Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 25, 1910, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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13. IIOFER, Editor and Proprietor,
laA etmiuem Newspaper Dorotod to American Principles and
the Prwrresi and Dovolopemont of AH Oregon.
mblldhod KVery Bvcnlng Kxcept Sunday, galem, Ore.
... . . . H. - -fin. i i n.i ii r
'. (Invariably In Advance)
iir. by Mrner, -pot jreftr, W.00 Per
UT, by raall, p6r year- 4.00 Per
.Veokly, by mall, per roar-............. '.00 Six
Corvallls is a fine school city of tho Willamette valley.
It has everything from a college of national reputation down to a
well sustained public school system.
Corvallis is ono of tho finest homo cities of Western Oregon.
Tho quality of tho homes and grounds in that town ana better thnn
ono finds in cities of that size.
Corvallls is also a good church and lodge town. i
Thoro aro entorprlsing real estato men and fruit growers in and
around Corvallls.
Corvallis is an attractive theatre and amusement town of the bet
tor sort.
Thoro aro people In Corvallis not abovo taking a drink or betting
on a horso race but tho great majority do not rely on that for making
n living.
Corvallls has always been a good hotel town and thjoy havo been
woll kept.
; T,ho banking interests at Corvallls aro pretty strong and thoro aro
enough Johnsons to make up a mill (In company.
Tho Corvallls Creamery Co. is handling about half tho cream pro.
ducod in tho Willamette valley.
Corvallls Is a railroad center and one of tho largest shipping points
in Western Oregon. ,
It has botfi water and rail transportation and communication with
the whblo statto by tho telephone syBtoms.
Connection with tho other world is maintained by ten churches.
Tho business men maintain a flno commercial club with headquar
ters that many largor cities would Mo proud of.
Thoro aro not many cities in tho United States that havo better
.foundation for growth than. Corvallls.
,GIvon tho natural location, productive soil and live m,en result, a
jgrowing city.
Tho fodoral govornment, tho stato government, tho county govern
i raont, corporations, and capital conspire to make Corvallis a city.
u Tbio Capital Journal proposes to wrlto about the host towns In the
stato and to start out right starts with Corvallls.
O :
At this season of tho year, whon thoro Is no rush of employment,
is a good tJrao to build.
Matorials and mon aro more easily obtained than in tho height of
tho building season.
Sawmills and planing mls aro overstocked and prices of all sup
plies aro lower.
This Is tho time of tho year when people can get more for their
monoy than at any other season In tho lino of building trades.
Contractors aro not rushed nnd will figure cheaper on a job now
than whon they havo thoir hands full.
Tho time to build is wlion ovorybody olso is not building and the
' timo to hlro labor Is when thcro is plenty of it on tho jnarket.
It Is also bottor for mechanics to circulnto your money at this sea
son. o
Tho dcndi of one who was known at Saloni as Lena Ivnlght conies
to hundreds of families with great sadness.
She was tho beloved and talented daughter of Rev. and Mrs. P. S.
JCnlght of this city.
Ah a student and artist sho was beioved of all who know her.
As a wife and mother sho occupied a proud position ns the center
xtt a homo and social circle.
Lena Knight was a writer and Illustrator Mr children's publica
tions and of children's books.
Her spirit was bright as a llower, her soul pure as a dowdrop that
reflects tho prism of colors from tho first rays of tho morning sun.
No words can assuage tho grief of parents who had reared such an
ono from Infancy, saw her emerge Into womanhood and then pass on iu-
to tho realms of hope.
High Price of Living Force La
boring Men's Children In
to the Factories.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 25. Inquiry
today rovoalod tho fact that many
children of laboring mon aro bolng
forced from tho school room to tho
factories on account of tho high
prices of moats and other food Btuffs.
Tho atntomont was Hrat nuulo by
W. W. Williams, stato factory In
spector, and an Investigation Indi
cated that his words woro too truo.
Today a lino of children crowded tn-(
to his ofilco ami oxtomlod outside tho
doorway. Thoy nil wanted to quit
school and go to w,ork. Thoy camo
to him to Book employment.
Williams is authority for tho stnto
mant that applications for child la
bor permits havo nearly doubled
Capita! National Bank
saiem, uregon
Capital, Surplus ami Undivided
1 Profits, rl lO.000.
Officers ami Dlrcctorns X
t it Albert rroqiuuii,, w.
Jos H. Albert Cashier
" John A. Caraon
deo. P. Ilodgers
month.. ..K)o
month 85o
months ........,60c I
slnco .January 1. Ho ascribes tho ab
normal condition to tho sudden rise
In tho piico of nocossltles.
Default Judgement Granted.
A dofault judgmont was granted
to tho plaintiff In tho easo of Dank of
Ueppnor against August Walkor, ot
a!., a Rtttt brought for tho foreclos
ure of a mortgage. Tho linn of Mc
Nary & .MeNary appeared ' tor tho
Set for Tomorrow.
i he case of U, S. cooklnghnm
and W. A. Ghnchor against John 11.
