Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1910, Section 3, Page PAGE THREE, Image 23

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The Livestock Industry Profitable
in Western' Oregon
(By 1). O. Lively, General Agent Portlnnd Union Stock Ynrds.)
There is no limit to the. opportu
nities for live stock raising by the
farmers of Western Oregon. He can
raise any kind of crop, has a climate
that permits of breeding and feed
ing livie stock in the open practically
everfy month in the year. From
every standpoint the Willamette Val
ley and all of Western Oregon is rv
section of diversified interests and
while the demand for finished live
stock has not always been as great
as it is now, it is a reflection on the
business udgmjent of the farmers
that the railroads north bound do
not carry trainloads of fat cattle,
sheep and hogs to this market every
day. The raising, fattening and
marketing of livestock under nearly
every sort of market condition has
at all times been the most profitable
branch of the husbandman's endeav
or. No one crop system, which ne
cessitates the selling of a product at
a given harvest time, is free from
the danger of price manipulation. It
is a matter of experience that when
a wheat crop Is harvested, or a fruit
crop gathered, prices are lower than
at earlier or later dates and the
business advantages of marketing
live stock is that it can nearly al
ways be held for a change in the
market. Another thing in its favor
is that it can be prepared for sale
every month and thie market for liver
stock as represented by such centers
as the Portland Union Stock Yards is
open for business and does business
every commercial day in the year.
Climatic conditions in Wsetern Ore
gon are similar to those in England,
Ireland and Scotland and the chief
energy of the farmers of those coun
tries is devoted to the production
and fattening of live Btock. Corn is
an unknown quantity but they pro
duce as fat animals and as finely fin
ished and flavored meats as there
can be found anywhere in the world.
The farmers of Western Oregon have
almost at their door the highest
averaged market in the United
State and yet the packers and butch -firs
of the Pacific Northwtest, nearly
all of whom are represented by buy
ers for regular anil occas'onal sup
plies at the Portland Union Stock
Yards, find it necessary to go to the
Missouri river for hogs and to Mon
tana for sheep and cattle in sufficient
numbers to supply the demand for
fresh meat in Portland and the other
cities of this section. California to
the South surpasses Western Oregon
in the matter of beef production and
the greater part of the hog supply of
Portland comes from Idaho.
It is frequently stated that West
ern Oregon Is not a good country in
which to produce hogs and while it
may seem presumptious to contradict
old residents, I have seen other sec
tions with less advantages, change
from non-producing to producing
areas. When tho Stock Yards indus
try was started at Fort Worth, Tex
as, the owners were told by farmers
and bankers and others that the en
terprise was doomed to failure, as
the people had never raised hogs,
that it was not a hog country and
that farmers could not be induced to
give their attention to this industry.
It was deemed favorable however, to
try and an educational campaign was
instituted which resulted in success.
It was uphill work but it was main
tained and under less favorable mar
ket conditions and poorer advantages
for breeding and feeding, tho final
result was that from 30,000 hogs per
year in less than ten years tho sup
ply approximates a million annually.
More attention is devoted to nogs
than to sheep or cattle for the rea
son that they are a source of more
profit to the farmer and an absolute
necessity for the maintenance of
packing houses which congregate
around such stock yards as we now
have at Portland.
Following the thought about Ore
gon's availability as a hog producing
country, the testimony of mien who
know is worth considering. Tho
Oregon Experiment station states
that no section can excel this coun
try for quality of production when
properly finished on homo grown
feed. Barley and wheat are the ideal
fattening feed for hogs and in feed
ing experiments conducted for the
past ten years the average amount
of wheat or barley required to pro
duce 1 lb. gain was 4 lbs. It was
also ascertained in these experiments
that the approximate cost per pound
to grow a pig to fattening age was
3 hit to 4 M; c. This can be done
largely in the open fields on alfalfa,
vetch, kale, clover or rape. Pigs
grazed on clover during the summer
haMe given a return growth of over
$40 per acre and from alfalfa even
higher than this. Eestimating that
it costs 4c per pound to grow the
hog and when ready to be fattened,
his weight is 150 lbs., h's total
cost is $6.00. After consuming 450
lbs. of wheat or barley, ho should
weigh 250 lbs., worth at 7c per
pound is $17.50, thus giving a return
of $11.50 for 450 lbs. of wheat or
barley. This gives a gross return to
tho farmer for h's wheat of 1.53 per
bushel and $1,28 per bushel for bar
ley. Orto of the axioms of success-
ful agrlculturo in tho middlo states
where cutlvatlng the soil has been
reduced to nn exact business science
is that the host method of selling
grain is to send it to mnrkot on four
legs, and while w.heat at $1.00 to
$1.25 is attractive, $1.53 in tho
shape of pork is somewhat better.
