V 4 pCdif six DATE OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SAIiEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1010. ITEMS TAKEN FROM CHEMAWA AMERICAN Tho students of tho Salom Indian Training School publish a little pa per called tho Chomawa Amoricau. It is edited by tho mombors of the school and as an evidence that In dians have a voin of humor in their blood, Wo produce a few gf tho local items found in the last issue of tho American. "Santa Claus played a Joko on somo of tho glrlB. Wo were all glad to loavo tho din ing hall after two wooks of hard work. Loulso Thornton is vory fond of candy and cookies and she knows whore to got them, too. Viola Ferris made a flying trip to Salem last Thursday afternoon to do somo shopp'ng. Joseph Moss is hauling wood this week and may bo soon chasing squirrols through tho vood yard. Say, do you know that I can hoar Christine Boswell in her droams, talking about hor turkey dinner? Matilda John presonted her room mate, Iva Phillips, with a vory pret ty rag doll, which sho mado herself. Any ono wishing to seo it, peep in at hor door and you,, may seo it hang'ng nt tho head of the bed. Our middlo-sizod boys went to Salom last Saturday evening to play tho Y. M. C. A. intermediates a I gamo of basket-ball. Our boys were boaton by a scoro of 35 to 13. Tho gymnnsium in which they played was too short and narrow and team work was impossiblo for our boys, as they aro used to a largo room. Th's makes it oven now, as our boys Tvon a gamo from horo at tho school. ALWAYS NOON AT ' ' THE NORTH POLE Speaking of tho discovery of tho north polo an article in St. Nicholas uays that at point during tho 2 4 hours that ordinarily make up a day, tho sun's height above tho hor izon romalns practically unchanged; ovory nltltudo is equal to every other, and consequently at ovory in stant tho sun la duo south and on tho meridian. In other words, wo como across a curious freak that right at tho north polo thoro is no north, no east or west or points of tho compass In botweon; ovtory di rection is south and south only. And a still moro curious oddity is that of tlmo. Tho sun being always south, it thoroforo always marks noon. But a chronomotor.wound up and kept going, would go regularly as It does In Now York or London. What would, thon, its 24 hours each day signify? To answor this ques tion wo must ask whnt wo moan by a day, and what is tlmo. Time is moasurod by tho rotation of tho oarth on its axis. It takes flvo hours for tho oarth to rotato onough to carry tho buii from tho Groonwlch meridian to tho Now York moridlnn, and anothor threo hours boforo tho mm is on tho morldlan of San Fran cisco. To gxt from ono of these cl- tioH to tho othor it is necessary to travel thousands of miles. But If wo wore at tho polo, those threo morldlans would comio togothor, As noon takes pluco when tho sun is on tho mor'dlan, and as at tho polo it is impossiblo to distinguish ono mer idian from tho othor, no obsorvn tions at tho polo by astronomer or explorer would givo tho exact tlmo, and the hour of tho day could not bo dotorm'nod. it would not bo nocossnry to trawl thousands of miles to got from tho San Francisco niorldluu to that of Groonwlch, for at ono and tho saino time wo would bo on both meridians. At tho north polo, 1 1 nw haH no real moaning, as wo think of It, and ono bolng thoro could never toll whether his chro nometer kept oxact tlmo or whother it was fast or slow. o Fever Sores. Favor Horos and old chronic soroB should not bo hoalod ontlroly, but (mould bo kopt In hoalthy condition. This can bo dono by applying Chain- bonain'B salvo. This salvo has no , superior for this purposo. It Is alao I moat oxcollont for chnppod hands, soro nippios, minis ana uisoases of the skin. For Balo by all good drug glBta. With most of your friends you troasuro up things thoy do or say that oftVml you, o . Every Mother Is or should ho worried when tho littlo onoa havo a cough or cold. It may load to croup or plourlsy or pnoumonla then to something moro BorlouR. Ballard's