Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 03, 1910, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Trains On All California Rail
roas Held Up By
don't fail to.
Ask these questions
dnithd muss mused winn.l
Los Angolos, Cal., Jan. 3. Not a
wheel on tho Salt Lako road In this
district Is turning today, through all
trains being tied up by washouts In
California and Novada.
All wires are prostrated, and It is
Impossible to cstlmuto tho damage
dono along the road, or toll when
overland traffic will bo resumed.
Owing to a washout between Ca
jon and tho California mountains,
tho Santa Fe Is operating no ovor
land trains out of Los Angeles today.
Tho lino has been blocked comploto
ly for 48 hours, and no relief Is In
sight. High water has rendered it
Impossible to transport section hands
to ropalr tho tracks.
All Southern Pncllic trains aro bo
Ing operated today, although most
of thorn aro running far behind their
schodules. Yesterday an owl train
from San Francisco arrived hero
moro than an hour late, and othor
trains, including thoso from tho
East, aro also late.
Cordon Cnsobere, a former Snlbm
young man, and Miss Viola Pratt, of
Salem, woro quietly married in Port
land last Friday ovonlng, Decombor
31, 1909, at tho parsonngo of Ilov. 13.
Bolllngor, nnd immediately after tho
coromony thoy boarded an electric
car and came to Salem, whoro they
surprised tholr many friends.
Tho wedding was conducted by
Rov. Bollinger, of Portland, and win
nttondod by nearby relatives and a
fow friends. The ovont was n eom
ploto surprise to both tho friends of
tho young couplo In Salem and In
Portland, Mr. Ciisebero Is a former
Salom ,boy, being tho grandson ofi
Mr. Frlckoy, of Salom. He Is em
ployed In tho establishment of Lang
& Company. In Portland ,at prcsont.
MIbb Pratt is tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. ttlloy Pratt, In South Salom,
nnd Is a popular young lady In Salom
Tho nowly mnrrlcd couple will ro
eldo in Portlnnd.
Mnko Had Konds.
Tho rains wo are having aro soft
ening up tho frozen roads and It Is
posslblo thoy'wlll bo In worse shape
than ovor In a fow days. J
Rule 1 Always besuro to ask
tlio carrier if that is all? Tho
monotony of tho question is sooth
ing to his nerves and it exorcises
tho norvo of tho patron.
Rulo 2 Novcr fall to wrlto your
name in tho wrong place upon the
register receipt slip and card. What
tho carrier says when out of oar
shot Is intended for tho birds alono.
Rulo 3 Lot tho carrier rap or
ring twice beforo you respond once.
Rulo 4 Stand Inside tho doon
nnd pull tho laco curtain bask and
watch tho carrier until ho gets out
of patience and starta off, and then
opon tho door and say sweetly
"Did you ring twice?"
Rule 5 Send tho smallest child
in tho house to tho door and b
suro tho door Is locked.
Rulo C Ask tho carrier if he is
not lato, nnd bofore ho can reply
nsk what timo it Is.
Rulo 7 Toll him that your friend
wrote you last Thursday and you
havo not gotten tho letter yet
When ho toll you that ho has not
soon itho letter, toll him, "That's
funny." Lotter cnrrlers have X-ray
eyes and follow and keep tab upon
every lottor in the unitoa states.
Itulo S Ask tho carrlor to wait
whllo you run tip to tho third floor
and got a stamp that you forgot.
Rule 9 Call across tho street to
tho carrlor and tell him that you
want your mall first. You aro en
titled to your mall before anyono
Rulo 10 Ask the carrlor to bring
you a one-cent stnmp next trip, and
pleaso do not forgot It, nnd when he
comes ngain toll him that you havo
changed your mind and do not want
It, now.
Rulo 11 rAsk tho carrier to
please nsk tho postmaster to search
tho office and see if there Is not a
lotter of yours lying about sonie-
utile li When a holiday cornea,
wrlto to the postmaster and toll him
that the carrlor did not come
around yosterdny afternoon. This
will be Information to him.
utile 13 Ask tho carrlor to reg
ister a lotter for you and then hnnd
h'm a $20 bill to take the foo out of.
Rulo 14 Olve your lottor to your
husband to mnll for you, and then
start a tracor to find It in his pock
el. Inspectors like to work upon
fake cases.
Hy carefully following tho abovo
nilos you can mnko the most pessi
mists cnrrlor nn optimist.
The annual dinner of tho English
League for tho Taxation of Land
Values, In London on the 29th, wns
hold especially "In commomoration
of Henry George and In celebration
of tho adoption by tho House of
Commons of the Land Valuation
clauses of the Finance bill." John
Paul and Crompton Llewelyn Davies
spoke to tho toast to tho cause.
Six of tho greatest men In tho
world died In one little village In
Illinois Christinas Day. So great
Thp tax.Iovlos of Linn county i wore thoy that their merit tran
dltlos aro: Brownsville, UnrrlAbhi'rf j ncendod tho limitations of earthly
and Sodavlllo, each 5 mills, Altmiiy i 'hlovomontn and reached into iho
8 mills. Lebanon 10 mlllH. , lullnlto.
