delegate
JJamBO Wickersham, who declares
ahat Major Richardson once intimated
that only their respective official po
sitions prevented him from attacking
the delegate.
"He said that only his position as
an olllcor in ,the army and my posi
tion as a delegate to congress protect
ed me," Delegate Wickersham is re
ported as saying.
"I shall perform my duty as a del
egate from Alaska without fear 'of
assault form Major Richardson, but
I-protest against being threatened In
the capital by any officer in the army
for daring to perform such duty."
Majdr Richardson is chairman of'
the Alaskan road commission. He is
charged by Wickersham with exert
ting too much influence upon con
gressional committees;
Wickersham declares that, while
the Alaskan council bill was pend
ing before congress, Richardson at
tempted to influence legislation in
favor of certain parts of it, although
he was in Washington ostensibly as
ror L
Copyrlcht, 1909, by Bobert E. Peary Copyileht, 1909, by BenJ. B. Hampton
Plccej cut from Its folds mark all tbo " Farthest North " points of the Western Hemisphere.
Detailed fully la HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE for February.
The most significant trophy of modern times. It has
waved at the apex of the earth, where a day and a night are
a year, and every direction is south. No battle flag was ever
planted in the enemy's stronghold after struggles as severe as
those which "Carried this banner to the goal. It is the Star
Spangled symbol of courage and endurance and faith beyond
r We have reproduced this priceless trophy in fac-simile in
colors on the cover of the FEBRUARY number of
15c a copy Tbe Best Magazine in America On Sale Now
Read Peary's Own. Story now appearing exclusively in
HAMPTON'S MAGAZINE. Every instalment is complete
in itself. In February number Peary tells about selecting the
Eskimos for his last expedition, ana describes their life and
their strange customs. Tells of walrus hunting, etc., etc.
Whoever takes pride in being -well-read and 'well-posted in regard
to the world's progress, should read this story of the greatest discovery
since that of Ctdumbus. JVo other magasine feature has ever aroused such
wide-spread interest among thinking people.
Other Great Features and Fiction by World-Renowned Writers
Bay Your Copy Quickly Of any Live Newsdealer
ah officer on business pertaining to
the territory.
He says Richardson endoavoredto
perpetuato himself as chairman 'bf
the roads commission, ?
o r.
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 26. Com
mittees representing the Chamber
of Commerce and the Commercial
Club today began the work of rais
ing $15,000, the amount needed to
insure an aviation meet in this city.
TKo committee has wired Dick Fer
ris asking him for the earliest date
that the aviators can come here and
in tho meantime a suitable place for
tho "fly" will be selected. The ball
park, which is the largest in the
northwest may be used as tho start
ing plaoo, although many favor the
open prairie at American Lake,
south of the city.
Burhan Brockway, a prominent
pioneer of Douglas county, died Jan
uary 24. He was 79 years old.
Some of the sweetest hours of home-life are
passed under the gentle, kindly light of the eve-,
ning lamp.
If it be the Rayo Lamp, the light contributes
an added charm makes reading and sewing easy.
There are no aching eyes after reading or sew
ing under the rays of the Rayo Lamp.
The Rayo Lamp diffuses a steady white light
It is the least trying of any artificial light. Made
of brass throughout nickel plated improved
central draught burner.
The Rayo is a low-priced lamp, but you cannot
get a better lamp at any price.
Once a Rayo user, always one
Ererjr Dealer Everywhere. If Not at Yours. Write for
Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the
A benefit ball is to bo given by tho
Salem street car boys February 1,
In the skating rink, the proceeds of
the affair to bo used in furnishing
tho car men's club room when tho
new street car bam has been con
structed at the corner of Chemekota
and Front streets.
There are BO men in Salem em
ployed by tho Portland Railway,
Light & Power Company, and the
company has decided to furnish them
with a spacious room in which to
pass away spare time. The boys are
finding no difficulty in disposing of
tickets, and a large crowd Is looked
for at the dance. McElroy's orches
tra has been engaged to furnish tho
Acid Dyspeysia
Nervous People Arc Frequent Suf
ferers from Too Much Hydro
chloric Acid in the Stomach.
