Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1910, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Annual Clearance Sale !
A genuine stock-reducing sale that effects cvory nook and corner
from top to bottom of this big store. We're giving genuine bar
gains In ovory department, mat's why shopping Is so lively on
this corner.
Shirt Waists
Slightly Soiled and Mussed
from the Holiday Shopping
Seven dozen new, dalny models, the
cream of the season's showing from
some well-known makers. They are
beautifully made and finished In
plain tailored, pleated and fancy cm
brolderled yokes, collars and cuffs.
Values regularly selling up to ?5;
our annual Clearanco Sale price at
One-Third in Price
Payette, Ida., Jan. 14. Twonty-
'flvio women who partook of a ban
iquet given by tho Royal Neighbors
lodge aro in a serious condition to
day from poison. Although no fa
talities resulted, many of the wo
men required tho services of physi
cians and aro still very sick. A
numbor became ill before the ban
quet was over and all were in agony
before tho night passed.
At first it was believed that tho
symptoms pointed to croton oil.
A rigid investigation will be
Inquiry at a local drugstore re
vealed the fact that a girl who waa
present at tho banquet had pur
chased a quantity of croton oil yes
terday without the knowledge of
her parents. Her mother was one of
tho victims.
A special dlspatach to tho Exa mi
nor from Los Angeles of Jan. 10,
says: Mrs. Felitha Cuml Shortridge,
mothor of Mrs. Clara Shortridge Foltz
of Los Angeles, Samuel M. Shortridge
of San Francisco and Charles M.
Shortridge of San Jose, died tonight
at the homo of Mrs. Foltz, 1729 West
Plcostreot. She was G8 years old,
Sho had Just returned from a two
months' visit with her sons. Mrs.
Shortridge was a native of Indiana
and came to California in 1873. Fun
eral services will bo held in Sam ose
and the body interred in the family
burial plot.
The Shortridge family formerly re
sided in Salem and will be remember
ed by many of the pioneers of this
5 C ic ijc 5C ?f 5f JjC JC jjc 5f jjs
r J ffi jfj rjfi JC if J jji iJC ijC C vjC C
At Clearance Sale Prices
Beautiful, to say tho least; snowywhlto undermusllns, the buds
from tho best producers made up to fashion's Ideal wants; every
pieco a work of art. At this sale they aro melting away Just Hko
so much snow. Women seem dazed' when they are told tho prices.
It seema awful to quoto such low prices on such goods of merit. Wo
Hdvlso early shopping before tho best is gone. Reduced
One-Third in Price
Howard H. Markel, formerly a
student of Willamette University, re-,
contly underwent an operation in San
Francisco for nppendicitis. Mr. Mar
ket has recovered sufficiently from
tho effects of the operation to re
sumo his studies in tho medical de
partment of the University of Cali
fornia. Mrs. Albert Salb, who has been
visiting relatives in Portland for tho
past several weeks, has gone to Los
lAngeles, where sho will Join her
iiusband. Mr. and Mrs. Salg form
erly resided In this city, where they
conducted a photograph studio.
Mrs. W. T. Anderson of Wash
burn, N. Dak., leaves for her home
today. Her brother, Albert
Schwartz will accompany her to
Reuben Stanley left yesterday for
his homo in Mill City after a short
business visit in Salem.
Miss Adella Westcott, of Oregon
City, is in the city visiting her fa
ther, Wm.Westcott , for a f5w days.
; Frank Haas, more readily known
as "King Hickey," left last night
for Los Angeles, Cal., to Join his
mother In a month's visit. Frank
will gather oranges and probably
visit the garden of love and pick a
llemon before ho returns. In any
'event, Salem's leading sportsman
and harnes maker, will consume
gobs of sunshine and may take a few
Joy rides over some of California's
,plke roads.
LeRoy Weatherform, of Grants
Pass,, was in tho city yesterday at
tending to buslnfess matters for a
short time. "
Miss Graco 'Moreland, of Stayton
visited friends In the city yesterday
for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. John Booker left
last night for Portland to visit their
oldest daughter, Mrs. George G.
Belknap, for a week..
J. F. Goodo returned last night
from a business trip to Oregon City
and Portland.
Julius Wolfe, of Sllverton, was
transacting business in tho city yes
terday. Mr. Wolfe is a prominent
Marlon county hop dealer.
Mrs. U. G. Boyer and Mrs. Baum
bach, tho latter being Mrs. Boyer'a
guest from the east, made a visit
to the Chemawa Indian Training
school yesterday".