Southern Pacific to Have Total
Capital Represented by
Common Stock.
Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 3. It dovoU
oped today that tho preferred stock
of tho Southern Pacific company was
wiped out with the amended articles
of Incorporation filed Saturday with
tho secretary of state of Kentucky
The company, which is a Kentucky
corporation, will now have Its total
capital represented by common stock
at $100 par, to tho number of ,,-
744, BH cnarcs.
Tho articles, as amended, read as
"Of the $76,000,000 of preferred
capital stock of tho said Southern
Pacific company heretofore author
7G0.000 shares of par value of $100
each, 744,518 shares have been con
verted into a liko number of shares
of common capital stock of said
Southern Pacific company and the
remainder of said authorized issue
of preferred stock has been redeemed
or cancelled, and the total authorized
capital stock of said Southern Pacific
company consists of 3,744,518 shares
of common stock of par value of
$100, of which 2,260,477 shares aro
now outstanding."
Ono block of bed has been laid off
for tho now Welch street railway lino
in this city, and ties havo beon dis
tributed along and will bo set pre
paratory for tho steel at onco. Owing
to the frozen ground making it diffl
cult for tho construction crew to
work, progress on the first section of
tho road on Center street oast of
Commercial, has been slow, but a
large band of men aro busy today,
nnd tho road bed will be constructed
to where It turns north to tho stato
fair grounds, when the work can be
carried on with less trouble.
work on the company's lino on
Ferry street, between Front and Lib
erty, has been discontinued, the crew
being transferred to Center street,
but, bfore leaving the Ferry street
work, several yards of cement wns
laid between the rails and a foot on
tho ends of tho ties.
Washington, Jan. 3. The federal
supremo court today affirmed thto
udgmont of tho circuit court hold
ing unconstitutional the ordinance
passed by Minneapolis in 1907 that
required tho street car company to
sell six trip tickets for a quarter.
Tho company claimed that tho or
dinance impaired its contract with
tho city, and this was upheld by tho
ower court. Minneapolis appealed,
the case being decided against tho
city today.
Nevada City, Cal., Jan. 3. Nev
ada county is in the grip of the cold
est weather in years today. At
Truckeo last night tho thermometer
registered 12 below zero. It was
eight below zero here. Tho 3ky Is
clear and there Is snow six Inches
deep over the entire country side.
The water ditches are all frozen.
The ice men aro rejoicing in the
prospect of a fine harvest.
Snow Falls at Astoria.
Astoria, Ore., Jan. 1. There were
several slight flurries of snow yes
terday, but it melted almost as soon
is It fell.
Further up the river, however, in
the vicinity of Cathlamet tho ground
Is covered with from two to three
inches of snow.
Patterson in Town.
Hon. I. L. Patterson, former stato
senator from this county and Collector-
of Customs at Portland, was
in the city New Years day seeing old
friend. He ha returned from San
Franclco to live at Portland, but de
clares that ho is out of politics.
San Francisco, Jan. 3. Kenneth
Macintosh, former district attorney
of King county, Washington, said to
day that ho Is in California to inves
tignto charges made against Frank
H. Holzholmer, former first assistant
district attorney at Seattle. The
charges are In connection with the
case against Ralph Leavitt, a wealthy
automobile dealer, who was wanted
in Seattle on a charge of manslaugh
ter, for having run down and killed
a street sweeper.
Leavitt jumped a bond of $1500
and went to Los Angeles. Holz
helmer, accompanied by C. B. Pey
ton, a special agent, went to Los An
geles to endeavor to extradite Lea
vitt. They returned without their
prisoner. It Is charged that they
made only a half-hearted fight.
It is said that Peyton made a con
fession, In which he said he received
a sum of money for his attitude dur
ing the action in Los Angeles. On
account of tho" high standing of
Holzholmer, tho matter lias been tak
en up In tho most careful way, and It
is to be sifted to the bottom, accord
ing to Mnclntosh. ,
Macintosh has been spending the
holidays with relatives at San Jose,
but now is on his way to Los Ange
les to investigate the matter.
Walter S. Fulton, another former
district attorney from Seattle, is also
here. While ho is highly interested
in tho Holzheimer case, he said he
was not here in connection with it,
but was going to Southern Califor
nia on account of his wife's health.
When seen at tho Palace hotel and
asked about the case, Fulton said:
"Tho Holzheimer scandal is a se
vere blow to tho friends of the man,
and to the members of the bar. The
charges are of such a nature that,
even if true, it is doubtful if tho man
can bo made to suffer criminally.
Tho offense, if any was committed,
was committed in California. While
Holzheimer was not an officer
California, he cannot be prosecuted
for accepting a bribe here. Ab the
bribe, if any was given, was paid In
Los Angeles, Holzheimer cannot be
prosecuted in Washington.
Had n Successful Year.
