Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 15, 1910, Image 8

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-;uuuMi oKiucron; SATUlMJAX, JANUARY IS, 1010.
Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
-11 wwiOO O
Toronto, Canada, January 0. Pastor
0. T. Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle,
New York, preached twice here today
to largo and very attentive audiences,
Wo report one of his discourses from
tho above text, as follows:
The word "winked" In our text Is
used In a figurative sense to signify
that God took no notice of, paid no
attention to, that long period of time
froth the flood to the First Advent of
our Redeemer. During those twenty
five hundred years the world of man
kind lay In Ignorance and weakness
and vice, but. as our text declares,
God took no notice of It as a whole
lie gavo his attention entirely to the
Httlo nation of Israel, the descendants
of Abraham, with whom he made a
special Law Covenant. Israel entered
upon a great schooling period; first
In a condition of peonage in Egypt;
and later, under the command of
Moses, passing from Egypt to Canaan,
with a wandering of forty years In
tho wilderness; still later under judges,
and then under kings, etc. God did
not wink nl sin amongst the Israelites,
whom ho adopted as his "peculiar peo
ple" under the Law Covenant mediat
ed by Moses. We read that every dls
obedloncu received a "Just recompense
of reward" (Hebrews II, 2). Stripes,
punishments, captivities, under Divine
supervision and predicted through tho
prophets, was the portion of tho cho
sen people of the Lord. Obedience on
their part brought blessing nnd dls
obedience nnd Idolatry brought chas
.tlsomcnts God winked at nothing ns
respects his choson people.
At first glance this Is perplexing.
Not understanding the Divine I'lan wo
would bo Inclined to expect Hint tho
favored nation would bo excused moro
than others that It would be tho poo
plo whoso Imperfections would be
winked at. But not ho; Israel was
choson for a purpose. And In order to
prepare them for their mission nnd to
lit them to (111 It, the Lord chastened
nnd scourged them for their sins, and
thus educated and assisted them more
than others out of degradation. As a
result, w.hon our Lord enmo Into tho
world to bo man's Redeemer, Israel.
under the chnstlalng, scourging, In
structlng experiences of many centu
rlqs, was by far the most advanced
nation In the world along religious
(Thus It was that when tho Redeem
er presented himself, some, "a rem
nant," woro "Israelites Indeed" and
ready to receive him five hundred
during his oarthly ministry and sov-
oral thousand more at the following
Pentecostal season. It Is but reason
able to suppose that no other nation In
tho world would havo furnished any
Mich numbers ready of hoart for Mes
siah, and consecrated fully to him.
Note, for Instance, that St. Paul's
preaching to tho Athenians on Mars
Hill apparently touched not a single
heart nor head.
Tho Justice of tho Wink.
Tho Almighty Informs us that Jus
tice Is tho very foundation of all of his
dealings. Ho cannot be less than Just,
nlthough through Christ he has pro
vided to bo more than Just that Is,
lovlug and merciful. Thoro must have
boon a justlco In this winking men
tioned by tho Apostle. What waa RV
Tho Apostlo explains that owing to
a dontli sentence that was upon tho
world In gonornl, and no provision hav
ing yet boon mado for n redemption
from that death poualty and a resur
rootlou deliverance, It would havo been
Illogical for God to give laws to tho
world of mankind commanding repent
ance, etc. Why? Rocnuso thoy woro
nlroady caiulcmiwl to death, the ex
treme pounlty of tho Dlvlno Law. No
moro could bo done to thorn than do
Htroy thorn, however badly thoy lived.
And nothlug that thoy could do would
ma'Uo thorn deserving of otorunl life.
Ho long as that death sentence reeled
upon thorn nnd no prospect was of
fered ovou of roloaso from It, God lot
thorn alono, ami Justly enough "wink
ed" nt tholr linporfectlon and did not
lay It specially to tholr charge.
