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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1910)
DATE CAPITA JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1010. F. E. SHAFER ALBANY WANTS Tl SALEM IS THE SCHOOL CENTER OF ALL OREGON 5 Beautiful Homes by BET MOUNTAIN WATER I Successful Contracting Firm PAGE SIX r Would Share Expense of Bringing .Water From Breitenbush r - v to Stayton Will Appoint Committee. -.Albany may Join Salem in tlio en terprise1 of bringing mountain wator from the Breitenbush river, In the forest reserve A committee of the city council and the Commercial club of, that city will bo appointed to con sider the matter. Thoso who 'are backing the proposition havo In mind to bring a pipe lino from Stayton to a large reservoir, to bo located on Knox's butto, sevon miles from Al bany, which would give tho city ade quate pressure. They proposo to Join Salem and sharo equally In the oxponso of a pipe lino from tho In take In tho mountains to Stayton. Tho matter will bo taken up with the Salem committee early In tho year. Albany has a good wator sup ply pumped from a ditch to the north fork of tho Santlam, and yet wants moiintnin wator. The city of Albany proposes to haw tho bost, and will float a bond Issue for a mountain wator supply, that will materially help -to solvo the problom for Salem. Afebmniittoo consisting of Prosi dontsCampboll, of Eugono; Riley, of McMlnnvlllo; Ferris, of Forest Grove,' Crooks, of Albany; Iloman, of Wlllamotto collogo mot today to award tho Rhodes scholarships for Oregon; Two appointments are made ovory throo years. Tho candidates appearing woro Cecil K. Lyons, of tho Unlvorslty of Oregon, a high school teacher at Coqulllo, and Stlth Thompson, a toachor In the Lincoln high school at Portland. Tho ap pointment to a Rhodes scholarship Is for throo yoars,' carries $1600 a year, and requires attendance at Ox ford Unlvorslty, In England. Threo havo gono from Oregon bofore Dens more, of Eugene; Wlnans, of Wil lamette, and Johnson, of Eugono. Donsmoro has returned and Is teaching in tho Unlvorslty of Wash ington. Scholarship counts for 30, athletics 20. executive ability 20, sympathetic ability to harmonlzo wUh othors 30. Tho ago limit is 24 years, and Thompson may bo barred, as ho will bo 24 before entering up on his work in September. This will glvo tho scholarship to Lyons. 1910 GOT A VERY QUIET RECEPTION The outburst of greeting of the now year was not as enthusiastic last night aa was expected. With tho oxcoptlon of a fow revolver shots and tho ringing of church bolls, 3,910 entorod tho city In a vory peasoful mannor. At tho dlfforont halls whore danc ing wb in progress, howovor, tho now year was grooted with much shout ing and Qlnglng and playing of mu sical instruments. Tho balls did not coaso until aftor tho now year had boon ushorod to tho front nnd 1909 was dancod out of oxlstonco. Tho usual now yenr pun was be ing circulated among tho homes this morning having a telephone. Tho phonos woro kept busy, and tho sub scribers also answering "is this ono nlno ono 0?" Tho answer would gonorally bo to tho contrary, and tho ono disputing tho number of tho now yonr would be corrected with laughter. Don't Bo Hopeless. about yoursolf whon you're crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you havo tried JotB of things and tlJoy fallod. Try Ballard's Snow Liniment it will drive away all aches, pains and stiffness and leave you as well as you over woro. Sold by all doalors. AVER'S MABR VIGOR Ingredients; Sff Show this to your doctor. Aycr" Hair Vigor promptly destiny flic terms Aycr's Hair Vlfior just as promptly destroys the tliat cause falling lialr. It tiourlohes the hair- mms that cause dandruff. It removes every bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff Itself, and keeps the scalp tailing out, grows more rapidly. clean ana in a licaltliy condition. In this edition of Tho Journal an attempt Is made to outline in brief somo of tho principal Improvements nnd show the growth of Salem dur ing the past year. This would not bo complete without mentioning F. 13. Sharer's harness store and manufac turing department. Established in 1891 it has kept apace with tho city and surrounding country, and each year draws business from a little further away from Salem, on ac count of his growing reputation for hand-made harness. Somo years ago Mr. Shafer began tho manufacture of harness in tho rear end of the store, added machines as needed, and he has now placed an order for a new harness wax thread sewing machine, which will be installed shortly after tho first ofv the year, and which has been made necessary by the demand for more hand-made harness. When this mach'ne Is installed an addi tional force will be employed. During 1909 Mr. Shafer's business showed an increase of 25 per cent over tho previous year, and practical ly over set of harness or saddle sent out of tho shop was made by his own force, under his personal super vision, for every harness mado Is in spected by Mr. Shafer In person, and must be perfect, or It does not go. Ho uses tho best California