PAGE TWO DATE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1010. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOFER, Editor and Proprietor. 1 state In aiem Demand Ind opendent Mowippor Devoted to American Principles and tho Progress and Dovelopement of All Oregon. Published Uvcry Kveniug Except Sunday, Ealom, Oro. SUHSORIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) ally, by carrier, per ycr.r. (6.00 Per month ..50o aUT, by mall, per year. ... 4.00 Per month 83c ffZSSSr, "b mall, per year-..... 1.00 Six months Mo A Few Notes of Interest to Salem People in General and Strangers in Particular. This Paper Coutains Advertisments of Many Responsible Real Estate Firms in the Capital City ILLS CITY TS MAIL SERVICE Beginning February 1st Stages West From Salem Go Off and Train Service Goes On. Tho daily mall sorvlco on tho Sa lem, Falls City & Western Railroad will bo established February 1, nc . cording to Information received by ' Pc-stmast'or Farrar, of this city, Tho dally stago sorvlco to Dallas and McCoy will bo discontinued on tho .samo dato, and tho drivers of tho stages allowed ono month on their contrasts after expiration of sorvlco. This will probably glvo all points on tho Salem, Dallas & Falls City lines mall twlco a day, and mail will also bo ablo to reach Monmouth and Indopondonco by tho samo connec tions. Postmaster Farrar lias not yet received tho Bchodulo of mail sorvlco. It will bo mado out by Superintendent Whitney of Portland. o ?ft fC $ fi f 7 jf vfi )C f r X-RAYS AND SMILES jJj H -. i i m i! i r i. W oapuai iiaiionai oariK Salem, Oregon Capital, Surplus mid Undivided Profits, 1140,000. Officers and Directors: J. H. Albert President E. M. Crolsan. . Vlco-Presldont Jos, II. Albort Cashlor John A. Carsn? Goo. F. 'ilodgers 9 Ton blocks paving In a year Is u little slow. Why not make It forty blocks this year? Tho way to push Salem. Is to spend $200,000 on sowors and a million on mountain water and do it right away. Colonist rates on March first. Send your friends tho facts about Oregon products as published in Tho Journal. 3fC Thank heaven, Mary Adele Caso was married on tho quiet. , Our advertisers reach two-thirds to threo-fourths of all tho people in Salem and tho free rural mall territory. In your bodily systom Is looked after by millions of llttlo soldiers In your (blood thoso corpusclos constantly fighting for you. If this army is well fed and kept healthy and strong, by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, it will destroy tho uncount able hordo of gcrm-oncmies that are attacking you every moment of your life. Hood's Sarsaparilla will keep you free from or will euro you of scrofula, eczema, rheumatism, catarrh, anemia, that tired feeling and all such ailments Tho Putnam farm, of 200 acres 3 miles west In Polk county, has been subdivided into small tracts of 10 acres-leach and put on tho mar ket on easy payments. Tho plats wore filed at Dallas today. This is ono of tho best farms in Polk and Is adapted for fruit ralsilng. It will bo handled by Derby & Wilson. Johnson's cherry orchard will bo placed on tho market about Febru ary 1 and sold off in small tracts, G and 10 acres, on good terms. It is located near- tho famous Furge son cherry orchards In Polk county, about fivo miles west of Salem on the Salem Fall City line. Tho Strong tract in Morningsldo is being divided up into 2 to 10 acro pieces, which will be sold on very easy terms. This property is about a mile south of tho end of tho Yew Park carllne. There has been a heavy demand for lota on State St. A franchise has been granted, changing the route of tho Welch lino in North Salem. Instead of running on market street it will run on Jefferson, thus enhancing the valuot of tho property in that neigh borhood. Bcchtel & Bynon sold lot 52 In North Salem to Robert Dobson, who has commenced tho erection of a dwellng. Tho same firm also an nounced tho salo of the Ramp prop erty on Marion St. to J. R. Broyles who buys for an investment. Sev eral lots were also sold in Cordell addition. The Fleming Realty Co. sold four lots at tho corner of 24th and State Sts. James Plant and S. P. Tollman have opened real estate ofllces in tho ! U. S. National Bank building. A move which -vin meet with tho hearty approval of all Salem people has been made by inspector A. W. Long. Mr. Long has proposed to havo a general, clean-up day when everybody will take a llttlo tlmo off and tidy up along the streets and alleys. Thlero are many places, which, while not unsanitary, are to say tho least, very unsightly and do