With tho Jow It was dirforcnt. God
Instructed that nation through tho
Law nnd tho prophets nnd tho chasten
Jugs for tholr wrong doings, nnd thus
prepared In thorn n "Httlo tlock" of
"Israollfoa Indeed" ready for spiritual
things. Additionally ho wished to use
thorn nud tholr experiences as typoa
or lessons for Spiritual Israel yot fu
ture. Those typoa. uudor tho guidance
of tho holy Spirit through tho Now
Tostaraout, have constituted very holp
ful lessons to tho Church of this Gos
pel Age Spiritual Ismol-'Tor tho
Law Covenant was n shadow of good
things coming aftor It."
Rut baforo having thin doling with
Israol. God mado a Covenant with
them," promising them life-eternal If
thoy would obey, 'JW Slauly ac
cepted tho proposition uurt strove to
live righteously, strove to keep the
Law. They did not gain -eternal life
under the Law, because thoy oouUl
hot keep It; not that the Lrw was de
fective, but that they, like all other
members of Adam's fallen race, were
Imperfect, God knew of their wek
ness and allowed them to be disap
pointed la the outcome of their Cov
What God Winked At
"The Timet of Thii Ignorance God Winked
It; but Now He Mat Commanded All Men
Everywhere to Repent; Became He Hath
Appointed -a Day In the Which He Will
Judge the World In Righteousness by That
Man Whom Ho Hath Ordained" (Act xvii,
30, 31).
o o O ''-'"""-'''''''''" '"O
ennnt, but nevertheless he mado It a
groat blessing to them a moans of In
struction, which, as we have seen, ulti
mately prepared several thousand to
bo of so ripe a condition of heart as
to bo ready for the Savior and become
his disciples. The Jow then had this
advontago over tho Gentile up to that
time. He had God's promises. He
know the Law of God. He was profit
ed by " striving to do the Impossible
thing of keeping It perfectly. Had
God not chosen the nation of Israel to
bring them under the schooling pro
cesses of the Law Covenant (Gnlatlans
HI, 24) ho would hnve "winked" nt
their Igndronco, etc., as he did with
the transgressions of other nations up
to that time.
"Now Commandeth All Men."
What Is tho secret of this change on
God's part from winking at tho sins
and imperfections of the world to com
manding them to repent? If It was
Just to wink at their sins for thou
sands of years, why did not God con
tinue to wink nt them? The Apostle
answers the question, telling us that
this change In God's dealing which
sent forth the message that the world
should repent was based upon the fact
that his eternal purposes had by that
time reached the stage of development
which Justllled such a message. The
Son of God bad left the glory of the
Father which lie had before the world
was; ho had humbled himself to be
come a man. As the man Christ Jesus
ho had been obedient to the Ilcav.cnly
Father's wish and had laid down his
life sncrlilclally-thnt it might first
benefit consecrated believers during
this ' Gospel Age; secondly that it
might bless the world of mankind
during the Millennial Age.
For a time these good tidings were
confined to the Jewish nation, but
three and a half years after the cruci
fixion tho limit of Israel's favor re
specting the message came to an eutl,
and then the good tidings of great joy
was permitted to go to all the Gentiles
on tho same terms that the Jews hnd
Tho Gospel or "good news" consists
of the Information t lint God In his
mercy has provided that tho death sen
tence upon Adam and his raco shall
not bo perpetual; t lint thero shall bo
a resurrection of the dead, both of tho
just and of the unjust; that the pro
vision for this has already .been mado
In and through the death of the Re
deemer. Is It Inquired what advan
tage would there lie in n resurrection
of the dead If therewith all were to
bo placed back Just where they are
at presont? Tho answer Is that thero
would be no advantage In such a res
urrection. If the .lew could not keep
the Law, and If the very best-luten-
Honed of the Gentiles have found them
selves to hejmpurfeet and their efforts
to stand approved before God In tho
present life to be failure, what good
could result from meroly awakening
them from the sleep of death? Would
It not bo wiser and better everyway
to let them perish like the brute beast?
