Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1910, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Abo Attel 1b a married man and
is a lino dnesser.
Charlie Comlskey Is n dlstln
guished looking personage.
Tommy Burns has n considerable
eupply of valuablo diamonds.
Stanley Ketchol loves to dance
and Js known as a very graceful
JBat Nelson novor touches dessert
as ho declares It Is ruinous to the
Jimmy Brltt runs to big words
and uses them upon every presentn-
blo occasion.
Jim Jeffries father Is a traveling
minister. His mother Is of medium
height and vbry stout.
Franklo Noll's father uso to fol
low tho ponies and at ono time was
tho owner of quite a largo string of
Tommy Ryan has a fondness for
oranges, and before retiring each
night consumes from two to threo
of thorn.
When Jim Jeffries fought Bob
Fitzzlmmons ho boasted of a heavy
head of curloy hair but today ho is
almost bald.
"Lucky" Baldwin during his last
years coosed to plunge on the ponies
that Is to any oxtont. Ho won the
American dorby four times.
Mexican Evrorott, who onco en
deavored to light Jeffries, is In tho
Angel city and . ondoavorlng to
make a match with Jim Flynn.
Jack Corabtt, a brothor of Jim
Corbott, was a drug fiend and died
somowhoro In tho Northwest from
an over Indulgonoo in this habit.
"Lucky" Baldwin's favorito head
gear wns a black slouch hat and It
was this, togothor with his pictur
esque mustaoho, which gave him hia
western appoaranco.
Tho S. A. A. C. of Spoknno boasts
of a deaf and muto boxor In tho por
son of Ross Sllghtham. Ho weighs
115 pounds and learns tho game far
moro rapidly than tho average.
Jcsso Lowlshon, tho Now York
millionaire sporting mnn Is of an
exceedingly slight build and walks
with a stoop. Ho Is practically ac
quainted with ovorybody on the
Jim Corbott Is tho only pugilist
who ovor rccolvod what can bo
called serious consideration from
thoatrlcal ciilttos of any noto and ho
always takos It seriously If sovoroly
Jim Joffrios has a brothor who
travols in aristocratic socioty and Is
said to havo novor boon insldo Jim's
saloon in Los AngolOH. It Is also
said that tho host of fooling does
not exist botwoon tho two.
I Bin, Ciirmx lttuir rorBiTrMuliuTK..
NtVER KNOWN TO FAIL Br.l Hurt, Si.iy i tun..
(x tlon tiuirtutwd r Uuutj ltetkiudtd, lut nrriimi.1
tot 11.00 Mr tot. Will Uinuon trl.l.u to iIJ fur
llltJ, Htniila 'rw. If jiHirilruiiUtiimBol
ktrt lto(mwt) jourord.ri wtb
Sold in Salem by Dr. S. C. Stono
"My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years aud
never found any relief until lie begun
taking your Cascarcts. Since ho has
begun taking Cascarets he has never had
the headache. They have entirely cured
him. Cascarets do what you recommend
them to do. I will give you the privilege
of using his name." IS. M. Dickson,
uso Uosluor St., W. Indianapolis, Inu.
PIeBn. Pnlntoblo. Potent. Tato Good,
po lloott. Never Bloketi.lWeaVeu or Gripe,
llc. 25c, 50c. Never soM la bulk. I'ho set,
ulne tablet tarnpd C C C. Guaranteed to
euro or your money back. 023
We have tho but fruty tracts mer put on the market, only
three, miles from Court House, neautlful location overlooking
gnlttin hiuI the WtllameUa river; no bettor soil; ? 100 per acre,
on terms that are bound to suit; $50 cosh mid $1 par acre per
month. Thlu fHr.JiBB b-Wn subdivided Into 10-aoro tracts. If
you ara interested not quick, us the soil and loontion aro suoh
that they won't Inst long.
Rooms 206-7-8
Ercddlo Welsh Is a vcg6tarlau
and when Fileddle was training for
ono of his fights a sporting edition
camo out and announced that ho
had eaton a hoarty breakfast of
three nuts and a cracker" and that
ho was in an ideal condition.