Reverend Barr G. Lee, was a busi
ness visitor in Portland yesterday.
Thomas R. Lakie, of Junction
City, was In the city looking after
business matters.
Attorney Carle S. Belle, of Port
land, was transacting business here
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gouley, of
Chomeketa, was in the city last
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald West re
turned last night from a short visit
to Portland.
Judge Moreland, clerk of the su
preme court, left yesterday for
Portland. He will return the first
of the week.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurance Society
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
City Hnll, Snfem; Or.
Over Lndd & Bush Bank, Salem, Or.
Tuning, polisnlng, repairing. Tel. 608
J kl 1 l ! l M U t 4 i t
Sji ys rj T rf r a t j x p
' L vV vL J i 1 L J X A I i
Sfi J rj Y J J y wf T rg
FOR SALE Good general merchan
dise business. Only store at
place. Part cash. Address O,
Journal office. 1-14-tf.
If you want to sell your business
of, any kind, or if you want to sell
your price right, I would like to
hear from you. Give description and
price. Address J. E. Smith, 51S
Chamber Commerce, Portland, Ore.
FOR SALE House and 3 lots with
all household goods; same poul
try. Inquire at 13 67 N. 12th, St.
Price, $750 cash. l-14-2wk
Smith & Everett
Real Estate Money Invested
LoaflS ln Portland Real
Insurance Estate securities
309-310 FailinglBuilding
PUBLIC AUCTION I will sell all
the personal property of Slough
Bros., Jan. 18, at their farm &
miles east of Salem. Geo. Pal
mer, Adnir. l-14-3t
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow, &
yrs. old; 4 Poland China shoats
4 months old; 1 woodrack; 2
Studebaker wagons, 3 in"., half
truck. A quantity of cedar posts.
Fair grounds road, near Tile
Works. Phono 11G0. C. A.
Warner. l-14-2t
Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, etc., now clearing at priecs that would hardly
cover the cost of materials.
At Thomas Floral Store next to
Capital Creamery, 387 Court St.
Phono 058.
Poultry Wanted
Highest cash prlco paid for poul
try by Hop Leo, Chinoso laundry.
Biggest Shipment Collars
Ever soon ln Salom at tho Shafor
Shafor, tho harness man. 1-S-tf
Cottugo Undertaking I'airlors
Cottago nud Chemokota Sts. Calls
day or night. J. C. Sill. Phono 724.
Oil Your liar noKs
This is tho tlmo of yoar to oavo
monoy by caring for loathor. Soo
Sliaffor, the harness man. 1-S-tf
Prom One Kxlivmo to tho Oilier,
Tho woathor forecaster was ln a
flolilo frame or mind last night when
ho hrought a rain-storm down on
tho unsuspecting lumdB of Snlom
pooplo and thon turned oft tho water
ami ahaugo tho ullmato to a dry
froozo. Tho thormomoK'r did not
got bolow 30 dogroos howovor, and
was Just tho right gauge to dry up
tho wator and dampness.
Ablo to Bo About Again.
Stnto Engineer Lowls is moving
toBay from hla proHont residence
and will horonftor bo located bo.
twoon Stato aud Court Btroot on
Thlrtooutli stroot. Mr. Lowla was
nolo to bo down town for tho llrst
Umo yostordny slnco ho was takon
111 with typhoid fovor in Novombor.
West Salem Transfer
Passengers Baggage
Connects with all trnltiB nt
Weat Salom for Dallas, Falls
City and Salom.
Loaves Journal offlco for
West Snlom nt 8:00 a. m.
12 xiu, 1:10 p. tn. and 3:30 p.
xu. ovory day oxcopt Sunday.
Loavoa Sunday at 12.00 m.
and 4:15 p. m.
Calls at liotols on roquost.
Tnlmilinno or leave orders at
Oanltal Journal offlco nny dny
but Sunday. Phone 82.
Occasional rain or snow tonight
aud Saturday.
Brings Trustco Buck.
Trustoo La Moro, who escaped
from tho ponitontlary during tho
foro inrt of tho week, was appro
bonded yostwrday at Hubbard and
returned to tho Institution by the
Calalogiio of Music Completed.
Stato Printor Dunlwny has just
complotod tha cataloguo of music
for tho Oregon university. Tho cat
alogue prosonts a neat nnd attrac
tive apponranco, and shows tho bosk
of workmanship.