A Trial Package of Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets Sent Free.
"Sour stomach," or acid dyspep
sia is a form of indigestion in
which entirely too much hydrochlor
ic acid is secreted by the stomach.
A sour taste In the mouth is the
most common symptom of acid dys
pepsia; and tho saliva, which is
normally alkaline, is found, when
tested, to be changed to acid, or just
tho opposite of what It should be,
and is a state of the secretion
which causes rapid and extensive
destruction of the teeth.
Everything eaten turns more or
less sour in the stomach, but sweets
and acid fruits are far worse In tills
respect than other foods. If tho
eructation of liquids from the
stomach occurs, they have such an
extremely sour taste as to set tho
teeth on edge.
Hydrochloric acid is an impor
tant constituent in tho gastric
juice, but wliien too much of it is
secreted, it does positive harm to
tho mucous lining of the stomach;
and when acid dyspepsia is long
continued it often sets up chronic
gastritis, gastric ulcer, and other
serious diseases. Tho premature
loss of all the teeth has been caused.
by acid saliva, which was dependent
upon tho excessively acid condition
of tho stomach.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, be
sides furnishing pure, aseptic pepsin
to tho stomach to dilute tho excess
of hydrochloric acid, and to dige3t
protelds and albuminous foods very
thoroughly, also contain bismuth
subnltrate and calcium carbonate,
which are antagonistic to the acid,
and therefore neutralize tho effect
of the excessivo amount of acid in
tho stomach, and the continued uss
of these tablets will change the per
verted condition of tho secretions to
a normal state.
If you are suffering from "hyper
chlor-hydria," as physicians term It,
o in other words, acid dyspepsia,
and experience a sour taste in tho
mouth, with acid eructations or
heartburn, begin at onco the uso of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabelts, using
one or two aftor each meal, or as
may bo required, and tho same
quantity at retiring time, for if this
trouble Is allowed to run on, it may
cause Herious organic changes In th
stomach. Thore are cases on record
where the lining of the stomach has
been completely eaton away through
perverted action of tho secretions.
' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have
been tried in all forms of indiges
tion and dyspepsia, with unfailing
success, so that no matter which
form you may be suffering from,
the quickest way to bring about a
euro is through tho use of those
powerful stomach tablets.
Secure from your druggist a fifty
cent box. and get curod of acid dys
popsia, or whatever form of indl
gostion you may he suffering. Also
send us your name and address for
free sample. Addross F. A. Stuart
Company, 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar
shall, Mich.
There is no Quinine, nothing
whatever harsh or sickening in Pro
ventics, These little Candy Cold
Guro Tablets act as magic. A fow
hours and your threatening cold la
broken. Candy-liko in taste. Pre
ventics please the children and
they break tho foverishncss, alwnys.
largo box 48 Prevontics 25 cents.
And least of all is tbo economy. A
Ask your druggist. Ho knows!
Sold by Capital Drug Storo Co.
Emily, H. Cunningham, aged 71
years, a reepucted citizen of Corval
lis, died Monday morning.
Napoleon's Grit
Was of the unoonqu? able, never-
ay die kind, the kind that you need
most whan yoa have a bad cold,
cough or lu"S tIo'ie prose
trochee, cougn '.jiutw col liver oil cr
doutcrs have .Ml fai'inl. 0'in't lose
heart or hops. Talc Dr. Kings' New
Discovery. Sanitation In guaranteed
when used for any throat or lung
trouble. It has saved thousands of
hopelaeo suSarar. It roasters stub
born colds, obstinate coughs,
hemorrhage, la grippe, crop, asth
ma, hav f-ver and whooping cough
and U the most safe aud certain rem
edy for all bronchial unVctlons, DOc
11.00. Trial bottle free at J V I'ec
J. S. Irwin, whoso death was an
nounced in Uits morning's Orogonian,
was for a timo a residont of the Cor
vallis vicinity, and is well known to
tho older peoplo of this section. Tho
Orogonian says: "Joseph Randall
Kerr Ii;win, aged 74 years, an Oregon
ploneor, died at tho Good Samaritan
hospital, Thursday. Mr. Irwin
crossed tho plains as a boy in 1S52,
coming to Linn county and settling
at Oakville. Ho was kidnaped by
tho Indians during tho journey, but
was later rescued by tho members of
tho party with whom ho crossod. At
the outbreak of the Civil War ho en
listed In tho Union army, and served
until tho close. After the closo of
tho war he engaged in the transfer
business here under tho name of the
Pacific Transfer Company. Later ho
conducted the Ocean Houso at Now
port, Oregon. Ho was a member of
Georgo Wright Post, G. A. It. Mr.