One of tho cloverest mon who
ever handled a sweep in old Har
vard is Jesse Edwin Wald of Den
ver. Wald Is working his way
through school by doing newspaper
work and has been unanimously
elected captain of tho Harvard
According to Owen Moran, tho
clover featherweight boxer who Is
baok to Amorlca again afttor a visit
to his old homo, all tho talk about
big parties in. England Is Just
"wind." He scoffs at tho Idea that
Bat Nelson got $20,000 from the
National Sporting Club for a fight
with Freddie Walsh.
A now sport has come to tho
front in tho south that of a dozen
negro boys taking off tho most of
their wearing apparel so that they
aro dressed in practically nothing
but slippers and air and then sitting
down on a cako of Ice. A cash prize
Is award'o to tho one who sits on
tho cako the longest. Tho sport is
running a neck and neck race In tho
esteom qf tho public with tho win
ter swimming races in tho "City of
Billy Sunday, tho famous evange
list and the onco famous outfielder
of Pop Anson's teams In emphasiz
ing some of his arguments from
tlmo to time In his sermons, has
occasion to relate somo story with
rolation to his career as a ball play-
or ond his acquaintances on tho dia
mond. Ono of his Btorles used In
his temperance sermon concerns 10
mombers of tho club who drank too
much nnd died from tho effects of
It and ono of these was "King" Kel
'Deafness Cannot Bo Curcil
by local applications, as they can
not roach tho diseased portion of the
ear. Thero Is only ono way to cura
deafness, nnd that Is' . by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused
by an Inilnmcd condition of tho mu
cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube.
When this tubo Is Inflamed you
havo a rumbling sound or Imper
fect hearing, and when It Is entirely
closed, deafness Is tho result, and
unless tho inflammation can bo talc
en out and this tubo restored to Its
normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forover; nine cases out of
ten nro caused by catarrh, which Is
nothing but nn Inflamed condition
of tho mucous surfaces.
Wo will glvo Ono Hundred Dol
lars for any enso of deafness
caused by catarrh) that cannot bo
cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Sond
for circulnrs, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all druggists, 76c.
Tako Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you havo any troublo with your
stomach you should tako Chambor
Inln's Stomnch and Llvor tablets.
Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edlna, Mo., says:
"I havo used a groat many different
medicines for stomach truoblo, but
find Chnmborlaln's Stomach and
Llvor Tablets moro bonoflclnl than
any othor romedy I ovor used." For
salo by all good druggists.
A subscriber (not a lady) wants
to know If ho can blow his noso on
tho stroot. Why not blow It on a
handkerchief or on your coat sloovo?
It Is a dangerous thing to take a
cough medicine containing oplatos
that merely stifle your cough Instead
of curing it. Foloy's Honoy unl
Tar loosens and cures tho cough
aud oxpols tho poisonous germs thus
preventing pnoumoula nnd consump
tion. Hofuso aulmtltutes and take
only the gonulne Foley's Honoy and
Tar In tho yellow package. Sold by
J. O. Porry.
Phono 44 .Main. 147 N. High n
Proprietor of
Cabs nnd Llvory. All Riga
aodoru Rubbor Tiro.
U. 8. Bank Bldg.
AFTER the dentist has re
i paired the damage your
teeth have suffered through
neglect, the daily use of
Dr. Lyon s
Toofii Powder
will cleanse, preserve and
beautify them, without in
jury, and impart purity
and fragrance to the breath.
The city Indebtedness of Medford
is $428,521.42.
Napoleon's Grit
Was of iho unconqu? nblo, never-
oay dlo kind, the kind that you need
most when you havo a bad cold,
cough or lung disease prose
troches, cougu tjrups cod liver oil or
doctors have nil fai'nd, don't lose
heart or hope. Tako Dr. Kings' Now
Discovery. Satlsfctlon Is guaranteed
when used for any throat or lung
trouble. It has saved thousands of
hopeless sufferers. It masters stub
born colds, obstinate coughs,
hemorrhages, la grippe, crop, asth
ma, hay fever and whooping cougn,
and Is tho most safe and certain rem
edy for all bronchial affections, 50c,
S1.00. Trial bottle free at J. C. Perry's.
