Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 04, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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1 ' Vi
.V. ..t. 'iris VlV. . .
The Big January Clearance
Sale is now on in FoSS Blast
Be sore to take advantage of
4 t x 1 L J J U 1 1 J X L '
T I 'r rl j V y j Vj f j
Miss Alice Byrcl left this morning
for Portland to visit with friends for
n short time.
A. L. Taylor, of Silver Falls, was
3n the city today looking after busi
ness matters for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fuller left
this morning for Oregon City tiffl
spend a week visiting their daughter,
Mrs. Franklin Potter. Mrs. Potter
was formerly Miss Helen Fuller, of
this city, but for the past two years
lias bora a resident of Oregon City.
Miss Mamie Wolcast, of Forest
3rove, stopped off in this city for a
low hours today to renew old ac
quaintances. She will leave this ev
ening for Dallas to visit her parents
for a Week or so.
F. G. Burg, of Mill City, was
among the business visitors in the
city today.
Misses Anna and Pearl Basey, of
Monitor, wore shopping in tils city
A. F. dossier returned to his work
in Portland this morning, after a few
days' visit with Salem friends.
Harry Simes, captain on one of the
Oregon City Transportation Com
pany's river steamers, was visiting
friends and relatives here last night.
Li. D. McPherson returned last
night from a three weeks' business
trip in Washington and Idaho. Mr.
McPhearson reports very cold weath
er in the northern states at present.
Mrs. E. L. Chalcrat, of Chemawa,
was a visitor in this city yesterday.
Hon. Jay Bowierman was a bus!
Jiess visitor in Salem yesterday.
D. It. Ynntis, proprietor of "The
Toggery." and Claud Bell, a Salem
confectioner, will leave next Thurs
day for the East on busines and
Judge G. P. Terrell, of Mehama,
was doing business in the city yes
terday. Conrnd Lewis, of Polk county, was
looking after business matters and
shaking hands with old friends m
the city yesterday.
Guy Allen, of Woods, came over to
this city yesterday with a ton and
a half of smoked salmon for the Gilo
.Aftorcantllo Company. Mr. Alien, with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allen,
reside a few miles from Woods,
where they own a nice little farm.
Mr. Alon is an enthusiastic young
sportsman, and mde th'ngs exciting
for O. Neelands, a local sportsman,
when visiting the Allen home."
Hary McClean, of Albany, arrived
this morning to transact bus'iness for
a few hours, and then look after
business matters in Portland.
Howard Walker and wife, of St.
Paul, Ore., were in the city on busi
nes today.
Wllda Salomon has returned to
her studies at the Oregon Agricultur
al College after pending the llolidays
with relative in Salem.
Laurence Hitchings, of Bonneville,
was a visitor at the homo of State
Fish Warden McAllister last Sunday.
Henry Hall, a prosperous farmer
in the Waldo Hills, was in the city
today, attending to busines matters.
Andrew Laloe left this morning for
Billing, Montana, after visiting
friends in this city and other Oregon
cities for the past month.
fj ! i ) rfi rft 5 j $jC J J( rj
sis sj: i:
Tom L. Johnson as Mayor of
Cleveland, has retired. Ho is suc
ceeded by Herman Baer, a German
American, who is less of a demagog.
T. L. Davenport is promoted from
assistant to Persian Commissioner,
Vice Warner resigned.
Both of Albany's Presbyterian
churches will probably rebuild dur
ing 1910.
Why will deaf politicians get on
the track in front of the train of
progress and bo run over?
sjc sfc
It has always been considered all
right to grab a little land in any
old way that your conscience al
lowed. 5c sjs jjs
Freezing Sunday at Eugeno! That
is bad. We supposed the bananas
wero blooming.
sf: :je
Senator Chamberlain still believes
President Taft will make good ou
progressive policies.
Very well, tho world is a little
tired of muckraking. Give tho peo
ple a chance to restore normal busi
ness conditions before you stir thorn
Woodburn will erect a Masonic
hall and armory in 1910 unless
somebody pulls the string.
ij 5jC ( Ji Jj 5$5 ? fi fi t 'I
Articles of incorporation filed in
tho office of the secretary of state
January 3, 1910, are as follows:
Concorn Construction Co. Princi
pal office, Portland; capital stock,
$10,000. Incorporators D. Madon
na, 1). Ragnone, II. Casciate and F.