Irwin is survived by D. S. Irwin, of
Salem, and S. R., brothers; one son,
W. A. Irwin, of Salem, and a daugh
-Corvallis Gazette.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 2C. Fire late
last night caused tho death of an uu
Hfnown man, a lodger in tho build
ing, severely injured another and
destroyed the two-story storo and
lodging house building owned by ex
Mayor .fohn Nmueller, of George
town. The fire, the cause of which is un
known, originated In tho clothing
store which occupied the front of the
first floor. Tho man who lost his
life was found at the tap of tho
stairway in front of a locked door,
leading to a rear stairway. Tho in
jured man is Mark Mooro, a negro
Albany, Ore., Jan. 2G. Tho gro
cerymen of this city are planning
on an organization with which to
fight tho great eastern mail order
houses. Tho mail order business)
has been on tho Increase and at
present many dollars worth of
goods aro shipped in hiere from tho
East. It is high timo for tho citi
zens of Albany to wake up and tako
notice that it not only costs more
in the end to buy from such firms,
but is also very disloyal to our
homo merchants who pay their
share towards tho city's running ex
penses. o
Timo Tnblo 58.
Effective Sunday, January 1,
1910 12:01 a. m.
No. 1G Oregon Express .. 5:15 a.m.
No. IS Portland Passenger 7:43 p.m.
No. 20 Portland Passenger 3:12 p.m.
No. 14 Portland Express 8:20 a.m.
No. 12 ShastaLlmited. .. ,12:35p.m.
No. 13 San Francisco Ex.. 3:31a.m.
No. 19 Ashland Passengor.il: 01a.m.
No. 17 RoseburgPassonger G:45p.m.
No. 15 California Express. 9:5Gp.m.
No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43 p.m.
No. 22G Way Freight .... 9:50a.m.
No .222 Portland Fast Frt. 10: 45p.m.
No. 225 Way Freight. .-. .12:35p.m.
No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m.
Local Lenves For
Portland and Inter G:40a.m.
Portland-HUlsboro inter . . 8:55"a.m.
Portland and Inter 11:15 a.m.
Portland and Inter 2:00 p.m.
Port., Tualatin, Hlllsboro. 3:20 p.m.
Portland-HUlsboro inter.. 4:00p.m.
Portland and Inter G: 20 p.m.
Portland aud inter 8:50 p.m.
Iiocal Arrive From.
Portland and inter ...... 8:25 a.m.
Portland-HUlsboro Inter.. 9:50a.m.
Port., Hlllsboro,' Tualatin. 10: 45 a.m.
Portland and intor 1:00 p.m
Portland-HUlsboro Intor.. 4:00p.m.
Portland and Inter ...... 5:50 p.m.
Portland and Inter 8:30 p.m.
Portland Theater train. .10:40 p.m.
Salem, Falls City & Western Ry
Dallas, Kails City, IilacK llocU. . U :00 a. m.
Dalian and Intermediate point. 1 :25(. in.
Dallas. Kails City...'. 4 ;8( u. la
sDallaa, Falls City. Ulack Koclc.. 1 :25 i. in
xDallas and Intrmdlat points, .. , G :)U p. m. ,
Falls City. Dallas 8 :0 a. m. j
IiaUK runa UJt iana. .... ... i. iu,
Dallas and Intermediate uoluts. 3:05 p.m.
inallnu and Intermediate oolnts. 12 :40 I), m.
xlllack Itock, Falls City, Dallas. . 4 s-lD i. in.
uauy except Hunaay. xnunuuy oniy.