M. B. A. Lodgo Maequorado Ball
Wodnosday ovoning, January in.
Everybody wolcomo. 1-14-lt
Governor Act-opts Invitation
Governor Benson today aceoptod
tho invitation of tho republican club
at Bukor City to nttond a banquet
to bo given by tho organization on
Lincoln day February 12.
mithday Party
lOdlth, tho only (laughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. I'onruu, entertained
a numbor of hur frlonds Thursday
ovoning In honor of hor 19th birth
day. Refreshments woro sorvotl and
a vory unjoynhlo tlmo was spent dur
In tho ovunlng. Those present woro
Mr. and Mrs. O. "11. Bussoy and Hons,
Clirrord. Virgil. Reginald; Mrs. Mag
gie Wheeler, Gortrudo Hoffman.
Kdlth Poarco, Graco Spnng. Holon
Hoffman and W. H. Poarco.
The Junior King's Horald sooloty
of tho tlrst M. K. ohuvoh, will hold
their regular monthly mooting lu
tho prlnmry 'room of tho ohuroh
tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, at
. o
Cumo Near Choking to Dentil.
Is drawing tho greatest, most enthusiastic crowds of shrewd and eareful buyers ever brought together by a merchandising event in this com
munity. Our prices during this salo have set the town talking, for the goods we offer in this Clearance Sale is strictly high-grade, fresh stock.
In this salo our only consideration has been to cut down the stock to as low a volume as possible, for we must take inventory In a few days,
hence tho tremendous values you will find plainly marked In all sections of our busy store. Buy now, for we can surely save you money.
A llttlo boy, tho son or Chris D.
PoUrson. k wall known roeidont of
tho village of Jaoksonvlllo. Iowa,
had a sudden and violent uttaok of
croup. Much thiol: stringy phlogm
cmo up after giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says
"I think he would have choked to
death had we not glvon him this
remedy." For sale by all good drug-
Tho weather is still cold and
heator-buylng Is a necessity. We
still huvo a good assortment of
lleators loft and to close them
out wo offer thorn to you at thoi
following attractlvo prlcos. Buy
your Heater now for noxt fall.
You win not make monoy oaslor.
No. 120 Sunlight, cast llnod top
and front food. Rqgulnr $12.50,
Cloaranco Salo Prlco $ 9.90
No. 130 Posoy, cast bottom and
top. Regular 10.00, Cloaranco
Salo Prlco ..$8.3
No. 1 20 Pearl, nlrtlght. Regular
S.00. Cloaranco Sale Price. .$0.iiO
No. 125 Clovor, airtight. Rogu
lar $7.60, Clearanco Solo Prlco
Dining Chairs
A splendid well selected oak box
seat Diner, very strongly made and
workmanship cannot be excelled; con
tinuous back posts, solid seat; the
whole framo mortised and pinioned
together. Soils regularly for ?1S.00.
Clearance Sale Price $lo.00
A splendid 8-foot pillar ex
tension tnble, mndo of thor
oughly seusonedund woll sel
ected oak; the construction is
strictly first-class, each part
bolng fitted porfoctly. Tho
finish; lu a beautiful golden
color, square top 48x4S. Regu
lar price , $24.00. Clearance
Salo Prlco $17.85
Jardi nieres
Here Is a long, strong line that
is worthy of your inspection;
Rookwood, Loynel Art, Ceramic
Art, Mott Greon, and Log Jardi
nieres. These aro all reduced for
quick cloaranco.
7-lnch Coramlc Art Jardiniere,
regular $2.00, Clearance Sale
Price $1.7n
7-Inch Loynel Art Jardiniere,
regular SI. 7 5, Cloaranco Salo
Prlco 91.05
6-inch Mott Green Jardiniere,
rogular $1.00, Clearance Salo
Price " 05c
9-inoh Log Jardluloro, rogular
60c. Clearance Sale Prico. . . .10c
Our Carpot and Rug dopartmont is a vory busy placo just uow, and thoro is a reason. Now Rugs, Oar-pots and Floor Covqringst aro ar
riving dally, making this tho most comploto and up-to-dato carpet stock in the Willamotto valloy. Clearanco Salo Prices affeot this great
stock. Moa,suro your room whothor for Carpets, Rugs, Llnoloums, or Mattings and bring your wants here; wo can supply them and save you
J. B. Underwood, Mgr.
nun TMiwiii
Try a Journal want ad.