Lowla, utato engineer, and the State
Hoard of Control hats boon sot for to
morrow morning. This Is a writ o"
roIew, In which-tho plaintiff asks the
court to pass upon curtain proceed
ings of tho land board with relation
to awarding a contract to a oortain
company for tho reclamation of a
tract of arid land.
ltulldliig for Sale.
Soalod bids will bu received at
tho School Clark's otlloo at 3S8
Stato Btroot for purahaso of tho
dwolllng on tho East half of "mock
22, Wnglowaod Add.' Cartlflod
chock of 10 par cont of amount of
bid to accompany oaoh bid. Right
reserved to reject any or all bids.
Ulds to bo oponed at otlloo of under
signed Friday, Jan. 2S, 1910, at 5
o'clock p. m.
II. A. JOHNSON. Jr.. Clerk.
To Outv Cold In Ono Day.
Tablots. Druggleta refund monoy if
it falls) to cure. E. W. GROVE'S
signature on each box. 25o TTS
4 HO
v I
The Heart Desire of Ireland to
Be Gratified at
London, Jan. 25. John Redmond,
leader of tho Irish Nationalists, to
day practically announced that he
will hold tho legislative "balance of
power" in his own hand during the
coming session of parliament, and if
ho can substantiate Ills' claim Ireland
will get her homo rule after all.
The Nationalist leader declared
to the Liberal leaders that ho can
"answer" for all but ten of the 83
prospective Nationalist members.
The unusually uneven division of
Conservatives and the Liberals, re
sulting from the election now being
hold, without doubt places the Na
tionalists In an enviable position, and
Redmond'B asserthh, in tho opinion
of those conversant with tho situa
tion, is based upon certainty.
In vie wof tho power which his
party will be able to wield, Red
mond's outline of the attitude it will
assume in matters of vital legisla
tion, is regarded here as tho most
important statement issued by a par
ty leader during ho campaign. He
is reported to havo laid down tho
following program:
Tho Nationalists will aid the Lib
erals in passing the budget prepared
by 'Chancellor David Lloyd-George.
They will stand with the Liberals
in an effort to take the veto power
from the house of lords.
In return for this they will de
mand that the liberals unite with
them to secure the passage of the
Irish home rule bill.
If tho Liberals reciprocate In tho
homo rule matter, the Nationalists
will remain their faithful allies. If
thoy do not, the Nationalists will
hamper the government in every pos
sible way.
Public opinion has It that the now
parliament will not survive tho homo
rulo light that is pending. It is pre
dicted freely that tho "spilt" will
como about the middle of next sum
mer, and will result in another par
liamentary election.
Doyouku')w w tat "atonic, dyspepsia"
means? It ,s. jturhaps, tho commonest
form of stonuaii trouble. Mo.t people
havo had it, havo it now or will have it
sonio day.
It is oausod by a lack of tono of tho
system, debilitated stomach, blood or
nerves, for t0so three are intimately
dependant on ouo another. Stomach
trouble robs tho blood of nourishment;
thin blood means starved nerves, nerv
ousness and mminlgia.
And it is precisely this interdepen
dence of tho stomach, blood and nerves
that makes Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
such a valuable home remedy. A blood
builder and nerve tonic, they keoplho
stomach in porfeet condition, provided
it is not abused by improper diots.
Mrs. H, .1. llurdiek, a farmer's wife,
of Campbell, Cl., was cured of stomach
troublo by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
recommends thorn to other sufferers.
Sho says:
"Three years ago I had stomach
troublo and nervousness nnd think it
wns duo to overwork. My Htonmch did
not seem to digest tho food nnd I got so
that I could not cat much of anything.
This seemed to take my strength away
aud, while I was not confined to bed, I
had to give up my .work. I wna vory
norvous and easily excited. I could not
Boom to got auy strength and was very
"I wns treated by two doctors who
said that my blood was impoverished.
I grow vor. if anything, tinder their
treatment. My daughter read about
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and brought
home a box for mo to try. Although I
had been sick for several weeks, I was
soon helped bv tho pills. My appetite
picked up and tho food wns digested.
I beeau to get, stronger and in a short
time 1 was cured. I am glad to tell of
my experience which I hope will bo of
hMp to other Hitterors.
Tho remedy that cured Mrs. Burdick
is guurnutard free from opiates or harm
ful drugs.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druniristK. or will bo sent, postpnirt,
on receipt of price. 60 couts per box; bIx
boxiw for $tf.50. by the Dr. WllHnmi
Mediciue Company, Pehcnectndy, N. Y.
A copy of our diet book will be mailed
free to auyoue who wants to bo cured.
Too Much Face.
You fool as If you had one face
too mnuy whon you havo neuralgia.
Don't you? Savo the face, you may
need It; but got rid of tho Neural
gia by appllng Ballard's Snow Llnl
munt Finest thing in the world
for rheumatism, neuralgia, burns,
outs, scalds, lame back and all
palus. Sold by all dealers.
