Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 03, 1910, Image 1

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    - I-: '; : " a. j ill 1
Those Charged With Violating
the Gambling Law All
Plead Guilty.
Joseph J. Buliliight, Charged With
Extortion, by Consent of Attorneys
noys ou Both Slcs, Is Given Earth
on Both Sides, Is Given Furth
position of Other Cnscs.
Tho session of the circuit court
this forenoon was occupied with the
arraignment of criminal cases, the
recording of pleas, the appr'ntment
of a time to impose sentence in those
cases where a plea of guilty was en
tered, which was dono In several
cases, tho appointment of attorneys
to defend, and the granting of cltt
aenship papers in several naturaliza
tion cases. Judge Burnett convened
court promptly at 9 o'clock, and the
session was liberally attended by
members of the bar In this city, and
also the county.
This afternoon the grand jury will
be drawn, and it is lilcely that as soon
as tho members aro sworn that It
will go Into session to consider the
insurance cases, which were submit
ted to tho last grand jury by Insur
ance Commissioner Rosier, but
w? o were- not acted upon any furth
ef 0 nn to. recommend that they be
t A undqr cons'deratlon by tho
7 grand jury. Tho jury may also
f Jlder several other cases.
5 'ho court will then take up tho
.o of tho State against George
iyers, charged with tho murder of
ight Patrolman Thomas Eckhart,
nd the afternon session will prob
bly bo entirely consumed in the em
pannellng a jury.
Gamblers Plcnd Guilty.
Charles Pellet, Sam Morgan and
Emery ames, indicted by the last
grand jury for violating tho gambling
law of the state, wero arraigned this
morning. In each case the defend
Send Message to Congress Asking Federal Control of All
Stok Issues of Corporations.
Washington, Jan. 3. As a result
of a conference today between Presi
dent Taft and the heads of some of
morning, in eacn case mo ueiena- l, ,. , ,. . it .. ,
ants waived the right of counsel, and the greatest railroads of the United
entered a plea of guilty to tho charge
as preferred. Judge Burnett fixed
Friday as tho time for the Imposing
of sentence.
Other Cases.
Fred Hardman, who was Indicted
by tho last grand jury under the
neam of W. H. Miller, on tho chargo
of stealing a bicycle, when arraigned,
asked for the appointment of counsel,
and City Attorney Grant Corby was
appointed by udge Burnett to defend
him. Ho was given time In which
to consult his attorney before enter
ing a plea to the charge against him,
and will probably plead this after
noon or tomorrow.
In tho case of Arthur HItchman,
charged with rape, a case In which
action Is suspended pending good be
havior, a satisfactory report of con
duct was filed.
The case of the State of Oregon
against Charles Thomas, charged
with assault with a deadly weapon,
was continued, and similar action
was taken with relation to the case
of the State against . A. Levesque,
charged with tho crime against na
ture. The case of the State of Oregon
against Eustace and Victoria How
ard, who wero bound over to keep
the peace wero dismissed by Judge
Burnett. Tho dismissal was based
on a motion made by District Attor
ney McNary, to the effect that thero
was not sufficient ovidence to war
rant proceeding with the case.
In tho case of tho State against T.
(Continued on Page 4.)
Our Annual
Is now in full blast and will be
continued until further i:otice.
There will be no mercy shown
to prices
The entire stock must be closed out to make
room for our spring goods. It is not profits we
are looking for now; it is the matter of dispos
ing of the stock. Just think of it this mag
nificent stock of this season's newest and best
goods offered at less than manufacturer's cost.
Now is a good time to buy up-to-date merchan
dise at prices that no competition can touch.
Come and get our prices and save good money
on each purchase.
Chicago StoFf
"The Store that Saves You Money."
States, the president's message on
proposed amendments to tho Inter
state commerce .act will not go to
congress Wednesday as planned.
Tho reason for the postponement
was not given out, and questioning
the railroad magnates failed to elicit
any information.
President Lovctt of the Harriman
system, President Boer of the Phila
delphia and Reading, President Fin
ley of tho Southern, President Brown
of tho New York Central, Preslent
Mellen, of tho New Haven & Hart
ford, and President McCrea of the
Pennsylvania railroads attended the
white house conference. President
Brown refused to comment. Ho said:
"Wo camo to make some objections
and wero listened to. I cannot dis
cuss tho matter any further. '
President Lovett was equally as
short in his answer to a request for
information. He said:
"Today's meeting will probably be
explained in a statement from tho
white house later."
t Is generally believed .that the
conference Is a direct result of J.