Horohound Syrup w'll euro tho troublos atonco and provont any complication. MORGAN'S fRUIT STAND 367 State Street A Hand New Year Present One of those beautiful artistic bas kets of fruit, put up by the greatest fruit artist on the Pacific Coast. FREE DELIVERY I STOMACH DISTRESS AND DYSPEPSIA GO As there is often somo ono in your family who suffers an attack of Indi gostion or somo form of stomach tnouble, why don't you keep Dlapep sin in tho house handy? This harmoloss blessing will digest nnythlng you can oat without the slightest discomfort, and overcome tho sour, gassy stomach flvo minutes after. Toll your pharmacist, to let you road tho formiula plainly printed on thoso 50 cent cases of Pape's Diapop sln, then you will readily seen why it makes indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and othor distress go In flvo minutes and rel'evos at once such miseries ao belching of ga&, oructations of sour undigested food, nausea, headaches, dizzlnoss, consti pation and othor otomach disorders Somo folks have tried so long to find relief from indigestion and dys pepsia or an out-of-order stomach with the common, every-day cures ad vertised that thoy have about mado up their minds that thoy have some thing olse wrong, or believe theirs Is a case of nervousness, gastritis, ca tarrh of tho stomach or cancer. This, no doubt, is a serious mis take. Yomr real trouble is, what you eat docs not digest; instead, it fer ments and sours, turns to acldf gas and stomach poison, whllch putrofy in tho digestlvo tract and intestines, and, besides poison tho breath with nauseous lOdors. A hearty appotlto with thorough digestion, and without tho slightest discomfort or misery of tho stomach, is waiting for you as soon as you de cldo to try Pape's Dlapopsln. Do you nso an, atomizer in treating Nasal Catarrh? If so you will ap preciate Ely's Liquid Cream Balm, uio quicitest anu surest romeuy lor this disease. In all curative proper- iius ii is luonucai wun uio souu uroam unim, wnicn is so tnmous ana hu buccushuu in overcoming cauirrn, hay fever and cold In tho head. Thoro is relief In tho flrst dash of spray upon tho heated sensitive air- pasages. All druggists, 75c., includ- Ing tube, or mailed by Ely Bros., 5G Warren St., Now York. Probnbly tho greatest coffeo sub stitute yot produced Is that now known to grocers overywhoro ns Dr. Shoop's Health Coffeo. It actually goes a third farthor than all others, and besides It Is "mndo In a min ute." No 20 to 30 m'nutes tedious boiling Is nt nil necossnry. Puro toasted grains, mnlt, nuts, etc. have been so cloverly blondod ns to givo a wondorfully satisfying, true gon- uino coffo flavor and taste. And not a grain of real coffeo Is used. 100 cups, 2Gc. Sold by J. W. liar rltt. o Tho Commercial Club of Tho Dalles has changed its char tor so that boys 15 years old and older may bo'ronio momborH. Tho municipal commit tee hnB raised funds to omploy an athlotlc Instructor, with tho under standing that boys would bo taken Into membership and allotted cer tain rooms in tho club building. A Traveling .Salesman. II. F. Boors, G17-7th Ave.. Peoria 111., writes: "I havo been troubled for somo tlmo with kidney trouble, so sovoroly at tlmos I could scarce ly carry my grips. Aftor us'ng oiu bottlo of Foloy's Kidney Pills I ha.' been entirely rollovod, and cheerful ly rocommond thorn to all." Foley's Kidney Pills aro healing and ant! sopt'c and will roatoro health and strongth." Sold by J. C. Perry. If you aro Imposing on a man, don't lmnglno ho isn't noticing It. Ho not only notices It, but talks to his wife nbout It, and exaggerates o Nov. I. .W Williams Testifies How I. W. Williams, Huntington, W. Vn writes us as follows: "This la to certify that I used Foloy's Kld noy Homody for nervous oxhaustlon and kldnoy trouble- and am froo to my that Foloy's Kidney Romedy will do all that you claim for it." Sold by J. C. Porry. Mil a HUT" some TELEPHONE 746 Will Drain Lakes. That tho government will drain tho lakes which havo formed on the tho government