Field peas are also valuable for hogs.
A Washington packer is authority
for tho statement that tno finest
pork he has evor handled came from
hogs fed on field peas. Barley and
roots and field peas constitute the
animal food crops of England and
Ireland and if they are profitable
there they certainly should be
profitable here. Field peas and root
crops may be fed off withrfut har
vesting and will yield a return from
tho gain of tho hog of from $10
to $20 per acre. In the alfalfa
growing section, hogs can bo grown
very cheaply and finished very eco
nomically on either wheat or barley.
This country is settling up with
great rapidity. City and country
population is growing rapidly and
the country at large is unusually
prosperous. Tho new comers accus
tomed to the good meat of tho cen
tral or eastern states are demanding
a like article here. A butcher in
Portland states that theile Is no com
plaint about prices if they can de
liver the quality but that there is a
lot of complaint about the quality.
There is one feature about the live
stock industry in Western Oregon
that occasions surprise when market
prices at Portland are taken into
consideration. That is tho tendency
of the farmers throughout the coun
try to slaughter and to dress for the
Portland markets cattle, sheep and
hogs and in nearly every instance
coming under my observation, these
animals are sold dressed for less
money than could have been secured
on the hoof by the shipping to a
central market. Another poor busi
ness method is to sell carlots of live
stock in tho country to buyers repre
senting packing houses. The packer
who buys at a central market such
as wo have at Portland, can mani
festly pay better praces for the rea
son that his expense of buying is less
and moreover, he does not find it
necessary to carry, under heavy feed
expense, a sufficient quantity of live
stock to warrant tho continuous run
ning of his plant. In order to buy
in the country, the packer must
maintain a corps of travelling buy
ers and the price he pays is fixed
after taking into consideration the
items of expense of shipment and
expense of feed and travelling ex
penses mentioned above. There is
no ueason why the meat interest at
Portland should go to the Missouri
River or Montana for supplies. Every
class and character of animal food
supplies can be grown in Western
Oregon and it is a severe reflection
on the business acumen of the farm
ers of that part of the state that
they do not prepare themselves to
United States National Bank Block
First Class A, Fireproof Steel Frame and Concrete
Building, Erected at Salem During the Year 1 909
A Modern Office Building
United States
National bank rfej.
One Season's Work of Salem's Leading Architect
Fred A. Legg, architect, offices Ainsworth Bank Building Portland, and Murphy block, Salom, has
mado the plans and supervised tho oonstruotion of tho United States Natlnnal Bank, (Sco illustration above)
tho Stato Donfniuto School buildings, tho new Garflold School, tho collonado and entranco to the
State Fair Grounds, the now modal stock barn at tho Stato Asylum farm, tho Epploy and Fullorton rosi
dwicoe at Salem, tho H. S. Gilo & Co.'s warehouse and offices and a number of other buildings at Salem.
At Portland he has made the plans for tho Portland-Burlington warehouse, dock and throo elevators.
meet tho demand for well fattened
meat animals. Wo havo tho market
here and prices aro high. Tho farm
ors of Western Oregon havo tho soil
and climato and if instead of depend
ing solely on grain or fruit, they will
market livestock, they will get bet
ter returns for their labor and ener
gy. o
State Institution for Deaf and
Mute Children,
This institution has been located
for some years about five miles east
of tho city, between tho Asylum Cot
tago Farms and tho Stato Reform
School. It has been In chargo of
Superintendent Tillinghast, a gentle
man expert in tho training of this
class of defective children. Before
coming to Salem, he had 12 years'
experfcneo in institutions in the
states of Missouri, Montana and
Kentucky. Ho has been at the Ore
gon Institution for four years, and
was brought up from childhood In
this class of educational work. Both
his father and one brother havo
somed as the heads of such institu
tions. Tho Oregon school this year has
74 pupils, is served by 13 employes,
and has a faculty of six literary
teachers and five industrial teachers.
Tho last legislature appropriated
$45,000 for tho support of the insti
tution and $75,000 to equip a new
school, which has been located just
north of tho city. The State Board
paid $17,325 for land, $50,844.93 as
tho contractor's price for tho novy
buildisgs, and has about $5000 left
for equipment. Tho now school con
sists of a magnificent administration
building and a smaller building for
tho school rooms, shops nnd gymna
sium, which will bo occupied in tho
spring of 1910. Tho contractors
wero Southwick & Headrick, gentle
man, who havo had a great deal of
experience in tho erection of public
buildings, having to their credit some
of tho finest public structures in tho
stato. Tho Mow Doafmuto School is
located on tho Oregon Electric rail
road, within tho city limits, whore
the children will havo a chanco to
soo and learn a grteat deal by obser
vation of what Is going on in tho
beautiful Capital City. "Seeing
things" is a vital part of tho educa
tion of tho deafmuto, who must learn
by hearing and conversation. They
and thy?Ir parents aro to bo congrat
ulated on tho splendid provisions
they havo had mado for their care
and comfort in this now institution.