Plerpont Morgan's visit to President
Taft Friday. The railroad magnates
didn't appear particularly happy
whon they left the whito house to
day and It la believed that their
mission failed.
It was learned this afternoon that
there will bo no delay in tho sub
mission to congress of President
Taffc's message on the proposed
amendments to the intorstato com
merco act, despite tho reported at
tempt of tho railroad presidents to
bring nbout a postponement.
11. Is now considered a certainty
that certain proposals for federal con
trol of all stock Issues of corpora
tions and for federal Incorporation
measures which Taft has suggest
ed will remedy tho illegal combi
nation sore, before It has a chanco to
spread, and will also be put up to
congress this week. Tho Intorstato
commerce court and othor drastic
clauses of Secretary WIckersham's
measures, It Is understood, will go
to tho house and senate with Presi
dent Taft's unqualified endorsement.
Bluoflelds, Vn., an. 3. Burled
money amounting to more than ?C0,
000, which already has been tho
cause of seven murders and a lynching-,
is being sought by the authori
ties today.
The money is supposed to havo
been burled here by Howard Little,
tho murderer of George Meadows,
his wife and four v children. Tho
crimes wero said to "have been com
mitted that Little might get tho treas
'.ey, Vn. Ho murdered a man named
Sam Baker, and tho authorities In
some way connect his crime with the
slaughter of tho Meadows.
' Ong'br Ponlnhgton's relatives itftd
the officers who wero working on tho
caso that when tho mob had sur
rounded Pennington ho offered to
tell tho hiding place of tho Meadows
gold If they would release him, Tho
leaders refused and took tho caso iu
their own hands.
Following ih Mrn1
Littlo has been sentenced to Little is thought to havo burled tho
uuaiu iLN mo wHiuesao muruer oi money somowhero near Bluellolds
the Meadows, and his lifo will bo Tho author ties aro making every of"
the ninth given up to the gold lust, fort to find it boforo Littlo nvnfnfi
Harry Pennington, a friend of Lit- his atrocious crlmo in the electric
no ijfuiiuu lucuiiiiy near fxui- cnair.
Kills His Wife, Shot and Wound
Son and Then Kills
Pittsburg, Jan. 3. The police
today aro working upon sensational
developments following Wlnflold S.
Gibson's murder of his wife, and
his suicide, which they bolievc may
result In the unearthing of a black
mailing plot of which Gibson was
tho Intended victim.
Gibson, who was a superintendent
In Carnegie's Hempstead mills, In a
supposed fit of temporary insanity,
shot and killed his wife, wounded
his 13-year-old son, who attempted
to save his mother, and then killed
Gibson was worth $225,000, ac
cording to reports. Tho authorities
claim to bo In possession of informa
tion that a woman, whoso namo they
haven't learned, was trying to got
possession of his fortune by black
mailing schemes. Worry over these
machinations, they believe, drove
Gibson Insane.
Philadelphia, -an. 3. Detectives
touay began to surround Lancaster,
tho country homo of Robert Buist,
uio millionaire seed man, with a drag
net, wh'ch, they claim, will enmesh
Miss Roberta do Janon boforo night
Miss do Janon, who Is tho 10-
year-oid daughter of Buist, disap
peared Wednesday morning from
tho Bellovue-Stratford Hotel hero,
supposedly In company with Freder
ick Cohen, a waiter, almost three
t'mes her ago.
Nothing has been heard of hor
since, although Buist at onco ongagod
a scoro of detectives to find hor.
Another theory advanced for tho
disappearance, besides that of an
elopement, was that Miss do Janon
was an enthusiastic follower of tho
fortunes of dlmo novel heroes,
turned a "girl detective," and 1b on
sagod In tracing some much-wanted
It was at first feared that the holr-
oss had been the victim of a plot to
wring money from her millionaire
father, but this was later scouted by
no rinKorton men. Detectives also
aro scouring Now York and Balti
more for a traco of tho missing girl
Oakland, Cal., Jan. Q. Tho auth
orities are soarchlng today for an
unidentified man who Is suspected
of being responsible for tho burning
of tho homo of John Williams early
Saturday. Ernestoln, aged 7, and
Henry, aged .i, of tho Williams chil
dren lost their lives In tho flames.