not Impress a stranger In this city very favorably. Tho real estate men have to apologize for the appear ance of some districts when they are taking prospective buyers through these sections. It is to be hoped that Mr. Long's move will meet with hearty approval. The Realty Board met last Wed nesday and adopted its by-laws. It will meet again next Wednesday and elect permanent officers. There is a great scarcity of houses to rent in this city just at present. This is certainly a healthy sign. H. A. Johnson & Co. sold the Westacott property on Center street this past week; also the Walker property on Church street, the Shafer farm near Turner. Sursloff Bros, recently purchased tho old marble works back of their meat market. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real estate trans fers filed for record since January 1, 1910: J. M. and E. J. Brown to Chester M. Cox, lots 4, 5 and 6 In blk. 14 in Falrmount Park, add., w. d. $650. J. M. Wadsworth to S. and A. Gerlg, a. in Sec. 30, t. 9, s. r. 3 e., w. d. $15.00. Euleua P. White to E. May Bill iard, land In blk. 40, City of Salem, w. d. $650. J. J. and R. Oeder to E. G. Oeder. land in Marion county, w. d. $10. R. A. and B. Gurshee to M. A. Smith et ux, 43 acres In t. 8, s. r. 3 e., w. d. $1000. Antone E. Reuben et ux to H. H. Jackson et ux, 8 acres In t. 4, s. r. 2 w w. d. $91. Homer Watson et al to Fred J. Luce, land In Knob Hill add., to Sa lem, w. d. $400. r Mary and E. Mahan to Anna F. Graotlinger, land in MI111 block in southwest adition to Salem; w. J. $100. A. F. and A. Will to Ev M. and E. M. Welch, 19.72 acres township 4 south, range 1 west; w d, $2500. .H. and E. Hatch to I. and O. Pike, 21.S5 ncres section 32, township 4 south, rang 1 west; w d, $3800. F. Frick to T. J. Patterson, 80 acres section 2G, township 7 south, range 1 east; w d, $10. A. H. und W. C. Reynolds to A. T. and C. E. Moffltt, lot 8, block 74, North Salem; w d, $625. H. and E. Hatcher to A. F. Will, 19.72 acres township 4 south, range 1 west;w d, $170. J. F. and S. E. Nathman to Jo seph Schlechter Jr., 47.5 acres town ship 7 south, range 2 west; w d, $2500. M. and F. Chappelle to Pontus Anderson, lot 1 block 7, Chappelle's addition to Woodburn; w d, $115. C. E. Mcllwain et ux to W. Wolf, 79.25 acres township 7 south, range 1 west; w d, $8000. B. G. and R. Frazler to Clara Stroud, lots 2, 3 and 4, block 4,, Highland add. to Salem; w d, $1200. Alice May Webb to D. P. Wil liams et ux, 66.30 acres township G south, range 2 west; w d, $550. Henry Heyne to Arthur F. Fel lows, 1G0 acres township 8 south, range 1 and 2 west; w d, $15,000. H.D. and A. L. Trover to W. H. and P. E. Parker, lots 3 and 4, block 17, Riverside addition to Sa lem; w d, $1. H. C. Miller et al to A. N. Goin, 161.31 acres township 9 south, range 1 wtest; w d, $4600. Alfred Goin to M. B. Goin, 48.71 acres section 24, township 9 south, range 3 west; w d, $1. Charles and E. Druck to Evange Brown, 25.35 ncres in Waldo Hills Fruit Farm; w d, $2500. D. Kleen to J. J. Crahane, three fourths acre in Marion county; w d, $50. P. and H. L. Mammer to Anna IOelsey, lots 15, 1G, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, block 13, town of Scotts Mills; w d, $1200. J. W. Cook et ux to Edward A. Jacobs, 5 acres township 6 south, , range 2 west; w.d, $2500. M. and T. E. Cauflold to Tercy A. i Cupper, land in block 4, Robert's addition to Salem; w d, $13fj0. ! A. F. and J. Shultz to T. and B Presbeck, 7.5 acres, lot 22 and westT i half lot 21, block 1, Auburn addi tion to Salem; w d, $1500. E. and R. Wild to J. H. and M. Williams; q c d, $20. W. H. and K. M. Klngery to R. C. Stots, 40 acres township 5 south, range 1 wiest; w d, $1500. F. and M. Kampft to D. A. and K. Vogt, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Lar son's addition to Pratum; w d, $300 E. S. and P. Porter to L. J. Adams, lots 15 and 28 and south half of lots 16 and 27, North Stl verton; w d, $87.50. S. S. and M. S. Herr to Benj. Hofstetter, 11.09 acres section S, township 7 south, range 1 west; w d, $2000. C. E. and M. E. Brown, to R. II. and D. D. Leggett, lots 1 and 2. Garden City addition to Salem, also three and a third acres, township 7 south, range 3 west; w d, $7000. F. W. and A. G. Lusk to Maxtl.f'' Smith northeast quarter of north""'' east quarter section 1G, township 7 south, range 1 east; w d, $10. C. F. and M. 