We answer that God's Word reveals
a very grand outcome to his Plau of
Salvation. Tho word resurrection, as
Script urally used, aiguilles much moro
than to be merely resuscitated. It sig
nillos awakening and moro uplifting
out of all sin and death conditions, up,
up, up to perfection to all that was
lost by Father Adam and redeemed In
tho Calvary sacrlllcc.
"God Hath Appointed a Day."
Tills, thon, Is the meaning of the
Apostle's argument. Ry providing tho
Lord Joans Christ as the Itcdcomer of
tho Church ami the world God has
mado possible a frosh trial or judg
ment for Adam and his race. Adntn's
first judgment or trial day was lu
Kdon. Thoro ho lost overythlug by his
dlsobedlouco and brought upon him
self and all of tils race Dlvlno sentence
to death. Christ has appeared that ho
might reOooui Adam nnd his race, for
the very purpose of giving them In
dividually another full, fair trial or
judgment for llfo ovorlastlng or death
That general Judgment day men
tioned by St. Paul In our text Is neither
a damnation day nor a twenty-four
hour day. It Is the thousand-yoar day
of Chrlst-the porlod of his mediatorial
reign, iu the which Satan will bo
bound, all evil IuIIuuucok be removed,
ami the light of the knowledge of tho
glory of God bo made to till tho whole
earth. St. Peter reminds us, 'Holoved,
bo not Ignorant of this one thing, that
one day with tho Lord Is n a thou
sand years" (11 Poter III. St. This. Is
the Key to t no expressions, tho any
of Christ," "The day r Judgment."
etc. The Millennial day will he a day
of judgment or trial In the sense that
all mankind, the living and the dead.
will tlnin be brought to full kuowledge
of God ami to full opportunity to re
gain by rosurroetlon procotwon a com
pleto uplift from all weaknesses, Im
perfections, etc.. wlilih have resulted
from our share In Adam's sin and our
own weeklies aud iguorattee. Shis to
the esteut that they were willful will
to the (tame extent be puiiUhable and
recttUu a "juHt recompense ot reward"
tf Ieurew u. 2 Every good endeavor
Will be rewarded and every shortcom
ing win be punished I
Fmii tliU standpoint wo see the
force of t,he Apostle's argument, that
It Is the Divine 'Intention to grant to
every member of Adam's race another
trial, another judgment, to determino
nfr,efi and Individually the worthiness
or iinworthlnesBpt oad'b to have eter
rnal life. Hut Why should this fact
1 make any difference to the world In
!tho present life? Why did not God
j wait until the Millennial Ago and give
' them all a surprise? Why did he scud
I them the inessngc of his love and a
1 revelation" of this knowledge of his
' future dealings? Did he not know
1 what the past eighteen centuries has
proven, namely, that few of mankind
would have ' tho "hearing car," and
that fewer still, after hearing, would
so love righteousness nnd so hnto in
iquity, as to sacrifice tho Interests ot
the present life by espousing tho Gos
pel message, repenting of sin. and
seeking to live a saintly life, lu op
position to all unrighteousness?
1'cs, wo answer. It Is written,
"Known unto God are all his works
from the beginning of the world" (Acts
xv, IS). God surely know that the
message of his grace would generally
fall upon ears that wore dull of hear
ing. That we might know this he
caused It to be written In the prophe
cies in advance, that few would have
the hearing ear for his message of love
and mercy. Why. then, did ho send
tho mcssnge? We answer that there
were two reasons for his so doing.
(1) He intended that a witness should
bo given so that tfiose comprehending
would have an Incentive to a reforma
tion of life. He wished all to know
that their responsibility In llfo would
be proportionate to their knowledge of
this fact of redemption. This princi
ple Is stated in the Scriptures by our
Lord. He declares that ho who knew
not and was disobedient would be pun
ished with fewer stripes and a lighter
punishment for Ills transgressions,
while those who knew better and sin
ned with deliberation would bo pun
ished with many stripes In that Mil
lennial day.