project, and that it will use much of tho water thus ac cumulated a second tlmo, is tho an nouncement mado by Mayor NoWport, of Hermiston. He says that steps havo already boon taken to lower the water in tho largest of tho lakes one foot by means of a ditch. This will uncover the grentor part of 200 acres now under water. Tho remainder of tho water will bo removed by means of a pump and will bo used in re claiming additional lands. Deafness Cannot Bo Cured by local applications, as they can not reach tho disoased portion of tho oar. Thoro Is only ono way to cure deafness, and that Is by constltu tlonal remod'es. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of tho mu cous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Impor feet hearing, nnd when It is entirely closed, deafness is tho result, ana unless tho inflammation can bo tnk en out and this tube restored to lt3 normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nlno cas6s out of ton aro caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will givo One Hundred Dol lars for any case of deafness caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F; J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all drugg'sts, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Tho lodgo of Elks at The Dalles aro planning to build a hall at an estimated cost of from 830,000 to $40,000. o If your stomach, heart, or kidneys aro weak, try at least, a fow doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative. In flvo or ten days only, tho result will surprlso you. A fow cents will cov er tho cost. And here is why heln comes so quickly. Dr. Shoon doesn't drug tho stomach, nor stim ulate tho heart or kidneys. Dr, Shoop's Restorative goes directly to tho weak and failing nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve When these nerves fail, tho depend ing organs must of necessity falter, Tills plain, yet vital truth, clearly tell whv T)r. Rhnnn'n T?iitnrnHvn 1c so universally successful. Its sue cess Is loading druggists everywhere to givo it un'vorsal preference. A test will surely tell. Sold by Capl- tal Drug Store. n Chief of Pollco Cox of Portland has served notlco on all captains, sar- goants nnd patrolmen that they iust cut out the booze or turn over their star. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MilSfflSMITpiLLs! A Pirn, Ciiinix Kiuitr forSirppRiDlI!aTniTio. NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. Bafet Sure, tfiwiyi Ball,. HQ iK'llon (iiiiranvi-d nr lioni-y llcfundod. bout inimi i pj .-.....,.. Ini.i mi-Mi uu i nil, to va Julio lyr when rellrvtvl, tianmlr l're. If vourdrnrtrl.trii.. .. bare Item fend jouronlrri to tln UNITED MEDICAL CO., box T4. UHCHwra P. Sold in Salem by De. S. C Stiina tin ,laln. 147 N High at C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES t Cabs and Livery. All Rigs Modorn Rubber Tiro. LOOK AT 1'IIOSlii. Good now 7-rom houso and 1 4flno ' , , . . , , T , lots; must bo sold ut once. Iuves- tlKato. I Small houso. fine woll, 10 lots, all t rrif nnn unn. I In rruit, near car lino; snap. 100 acres, all In cultivation, good' houso, 2 barns, on good road, in sight of Salom; teams, cows, tools and liny; good farm, a bar gain, all for $85 per aero. SO acres, all oxtra land, god now buildings, on good road, close to Salem, close to school, best home and land in 4 miles of Salom; teams and all goes. Seo A. O. Smith & Co. 2S0 acres, all in cultivation, good house, 2 barns, 3-ncro orchard, on good road, 3 miles from station host buy in tho county, only $55 por acre. If you want vacant lots, fruit orchards or vnannt lands seo A. C. SMITH & CO., "I I Stnto Street. Ihonel507 FARMS ORCHARDS CITY PROPERTY My list muy couotin exactly what you want. T. C. JORY, 205 Coni'l St,, Salem, Or. GEO., O. SAVAGE For Farms nnd City Property tan s. coMMHurt.vii st. mmmmmmm mi im mil i mi in mam am mmmm .mmm ' Southern Pacific Time Table Timo Tnblo C8. Effective Sunday, January i. 1010 12:01 a. m. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express .. 