DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1010 PAGE NINE a Ipeo CJOO COO PLE'S PULPIT..; Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pastor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Sunday, December 19. Pastor Rus sell spoke today from the above text. Brooklyn Tabernacle was crowded with an attentive audience, as usual. We report tbo discourse, as follows: Only those who come to an advanced degreo of knowledge of God's Word can realize how Divine judgments are all good all blessed. Under tho in fluence of tho fog of superstition, not understanding aright the teachings of tho Scriptures, supposing that they taught eternal torment for the great majority of our race, we feared God, rather than loved him. We dared not say that such a judgment was wrong, malicious, devilish, yet Ave were unnblo to see It in any other light; hence tho .general perplexity of Christendom, and the general alienation of heart, and many intelligent minds driven to in fidelity, and the dislike to think about God and his supposedly terrible pur poses respecting our race nnd the gen eral nwo respecting the Bible nnd the .fear of its misunderstood teachings. But now in tho dawning of tho New Dispensation the Word of God is shin ing as never before; one passage Illu minating another, our fear gives place to reverential love and filial awe. Wo begin to understand that tho torment doctrines which we received are whol ly foreign to tho Divine character, which, on tho contrary, is distinctly nnarked by Wisdom, Justice, Mercy and Love toward all. We And our selves now in agreement with tho Scriptural declaration that God's judg ments are "righteous altogether," and we delight in them. Instead of a judg ment of eternal torment as a penalty for sin, we find a judgment or sen tence of death. We agree to the right eousness of that verdict or judgment, dod had the right to demand of his -creature tho obedience he was able to .render. Ho had a perfect right to de stroy him in death when ho refused the blessing of life eternal on the terms of obedience. Seeing this, how rejoiced we are to note tho Divine Mercy in the Plan of Redemption for the sinner and his offspring through the sacrifice of Christ! As a result we liavc good hope In his judgments; for him who once judged us worthy of death has with equal Justice rcdecin ed us and granted us tho opportunity of eternal life through the resurrec tion. It was another part of the Divine Judgment against our race that, in stead of tho death penalty coming in stantly upon Adam aud Eve, It came gradually, that through the processes of gradual dying they might tho better learn the lesson of "the exceeding sin fulness of sin" to tho intent that, when granted the new trial secured by tho merit of Christ's sacrifice, they might profit by it tho more. The same princi ples apply to all of Adam's posterity. -"The whole creation groaneth and tra valleth in pain together until now waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God" (Romans vlil, 22,19). They sjro wnitlng for the establishment of Clrrlst's Millennial Kingdom under -which they shall have a full opportu nity of coming to a knowledge of the Truth. This is God's provisiou for tho world In general. What God did for the lit tle nation of Israel during the Jewish Age, and what ho has been doing for Spiritual Israel since Pentecost, In this -Gospel Age, are matters separate and sipart entirely from his general deal ing with the world of mankind. Tho natural and tho spiritual Seed of Abra ham are exceptions to tho rule. They have been granted special privileges 4nd blessings not granted to the world In general natural Israel under tho Law Covenant and spiritual Israel un der the Abrahamlc Covenant. From theje two nominal Israels special "over omera" have been chosen or elected. These shortly. In association with tho Redeemer, will constitute the Kingdom of God. The overcome of spiritual Israel, becomiug tho Brldo of Christ by resurrection "change" to tho heav enly nature, will be like him and share Ills glory and constitute the Kingdom class in tho highest souse. The over comers of natural Israel, resurrected to the perfection of earthly nature, will constitute tho earthly phase of tho Millennial Kingdom. Mankind may 'see nnd have intercourse with these, but will not see nor have direct inter course with tho glorified Christ, Head aud Body the King of Glory. God Will Judge His People. So far as tho world Is concerned, it has been under the one genornl sen tence of Divine Justice, "dying thou jilialt die." Rut so far as natural and spiritual Israol arc concerned, thoy have bvou dealt with ns freed from tho orig inal sentence and on trial for life or -death nfrosh undor God's judgments or discipline. Thus it it written, "Je horah will Judge his people." Nut an undor theso Judgments have under stood thornnot all wore in the condi tion of hoart to receive tholr instruc tions, "The secret of tho Lord is with them that fear him; and he will show -them his Covonant" (Psalm xxv, 14). Thus, during the Jewlah Ago, Israel often la peed Into more or lew of dark ness and Idolatry and failed to see their special privileges and relation ship to God under their Covenant. But emongst them v. ere the few faithful Blessed Judgments. "With My Soul Have I Desired Thee la the Night; Yea, With My Spirit Within Me, Will X Seek Thee Early: For When Thy Judgments Arc Abroad In the Earth, the Inhabitants of tVe World Will Leam Right eousness" (Isaiah xxvi, 9). ooO'"'""'b""''"''',"'"'"'w'-"-"''0 who with tho eye of faith discerned the righteousness of God's dealing with them. Of these