A. Bisotti.
Eagle Valley State Bank Princi
pal place of busi nessslirdlu shrshs
pay office, Richland; capital stock,
$15,000. Incorporators William
Chandler, J. F. Herr, F. G. Jasper,
T Ail Holcomb and I. N. Young.
Nordman Realty Co.JPrinclpal
office- Portland; capital stock, $40,
000. Incorporators H. J. Cress, E.
D. Tlmms and E. H. Timms.
depends upon the heater how
constructcd-,vhcther it gets all
. heju el -energy or only some of it.
If the heater is a
(MB Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
' the raising of the temperature is
..- certain.
Turn the wick as high or low as
ir will go there's no danger, no
; smoke, no smell just an emphatic
, raising of temperature. The
Automatic Smokeless Device
v is a permanent check upon carelessness, making the, heater
safe in the hands of a child. Bums nine hours with one
filling, heats all parts of a room quickly.
jOil indicator tells amount of oil in the all-brass font. Damper top.
Cool handle. Aluminum window frames Cleaned in a minute. Finished
in Nickel or Jajwn. Various Btylen and finishes
Kvtry I)alr Everywhere If Net at Yours, Write lor Dexriplive Circular
10 I he Nearcat AgriKy oi tlx
(Ibcohk) ruled)
Tho most ropresentativo gathering
of fruit growers over hold In tho
Itogue River valloy'was that hold at
Modford Inst Friday, Jan. 31. Tho
meeting was called for tlio purpose
of inaugurating a movement toward
creating a union of all the fruit
growors of Rogue River valley, ir
respective of location, covering tho
wholo fruit growing territory from
the Sicklyous to the gorge of tho
Rogue, and roprosontativos from ev
ery section wero present.
Professor O'Gara, of tho depart
ment of agriculture, was present
and told of the things which had
been accomplished by the orange
and lomon growers of California in
this rospect and tho aid' which had
boon given tho southern California
growers by the government, "Be
cause thoy asked for It, tho orange
and lemon growors of California get
the beat price going through their
organization, and you people should
got very tired of having tho main
profits of your .labor and Invest
ments reaped by curbstono brokers
on the other ond of tho lino," said
tho professor. Aftor prominent
growors from all sections of tho val
ley 'had voiced their sentiments a
motion was carried that a commit
too of 1G, of which C. E. Whlsler
was to bo chairman, bo selected by
Professor O'Gara to consider ways
and moans for tho organization and
to draft plans.
The moetlng then adjourned to
moot again on January 22 at which
timo tho organization will bo per
The Chator Road case has beon
sot for hoaring in tho Supremo
court on January 12, 1910, at 10
a. m.
Tho Orator Road case is most im
portant to Houthorn Oregon and to
tho stnto nt large. Tho recent legis
lature appropriated $100,000 to aid
in its construction. Later one Mc
Mahan, an attorney of th!s city,
in tho name of a taxpayor In
oaatorn Oregon, brought suit and
onjolned the utate from oxpendlng
the money, claiming such an appro
priation i unconstitutional. The
suit was won 1y McMahan In the
circuit court and was immediately
appealed. It wil now be settled in
the Supreme court.
Old Council Winds Up Its Busi
ness and Steps Down
and Out.
City Olllcinls for 11)10.
Mayor Geo. F. Hodgors
City Recorder. .W. A. Mooros
City Attorney... .Grant Corby
City Troas Frank Meredith
Chiof of Police.. D. W. Gibson
City Engineer. . .J. 13. Porrott
Street Commissioner, not filled
City Physician. Dr. O. B. Miles
Sanitary Inspector. A. W. Long
Policemen, L. R. Murphy, J. A.
Poland, J. W. Whltlach. F.
.Tory, S. A. Burkhart.
Chief of Fire Dept. J. A. Darr
Chemical f onenian . .Win. Iwnn
Driver of englno team
V. II. Phillips
Driver hoso team.. Pet Grabor
Englnoor Ed. Doncor
Councllmen first ward
A. A. MoUlt and H. A. John
son. Councllmen second ward...