ER,I meKDv I
I BSjl BSP jwB My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We M
M HoLELi I wH doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving W
H M Wi mam w tm Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. M
H I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
EI fjCP B pjjL WeU aDd works every day MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. B
1 I 50c AND $1.00 I
HHMHHHH sold and guaranteed by wrmMamwMwmmmMaM
Parliament during tho coming ses
sion is tho subject of much discus
sion today. While nothing definite
can be decided now, it is believed
generally that an attempt to take
from the .lords their veto power will
be scheduled for consideration be
fore the' introduction of Lloyd
George's budget.
Conclusive evidence that Asquith
will accept tho premiership again was
given today In a semi-official state
ment that he arranging for a cabinet
meeting this week. The only possible
purpose of such a meeting, it is
thought, is the outlining of plans for
the coming parliamentary session.
Reduces Fine From $137,000
to $1000 in Order to
Test Law.
San Francisco, Jan. 25. Local
merchants are awaiting with Interest
tho arrival in port of the Hamburg
American lfner Cleveland, due here
February C with 650 "round the
world' 'tourists aboard. They be
Hovo that tho imposition upon her
owners of a fine of $1000 may result
inlltigation that will fix for all timo
the status of tho law compelling for
eign vessels plying between Ameri
can ports to pay ?200 for each pas
senger landed.
Tho Clovolnnd is completing a
world tour, tho starting point has
been New York. The intention of
tho company was to land the tourists
In San Francisco, and then transport
thorn overland to Now York. Collect
or of tho Port Stratton, upon learning
of this plan, Immediately asked tho
department of commerce and labor
whether tho ruling would be en
forced in this and fines aggregating
$137,000 bo eolloctod. Ho advised
that tho govornment will reduco tho
flno to $1000, on condition that the
Hamburg company carry tho case to
tho courts fortho purpose of testing
the law.
No reply to tho government's pro
posal has been mado.
Rev. I. .W Williams Testifies
Itov, I. W. Williams, Huntington,
W. Vn., writes us as follows: "This
is to cortlfy that I used Foley's Kid
ney Remedy for norvous exhnustlon
and kidney troublo and nm froo to
say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will
do all that you claim for It." Sold
by J. C. Perry.
. , o
A sailor on tho British stonmor
Coltlc is in tho Tncoma hospital to
day on account of injuries as a re
sult ot falling into tho hold of tho
vossol. In addition to a badly
sprninott back his tongue Is nearly
cut off.
Those Pies of Boyhood
How delicious woro tho plos of boy
n pies now tnsto so good;
what's changodV Tho plos. No. Its
you. You'vo lost tho strong, hoalthy
stomach, tho vigorous Hvor, the ac
tive kidneys, tho rogular bowols ot
boyhood, our digestion Is poor and
you blame the food. What's nosd
od? A complete toning up by Ulee
trio Bitters of all organs of diges
tion Stomach, Liver. Kidneys, Bow
ols try them. Thoy will restore your
boyhood apeptlte and fairly saturate
your body with new health, strength
and vigor. SOo at J. C. Perry's.
Try a Journal Want Ad.
Tho naval authorities at Ports
mouth, N. H., today turned over
James A. Hall, who is said to have
confessed to the murder of Anna
Schumacher, at Rochester, N. Y., to
Sheriff illott, who will take him
back for trial. The girl was brutal
ly killed while placing flowers on
her mother's grave.
Notary Commissions.
Tho following notarial commis
sions were dssued by the secretary
of state today:
J. E. Banton, London; F. W.
Ogram, Creswell; Ruby Shoards,
North Powder; W. E. Pearson, L. E.
may Have strengtH
contains the elements necessary
replace weakness with strength.
case we refund the money paid us
The Anderso
558 Trade Street
All kinds of sheet iron and steel work. General tin
ning and roof work given expert attention.
Do not say it
That is what
If you are sick and have
V HTv W V V m
Chiropractic (Kl - Ro -
Rooms -100-408 U.
Ollico Consultation Free.
Hare, V. A. Storey, Portland; N. G. ,
Falrchiles. Fairdale: E. A. Moulton.' N
Forest Grove; R. H. Rutherford, Sa
lem!; Mark Holmes, Rickreall, and
A. C. Shinn, Baker City.
A Sprained Ankle.
As a rule a man will feel well
satisfied if he can hobble around on
crutches in two or three weeks after
spraining his ankle, and it is often
two or three months before he is
fully recovered. This is an unnec
essary loss of time, as by applying
Chamberlain's Liniment, as direst
ed, a cure may as a rule be effected
in less than one week's time, and
in many cases within three days.
Sold by all good druggists.
Try a Journal Want Ad.
and renewed vitality.
to nourish every tissue and
Should it fail to do so in any
for the medicine used. Please try it.
Druggists, SALEM.
Phone Main 886
is impossible,
they told Marconi.
tried everything and did net receive
' i
men ibw T ur
Praok - Tiok) Splnologlst
S. X. Bank Building.
Salem, Oregon
n Tinning
Furnace Company