'Whitman to P. Whit man, 14,616 square feet township 5 south, range 1 west; w d, $1900. E. and F. Keil to Wm. Schwader west half section 14, township' 4 south, range 1 west; q c d, $1100. J. and L. L. Wakefield to Robert Scheermer, one-half aero township 5 south, range 1 west; w d, $900. S. E. and S. Hardcastle to Amos Beach, lot 4, block 2, Woodburn Pkg. Co.'s addition to Woodburn; w d, $2000. Donald Town Lot and Land Co. to A. M. Pag, lot 22, block 6, town of Donald; w d, $40i J. H. and J. D. Albert to Samuel Martin, 9.26 acres township 7 south, range 2 west; w d, $1187. Continued on page three.) A FEW OF OUR BEST OFFERINGS List Your Property With Us. If it's a Bargain, We Will Advertise It on this Page Next Saturday For A Subdivision Wo havo 15 acres right In tho lino of Improve ments, on a car lino and noar ono now building, which will cut up Into lots to advantage. Given this property to hnndlo on modern mothods wo can sub-dlvldo It and sell tho lots so as to more than double tho monoy Invested. This is a safo and sano proposition for a man with moans to handlo. Tho proporty is in tho city limits, ton miuutos' rldo from Statu stroot, and offers tho rarest kind of a chanco to mako big mono' quick. If lntarostud oomo to our office and let us toll you about it. Buy in Cardwell Addition Tho lots which wo nro now selling should be worth double tho present price next spring. Nothing onhnncos tho value of proporty quick er than an electric rond, and tho now oleqtrlc lino now building toward tho Fair Grounds will pass through Cardwell Addition. Only a few lots loft. If you want ono, act quick. All lots 50x125, facing GG-foot backing on lG-foot alloys. streets, and Only $250 and $275 for Inside lots and $300 for corners. 5 down and $5 per month. No In terest. These lots, are sure to advance In value. Why not take advantage, of the present low price and oosy terms? Do It now. Maps and prlco list on application. A Good Cottage Buy . $1100 will buy n good 5-room cottage on a .good lot close to car line. There are some nice fruit trees on the place. Everything is in good repair. This home is worth -more money. ANOTHER GOOD ONE. A modern 6-room house in a good location, on a largo lot, within walking distance, for $3000. This place has bath, pantry, toilet, septic sewer, electric lights, closot room, and in fact every thing that makes an up-to-date home. Some Vacant Lots $250 farn lot on North Commercial street, cornor. $400 for two lots on 17th, oar lino now building past those. $350 for u Fourth stroot cornor. $950 far a swell lot on State stroot. .$700 buys allno Yow Park aornor. 150 lots In Highland addition. $350 fluo so uth front on Jefferson. $460 a sightly lot in Fairmount Park. $1500 buyH n lino Conuuorclal stroot lot, sultnblo for flats. $4000 for n Court stroot lot, oppoalto Stato houso grounds. , Wj havo lots In ovqry addition to Salom. On Installment Plan Wo havo an oxtra largo lot and two housos, ono oight rooms and the other tliroo, for salo on tho istallmont plan for $1750, $150 down nnd balance .$20 por month, Located on good stroot, convo , nlont to two car linos. Place 'Will rent for about enough to koup up monthly payments. Wo havo ottered and sold many placos on tho easy pny mont plan, but navor anything bottor or choapor than this. Tho only way for tho man of modorato moans to got a start toward owning his own homo is to mako up his mind to do it now, Gomo In und lot us explain about this plneo. . Tho prlco la not stuffed boonuso it Is to bo sold on oa8y payments, but Is a low figure at any tonus. Some Exchanges A fine 1 6-room houso In Wnlla Walla, Wash., for vnlloy property. This place rents for $50 per month, Ownor will take a good farm or Salem city proporty. Twenty acres of good valley land not far from a good town. Prlco $1000. Ownor will trade for a homo of equal valuo or a little more, or for clear lots. 130 acres of Tillamook land for Salem property 3G0 acres of good farm land for part Salem proporty and part cash. . Trades of all kinds. Seo us about yours. A Good Farm We havo a farm of 200 acres of the very best valley land with good 'far mbulldlngs, fences, wells, springs and everything that goes to mako up a first-class ranch. Close to a good town, not far from Salem. This place has a good orchard, a lot of good general farming land nnd a llttlo timber and pasturo land. If you are looking for a farm this slzo we know of nothing bettor to oftor. In fact there is nothing bottor In tho valley to bo had. Tho place Is all roady to move onto, and tho stock will bo sold with tho place If dost rod. Call at tho otllco for price and terms. See Us for Any Kind of Property. We Buy, We Sell. We Exchange and We Advertise WeRentBoife BECHTEL YNON We Write Insurance 347 STATE STREET. GROUND FLOOR