Ferrv Inunch from foot of fltuto street
connects with all tralus at Hecond-itrCel ,
Inuapondoiico-Suluin Motor Line.
Leave Independence ... 9:30a.m.
Arrive at West Salem. . 10:30 a. m.
Leave Salem .4:00 p. m.
Arrive Independence ...5:00 p. ni.
Connects at Independence with
weat side train for Portland and In
termediate points, and ror Mon
mouth and Alrlla.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
but never follows the use of Foley'a
Honey and Tar. which stops tho
cough, heals tho luna and expela
Weak? Tired? Run-down?
Thcso conditions come from overwork, a weak stomach, overtaxed nerves
o'f feablc blood. When .you. feel 'talCin" hardly oblo to drag about, no
?P?rfi7ino ambition, easily exhausted juldkanxsleep take
and note what a difference they moke in your condition. The stomach is the
first to feel the good effects. Food tastes good, the digestion is strengthened;
bowels and bile work regularly, tho blood is cleansed, and tho nerves rested.
Tho whole system responds to the tonic action of Beecham's Pills. Soon
there is tho buoyant feeling of returning health,
Fresh Strength and New Life
Boxes 10c and 25c, with full directions.
"Do you know of any woman who ever received any
benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound ? "
If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar
to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be
surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in
this country where women cannot be found who have been
restored' to health by this famous old remedy, made
exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs.
During the past 30 years we have published thousands
of letters from these grateful women who have been cured
by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and never
in all that time have we published a testimonial without
the writer's special permission. Never have we knowingly
published a testimonial that was not truthful' and genuine.
Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts
that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's experi
ence with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound write
and ask her.
Now Orleans.
land I had taken
fine health and
neighbor, and hope that all suffering women will try it."
Mrs. J. "Wilson, 4010 Ulloa St., New Orleans, La.
Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely
not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it
not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Wilson.
t&gSffB If tho slightest troublo appears which you do not an
al5F dcrstand, write- to Mrs. lMnkham at Lynn, Mass., for
her advicc-it is free and always helpful.
Why Not Consider
This Offer Now?
Thla is on invitation to every roador of this papor to write us, at once,
for our free trial offer no money down 9 months to nay no intorost
charged wo pay the freight and
rnonograpu in yoar own homo. Uur Outfit No. 12 costs $34.20
and inoludoa Now Edison Firesido Phonograph with combina-y4y
J . .!. I n 1 m . ... .. . n ....... St&S
"u icyiuuuucr iu 1'iuv d uuu 'i-nunuio rocoriiB : now uygneiystf
TTnrn .tun m.ntof tS!V,- TT . .1 T1.1! " 'V
berol (4-minute) Records and half
w.uuuu.u muvuiujj, iuuaoi-jjiuicu
rrrnnli fill OH Hnn nr. A an A ,
ment. This offer is fair to you and to us, becausoy? piano
wo want you a satisfied oustomer a boostor HOUBB,
for Eilora onr best advertisement. Send8yowtn0tron Bt
us tho coupon cataioguo and full par-Sx n Moment p'foas
ticulara will come to you by return mail yn lf ,.u
Eilers Piano House
Largest Western Dealers In All
iieoords. Pianos. Organs, ifito.
JLL ft I
La. "I suffered with Inilani-
lnntion mid ulceration for u long time, and had
dreadful backache and 11 -weakness. I had been
under tho doctors' treatment lor six months and
they claimed I must ho operated upon. I was in
bed three weeks and could not turn over on
either side tho pains were so bad and I was so
"Then Lydia E. Pinkham's Vepretablo Com
nound was recommended to mo bv a ncitrhbor.
it only u short timo when I felt
relieved and now 1 am a well woman, x am in
feel like a yountr trlrl. I have
lw ftniiiiirmtwl to mv iif-vf. lnnr
A Genuine
Cost to You
on IO Days'
pivo tan days to try an Edison
dozen Gold Moulded
uuu, uumo i nouoy
Tl tl--l.
Edison Ytf Trial Otisr.
X Nam
the cold from your system.