Fire, Life and Plate Glass Insurance, Surety Bonds. We sell
anything you havo to sell, or sell you anything you want to
buy, or exchange anything you havo for anything you want.
Fire Insurance written In best companies, as low as tho low
est, without liability to tho assured. We have tho best Llfa
Insurance contract written. We invite you to investigate.
Plate Glass insurance and Surety Bonds written in an Oregon
Company. We invite Investigation by prospective investors.
Call or writo to
Phono Main 1321
i - 4
Present prices on real estato will look much hotter to you
than spring prices. Tako our advlco and buy now.
Sovon-room plastered house near Yow Park school, $1,200.
Seven-room house and basement near school, ?1,000.
Seven-room modern house with basement and good barn; fine
location. Price, $2,500, payable $300 cash and $25 per month
on balance.
Modern 0-room corner dwelling on Court Street near state
house, $3,200.
Choice lot on State street, $700.
Fine 90-acro farm In South Howell Pralrlo six miles1 east of
Salem, $100 per aero.
Well Improved 150-acro farm eight miles from Salem, $50 por
OS acres, all In cultivation, olght miles from Salem; fair build
ings; fino spring of wntor by house, $4,700.
71 acres of choice land, all in cultivation, 1 mllos from good
railroad town, $80 por aero.
10 acres adjoining city limits, rich black soil; fruit for fam
ily uso; good S-room houso and small barn, $3,500.
Call and look ovor our list of small tracts.
Several housos to rent.
Good now 7-rom houso and 1 4ilno
lots; must bo sold at onco. Inves
tigate. Small houso, lino woll, 10 lots, all
In fruit, near car lino; snap.
100 noroe, nil in cultivation, good
houso, 2 bnrna, on good road, In
sight of Snlom; teams, cows,
tools and hay; good farm, a bar
gain, all for $85 per acre.
80 scree, all extra land, god new
buildings, on good road, closo to
Salem, oloso to school, host homo
and lnd in 4 mtlos of Salom;
teams and all goes. See A. O.
Smith & Co.
'280 acres, all In cultivation, good
house. 2 Imrna, 3-aore orchard, on
goad road, S mllta from station,
befit buy In. the county, only $81
per twa.
If yeu want vaernit lob. fruit
o rob ards or vacant lands see
A. C. SMITH & CO.,
511 StatJ Street. Plioml307
If your stomach, heart, or kidneys
aro weak, try at least, a few doses
only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In
five or ton days only, tho result -will
surprise you. A few cents will cov
er tho cost. And here Is why help
comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop
doesn't drug tho stomach, nor stim
ulate tho heart or kidneys, Dr.
Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
tho weal? and failing nerves. Each
organ has Its own controlling nerve.
When these nerves fall, tho depend
ing organs must of necessity falter.
TEIs Plain, yot vital truth, clearly
tell why Dr. Shoop's Restorative IS
so universally successful. Its suc
cess is leading druggists everywhere
to give It universal preference. A
test will surely toll. Sold by Capi
tal Drug Store.
Tho Valley Electric will bo In
operation in Woodburn this week.
Probably tho greatest coffee sub
stitute, yet produced is that now
known" to grocers everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Health Coffee. It actually
goes a third farther than all others,
and besides it is "made in a min
ute." No 20 to 30 minutes tedious
boiling is at all necessary. Pure
toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. havo
been so cleverly blended as to glvo
a wonderfully satisfying, true gen
uine coffe flavor and taste. A.nd
not a grain of real coffee is ased.
100 cups, 26c. Sold by J. W. Har
rltt. 2
484 Court Street, Salem, Ore.
- aBihaCH - a'frgC"ie - iR'frraa
My list mny couiain exnetly whnt
you want. T, C. JORY,
205 Com'l St, Salem, Or.
For Farms uiul City
Slinplo Remedy for LaGrippe.
