VOL. XX. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1010. ICHIIYLEMANN LIBEL CASE Charged With Mishing' an Advertisement gatory to United Wireless 04 Mnpany. IN THE OREGON JOurtNAL John L. Schuylcninnn, tho Dcfcnd ,imt, Tells Some Ditcrcsting Fncts About tho Wireless Controversy .' Says There Are Two Sides to Every Question. The preliminary examination in the case of the State against John L. Schuylemann, charged by Fred A. Stewart, of the United Wireless Com pany with the crime of libel, Is being heard this afternoon before Judge Webster. The libel is alleged to con slst in the publication by the defend ant of an advertisement in tho Ore gon Journal derogatory to the busi ness of the United Wireless Corn pany, and the case is attracting con slderable attention. The state is being represented at the hearing by Deputy District Attorney Winslow, and the defendant is being represent ed by the law firm of Carson & Brown. Scliuylcnianii Talks. "There are two sides to this wire less controversy," said John L. Schuylemann, when interviewed with relation to his side of the case this morning by a representative;, of the Capital Journal, "and so far the pub lic has been given tho impression that I am tho offender. "Eastern financial magazines of unquestioned standing," he contin ued, "such as the United States In vestor, of Boston, The Financial World, of New York and the Denver Times, of the West, have for months ridiculed the representations made by the United Wireless crowd, and have repeatedly raised their voice in warning to the investing public. "In 1907 I was induced, upon rep resentations made to me, to take up the sale of the United Wireless stock, and it was then selling at about ?10 a share. I was led to believe that the Unled Wireless owned 51 per cent of the English Marconi Com pany, and had an income from com mercial business sufficient to pay 7 per cent supposed to be guaranteed on tho preferred stock. I can pro duce a number of witnesses who will testify 'to similar representations made to us by George H. Parker, the principal promoter of this enterprise oa the Pacific coast, besides . letters and circulars, in which similar claims were made." "In 1909, at the solicitation of several people who invested In United Wireless through me, I made a trip to New York, and found that things had been misrepresented to me. was informed that the company was not even earning its operating ex penses; that the consolidation with the English Marconi Company was a mere myth; that wireless instruments were sold to the United States govern ment in competition with other com panies, and that tho United Wireless AT LEAST 200,000 HOMES HAVE BEEN RENDERED (Continued on Page 4.) ?9eeh94e44404(8olr SALEM'S BUSIEST STORE Is here all the timo with the right goods at tho right prices. We have bargains now to offer you all over this big store that will con vince you that the Chicago Store is tho best place in Salem to buy your dry goods. We are busy every clay because we give the bargains. 5 $15.00 Suits now only S-i.O"! $18.00 Suits now only $7.50 $25.00 Suits now only $0.00 Higher priced Suits cut down tho same way Half Price and Less Is tho way we aro soiling suit and coats now at tho Chicago Store Al.l this season's beet styles, handsomoly trimmed and tailored: long coats and plaited skirts; colors black, navy, tan, gray, reseda and mannish effects. If you want gonuino bargains in ladles suits and coats, come to the Chicago Store 65c Rough Silks, yd35c 75c Pongee Silks, yd 49c 75c Crystal Messaline Silks, yard . 49c 85c Black Taffeta, Silk, yard 65c $1.45 yard wide black Taffeta Silk, yard .98c 39c Wash India Silk, all colors, yard 25c Tho abovo aro only a fowof tho wonderful assortment of silks wo carry In this store. Beautiful spring ilks now on salo at very low prices. Buy your silks hero. It will pay you handsomely, 65c Panama Wool Dress Goods, all colors, yd 33c i 75c Wool Dress Goods, yard 49c $1,00 Wool Dress Goods, $ yard 68c ? Tho dress goods we oftor you at theso low prices are all 1910 newest fabrics, priced away down for quick soiling. Investigate Best Apron Gingham, ? yard 5c Spectacle Afforded by the Spreading River js Even More Awe Inspiring than When Darkness Fell Last Wight The Loss Throughout France Is