were the proph ets who rehearsed the Divine dealings and rewards and punishments, that they wero true and righteous altogeth er nnd merciful in the extreme. Similarly during this Gospel Age Christendom as u whole has not been in tho condition of heart to hear, to un derstand, to appreciate, the judgments of tho Lord. But some have been "Is raelites indeed" who possessed tho se cret of tho Lord nnd who were able to rejoice in his judgments his righteous dealings. Thoy realized by faith God's lovo for thorn'. "The Father himself lovcth you" (John xvl, 27). By faith thoy appropriated tho Apostle's assur auco that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to tljem who arc tho called according to his purpose" (Romans vlll, 23). God's Judgments In the World. Wc'hnvc seen that God's judgments In tho past have been merely with those who shall constitute the Seed of Abraham (natural aud spiritual), through whom, according ro the promise, "all the families of tho earth shall bo blessed" (Genesis xxvIII, 14). Wo now note tho fact that our text docs not relate to cither of these, for their judgments could be discerned only by tho eye of faith. Our text refers to tho world's judgments during tho Mil lennial Age. Then God's -judgments will bo abroad In the earth not mere ly confined fo one nation or specially called class, but will Include every member of Adam's race. And while these are declared to be the Lord's judgments, note the fact that they will bo administered by Tho Christ, of which our glorified Redeemer shall bo tho Head, and his "members," when glorified, shall bo the Body tho Church. The judgments of tho Lord abroad In tho earth will not mean havoc and dlsmny to mankind in gen eral, but tho very reverse relief, as sistance to all who come into Hue with tho righteous arrangements of that Kingdom designed for their uplifting from sin and death conditions. Tho judgments of that Millennial Day of a thousand years will be severe even to destruction only against the willfully, the deliberately rebellious, after they shall have been brought to n clear ap preciation of right and wrong, good and evil, and their penalties, life and death. Mark tho statement of tho Prophet David when prophetically referring to tho Millennial Age; he points out' that tho judgments of thnt timo will bo a cnuso of gladness. Ho says: "Let tho heavens ho glad, And let tho earth rejoice; Let men say among tho nations. Jehovah relgnoth. Let tho cea roar, nnd the fulness thereof; Let tho Melds rejoice, and all that are therein. Then shall the trees of tho wood sing aloud At tho presenco of Jehovah, BECAUSE HE COMETH TO JUDQE THE EARTH.. O give thanks unto Jehovah, for he Is good; For his mercy endureth forever." I Chronicles xvl, 31-31. A Millennial Judgment Day. Mark tho words of St. Paul respect ing what God lias in reservation for tho tcorW. He says God "hath ap pointed a day tho thousand-year day of Christ In tho which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained" (Acts xvll, 31). In this work ordained for our Lord he is to have associates the "elect" Church, his "members," of whom the Apostle writes, saying, "Know yo not that the snints shall judge tho world?" (I Corinthians vi, 2.) And tho Ancient Worthies enumerated by St. Paul (Hebrews Ix, 38-40) will also bo Judges, but on the earthly plane as representa tives of the heavenly Kingdom, As It is written, "I will restoro thy Judges ns at the first and thy counsellors ns at tho beginning" (Isaiah 1, 20). Our All-Wlso Creator, who has thus made provision, both for tho heavenly and the earthly Judges of the world In the election from Israel and tho election of the Gospel Age, hns thus demonstrated to tho few who under stand "tho secret of tho Lord" "tho mystery" hidden from ages nnd dis pensations past. It is evident that there will be no disappointment, no failure, in respect to God's great oath bound Covenant made with Abraham "In thy Seed shall all the families of tho earth bo blessed." The basis of tho blessing Is the redemptive work of Christ finished at Calvary. The outworking of that blessing will como through the glorified Lord and his Church. "hU Body." Tho first work will be the establishment of a right errus government in tho hands of those already proven absolutely loyal to God and to his rlghteousmww "faithful oven unto dentil " Wo may have full confldonce that in thnt Kingdom "righteousnoHM will be laid to tho lino nnd Justice to the plummet," aa God has promised (Isaiah xxvill, 17). Not only so. but we may have full confi dence that mercy will havo n free hand there to do all fur mankind that would be reasonable and possible. The combination of a strong government with merciful assistants is represented by tbo fact that "ur Lord will be, not only tho great King, but ntso tho great Priest and Prophet nndTenchcr. Even, so, also, the Church shnll be "kings nnd priests" tholr ollice, their serv ice, will bo n combination of ruling nnd hcnllng, Instructing nnd uplifting. Everything done will comq under the head of judgment righteous dealing. Every good deed, yen, every good ef fort, will bo rewarded Us judgment will be n blessing, nu increase of har mony with the Lord and with a charac ter development nnd restltutlonnl phys ical experiences (Acts ill, 19-21). In stead of the ways of darkness will be the way of light. Instead of the broad road leading to destruction with the masses going down thereon to tho tomb will bo "tho highway of holi ness." Instead of stones of stumbling wo are assured that all the stumbling stones shall bo gathered out of the way. Iustond of beastly violence, over mastering