LaGrippe coughs are dangerous,
MS they frequently develop Into
pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar
not only stops (he cough, but heala
and strengthens the lungs so that
ho serious results need he feared,
the genuine Foley's Hone)' aud Tar
contains no harmful drugs aad la In
a yellow package. Sold by J. C.
Try a Journal Want Ad.
Classified Ads
Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring PAINTER and paper hanger-
Ollick RCSllltS Estimates made and first class
One cent a word -or first Insertion. work dona I D. Driver, BIT
j 3ne-nalf cent a word for each Insertion North Capital street, Balem, Or.
; thereafter. No advertisement taken for Phono 926. 6-26-tl
than 25c Cunt six worda to the ,
130 Liberty St. Phono 485
FOR SALE Paper Hangers and Painters
'. . Carry a full line up-to-dato Wall
FOR SALE Good 1 H. P. Stayer Hangings, Mouldings etc. Paints
gasoline engine cheap. Inquire Varnlsnea Calsomlno and Glass
at 178 South Liberty St. 5-22-tf. vannsaes, ajsomino ana mass
FOR SALE Thrcohing outfit, con- BAKERS
aists of '20-Lorscpower double cy-
lhuter engine and 36-60 Reed's CAPITAL BAKERS Bread, cake,
separator, all of the latest make. pics, and all kinds of pastries,
Thero ia a Parson's feeder. Per- cookies, etc Watch for our wag-
fectlon volgher and Farmer's on. Phono 954. Radeck &
Friend blower. Price reasonable Smith. 11-19-tf
and terms easy. Apply to J. J.
Langmack, Albany. Home phono BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth
1352. 5-21-ltf more than any other bread, yet
the price is no higher. For salo
WOOD FOR SALE. Ash and fir at your grocer's. California Bak-
wood dollvered in 12 and 16- ery, Thomas & Cooiey ProDS
inch, in 4-foot lengths. Siddall v
& Eaton, 570 N. Liberty. Phone DRAYMFIM
16C3 12-20-tf unwi mciM.
mm catf tu r. Z TT EXPRESS WAGON General dray
It OR SALE Three Percheron colts, .. .
1 coming 3 years old, 1 coming 2 lae' Furnljure and PIano mov-
year old, 1 coming yearling. J. lnB- Phone Main 465. Fred
W. Inman, West Salem. 1-5-lm Schindler, 365 State street. Horso
FOR SALE House and 3 lots with for sale- 8-12-tf
all household goods; same poul- SALEM TRANSFER CO. Succes-
try. Inquire at 1367 N. 12th St. sors to Cummins Traufer Co. All
Price, $750 cash. l-14-2wlc kinds of transfer work done.
. Furniture moved and pianos boxed
FOR SALE Good general merchan- ready to ship. Prompt service
,i . , . . our motto, 253 South Commercial
dlse business. Only store at Btreet P'hoUQ 21Qia
place. Part cash. Address O,
Journal office. 1-14-tf. BUSINESS CARDS.
FOR SALE Good frejsh milch cow. BUTTE & WENDEROTE Fino
544 State street. A. C. Smith & wines, Hquor3 and cigars. Wo han-
Co. Phone 1507. l-22-St cltle "
FOR SALE A Wheeler and Wilson cWrSf on d0raQufht
mowing machine at a bargain. South Commercial St. 9-3-lyr
Call and see it at 264 N. Commer- SALEM WATER COMPANY Office,
clal- l-24-3t city hall. For water service apply
...... at office. Bills payablo monthly
WAN! ED. In advance.
WANTED Wood choppers, $1 per
cord, one lady dishwasher, one
lady waitress, two girls for house
work. A. C. Smith & Co., 544
State street. Phone 1507.
WANTED Responsible person to
take care of three-year-old girl.
Good pay. Address for informa
tion, "M" care Journal Office.
1-2 4-lw
TO RENT Eight acres choice beav
er dam land, well tiled, comfort
able building. Experienced gard
ener wanted. Address Wm. H.
Egan, Gervals, Route 2, phone
Farmers 36, ner Chemeketa sta
tion on Electric R. R. 1-4-tf
FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms,
comfortable and near city. J. H.