Estimated at $18,000,000. Paris, Jan. 26. The Chamber of Deputies this afternoon went into a special "calamity" sessilon. follow ing the receipt of reports which In dicate that the city is faco to facot with a terrible catastrophe which It feared will result during tho; night from the rising waters. The towns of Nogent and Saint Maur are completely inundated. Tho cabinet this evening esti mates the loss throughout Franco from high water at $180;000,000, with strong probability of It reach ing $250,000,000. The Seine, roar ing in its fury, increased hourly bv the gi;at weight of water coining- down on it from above Paris, to night, threatens to tear all barriers. aria send its floods sweeping through" the great city. The people are preparing to floe. ana almost every citizen has collect ed those valuables for which ho cares most, holding himself ready; lor any emergency. The situation is one of such .ter! ror and anxiety as seldom has been known except in a city about to bo! sacked by an oncoming nrmy. With the flood of tho raranant Seine rising rapidly and threatening dozens of villages above Paris, the military today were compelled to resort to actual cannonading in their battle with the oncoming waters, to save tho Iittlo town of Lux from Im mediate destruction. The dyke was bombarded and great holes torn In its structure with cannon balls to permit the swollen waters of tho river to spread over the surrounding lowlands. This expedient hay have to be re sorted to In order to savo other towns similarly situated. A now danger arose today from an unexpected quarter, when tho qucroaching water made its way toward Uio great gas plant in tho Granalo quarter of west Paris. Nearly tho entire city uses tho gas supply furnished by this plant for lighting and cooking. Should tho waters reach It tho city will Uo almost without this form of fuel upon which the peoplo dopend for tho preparation of their food and for light during tho night as well as during many hours of tho present dark days. , An enormous trunk sower broke at Cllchy today, setting loose a vast flood of vile sewage, which turned tho national road Into a filthy canal. Tho entire trunk sower system of thocity is In gravta danger of col lapse. The basement of tho city hall this afternoon contained alght foot of wator. Although men aro working valiantly with pumps, tho flood be neath tUe building is rapidly rising and much apprehension is folt for tho safoty of tho walls. The authorities declared today tho silent influoncos. This was not a homo for tramps or a gospel meet ing. It was a scientific method of promoting roligion. It Was not con fined to more rescue work. Tho main tning proposed was to give young i men better environment. Ho spoko' that a further riso of two feet In the river will force the waters to tho Pantheon in the Bericy quarter of east Paris. This section contains many largo wino warehouses, which already aro deep In water. Tho water stands five feot deop In tho Hotel Continental, . Tho foreign office on tho Quay d'Orsay is entirely surrounded by water, but is was abandoned before tho flood shut it in and no ono was imprisoned there. Tho flood will reach its highest point tomorrow morning, according to hydrometer estimates. It Is then that the danger to tho city will bo tho most critical. At noon today tho Seine at Pont Royal registered twenty-eight feet. This is nineteen feet and oight In ches abovo tho normal level. Tho greatest danger will He In tho breaking of Avails along tho river, Tills great embankment In many places, already has crumbled beforo tho rising waters. Tho authorities who put forth their utmost efforts yesterday aro at their wits ends today and aro usry 'overy remaining1 emergoncy" measure to prepare for tho situation tomor row. With the entire garrison of Paris, and nearly the whole standing army of Franco at work, and with tho of ficials engaging, themselves, in all sorts of actual rolief work, tho peo plo still faco tho worst day of poril since the floods began. Tho tenseness of tho situation may bo understood when It Is real ized that any moment some bulwark may glvo way and send tho roaring waters into tho portions of tho city whero people still remain in tholr homes. Tho constant immediate dangor has Wept tho most of tho