The Dayton evaporator has closed
a very successful season of corn
and prune drying and a week ago
commenced on a winter's run on
corn and vegetables. This plant
carries forty people on its pay roll
and tho value of same to a com
munity can easily bo figured out
Liko Good Old Oregon Days.
All tho old settlers were delighted
yesterday to hear tho soft patter of
tho rain and say it is moro than
likely wo have now seen tho last of
the cold fogs and the worst of tho
winter weather.
S. 1. Cnrrylng Extra Coach.
During tho holiday rush the
Southern Pacific passenger trains
carry an fcxtra coach on all trains
between Portland and Eugene. The
coach is set out at Eugeno and at
tached to tho northbound passenger
on the return.
Tho out Sioux Chief Red Cloud,
opposer of the building of tho Union
Pacific railroad through tho Sioux
territory, is dead at tho ago of 86.
For the past twenty-five year ho has
lived at tho Pino Ridge agency.
Work of Gnine Wardens.
During the year there were 199
arrests made by the wardens through
out the state, and a total of $5,668
in fines collected, as against 89 ar
rests and $2,S15. In fines for tho pre
ceding year, which makes a good
showing for the warden and his
of deputies.
Waltliam Watches
A Warning
Mail order houses in Chicago and (
other cities who list Waltham Watches
do so in spite of the fact that neither
the Wnltlmm Watch Company nor its
customers will sell them our watches
at all. Mail order houses cannot be
equipped to sell good watches. If yon
want a watch, go to a retail jeweler;
he knows how to regulate it, how to
correct any little damage that may have
come to it after leaving the factory,
and he will get it started right. lA!
watch requires a personal service that
no mail order house can give. It needs
the jeweler, who knows his trade, to ,
1,0 this-
Wnltham Muss.
N. B. When buvincr a watcli
always ask your jeweler for a Waltham '
adjusted to temperature and position. 4
,1 -
Cincinnati, .Ian. ii. Two white
men and a negro aro under arrest
today suspected of being implicated
min tho murder of Miss Anna Lloyd,
secrotary of the Wiborg-Ilanna Lum
ber Company, who was found slain
New Year's day near the office where
slio had worked for 10 years.
The suspects are Henry Cook, aged
:14, a butehor: George Leads, aged 21,
a resident of Cleveland, and James
Fields, colored, aged 21.
A whlto handkerchief and a blue
bandann found near tho sconoof tho
crime will bo important evidonco in
running down tho murdorors.
Mrs. Emma Lloyd, tho girl's aged
mothor, is believed to bo dying of
Edward Tague. Miss Lloyd's fiance,
personally directed tho investigation
of tho crlnio, and is assisting the
authorities in establishing identlt
of tho murderers.
Miss Lloyd's skull was crushed
and her throat cut. That a crimi
nal assault was responsible, for the
crime was evident, valuable jewelry
and a pocskotbook on the person of
the girl being untouched.
fContlnuod from pnse n
K. Sandorson, ehnrged with practic
ing dentistry without a liconso, no
tion was doforrod. pending further in
vestigation of tho law. Sandorson np
poarod and withdrew his plea of not
guilty, and ontorod a ploa of guilty,
but Judge Ilurnott declined to lm
Poho sentence until the law under
which the indictment was drawn be
producod for Inspection.
Jos. J. lluhhlght, who wns lndlot.
od by tho last grand jury on tho
uhargo of extortion, made hts npponr
anoo for arraignment, but, by agree
mont of tho district attorney nnd tho
defendant's counsel, Carson &
Hrown, he wns allowed further time
in which to plond. Buhhight is tho
city recorder of Mount Angel.
Two Admitted to Citizenship.
The potltlnns of Jonathan Schlnd
ler and Maurice Kllngor, both pray
ing for tho admission of citizenship to
tho Untod Stntoa caino up for consid
eration, nnd after tho Introduction,
nnd. nftor tho introduction of tho
necessary ovidonco, tholr potitlons
woro allowod, and thoy admitted,
Uoozo Seller Itoleiiscd.
C. S. Lupton who wns convicted
at tho last torm of court of selling
boozo unlawfully, sorvod out his 30
day jail sontonco nnd enough addi
tional tlmo to make up $50 of hts
fino. lie paid tho balance of $150
of hla fino nnd wns released yester
day nnd will start tho now year
right, by cutting out tho boozo in
every shapo whatever from this time
on. Sheriff Brown reports him as his
beet prisoner, a gentlomnn in every
wnfte of tho word. Kugone Regis
ter. o
GHItclrora Cry
s, re
Up Sale of 200 Boys
sr. $3. $4. $5 and $6 vals
Tuesday morning
200 Boys9 Suits
sizes 9 to 1 6 years
will be placed on our tables at the
above price and remain until the
entire lot is closed out. If values
tejmpt yoo? you will
advantage of this
money saving event
I Every suit is sold with a positive guarantee
that the material and workmanship is up to
the standard in every detail
I Come early and choose a serviceable suit
I for the boy while the assorsment is complete
I Salem
Woolen Mill