Gantonbein. Phono 918.
1-2 0-1 w
Single and double. 461 N. High
St. l-22-3t
FOR RENT 7 room house, also a
large barn. Inquire 1296 Center
St. Phone 1796. l-24-3t
FOR RENT A nico S room house,
all modern conveniences, close in.
R. R. Ryan, corner Commercial
nnd Center. l-24-3t
LOST Dog, Irish Setter, red; an
swers to name of "Bud." Tax tag
115 attached to collar. Age 4
years. 555 Ferry street, phone
103,1. 1-12-tf
LOST One mule-footed hog. Ro
ward offered. R. F. D. No. 5, Box
2. Phone Farmers 632.
tolate dolivored to private families
in any quantity, to any part of the
city. Starr Oil Co. Phone 1729.
of Husbandry Meets in Hurst
Hall on Stnto stroot, on tho fourth
Saturday of oach month, at 10:30
a. m. Visiting and sojourning
members wolcome. F. R. Myers,
master. Zella S. Fletchor, secre
tary. 12-31-lyr
OUR mixed pork snusage soils for
10c por pound, 173 South Com
mercial street. 1-12-tf
Ignorance and supoisulion com
bined with Intenso solf'-sl'nwq c n
s it lie tho greatest ons''-e with
which civilisation ha3 .o m'.wl
P, S. I bolleve a candidate for Gov
pinor should agree to iCv-ji tho i n
sMlutloual salary only.
Hvory Mother
Is or should be worried when the
little ohm have a cough or cold. It
may lead to croup or pleurisy or
pneumonia then to something
more serious. BnUard's Horehound
Syrup will cure the troubles at once
ai.d prevent any complication.
247 MillT street, South Salem,
manufacturers of all kinds of
boxes, crateo and fruit dryer ac
cessories. Phono 308. tf
tative of the Western Conservatory
of Music, of Chicago, in this city,
will resume classes In piano, har
mony, theory, sight reading, etc.,
on and after September 20. Stu
dio opera house building, room 9.
Phone 1100. Pupils may receive
lessons either In their home or at
the studio. 9-ll-3m
Old Postofflco stables, at 254 Fer
ry ctTcet, between Commercial
and Fiont. Telephone 188. Somo
of the finest liveries In the city
an be found hero. W. W. John
son. t
Osteopath and Nerve Specialist. Grad
uate of the American School of
Osteopathy, KIrksvIllo, Mn., 1902.
Post-graduate and specialized in
nervous diseases at Los Angeles
College 1909. Treats acute and
chronic diseases. Consultation
free. Lady attendant. Office
505-6 U. S. National Bank Bldg.
Phono 859. Residence 346 North
Capitol St.; phone 469. 8-30-tf
THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, hot
water aud steam heating and tin
ning, 164 Comercial street. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-ly
heating, gas tit. ing; prices reas
onable; -work guaranteed; esti
mtaes famished. Phone 87.
1006 Chemeketa street. 4-17-tf
H. G. MEYER & CO. The best and
largest shop in the city. Six
first class harbors. Only first class
bootolack In city; porcelain baths,
and everything pertaining to a first
class shop. AIbo carry a full lino
of cigars ana tobacco and barbers
supplies. 162 CommerclaF street,
next door to Statesman office.
Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246.
Meets every Thure'lar -venlng at
8 o'clock In Holma. hall. A. E.
Banbei V C; F. A. Turner, clerk
ory Friday night at 7:30 o'clock
in Holman hall. L. W. Acheson, O
C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk, l-io-o
ELLIS & WOOD Roal estate.
loans and Insurance, notary pub
lic, employment bureau. Phono
554. 476 Court street, Sslem, Ore
gon. Tickot office Hamburg-American
stoamshlp lines. 11-1-lyr
O. C. To C o
Steamers Pomona and nraifnnn
leave for Portland Mondav. Wnrt
day and Friday at 10 a. m., Tues-
uay, inursaay ana Saturday at 6 a.
m For Corvallis. TuoBriav. Thurs
day and Saturday about 6:30 p. m.
M. r. HALDWEV, Agt.