(2i Another reason for the promulga
tion of this good tidings of the Millen
nial Day Of the Lord's Judgment Is
that' God wishes to use this message
ns u primary lesson to do a primary
work of Instruction for a special class
of "elect" characters, whom he is seek
ing iu the present time before tho In
auguration of the Mediatorial King
dom. Ho calls these his "Jewels," the
"Bride of Christ." his "members."
This class is spccinlly called out of tho
world now, in advance of tho Millen
nium, that they may eventually bo
God's Royal Priesthood, or priestly
kings, In association with their Re
deemer. These, nccordlug to the Scrip
tures, nro to be associate judges of tho
world with Christ. St. Paul asks,
"Know yo not that the saints shall
Judge (ho world?" (1 Corinthians vi. 2.1
We do know It, thank God! And wo
know that they will be thoroughly
competent for thnt work. Their expe
riences in the present life, in battling
against the world and the flesh aud
tho devil and coming off conquerors
through tho assistance of the great
nigh Priest, will make them compe
tent judges of the world; competent
priests to assist and to bless the world;
competent under-prlosts to govern the
world from tho Spirit plane.
"Building Up Yourselves."
To this special class 1. particularly
address myself. I am glad to worn all
men everywhere to repent, nud glad
also to give them the good reason why
they should repent to tell them of
God's appointed time, tho Millennial
Epoch, in which nil shall have a full
opportunity of gaining etornnl life
through Christ. I am glad to assuro
them that-every endeavor for right
eousness put forth now will bring
Inrge returns of character development
and bettor position then. I warn them
(hat every wilful transgression, all
wilful Iguoranco, will react upon them
to tholr disadvantage and mako for
shamo and lnsting contempt ou their
part, under the glorious sunlight of
that Millennial day. Jt will search out
and oxposo to all humanity tholr weak
ucsses, their sins, to the extent that
these have been accepted or approved
or have not been resisted.
Hut as I said before. I trust that
amongst the ten million readers reached
by my sermons every week thero nro
somo who arc of tho saintly class,
"called, chosen and faithful" somo of
this jowel class, whoso judgment or
trial Is In progress now. .1 trust that
these nro striving with might and
main to mnko their calling nnd elec
tion euro through faith lu tho Redeem
er's sacrifice and obedience to his Law
of tho Spirit of llfo tho Law of Love.
Now la our judgment day, our day of
testing or trial. We will not stand or
fall as congregations and denomina
tions or lodges or soclctlos. Our test
ing Is an individual one and nothlug
short of loyalty of heart to the Lord,
to his Truth aud to tho brethren, will
make us as the lord's Jewots, "heirs
of God, and Jolut-helrs with Christ
our Lord; If so be that wo suffer with
him. that we may be also glorified to
gether" (Unmans v lit. 17t. Such havo
my special sympathy, my special en
deavors, my special love and my spe
cial prayers. And (he prayers of all
such I solicit on my part that 1 may
continue faithful to the end of tho
Journey ami with you all hoar the
Mastor's precious words. "Woll done,
then good and faithful servant; thou
hast been faithful over a few things.
1 will iimko thee ruler over many
things; enter thou Into tho Joys of thy
Lord" (Matthew xxv. SI).
Church Federation Discussed.
On uext Sunday Pastor Russell will
address a Mass Meeting of Christian
people at Mrooklyu's largest audito
rium ou "Vhirch fVtfwaton; IU t'o
(o t'OHgrtgiitionaUsU. Prtttyteriani and
MtUiotlitts: Those desiring extra cop
lee of (his Journal for their friends
should p'ai o orders at once,
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Effingham, Ills., Jan. 14. De
spite the reports that many porscons
woro killed when a Vandalia train
lpft tho track niear "Woodbury, Ills.,
today, reports received by telephone
from the scene now say that no ono
was seriously hurt and that the ear
ly reports were greatly exaggerated,
having been sont out by persons who
were greatly excited.
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