Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 06, 1910, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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G. W. Taylor, county entomolo
gist, has returned from a trip to
Coos Bay and other coast points.
",I was treated royally at Mnrsh
flold, and other Coos county towns,"
said Mr. Taylor, "and they showed
me all they had in the orchard line.
I found no moth or scale in that
section, but the reason it isn't there
is .liocause there are no commercial
orchards In the way wo cons'der or
chards here. When they commence
to grow fruit in that section as we
grow it here, they will havo the
moths as a surety. The
moth thrives only In a section where
fruit is grown extensively. It lives
and propagates its species In the ap
po, ana when apples are not grown
extensively the codlin moth does not
cut much of a figure. The Coos
country is a coming one, however,
but not as a' fruit growing section,
It has enough in Its timber and
A New Organ
Delivered to Any Rail gte, ja
road Station or Boat ftLnj
Landing In Oregon cpTVP
Her Is a ploture of one of tho moat
?orreoUr finished organs now manufoo
ured. It Is the Pacific Queen, made
especially for Eilers Piano House.
Choice of fancy walnut or seleoted oak
eases. Fine, very large beveled plate
mirror, perfectly finished) an ornament
.to any mansion.
Numerous new and valuable improve
ments are embodied In this organ, mak
ing1 It at once one of the best and most
durable organs manufactured In the
United States.
Built with special regard to Paclflo
Coast climate.
Besides the regular reed tone, this
instrument also has several octaves of
the regular pipe effect, to be found In
no other make.
Great Special Offer
TV Tnnr Vii.t. wlilw -. ....
- wuuuuco HUB
rgan we are making most exceptional
S?in,0,i,,.on8 ln our. P"oea and terms and
will deliver a strlotly brand new, per
fect and fully guaranteed organ, freight
Sold to any railroad station or boat
indlng In the state of Oregon for $46.
on payment of $8 down and $4 a month!
The fancier styles. $62, J56. etc.. on
Bam terms. Write us today. aT this
offer Is positively limited.
Larzcat, Leadlnc nnd Moat Reaponalblo
Western Dealers.
Btorss at Seattle. Spokane, Tacoma.
BoUte, Wall Walla, San Francisco, eta
AAdreox Nearest Store.
REAL Rf DUCTIONS-In spite of the advance in all lines of goods
We are not reserving anything; we bought our advance spring stock at as low figures as ever, and we are not losing
any sleep on account of the-rise in merchandise.
3-lb. Cotton Batt, best quality, each 50c
J1.25 largo sizo Bed Spread, good quality, each 90c
Ladles' and Children's 25c Heavy Fleeced Underwear
Mon's 50c Heavy Fleeced Underwear , 39c
75c fine Bleached Table Cloth, yard .'. 43c
10c Heavy Outing Flannel, yard .-, . 8c
15c Heavy Linen Towollng, yard J. . . . . . . . . 8c
unuaron s iuc nose, pair
Boys' Ironclad Hose, pair
12c Cambric Mus'In, yard.... 9c
Yard wldo Bleached Muslin, yd.6c
9-4 B'oachod Shooting .yd ,25c
9-4 Unblonchod FIno Sheeting, yd'23"c
Heavy Twill Shirting, yd 9c
$1.50 Klosfit Hethorbloom Skirts
, $1.20
Laco Curtains 27x2 yarda. pair ....
Laco Curtains 36x2 fe yards, 75c pair, fpr opc
Laco Curtains 40x3 yurds. $100 pair, for ' 7P5
W T.nnn P.nrfilna fi03 vnrils. J1.75
dairying, with transpartntionuito
say nothing of coal and other min
erals, to make it one of the numer
ous Jewels In the crown of" (fib state
of Siskiyou." Medford Mail Thib
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Jan. 5. The Rhodes Scholarship
from Oregon for the present year
has been awarded to Mr. Cecil K.
Lyons, a graduate of the University
of Oregon in the class of 1909. The
award was made by the State
Rhodes Scholarship Committee,
which met in Salem last Saturday.
Lyons will enter Oxford nert Sep
tember, and his scholarship will bo
good for three years thereafter,
paying him an annual Income of
During his course at tho Univer
sity of Oregon, Lyans was an ex
ceptionally strong student and took
a prominent part in debate. He
earned his own way through the
university, and Is now teaching in
the Coquillc High School.