oak tan ned leather, and the best skilled work manshlp obtainable. Such business methods would mean: success in any lino of endeavor. Repairing a specialty. Salem is the educational' center of the Willamette Valley. It has the best public school sys tem In the state. From a first-class twelve grade high school to the unlvorslty that has every equipment of any state Institution, Salem cannot be sur passed by any city for Its school privileges. There js a first-class girls' Acad emy, a normal sqhool, and a busi ness college that is not surpassed In the state. In our public schools industrial drawing, vocal musfc, wood work and needle work are taught. Provision has been made for threo more school houses as fast as grounds can bo secured and build ings erected. Near Salem Is the government Indian Training school with about six hundred students. At th's institution all persons of Indian blood aro taught tho common branches and trades and farming work. Salem has besides a rtato indus trial school, a blind b-.ool and a deafmute school. . Below aro given pictures of two beautiful homes built during tho past year by Emll Joseph & Sons, oue of the most successful contracting firms in the city, who make a specialty of erecting tho better class of houses. Mr. Joseph has a long record of experienco, and is not only a builder in wood, cement and metal work, but designs anu mattes plans anu speculations aim lurmaiiua eauma UELIAWiK BUILDING FIRM F. H. Southwick aiul A. S. Ifcndrick, Builders of New Mute School, Long Identified With Sn Salem's Industrial Growth. 1095M eals in 1910 Three times a day for 365 days you will face the "what "to eat" problem and upon your so lution of that problem depends whether you will have ; ' : HAPPY NEW YEAR Oregon is contributing a large share towards 1910 happiness by manufacturing the purest and mo?t --wholesome food products that selec tion of ohoice materials, combined with skill and care, can produce, c Brand oiumoia HAM-BACON-LARD Represent the perfect product, Nothing that contributes to their perfection is neglected, The housewife, upon whom falls the responsibility of preparing or planning these 1 095 -1 9 1 0 moals, can promoto wealth and happiness by using Columbia Brands, UNION MEAT COMPANY Among tho leading contracting firms of tho Capital City if that of V. 11. Southwick and A. L. Headrick, who havo long been connected with tho industrial growth of Salem and tho Wlllamotto vnllo?. Mr. South wick has liven In Salem for 28 years, having como hero from Santa Rosa, Cal., after a 10-years' residence in that place. Ho is a native of Wis consin. As a contractor ho has built many public and business structures, among those tho city hall and Gray block In this city, tho Scienco hall at O. A. C, government buildings at Chomawa and Vnncouvor, and many othors, boforo going into partnership with Mr. Headrick. Mr. Headrick has resided hero continuously for twenty-ono yoars. His specialty is In brick work, and somo of his for mer buildings nro tho now Breyman block, tho Corvallis postbfllco, tho first brick building at Chomawa, Mo Cluros Hall at tho. University of Ore gon, nnd numorous othor woli-known buildings. Since forming a partnership, tho firm of Southwick & Iloadrlck havo boon known as ono of tho bost con tracting companies in tho state. Last year they built tho new Science hall at Corvallis, a $30,00 structure. Their latest undortnklng Is tho now building for tho Oregon State Donf Mute School, located on this Orogon Electric, just outeldo or tho city limits near the fair grounds. Tho contract price for tho two buildings, an administration building tvnd a dor mitory nnd heating plant, was $57, 000. Tho buildings nro notuing com pletion, and aro ologant models of workmanship and design. Tho main building la tho most bountiful of tho stato'H buildings. Tho walls are mado of Willamlna machine brick, similar to that usod In tho now United States bank building. It is modern In ovory respect and convo llent In every detail. It was designed by Fred A. Logf, arohltoat, to beet servo tho needs of such nn institu tion, nnd It la a vast improvement ovor tho old buildings south of the city. Messrs. Southwick & Headrick dosorvo crodlt for tho honest and caro ful mannor In which they put up thoso structuros. Says. Hoys Wore Not Arrested. COUNCIL GOES AFTER BILL BOARDS Alameda, Cal., Jan. 1. In the fu ture Venus de Milo, portrayed on the billboards of Alameda, will bo used as a high art ladies tailor model. In other words her drapery wll be re moved and her form clothed from head to foot In "something neat and rfitty" or "this season's novelty." The axe of the Alameda city council has fallen heavily. All figures of un draped, or partially clothed women will be barred now andforever from tho bllboards of the city. The form divine, sung by nets, pictured by ar tists, or sculptured by wiolders of tho art chisel, cannot rind a place m tho )AibIlc eye, according to the local council. Tho boards pamo in for a heavy share of the council's atten tions, tho same ordinance fixing the rato of taxation on them and