J. S. Stockton and S. A.
Councllmen third ward....
W. II. Eldridge and G. Stolz
Councllmen fourth ward...
W. S. Low and E. J. Sautor
Councilman fifth ward
A. Hauckesteln and W. W.
Councllmen sixth ward....
H. W. Hatch and I. Grecn
baum. Councihnen seventh ward ....
J. A. Cnrson and N. D. Elliott.
effect that th'o onginoorlng depart
ment bo placed under a special com
mittee to consist of tho chairman of
streets and alloys, sowers and bridges
and It was adopted.
A favorablo report was mado by
tho committee on licenses on tho ap
plication of E. Eckorlen, Swnrtz &
James and J. A. Cooper for a renew
al of thoir liquor licenses, and thoy
wore ronowod by tho council.
Ordinance Passed.
An ordinance which provides for
tho establishment of a grado on Thir
teenth street from Cross to Rural
avenue passed third rending and be
came a law last night, and so did an
ordinance which provides and de
clares a deficit In tho assesmont for
the Improvement of Harney street.
The deficit was $18.33.
An ordlnnnco which provided for
the raising of tho stroot commission
er's salary from $900 to $1200 was
rend for tho third time, but when a
vote was takon upon It It was lost.
Resolution Vossctl.
A resolution which calls for plana
and specifications for tho Improve
ment of Center stroot from Commer
cial to tho bridge over North Mill
crook was prwsonted, and, upon a
voto being taken, was adopted; also
a resolution asking that plans for
tho construction of a sowor in block
77 bo prepared, and n resolution pro
viding for tho appolntmont of R. C.
Huwloy as deputy street commission
er; also a resolution directing tho
recorder to ndvortlso for bids for
the construction of a foot brldgo
over North Mill crook on High street.
Reports of Olllccrs.
John Darr, chief of tho flro depart
ment, submitted his annual roport.
Tho report shows tho department to
'Skin of Beauf g is a Joy Fbrafer
After a session at which many
matters of interest and importanco
to tho city at largo was discussed
and acted upon, and also much rou
tine business transacted, tho old
councils tho council for tho yoars
190S and 1909 adjourned last night,
and after tho members whoso torms
expired had rotired tho body was
again convened by Mayor Rodgers,
and tho new members Installed.
The business at both sessions
went forwards at a brisk rate and
tho two sessions Instead of extend
ing into late hours, as had been an
ticipated, wero concluded at a com
parative early hour 10 o'clock.
Tho session of tho old council com
menced with tho roll cnll of com
mittees nnd tho members of tho now
council after listening to a messaga
from Mayor Rodgers with roforonco
to tho improvements and advance
ments of tho city as- a munic'pal
body during tho past administration,
and also dealing with tho work un
der way, and tho work to bo com
menced and consumated during tho
future administration, elected tho
city oiTicors, and also transacted
considerable othor business. The
mayor's message covored in a brief
but complete manner tho municipal
achiovomonts of tho past adminis
tration and mapped out in a general
way tho work to bo accomplished
under tho prepont ndmlnstrntlon,
and upon its conclusion ho wns loud
ly and heartily applauded by tho
mombors of tho council nnd tho
spectators In attondnnco.
Oilicors Elected.
Tho officers to be elected had
bfon agreed upon at a caucus held
prior to the last mooting of tho
council in tho year 1909, and last
night their nomination nnd ratifica
tion was merely n mattor of formal
ity. All of tho present ofllcors woro
re-elected, but that of qtty attorney
and for this olllco Grant Corby wns
olectod to succeed Attorney Kees,
who Is leaving tho city and thora
foro was not a candidate for re
election. "Walter Skolton hnd boon
agreed upon at the caucus for tho
olllco of city engineer, but when tho
offlco was tendered him ho docllnou
to accept It, nnd the counc'l lust
night re-nominated J. B. Porrott.
Tho offlco of street commisiiou?r
waB not filled last night owing to the
fact that Street Commissioner J. N.
Pooler, who had been agreed upon
nt tho caucus as tho nominee, do
clined to accept it. Mr. Pooler has
accopted a position with tho Capital
Improvomont Company at a snlnry,
It Is Haid. more liberal than which
was provided for him by th' city
nnd for this reason rofumi.1 to nc
eppt a re-nomlnatlon. The council
by motion empowered the chairman
of tho committee on streets and al
loys to till th vacancy, and an ap
pointment will probably be made in
tho course of tho noxt few days.