Erustcln told the police that tho
man entered tho house through a
back door, an dater walking around
or a cv minutes dopartod. A fow
minutes later sho said sho heard tho
roaring flames and with her brother
huddled up In a corner of hor bed
room, nfraid to venturo out into the
H. A. Duncan, living half a block
away, was awakened by tho glare of
the flames in his room, and hastened
to tho flro in his nlghtrobe, knowing
that Williams and his wlfo wero vis
iting friends, and tho children wero
alone in tho house.
Duncan fought his way through tho
smoke at tho back of tho house and
carried tho two children to safoty
just as the flames a'to their way
through tho walls of tho bedroom.
Gov. Benson Will Consider
Extradition Papers Tues
day or Wednesday.
The application of Washington au
thorities for tho extradition of Mrs.
Mary Johnson to Vancouver for trial
on-tho chargo of collecting a fraudu
lent damage claim from tho Northorn
Pacific Railroad Company will bo
heard by Governor Benson either to
morrow or Wednesday. Both Judgo
Miller, attornoy for tho company, and
also James A. Foe, attornoy for Mrs.
Johnson, are In tho city; also Mrs.
M'ller, and tho caso will bo hoard at
uYrtlfltir c6WeWeTi'fen8r ' 'ir parties
concerned, on ouo of tho two men
tioned days. i- f,
Mrs. Johnson was arrested some
tlmo ago In Pondloton on tho charg"
but her attornoy attacked tho war
rant for hor arrest on tho ground
that It was insufficient in contcmpla
t'on of law, and, whllo this brittle
was going on, Judgo Miller socurcd
an applcatlon for hor extradition
from Governor Hay at Olymp'ii, and
now hopes to succeed In bringing
about hor removal to tho stnto of
Tho chargo now preferred mrnlnst
Mrs. Johnson is alleged to qoiiBist of
defrauding tho railroad company
out of $1250. Th's amount, It seems
was paid hor by tho company In set
tlomont of a damngo suit brought by
hor iigalnst It for Injuries iccoived en
ono of Its trains operating on tho Ya
colt branch. It now develops at
least so It Is alleged by tho proseou
tlon that this claim was fraudulent
and In tho ovont that the officers aro
successful in brlng'ng about her io
moval an Information will bo filed
against her in tho district court i.t
Pacific Electric Railway Con
ductor Cut to Pieces
by Cutthroats.
Naked Body of Murdered Man Found;"
In a Ditch a Quarter of a Mile
from Scene of Crime Man ' and
His Wife Being Held Pending An
Investigation. of
Female Patient at the State
School for the Feeble
Minded Is Victim.
The Cherry City Dancing Club wll
give Its Initial ball next Saturday ev
ening at tho armory hall, and It
promises to bo ono of tho great soc'al
events of the season. Tho club is In
the process of organization, and it
plans to glyo a series of dances dur
ing tho soaBon two each wjek, on
Saturday and Wednesday evenings.
Tho armory hall has been rontod for
the purpose, and the music for tho
occaa'ou will bo furnished by a six-
plece orchestra. A small admUslon
fee will he charged on the opening
credit for th's amount on his
u npi, uui any one joining win ue
1 given credit for th's ai
9 nlnmliaruhln faa Tlu mnmliaroh'n
will always be open for ladles, and
no fee will be charged them. When
the membership becomes sufficiently
' ' rge it la proposed to Increase tho
Washington, Jan. 3. Argument
joguu today boforo tho United States
supreme court In tho suit for tho
llssolution of the tobacco trust, ono
it tho blggost trust bustlug actions
undertaken by tho government.
Tho suit sooka tho appointment of
i received to segregate the sixty-odd
comblnod corporations lino Irdlv'.d
ual concerns, and to rostoro corupe
tlon In tho tobacco Industry in
Attorney Gonoral WIckorsham In
his argument today doolarod that the
corporations In tho trust ropreaontod
more than 1400,000,000, and that Its
tenmcles extended over the whole
Try a Journal Ouuwirted Want Ad.