5:15 a.m. No. 18 Portland Passenger 7:43 p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger 3:12 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express 8:20 a.m. No. 12 ShastaLimlted. .. .12:35p.m. Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Ex.. 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger. 11: 01a.m. No. 17 RoseburgPassengor C :45p.m. No. 15 California Express. 9:5Gp.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43 p.m. Northbound. No. 22G Way Freight .... 9:50a.m. No .222 Portland Fast Frt. 10:,45p.m. Southbound. No. 225 Way Freight 12:35p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Local Leaves For Portland and inter G: 40 a.m. Portland-Hillsboro Inter . . 8:55 a.m Portland and inter 11: 15 a.m Portland and inter 2:00 p.m. Limited. Port., Tualatin, Hillsboro. 3:20 p.m. Local. Portland-Hillsboro inter.. 4:00 p.m Portland and inter 6:20 p.m. Portland and inter 8:50 p.m. Local Arrive From. Portland and Inter 8:25 a.m. Portland-Hillsboro inter.. 9:50a.m. Limited. Port., Hillsboro, Tualatin. 10:45 a.m. Local. Portland and Inter 1:00 p.m Portland-Hillsboro inter.. 4:00p.m. Portland and Inter 5:50 p.m. Portland and inter 8:30 p.m. Portland Theater train. . 10:40 p.m. Salem, Falls City & Western Ry LifciAVlJ W1SST BAUIiiM FUlt : Dallas, Falls City, Black Rock.. 0:00a.m. 'Dallas and Intermediate nolnts. 1 :2fi n. m. Dallas, Falls City 4 :ao p. m. rDallas, Falls City, Black Rock. . 1 :25 p. m Dallas and Intrmdlat nolnts. ... 5 :()U p. in. ARRIVE WEST SALEM FROM; Falls City, -Dallas 8:30a.m. Black Rock, Falls City, Dallas. .12:1C p. m. Dallas and Intermediate Dolnts. 3 :fi.r n. ni. xDallas and Intermediate points. 12 :40 p. m. xBmck Rock, Falls City, Dallas. . 4 :45 p. m. -uauy except aunaay. xsunuay only. Ferry launch from foot of State street connects with all trains at Second-street depot. Indepcndcnce-Snlem Motor Line. Leave Independence ... 9:30a.m. Arrive at West Salem. . 10:30 a. m. Leave Salom 1:00 p.m. Arrive Independence ... 2:00p.m. Connects at Independence with west side train for Portland and in termediate points, and for Mon mouth and Airlle. Pioposnls. for Furnishing Suoplici to the Oregon School for Deaf Mutes. Proposals for furnishing meats, groceries and dry goods tn the Ore gon School for Deaf Mutes will bo receiver a he office of he superin tendent till Monday noon, Jan. 3. All bids must be signed by bidder, state with price and bo extended for quality, and must be upon banks for nlshed by superintendent. Quality being equal, preference will be given goods of Oregon manufacture. For blanks containing list of ar ticles desired apply to E S TILLINGHAST, i-2-l-eod-5t Superintendent. - o Will Ho Well Attended. Indications aro that tho Short Courses for farmers and teachers wh'ch will commence at tho Oregon gricultural College January 4th. will be very well attended. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of nrcCIITKL & RYXON'S BARGAINS. . , , , T - Wo have boon adv sing tho public to m,y Iots In 1 CARDWELL ADDITION An,d 11 "umuer 0f wlso investors linvo taken ndvantogo of tho low ,)rIco nnd oasy tcrmsbto securo ono or moro lots in this fine addition, Wo now give notlco that on Monduy. Jnry 19, 1910, tho prlco of lots iu iuruwuu auuiiiod win positive ly bo advanced $50 on each lot, and no building rebates will bo given aftor that time. BUY NOW To securo tho prosont low prlco and oasy torms offered on lots In Cardwoll Addition, buy now. Prlco of lots $200 to $225 for ins'do lots and $250 for cornors. Terms ns low as $5 down and $5 per month. No interest. Buy now nnd particl pato in tho raiso of prices which wo will positively mnko noxt Mon day. We shall adlioro to tho ro- v'sud price list, and in this manner givo those who buy now a chance t sl.nro In thn lnnronso.1 nrlnn. . SKK CARDWKLIi ADDDITIOX TO DAY. Como In and let us take you out to the traot. It is only an olght minuto ride from Stato and Com merclal. 