temptations and besetmcnts, dovourlng mankind because of their weakness to resist tho Adversnry, tho Bible assures us thnt Satan will bo bound and that tho wild beasts of vice and degeneracy will all be brought Into subjection. Thus "nothing shall hurt nor destroy In all God's holy Kingdom." "And nu highway shall bo there, and It shall be called, The way of holiness" (Isaiah xl, 9; xxxv, S), Tho Messianic Psalm (seventy-second) finds Its application to that glo rious Millennial epoch. Thus wo read. "Give tho King thy judgments, O God, aud thy righteousness unto tho King's Son. Ho shnll judge thy people with righteousness nnd thy poor with judg ment "(justice). Ho shall judge tho poor of the people, ho shall save the children of tho needy and shall break In pieces the oppressor. He shall como down like rain upon the mown grass, as showers that water tho earth. In his days shall the right eous flourish uud abundance of pence so long ns the moon endureth." "The People Will Learn Righteous ness." As already shown, God's dealings in tho past have been with tho world only in tho sense of executing u general 1 ,sentenco for Adnmlc sin a death sen tence with all that thnt involves of mental, moral and physical degeneracy dying. All pf God's special judg ments Ttavc been with those who were justified to special relationship through faith. If we were to Judge of the num ber who will be blessed during tho Mil lennium' by the "little flock" of natural Israel and tho "Httlo flock" of spiritual Israel, saved under God's judgments in advance of the millennium, tho out come of tho world's judgment would not appear favorable. But theso would not bo fair crlterious. Present con ditions are permitted in order to test and to prove tho faith, as well as tho obedience of those who are under trial or judgment and who, by reason of tho fall, havo such a faith as permits them to grasp the glorious features of the present call. Consequently, "few" there will be who will find tho great reward uow offered (Matthew vii, 14). This is as God designs it, becauso ho is selecting a special class. But tho arrangements mado for mankind in general are that the darkness and sin of the present timo shall flee away. Tho dawning of tho Millennium morning, with tho rising of tho Sun of Right eousness witlt healing in his benms (Tho Christ in glory to enlighten tho world), will mean that knowledge will bo granted the world facts, evidences, proofs. Tho world will not bo required to "walk by faith and not by sight," as are the "elect" of this present time. Instead of the eye of faith of tho pres ent time will be tho eye of understand ing (knowledge), then. Instead of the secret of tho Lord being kept from the world, all of his gracious purposes will then stand fully revealed. "Tho knowl edge of tho glory of God shall fill tho whole earth as the waters cover tho great deep" (Habakknk 11, 14). As n re- ; suit none shall need to say unto his neighbor nnd to his brother, Know thou , tho Lord, for all shall know him, from tho least to tho greatest of them. Every knee shnll bow and every tonguo con fess to tho glory of God (Romans xlv, 11). When every good deed shall receive promptlynnd manifestly Its roward.aud every evil deed shall receive prompt ly Its punishment, the world will speed ily learn to avoid the punishments and to win the rewards by obedience to the laws of tho Kingdom, The Scope of Our Text. The Prophet In our text personifies Tho Christ, Jesus tho Head and the Church his Body, Noto the statement, "With my soul have I desired thco In thoniW (Isaiah xxvl, 9). Tho "night" of sin has been upon tho world for centuries. The "morning" Is at hand, but not yet fully come. During tho night timo tho faithful of the Church arc represented ns walking in the light of God's Word. "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, nnd a lautern unto my footsteps" (Psalm cxix, 10."). St. Peter says, "Wo havo a more sure word of prophecy, to which wo do well to take heed as unto ti light shin ing in a dark place until tho day dawn aud the day star arise" (II Peter 1, 19). In this night time tho "elect" aro different from tho major ity of those around them they desire God's righteousness nnd they pray, "Thy Kingdom come; thy will bo done on earth even as it is dono In heaven." Song of Moses and the Lamb. Those who now uro able to "slug In the night" because of their apprecia tion of the Divine Plan aro prophetic ally declared to "wing tho song of Monok, the servant of God and tho song of tho Lamb, saying, Groat nnd inarvollous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; Just and truo nro thy ways, thou Klug of salntn. Who shall not fear thoo, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall como and worship bofore thee, because of the manifestation of thy righteous dealings" (Revelation xv, 3. 4 Poor Appetite indicates weakness of thestom ach nerves which control the desire for food. It is a sun? sign that the digestive organs need the help of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c and 25c. Could Not Bo Better. No one has over made n salvo, oint ment, lotion or balm to comparo with BiicklGn's Arnica Salvo. It's tho one perfect hoaler of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Bolls, Ulcors, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Soro Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped hands, It's su preme. Infalllblo for Piles. Only 26c at J. C. Porry. We have Sectionets. Come in and we'll prove their merits. They'll help any business luge or small. Yes. help your business. 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