DATE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1010. PAGE THREE 1 Us Profits 1VV hir r Theso old-fashioned business institutions that do a small volume of business must make when they can givo cash discounts of 15, 20, 25 and 30 per cent on all purchases all over tho store. If wo could mako 8 or 10 per cent on tho volume of business wo did this closing year wo would notwant many moro years in business. We advertise goods at half price, goods that aro really worth $G.G0, for $3.90. If you hayo any doubt in your mind at any timo that theso statements are not true, come to our store and wo will tiguro up the cost of tho goods, tho buttons, trimmings, material and making, and you will And that cir cumstances on the part of tho manufacturer is tho cause of such reductions. He wanted cash for goods that would cost wholesale moro than wo sell them at. "Wo havo a buyer in Now York that takes advan tage of all such bargains and wo givo tho benefit to our customers. How could tho Chicago Store grow ao fast only for such things? Tho p eoplo know bargains when they see them and our reductions and prico cuts are so deep that it keeps our competitors all tho timo wondering to know how wo can got tho goods at such liw prices; and evon at tho close prices wo sell our goods tho principles, flrst of all, aro stylo, fashion and quality. Yon never hoard of tho Chicago Store giving away presents or 25 per cent cash reductions on our goods. No; nor you never will. Did you over hear of Marshall Field or John Wauamak er giving away presents or 25 and 33 per cent reductions? No, you never did. Tho reductions they givo aro close prices on their goods, which aro bought right by competent buyers who know their business. Tho Chicago Store principles are just the same. "Wo cut the prices down so low that competition cannot touch them. Abraham Lincoln said " You cannot fool all tho peoplo all tho timo." They will get noxt after a while. Do your trading at Salem's reliable store that makes tho prices. IWJIMW '''' On 1909 and 1910 Newes Style Coats and Suits We are certainly giving the values in Ladies' Coats and Suits Buy now and get double your money's worth Half Price and Less ladies' $7.50 Coats now only $3.50 Ladi.s' $10 Coats now only ladies' $18 Coats now only ladies' $18 Tailored Uptodate Suits now only - - - $8.90 ladies' $25 and $27.50 High Class Suits now $10 and $12 It is selling we are after now, not profits TE COATS ladies $3 Sweater Coats now only $1.45 ladies' $5 Sweater Coats now only $2.49 ilk Underskirts Beautifully tucked, pleated and ruffled Guaran teed Black Silk Underskirts now only CLEARING SALE' "PROFIT cuts no figure now. Gut prices on all our Dre83 and Walsting Silks. Remnants of Dress Goods half price and less. 75c Satin Ottoman Silks, all shades, yard 40o India Silks, all colors 25c yard up REMEMBER CLEARING SALE PRICES. 1000 yards of Dress Goods, 1909 goods, 45c, 59c and 6Ec quality, now, yard 18c, 20c and 35c Remnants of Silks half price. 2000 yards of ilno Wool Dross Goods, this season's newest, yard '10c, 50c 05c up CLEARING PRICES. 10c Embroideries now, yard .. 1C 7U.C Outing Flannel now, yard .C Boat Apron Ginghams, yard 5C 65c full slzo Bod -15c 15c Pillow Cases .standard size j.c 15c white Turkish Towols, 18x30, great values, oaoh 10c 75c Turk'sh Tapestry, pretty styles and designs, 54 In. wide now yard 39c CLEARING SALE Tho Greatest Bargains in Snlciu. 15c extra heavy Huck Towols, 18x30, special prico, each.... 10c Soiled Whito Crocheted Bod Spreads ...4 Half Price 9c Bleacher Muslin, 3C inches wide, yard 5c Remnants of 8c and 10c Lace Scrims, now yard 5c Ladies' fG.50 Worsted Wool Dross Skirts, latest stylos $3.75 Girls' $3.00 Dross Skirts, now only S.30 Ladies' $1.00, $1.50 and $2,00 Shirt Waists, slightly soiled,, now.... 35c 54a Corset Covers, handsomoly trimmed with laco and embrold- ory, now only 25c Wondorful price-cutting In our No tion Department. CLEARING SALE Heo How Wo Alio SelMitf Our Good Now. Ladles $2.50 Dross Shoes now $1.45 $1.00 Furs now 40c $2.00 Furs now 08c $0.50 Rain. Coats now 82.00 It Is Not Profits Now We Want to Sell Goods Ladies' Trimmed Hats. .. Half Price Soiled Muslin Underwear Half Prico Ladles' Fanoy Laco Collars, new styles 10c, 15c, 25c Ladles' $1.35 Hand Bags, now styles now 50y CHICAGO STO Salem, Oregon The Store That Saves You Money RE CI FARANfF QAI F WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET SUCH LOW PRICES? lBlankoto and ComfortB at Cloarlng Prices. Children's 25c and 35c Undorwoar now ,..10c and 15e 5c Handkerchiefs now So Throad Laces, 3 Inches wide, yard 3o 5c Val. Laces, yard , 2c 7c all-Bilk No. 5 Taffota Ribbon, now yard 3c Suits, Skirts and Waists, sollod In tho windows, at any old price. Men's 7Co Wlntor Underwear, flno quality, now, oaoh 33o $1.50 Laco Curtains, now pair..,, ...80c and 08c $1.75 full sizo largo Volvot Wool Blankets, now only ......... OSo