men and women of Pnrls up day and night Binco Sunday, and the wholo popu lation now is working up to such a pitch of fear and nervousness that many aro engaging in aimless pur suits such as aro marked after a groat disaster such as at tho oarth quako at Messina. Thousands of voluntoors who havo manned rellof bodies, havo worked valiantly without rest day and night, In bringing, strickon fam ilies to places of safoty. Tho gondarmos and tho soldiors havo forced thoso who shrunk back, to do their share and tho omorgonoy character of tho work has placoi tho city undor almost tho same sit uation as If It woro, besieged by an army. In some ways tho attack of tho furious wators is worse than that of an army, as tho men of Paris are pitiably unablo to copo with It, aa thoy would bo ablo to face a battle upon an equal footing wltji a force of lnvadors. of tho Importance of unity in politics and business. It was also coming in religion. Much of our denomination allsm was cheap and petty affecta tion. Tho Y. M. C. A. was a unifying movement. It was tho putting of tho best personality of tho best men In this community back of it to mako it a success. Any mnu who would put his heart into some such work would Hvo ton years longer. If tho men hero present would get behind this work it would scrow up tho morals of the young men of this town about ton per cent. His address was received with enthusiasm. o REMOVING BODIES FROM SN0WSLIDE THE PIERCE FAMILY Al TROUBLES RS TOO MUCH MOTHER-IN-LAW Butto, Mont., Jan. 2G. Tho third body, that of an unidentified for eigner, was removed today from the mass of oarth, snow, ice, boulders' and trees that slid across tho Groat Northern Railway tracks near High Gate, In northern Montana, yester day. Thta slldo Is tho greatest in tho history of tho road and working crows aro endeavoring to clear tho lino to relievo tied up traffic. It was announced today by Great Northoru officials that tho track would bo cleared this afternoon. It Is not known how many per sons hay havo been caught In tho land silo but it Is possible that tho workers may como upon other bod les under tho mass that remains to be elenrfcd away. 2 o DRAWING MS CHICAGO STORE SALEM, OREGON The Store That Saves You Money SALOON DON'T HAVE SPECIAL ELECTION DAYS Astoria, Ore., -'an. 20. District Attornoy Rrownell, in a writton opin ion, holds that the asloous In Clatsop county cannot be compollod to close noxt Friday, when a special oleotlou will be held for the purpose of vot ing on tho question of establishing a port of Astoria. In his opinion Brownoll says: "The election to bg held ,pn noxj. Friday Is not an election of state, county or municipal officers, anil therefore does not apply." I'rcHldfiiHiil NcMiiInutlon. Washington, aJn. 23. President Taft nominated Robert Blwoll today as receiver of the public moneys at Olympla, Wash. .M.C.A. MEN ATTEND A BANQUET A fine hot lunch was served at noon, and about 100 Salem business men woro prosont. Fred Smith wa Introduced In a follcltous manner by Chairman W. I. Staloy, of the board of trustuoe.. He expressed surprise at the large number out In the mid dle of n busy dayr The men presont could make Salem another Seattle. Unless Reconciliation Can Be Brought About Judge Threat ens Judicial Spanking. Wlfo. Accuses. Mother-ln-Law . of Making Things so Tropical- That Sho Cannot Llvo in the Sanio IIouso With ITor Second Time Cnso Has Boon in Court. Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy Exciting Much Interest at National Capitol. t UNITED FIttiRS LEAH 12 D WIIM.l Washington, D. C, Jan. 2C. Tho actual probing of tho famous Bal- llngor-Plnchot controversy began to day, when Ij. R. Glavls, who was re moved from tho offico of tho field di vision of tho land offico by nn ordor of President Taft, was callod by tho joint comniitteo of congress to begin Ills tofltimony. Tho groat public Interest was shown by tho oiiormoiiB crowd which thronged tho commlteo room and all adjacent halls, anxious to hoar a word of testimony or see tho loading participants of tho affair which has caused so much confusion In high places. It Is not oxpoctod that all the evi dence enn bo obtained and tho roport submitted boforo tho noxt congress. Scores of witnesses havo boeu sub ponaod. Aftor tho taking of ovl donco