requir ng that they shall be built strong onough to resist tho wind. o Copies of the Now Yer's Journal sold at this office and all news stands for 10 cents each. For ii Jjame Back Whon you have pains or lameness In tho back bathe the parts with Chamberlain's Liniment twice a day massaging with the palm of the hand for five minutes at each appli cation. Then dampen a piece of flannel slightly with this liniment and bind it on over the seat of pain and you will bo surprisod to see how quickly tho lameness disappears. For sale by all good druggists. Southern Pacific Time Table Time Talile 58. Effective Sunday, January 1910 12:01 a. m. Northbound. No. 1G Orogon Express .. G:15a, No. IS Portland Passenger 7:43 p, No. 20 Portland Passenger 3:12 p, No. 14 Portland Express S:20a, No. 12 ShastaLimited. . . .12:35p Southbound. No. 13 San Francisco Ex.. 3:31a. No. 19 Ashland Ola. No. 17 HoseburgPassonger 6:4fp, No. 15 California Express. 9:GGp, No. 11 Shasta Limited .. 7:43 p. Northbound. No. 22G Way Freight 9:50a, N6 .222 Portland Fast Frt.l0:45p. Southbound. No. 225 Way Freight 12:3Gp No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a. 1, 138 U. S. Inspected and Passed ' 138 Pioneer Packers of the Pacific PORTLAND, OREGON At Best Dealers Tho Journal has rocoivod a com tnunlnntlon from F. J. Oboror, of , Falls City, calling attention to an ar-! . 41..., i... .. t 1 .. i.i.n ...-.. 1 lm ' WUIU mill imuimj uiiuoivu in mo Journal relative to two boys bolng arrested in ono of tho iv-nr boor resorts In Falls City. Mr. Qberor as sures tho Journal that no arrest of that nnturo had been mndo and whoovor reportod tho artlolo drow on her or his Imagination. (Tho information was gleanod from nn (torn that wont tho rounds of tho Polk county papers, inoludlng tho ono at Falls City. Ed.) o . War With Jnpnn could not possibly makn so many oripplas as rheumatism doss every , yonr. And yot there Is no reason why this disease should orlppl any one, if an suffttrera will rub tho af fected parts night and morning with I Ballard's Snow Liniment Cure all aches aud pains Sold by all dealers. iWiunonln. "In treating pneumonia." says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sandors, Ala., "tho only remedy I use for the lungs is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While of courso, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I havo used this remedy many times in my medical practice and havo yot fallod to find a cao where it has not controlled tho trouble. I havo used it myself, as has also my wlfo for coughs and colds repeatedly, and I most willingly and cheerfully recom mend it as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowledge" For sale by all good druggists. o , Chlldrrrs Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA West Salem Transfer Passenger Baggage Express Connects with nil trains nt West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. JLoHves Journal office for Woat Salem at 8:00 a. m. 12 m.. 1:10 p. m. and 3:30 p. m. evory day except Sunday. Leaves Sunday at 12.00 m. and 4:15 p. m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or leave orders at Capital Journal office any day but Sunday Phone S3. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. Itesidenco of E. Ilofcr, on South Co niim-rcinl street. Joseph & Sons, Contractors. Built by E. on material and cost of construction, based on his intimate kuowledgo of the material usod in this country and the require ments of this climate. He respectfully solicits your business and refers to any one of his many clients for whom ho has erected houses during the many years he has been in the city. . 2 Residence of Dr. Will Skiff, on Fnirmount Heights. Built by E. g 0 Joseph & Sons, Contractors. A 23-s.oO'v4so4oos'O0'9-oo4K, Meyer & Belle Land Co SALEM ORE. Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agents For ovor 30 years' residence in Salem, we are in a position to know the value of Real Estate and locations. Real estate bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. Reference, Capital National Hank, Salem, Ore. ? s i OUR SEED DEPARTMENT We want to call your- attention to our line of 1 Garden, Flower, Farm and Field Seeds. This year we have the most complete stock of seeds of all kinds that we have ever had. Our stock is all new crop seeds and is grown for us by the best growers in this country and Europe. With years of exper ience ,we have learned where to secure the very best seeds that are adapted to this climate. We have secured all the new seeds that have shown merit and that are worthy of a trial here. Our new catalogue, The Cherry City Seed Cata logue ,will soon 'be out and if you grow any kind of seeds we want you to have a copy. It is a beauti ful piece of the printers' art and will certainly please you. Send us your name and we will mail you a copy. D. A. White & Sons 255 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. nr. t wr H -1 V io uur wiae ana jewer increasing Circle of Friends We Wish One and All j A Bright and Prosperous New Yearv Geo. C. Will Music and Sewing Machines 1 121 Commercial St.