A female patient at tho state school
for tho fcoblo minded mot death this
morning near tho hour of S o'clock
by falling oft hor cot nnd strangling
from tho pressure of a "straight-
Jacket" slipping up around hor
throat, Tho unfortunato woman
was committed to tho Institution for
tho fcoblo mlndod from Albany, and
when first brought to the Institution
alio showed no signs of violence. Re
cently, howovor, tho pntlon grew
violent, and tho authorities were go
ing to havo her changed to tho statu
Insano asylum, whoro strict attontlon
could bo glvon her to prevent self
Injury. Tho attendant was In an adjoining
apartmont when tho woman fell from
the bed, but had boon gone but a
fow minutes whon she roturnod. dis
covering tho patient lying on tho
floor. IOvorythlng possible waB dono
In an effort to revive the patlont, but
llfo had becomo oxtlnct, as tho
straight Jackot," which had beou
put on the woman to keen her from
Injuring herself had slipped up when
no uouy struck the Hoor. nnd was
prosfllng tightly around tho throat
whoa discovered.
The remains will be shipped to Al
bany and oared for by rolatlvoa.
This Is the first doath occurring
at tho school for the feeble minded.
and tho officials of tho Institution re
gret very much that this unavoid
able accident occurred.
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 3. Al
though 24 hours havo elapsed since
Morgan Schlvoly, a conductor em
ployed by tho Paclflc Electric Rail
way was attacked and fatally wound
ed In tho homo of . A. Stone, at San
Gabriel, whoro ho waa rooming, tho
authorities aro moro baffled than
whon tho caso was first Investigated.
Stono and his wife, who woro ar
rested by Sheriff Hammelson, after
tho naked body of tho murdorod man
was found In a ditch, a quartor of a
mllo . from tho house, still stick to
tho stories told when taken into cus
tody. Sheriff Hammelson said Stpno
would probably toll moro of tho
ovonts Saturday night some iVmo this
aftornoon, as tho man Ib on tho vorgo
of a nervous breakdown.
Schlyely was slqoplng In tho kltch
on, whqro ho was assaulted. When
the ofilcors arrived tho room looked
like a slaughter house. The floor
and walls, wero smeared with blood,
tho furn'turo broken rind overturned;
tho crockery was broken, and every
thing indicated that tho conductor
had fought desporatoly for his life
boforo ho had hurlod hlrasolf through
tho kltchon window to escape his
murdorous assailant.
From tho window his trail wns
marked by blood. On nearly ovory
tolograph pole leading Trom tho
houso to tho ditch whoro tho body
lator was found woro marks show
ing how ho had clung to tho poles
for support.
It wns doflnltoly docldod today
that ho died from a knife wound that
sovorod an artory In his loft arm.
Klvo othor wounds woro found on his
body. Tho knife with which ho was
cut Ihib not boon discovered, Tho
house Is locked up, nnd Is being
guarded by tho police today,' as It Is
bol'evod important ovldonco will bo,,
found thero.
Two baskotball teams representing
tho First Presbyterian church of Sa
lom, wont to Portlimd Saturday qv
on'ng to play tho Third Presbyterian
church of Portland toams. Tho con
testants broko oven.
Tho Third Presbyterian church
bnsketball toam was victorious over
tho IJarncas. tho First. ProfHivforinn
church team of Salem, Saturday
night, In tho . M. C. A. gymnasium,
tho scoro being 25 to 14.
Tho Portland bovs won fill ftYnnl.
lent passing nnd and nccurato basket
throwing, although tho Salnm.tinvn
played much bottor In spots. Tho
work of both tho opposing centers
was good. BUI Laldlaw, at right for
ward played a nhonomonnl irn.mn.
Tho Une-up:
Portland. Postlton.
Ashworth RLF
Graham IXFL
Laldlaw, Graham C
Pock LOIt
Caso RGL Kirk. Duncan
In tho game botweon tho second
toams of tho sumo churches, tho Sa
lem boys woro victorious ovor Port
land by tho score of 17 to 11. Tho
game wbh faHt and In doubt until tho
finish. Tho lluo-up follows:
B. Joseph
IS. Joseph
St. Pierrl
Wli liter
Evoiimt, Woodburn RGL
Roforoo, Grllloy. Scorer. Ilorlow,
Aviator Knjoltiud.
nyffato, N. X.. Jan. IFodaxB.
Judge Hazon today granted tfioHn
Junotloa, against Glonn CJurtiss, tho
aviator, wBqh was aakod by the
Wright Bros. The Wrights allege In
fringements of cortaln of tholr pht-onts.
Charles Saddlewauser, a farmer
of Mendou. Mich., tripped on a "
etoue In his back yard recoutly and
fell across a pumpkin In such n
manner that his neck wns lnstnntlv