Rhodes Scholarships will again be
open in 1911, 1913 and 1914.
scholarship from Oregon are now
held by Edward Winans, of Willam
ette University and Wlstar Johnson,
of tho University of Oregon.
The students have returned from
their vacation trips and things aro
quite lively on the campus. With
few exceptions all wore in their
places yesterday. Some who havo
been out on account of sickness
havo returned, among whom are Mr.
Cordier, Miss Saida Hornibrook and
Mr. F6rbes, but the latter will not
be able to remain in school. Mr.
Forbes would havo graduated from
the liberal arts In June, his loss
will bo keenly felt. Mr. Fulmer,
who recently recovered from ty
phoid, has returned to his homo in
Pullman, and will not return until
the beginning of the second semes
ter. Two new students havo regis
tered. Miss Gregson, recently from
South Dakota, but whose home Is
now in Salem, entered the colle
giate department, Mr. Jacob Rau-
gust, from Odessa, Wash., entered
the preparatory. Mr. Swain, who
was here part of last year, will soon
return to school.
The entrance to Grays river 13
gradually choking,,up ns a result of
the developement of the upper coun
try and the logging operations. Un
less this stream Is entirely cut off
from navigation It will soon bo nec
essary for the government to do
some dredging at it s mouth. The
steamer Wenona, which makes regu
lar trips up the river, and is of as
l'gth draft as the service across the
Columbia will permit, was stuck
there on Monday from ten in tho
morning until six in the evening.
Her master, Captain Hull, has been
running tho river for a number of
years and is thoroughly familiar
wth tho channel. Astoria Dally
Jas. Crocket, of Crabtree, recent
ly arrested on a charge of assault
with intent to kill, has been dis
charged. Probably the greatest coffee sub
stitute yet produced Is that now
known to grocers everywhere as Dr.
Shoop's Health Coffee. It actually
goes a third farther than all others,
and besides it Is "made ln a min
ute." No 20 to 30 m'nutes tedious
boiling Is at all necessary. Puro
toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. havo
been so cleverly blended as to give
a wonderfully satisfying, true gen
uine coffe flavor and taste. And
not a grain of real coffee is usod.
100 cups, 25c. Sold by J. W. Har
rltt. v. iu
. . . s (. . . . i .V. f. .
Men's 50c Overshirts 39c
Mon's $1.75 Hats $1.00
Mon's $200 to $300 Hats. ... $1.25
Mon's 35c Heavy Wool Socks. . . ,25c
Mon's 25cHoavy Wool Socks. . . ,19c
Men's 50c Suspenders 25c
;nlr. tor
& GREENBAUM 240-246
Mark Hurlburt of Albany, who
has been named as a member of tho
State Fair Board by Governor Ben
son has sorved several terms ln that
capacity. Ho is a member of one of
tho old pioneer families, three gen
erations of whom havo attended
state fairs at Salom. The Hurlburts
are "Campers" and own a cottago
oh the camp ground. They aro
horse and cattle breeders, farmers
of tho most substantial class, and
strongly sympathizing with tho idea
of making and keep'ng tho State
Fair at Salem a farmer's fair and as
strongly opposed to removing It to
Portland. Mr. Hurlburt will stand
for a square deal all around and a
progressive Stato Fair management.
His appointment will provo general
ly satisfactory.
Tho new Stato Fair board will be
composed of Wm. F. Matlock, Pen
dleton; J. H. Booth, Roseburg; H.
W. Dourning, Sublimity; Frank
Leo, Portland; Mark H. Hurlburt,
C. L. McNary, president of tho
Fruit Growers' union, appeared be
fore tho county court of Marion
county, Wednesday and made a
strong plea for better fruit inspec
tion. Marlon county is coming to
havo a tremendous fruit interest.
Mr. McNary said he had no candi
date for the ofilco but wanted tht)
county court to name an efliciont
man, who would get over tho whole
county. Tho Idea was advanced
that the inspector should make a
map of tho county, showing each
fruit tract, tho kind of fruit grown
and keep a record of the treatment
as to cultivation and spraying by
each owner.