11HOIITKL & 11YXOX, 347 State Street. Ground Floor Seventeen saloon Keepers nt the Dalles recontly pair fines for selling liquors to minors. . t. Simple Remedy for LnGrlpjx. LaGr'ppe coughs are diuigerou., aa thoy frequently develop Into pneumonia. Foley's Honey aadTar not only stop the cough, but heal and strengthens the lungs so that no serious result ued be feared, the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs aad is In a yellow parkag. Sold by J. C. lVrry ssme Capita! Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent a word 'or first Insertion. Jne-balf cent a wo.d for each Insertion hereafter. No advertisement taken 'or ess than 25c. Caunt six words to tbe Ine. FOR SALE. fc'OR SALE Good 1 H. P. Staver gasoline engine, cheap. Inquire at 178 South Liberty St. 5-22-tf. FOR SALE Threshing outfit, con sists of 20-Lorscpower double cy linder englno and 36-60 Reed's separator, all of the latest make. There Id a Parson's feeder. Per fection elgher and Farmer's Friend blower. Price reasonable and terms easy. Apply to J. J. Langmack, Albany. Home phone 1352. 5-21-ltf FOR SALE New 2-room house and lot, furnished, $350, unfurnished, $275; $50 down, $10 per month. See owner, corner 21st and Fred erick street. Ono block north of Asylum avenue. 12-7-lm FOR SALE Nice home, well im proved, live-room cottage, good well, large lot. Iinquiro at 1269 Fir and Miller street. 12-17-lm" A SNAP Six-room modern cottage, See It, 1595 State street. FOR SALE Dry wood, sawed to order. Phono 1225. Salem Wood Company. 12-20-lm FOR SALE Cows and heifers. G. P Livingston, Rt. 7, north of Gar den Road. 12-28-lw WOOD FOR SALE Ash, oak, and fir wood delivered in 12 and 16 inch, in 4-foot lengths. Siddall & Eaton, 570 N. Liberty. Phono 1663 12-29-tf LOST LOST A gentleman's diamond ring. Suitable reward If left at this of fice. l-3-3t WANTED. IF YO UARE Wanting help of any kind see A. C. Smith & Co., real estate and employment office, 544 State street. Phono 1507. 10-30-tf WANTED Money -for several loans one $800, one $1,500, one ?3, 000, ono for 6,000; good real es tate. Seo 11. R. Ryan. l-3-3t WANTED Stock hogs, chickens and ducks. Apply at Hop Leo laundry Salem; next to Journal office. 12-21-lm WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED To cut 200 cords of wood, 2 miles east pf asylum, near Fruitland road. A. H Hammer, R. F. T. 6; Box 120 B. 1-2W WANTED I want you. You want me, if I havo what you want, if ruptured, call or address W. L. Porshine, 1616 Mission St. l-lSt" WANTED Tenant for 85-acro ranch, 50 acres under cultivation; six miles from Salem. If necessary, will furnish team, equipment, etc. Catlin & Linn. l-l-3t MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE To whom it may concern: If anyone knows anything about the abstract of Fairmount Park Co, to J. M. Brown, please return to tho Journal office and receivo reward. J. D. Bohnnnon. l-2-3t COAL OIL, GASOLINE And Dls tolato delivered to private families in any quantity, to any pnrt of the city. Starr Oil Co. Phono 1729. 9-15-tf SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets in Hurst Hall on Stato street, on tho fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcomo. F. R. Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr CANDIDATES' CARDS FOR GOVERNOR. Ignorance and supeistition com bined with intense soinanrtHS'j con a ii:ite tho greatest v". ) wit!. which civilization ha3 to JEtond. VHLSON P. S. Pbolievo a candidate for Gov cnor should agree to icrii the t"u stitutloual salary only. Pneumonia Follows a Cold but novor follows tho uso of Foloy's Tar. which "top. tho COUgll. heals tllO lllllgs and OXpolS Vliu uutu iiuiii jum djsivui. It is a dangorous thing to take a cough mod cino containing opiates that merely stllle your cough instead of curing it. Foley s Honey and Tar loosens and cures the cough and expels the poisonous germs thus provontlng pneumonia ajid consump tion. Rofuse sulwtitutes and take only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar in tho yellow package. Sold by J. C. Perry. According to an old Chinese tra dition all accounts must be squared on New Year's Day and the man who can't raise enough to pay his debts has to go into bankruptcy. o Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and flrt clasa work done. I. D. Driver, 617 North Capital street, Salom, Or. Phone 926. 