will placo in tho rocord the most minute details of the manuor in which the public hinds has boon made undor the direction of Dalllng or, and ovory phase of the famous Cunningham Alaskan coal casos, with a vast amount of dotall rogardlng ot!t er cases, closed, proposed and pond ing. In addition to tho hearing of tho ovlilenco hero, the comniitteo will malco a trip Into tho West noxt sum mer, and will go u Alaska, whero thoy will nctuHlly invostlguto, first hand, tho charges tliut tho govern ment is being defrauded of tho most valueublo coal doposlts. It Is hellevod the investigation win progress slowly at first, as tho committee evldontly Intends to go Into the matter systematically, with the purpose of clearing up every phase under discussion before pass ing on to the noxt feature. Attorney George Phonpw. of Phll ndalphla. appeared as counsel for Clifford I'Jnchot. the removed chief forester, former Assistant Forester i Emily II. Cunningham, aged 71 years, a respected citizen of Corval- 11a uiou uwu4; 4vtub J He had traveled 50.000 miles a yeiir Vrke and former Law Ofllcer Shaw, ror the past ten jears, and bad net -'of thi forestry service er been In a lallrosd wrork All had I Tho public ixyeccs thar Piwhot a rpsponsibllirv f. r !... Y M C A will uppear In person and glvo cvl work Ho spoke of tho importance of " donm "Unless tho parties to this case can arra-sa matters,, so that thoy can become reconciled I shall havo to let this caso go to issuo and give them a judicial spanking." said Judgo Galloway this mornllngln com menting on tho caso of Olivo I. Plorco against her husabnd, LaRon- da M. Plorco. Tho caso was argued at longth yestordny afternoon on n domurror lntorpoued, to tiho complaint of Jho wlfo by tho dofondant hus band and tho judgo delivered his remarks in rendering a decision In which bo overruled tho demurrer thoroby allowinR tho husband tho right to nnswor and brine thb crum 16 nn Issuo. Too Much Mothor-Jn-Lmv. Tho caso has been in tho court boforo and tho causo of th'o domestia troubles of tho parties according to tho remarks of tho judgo this morn ing and tho complaint filed by tho partios Booms to ho tho important part tho mothor of tho husband Is playing Jn tho caso in controlling tho actions of tho husband toward tho wlfo. At nomo prior torm of tho court tho husband brought suit of dlvorco against tho wlfo and Judgo Galloway then after Investi gating tho caso dismissed It and nd monlshod tho husband to not Insist on having his wlfo resldo with his mothor, Mrs. Mattio Parish, but to tako hor to a homo of his own ovon luu"6" h uo out a tout. Tho hus band, nccordlng to tho complaint of tho wlfo, who Is now suing for di vorce seems to havo paid hut little hood to tho advice of tho Judgo as. tho wlfo now says that hor hus band's mothor Is dominating him to such nn extent that life with him hi no longer bonrablo and asks for n dissolution of tho marriage bond and hor shaije of tho proporty. ficolded or Whispering. The list of tfrlovancoH alleged by tho w f0 ,n hor comnJnIat jR y and diverse in character. Hor hus band's mothor, Mrs. Mattio Parish, 8b says Js of an ungovornablo tom lor and on ono occasion h0r mother-in-law. she says, protested against or mo hor coming to visit hor an, "Uo Informed hor that It cost too much to keep hor that Is tho wlfo that sho was a useless oxponso and ook up the husband's time. Upon another occasion tho mothar-iiJaw "no0 t room aaor "and and wlfo had rotumo from n buggy ride and humbly gott g down on her knees Mora tho wife her if Bh0 wtght tVr'd ' on t mr WM h0rfl nmI "W: nd on still another occasion sho alleges wWlo hor husband was reading Z evening, she whispered to him that J ho w tired and was going to re- Iro and this so angered tho mother-in-law that sho saoldud hor and ,.o ouBod hor of being u, mannored. rc 'husband evidently colndldwl with the mother-ln.luw m his views of tho matter tho wlfo says that io wanted hor to go and apologize to tho mother-in-law for having whispered to him and it Is because or theso and nmny othor thlngst hnt sho wants a logal separation nud wants her shnro of tho property which consists of a tallorshop in the city and soim real proporty. Mrs. Plorco Js ropresentod by vt torm McMahon and Mr pierce by ttcrnia Kaiser, Poguo and Hart-