Mr. PhllHns of Missouri, who has
recently located in Salom is taking , tax of their own accord.
time before investing in lands to go -
over the Willamette valley some and 1 If yur stomach, heart, or kidneys
inform himself about conditions. Ho are weak, try at least, a few doso3
marvels some at tho prosperity or ony Dr. Shoop s Restorative. In
Salem. Ho does not believe that "vo or ten days only, tho result will
stato institutions aro-the real basis surprise you. A few cents will coy
of this condition, but that theru i er the cost- And horo i3 why helP
must be greater resources In tho cmes ? Quickly. Dr. Shoop
soli in all directions around Salem, doesn't drug tho stomach, nor stlm
He proposes to take time tlils spring lnto the heart or kidneys. Dr.
to get out Into the country and post Shoop's Restorative goes directly to
himself as to those resources, tho the weak antl falling nerves. Eacn
various crops, tho orchards, forests orBan ha3 its own controlling nervo.
and mineral wealth. It will sur-When tnose nerves fall, tho dopend-
nrlnn Vilm tn Irnnw tlinf Vm ran Hrlvn'lng Organs mUSt Of UeCCSSity falter.
in four loops from Salemof 100
miles each and not cross any road
he drives on. Tho Willamette val
ley is a whopper.
Mr. Phillips has been a Democrat
all his lifo, but speakB highly of the
work of tho Republican governor of
that stato. Ho says it is a good
sign that men aro not voting, party
lines as closely as formerly.
Ex-Judge G. P. Terrell of Me
hania, has boon ln town for a few
days watching the proceedings at
the courthouse. Ho takes a live
interest in all public matters if ho
Is only ass'stant postmaster at tho fr some tlmo with kidney troublo,
little summer resort town of Mo-,, 80 severely at times I could scarco
hama, where ho knows every man, ' y arry, BrlpB. After using one
wnmnn nnrt rh!1,l ntiH fWn r. fow hottlo Of Foley's Kidney Pills I haVO
of them to whom ho has not ron- .beon entirely relieved, and cheorful
i,i i,!,i;,.. t..,j i. ly recommend them to all." Foley's
an active part in tho candidacy of lCJd,noy 118 ,a.ro healing and antl
Ella Zollner, a contestant for Tho 1 .d " rostoro health and
Canital Journal. Tho Znllnnrn nm,"""""'
German peoplo and havo worked
hard to get a foothold in the coun
try. o
Simple Remedy for LaGrlppc.
LaGrlppe coughs are dangerous,
as they frequently dovelop Into
pneumonia. Foley's Honey and Tar
not only stops tho cough, but heals
ana strengthens the lungs so that is to .certify that I used Foloy's Kid
no serious results need bo feared, ney Remedy for nervous exhaustion
the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar and kidney trouble and am free to
contains no harmful drugs and is ln say that Foloy's KIdnoy Remedy will
a yellow package. Sold by J. C. do all that you 'claim for it." Sold
Ladios J3.00 Shoo3, narrow widths , .$1.25
Ladies' $4.00 Shoes, narrow widths t ?2.00
Boys' $2.00 Shoes now on salo for , $1.50
Ladios' 25c Fancy Collars and Ties 10c
Ladles' 3Cc Fancy Collars and Ties .; 19c
Ladles' 75c Fancy Collars and Ties 35c
Ladles' 25c Fleece Lined Hoso 19c
50c all-wool Oregon Flannel, yard .... ; 32c
Ladloa Outing Flannel Gowns , , , . , 43c
Embroideries, values up to 25c yard, for I0c
Ladles' $19.00 all-wool Coats for , $5.50
Ladies Coats, valuosup to $7.00, for $3.00-
Girls' Outing Flannol 50c Gowns , Se
Mnrshhlll, near Falrflold Spokanq
county, was tho sceno of a torrlflo
encounter botween a golden eagle
and a coyote, tho latter emerging
minus nn ear.