6-2 6-tl KENNEDY & PORTER 130 Liber ty street Phone 485. Dealers In Oregon Sienna (Salem - mado) paint, wallpaper and all Interior furnishings. Painting, papering, nnd all manner of interior work dono prompt" in first class stylo at moderate prices. 8-5-tf BAKERS. CAPITAL BAKERS Broad, cake, pics, and all kinds of pastries, cookies, etc. Watch for our wag on. Phono 954. Radeck ft Smith. 11-19-tf BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth moro than any other bread, yot tho price Is no higher. For sale at 'your grocer's. California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooley. Props. DRAYMEN. EXPRESS WAGON General dray ing. Furniture and piano mov ing. Phono Main 465. Fred Schindler, 365 State street. Horse for sale. 8-12-tf SALEM TRANSFER CO. Succes sors to Cummins Tranfer Co. All kinds of transfer work done: Furniture moved and pianos boxed ready to ship. Prompt service our motto, 253 South Commercial Btreet. Phone 2i0. 10-13-tf BUSINESS CARDS. BUTTE & WENDEROTH Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We han dle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and re -reshing beer constantly on draught South Commercial St. 9-3-lyr SALEM WATER COMPANY Office, city hall. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. G, F, MASON BOX COMPANY 247 Mill ur street, South Salem, manufacturers of all kinds of boxes, cratea and fruit dryer ac cessories. Phone 308. tf FRANK E. CHURCHILL Represen tative of tho Western Conservatory of Music, of Chicago, in this city, will resume classes In piano, har mony, theory, sight reading, etc., on and after September 20. Stu dio opera house building, room 9. Phone 1100. Pupils may receivo lessons either In their home or o$ tho studio. 9-ll-3m LIVERY STABLE. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Old Postofflce stables, at 254 Fer ry strcot, between Commercial and Front. Telephone 188. Somo of the finest liveries In the city n be found here. W. W. John son. t OSTEOPATH. DR, B, H, WHITE, Osteopath and. Nerve Specialist. Grad uate of tho Anorican School o2 Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mn 1002. Post-graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angelea College 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Office 17-18 Breyman Bldg. Phono 859. Residence 346 North Capitol St.; phone 469. 8-30-rf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BARR Plumbing, ho. water aud steam heating and tin ning, 164 Comorcial Btreet. Phono Main 192. 9-1-ly OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing, heating, gas nt Ing; prices reas onable; work guaranteed; estl mtaea firnlshcd. Phono 375. 1066 Choraeketa street. 4-17-tf T0NS0RIAL H. G. MEYER & CO. The best ana largest shop in the city. Si first class barbers. Only first class bootblack In city; porcelain baths, and everything pertaining to a flrst class shop. Also carry a full Una of cigars anu tobacco and barbers' supplies. 162 Commercial street, noxt door to Statesman office. 4-8-tt LODGE DIRECTORY. UODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets ovory Thurflaj vening at 8 o'clock in Holma. ball. A. EL. Banbei V. C; F. A. Turner, cleric WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in Holman hall. L. W. Acheson, C C; L. H. Fletcher. Clerk. l-lo-0l ELLIS WOOD Real estate, loans and Insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau. Phono 554. 476 Court street, Salem, Ore gon. Ticket offlco Hamburg-American steamship lines. 11-1-lyr O. C. T. C o. Steamers Pomona and Oregona leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day' and Friday at 10 a. m., Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a. m. For corvaius, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday about 6:30 p. m. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. A