Mayor Rodgors advised the coun
cil thnt ho had boon absent from tho
city for itevoral days and hnd not
had ample timo td consider tho ap
polntmont of mombors foV tho var
ious commlttooH, and asked for tho
council's indulgonco In this mattor
for a fow days. As soon as tho ap
pointments are made thoy will bo
mado public by the mayor through
tho press.
Light to Be Installed.
Tho roports of the o.xprt who ox
nminod tho olllco of tho oity rocord
or nnd tho tronsunvr wa submitted
to tho council nnd in its submission it
was shown thai thcuo nUi'M werj in
a t'ood conditlf'ii. It w m wtdvod
oi. P "eed on lllo.
The committoe on lights reituoet-id
that light be Installed at 21st and
Mill, Fir and Wilson, Pine and Maple
Front -and Wilson. Seventeenth and
B, Twenty-first and Chemeketa. Win
tr and Court. University and Leslie,
and the request was granted.
Knglneor Under Spcclul CominlttcHj,
A resolution was presented to the
RtmoTM Tan, Plmnlos,
KrcckJu. Moth r-ateiie-,
Kasti, tad Sklu Dlstare,
uo every Diemi.n
on beauty, and tie
flea detection. It
huotood tha tent
of w yrara, end
li to harmless we
Is properly matte.
Accept no counter
felt er ttmlLir
name. Dr. L. A.
Siwre Mid to n
lady of tli.e hsnt
ton (a pntlent):
"As you ladles
will use them.
I recommend
'Gournuil' Cremti' m the leant harmful of all Ihe
Mtlu TireiaraUoni." i'or sale by all drugglets and Fane--OoodJ
Dealers In the United SUtea, Canada and Xurove.
(ERD. T.HOPKINS, Prep., 37 Ureal Jones Sfreet. HcvYo V
bo in oxcellont condition, and shows
that during tho year 1909, CO alarms
woro turned in, nnd that tho Iosb by
flro was $7200.
Poundmastor Long's report showed
thnt for tho past month 18 dogs had
beon incarcerated in tho pound, and
of that number 11 had beon redeemed
An oxhaustlvo roport covering tho
work of tho onginoorlng department
was presented by Engineer Porrott.
According to this report thero wna
27,472.44 squaro yards of Bftullthlc
pavement completed during tho year
of 1909 at a cost of $G5,SC2.74; that
thero is 24,047.72 squaro yards under
contract at a cost of $00,462.48; that
tho cost of tho Macadam and gravol
Improvement has boon $35,884.42
(Continued on Pago 8)
Ayer's Hair Vior is composed of ggjS
bhow this to your doctor. Ask him if there is a single Injurious ingredient. Ask
mm if he thinks Ayer's Hair VWor. as made from this formula, is the best nrcna-
ration you could use for falling hair, or for dandruff. Let him decide. He knows.
J. O. ATRtl Pompamt. Tvrpll. Mow.
Beer Sold in Carload Lots.
Shipments in Kegs or Bot
tled Beer to any Point on
the Pacific Coast : : : :
rewing Plant and 0
On Trade St In Wholcsole District
tices l
Salem, Oregon
9 5
Firo, Llfo nnd Plato Glass Insurance, Suroty Bonds. Wo noil
anything you havo to soli, or soli you anything you want to
buy, or exchange anything yoir havo for anything you want.
Flro Insuranco written In host compnnlos, as low as tho low
est, without liability to tho assured. Wo havo tho best Life
Insuranco contract wrltton. Wo Invito you to investigate.
Plato Glass Insuranco and Suroty Bonds wrltton In an Oregon
Company. Wo invito Investigation by proBpoctlvo investors.
Call or wrlto to
Phono Main 1321
484 Court Stroot, Salem, Ore. J
We Have Purchased The Entire Stock
of the
and nro now lined up for first-class inside wiring and olectrl
cal repair work of all kinds.
Give Us a Chance to Figure on Your
Work and You Will Find Our Prices
Are Right