Tho b'g bird and tho coyoto wore
captured in traps set close together
by Ned Morrison. Tho eaglo was
heavily handicapped by tho trap
which hold its loft claw, but stood
its ground woli by using tho right
spur and beak. It died shortly af
ter being released from the trap and
will . bo mounted. Tho coyoto was
tho largest over seen in oastora
Washington. Tho scratching on tho
frozen ground and tho wounds on Its
hind legs lndlcato that the animal
attempted to get away from its tor
mentor, but tho trap held It firm.
Young Morrison, who witnessed
the last part of tho light, says It was
a lively skirmish, tho battlo contin
uing a half hour after ho reached
tho scene, when ho dispatched tho
coyoto with a stick of cord wood.
Tho presenco of tho coyoto so near
settlement Is said to bo duo to tho
heavy snow in tho mountains. ,
Under tho new law which was
passed by the last legislature, fifty
eight of tho school districts of Linn
county will havo to levy an addi
tional tax to make up tho required
school fund. Tho law requires that
each distr'ct must raise $300 for
school purposes, besides receiving
tho $100 from the county fund, and
that they must carry on a six-month
term. Unless these districts vote
the tax, the county court will make
the levy and County School Supt.
Jackson has been Informed to mako
out tho levy. In these districts it
will vary from 2 mills to .0009 of a
mill, to mako up the deficit to reach
tho $300 mark,
Eighty-flvo of the
1 schools out of the 125 havo Voted tt
a plain, yet vital truth, clearly
te, wPy Dr Shoop s Restorative is
so universally successful. Its suc
cess is leading druggists everywhere
to give It universal preference. A
test will surely tell. Sold by Capi
tal Drug Store.
Tho Wells Fargo Express Com
pany announces that beginning Jan
uary 10th, a now tariff will go Intb
effect. It applies to all offices in
A Traveling Salesman.
H. P. Beers, 617-7th Ave., Peoria.
J11- writes: "I havo been troubled
A Lane county man lost $100
worth of hogs a few days ago by
death, caused by eating bad bwM
which poisoned them,
Rev. I. .W Williams Testifies
Rev. I. W. Williams, Huntington.
W. Va.. writes us as follows: "This
by J. C. Perry.
Ladios' Wool Sweaters $2.00
Children's Sweaters 35c
$1.75 oxtra largo Comforts .,.$1.25
$2.50 axtra largo Comorts, . . .$1.75
NIco Embroidery yard 6c
Corset Cover Embroidery, yd... 15c
com-i st.
Minutes Make
- it
From 35 degrees to 70 degrees-1
from an unbearable cold to a glow
ing heat that contributes the cheery
comfort you want in your home is
the difference that can be made in
10 minutes when you have the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)'
to do your heating. It is unrivaled
for quick work and effective, clean
ly work.
Impossible to turn the wick too high or too low impossible
to make it smoke or emit disagreeable odor the self-locking
Automatic Smokeless Device
absolutely prevents smoke.. Lighted in a second cleaned in a minute
burns Nine Hours with one filling. Rustless brass font.
Automatic smokeless device instantly removed for cleaning-.
Highest efficiency in heating power Beautifully finished in
Japan "or Nickel an ornament anywhere a necessity every where.
Variety of styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Youn, Write for Descriptive Circular
to the Nearest Agency of the
A Long Felt Want Supplied
The safest place on earth for your, will, deeds,,
mortgages, bonds, securities,, and Insurance
papers is in our fire and burglar-proof vault.1
United States National Bank
Salem, Oregon
Boxes to rent for $3 per yean
With a bath room you can havo
executed by Now Tears if you act
quickly. Nothing very oxponsivo
about it, yet it includes everything
nocosaary for a handsome and sani
tary bath room. Our plumbing work
is Included ln tho cost, with no extra
charges as a joker. Think it over.
141 S. Liberty St. SALEM
If You Are Looking
For bargains in broken lots, come to my sale.
20 Per Cent Off
All my other stock is reduced 10 per cent. If
you want to save money buy your hSoes now.
115 Liberty Street
Portland's Popular fire-Proof
Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with
Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to .12 d. m.
Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern
Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest.
-!. , U
uui uufjuuuy nab uuun uuuuiau anu uui uus will
hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No, 12, limited,
Oregon Electric that arrive In Portland at 10:55 a, m.
and 4s55 p. m.
That Ten
Salem, Oregon
J,UUJ I -1. I ...III f1