Other Names Added to Joui
nal's Golden Roll of Honor.
Ed. Journal: Lewis Savage, of
this county, is almost entitled to a
placo In your golden roll of honorod
pioneers. Ho will bo 79 on tho 22d
of January, 1910, and crossed the
plaius in 184C. Mrs. Savago camo
in 1S53, and both aro hale and hear
ty and lead active lives. His father,
Towner Savago, bought two sections
ndjoining what is now tho city of Sa
lem, and gavo his sons, John and
i Lowis, each a half section. John
Savago died last March, at tho ago of
84, still owning his land, which now
belongs to his son, George. Lowis
Savago has his half section still and
has added 200 acres to his original
holdings. Speaking of the climato
that Is so favorablo to aged people,
I want to thank you for bringing out
that point so strong. It is illustrated
by tho fact that two brothers of
Lowis Savago went to Los Angeles
for their health, and died thero in
190S, besides a son of Alfred, and
his sistor Elizabeth. By all moans
lot us havo moro of tho history of
tho worthy men and women who
blazed the trail of progress, and com
pared to some of tho boosters of tho
present their efforts wero moro far
reaching In results to tho whole
United States. A list of all tho pion
eers of 80 years is a grand advertise
ment of the climato of Oregon.
Oregon State Institute for the
This is a State institution located
at Salem, presided over by Mr. and
Mrs. E. T. Moores for tho past three
years. The past year $20,000 has
boon spont In repairs, painting and
plastering, and building a largo east
porch. Tho total enrollment is only
24, compared with 43 last year.
Sovon graduates and a number who
had passed the ago limit wero dis
missed from tho state's care. In
tho lino of industrial work tho stu
dents carry on baskotry, carpets,
sowing, hammocks and not making.
The Northw
escern stove rounarv i
At this particular tlmn nf tim
year, when throughout the width
and breadth of this good old world '
many hearts have been mado glad,
many uves brightened, when happi
ness and joy reigns supreme, friends
felicitating friends on t.hnin
good fortune, thanks being bestowed
on oeneiactors and tho world at
peace with all, we feel that if we
havo helped mako tho world a lttle
better, brighter and happioi4 by our
efforts, then wo havo been fully re
paid. If wo owe thanks, through
tho medium of tho press we wish to
express tnem. We know there has
been manv homes mnrin inirrif
many good wives' hearts made light
iu una on unristmas morning a
handsome now Chicago or Royal
rango in her kitchen.
we do not aim to thank this good
wuo or nusoana for their patronage,
but rather to congratulate them for
grasping tho rare opportunity of
purchaslntr this nnrttfuin.. .,.
As indeed such onnortunitl
rare as belmr ablo in firwi oni,
ranges on tho market. So wo are
inclined to tho belief that this good
wife and husband shmihi n,v
ful to us instead for placing siich
goods within their roach. Wo have
spent tno greater part of twenty
years in making theso ranges tlio
best that money can buy. We use
the very best material obtainable.
Our process of construction is thb
most modern and up-to-date, under
tho personal supervision of Mr. R
B. Fleming, tho most practical'
founder on tho Pacific Coast, bas
ing his knowledge on twenty-fivo
, -?, uApunonce or stove and rango
ic,i W m,nufacturo these ranges in tho following sizes: 8-1G, 18, 20, 22 and 24 inch ovens, pol
nrTn i , Polished steel bodies. We use tho very best Loechburg Bluo steel for tho bodies, mak
ing a nanusome finish. This steel la handled in oil and Is shipped to us this way in order to presorVo
t , 2 ' , , . 011 this 011 18 removed tho beautiful color will como to sight which Is produced by
the process which it Is put through.
..,. Th. n.'cklu trimmings on theso ranges aro smooth, thero Is no figured work to catch dirt which
requires tlmo to clean. They aro mado especially for th!o Pacific Coast and tho fuel obtained hero,
hrnon Vi ,i . nsbostos mm board over oven ends and bottom and aro Uolnforced with cast iron
hrwiv t J0 llnillB of tho body oxtonds throughout the Interior of tho rango boneath this and tho outer
thoc a ncav.y slloet of asbestos which keops all tho heat In tho ovon. Wo havo endeavored to mako
uieso rangt's the most perfect on the market today, as well as economical. Tho flro box boing fitted
wun tno duplex Interchangeable grato, which can bo changed from wood to coal in a minuto. They havo
uaianceu oven and closet doors which provents slamming of doors. These ranges can bo had either in
squaro or reservoir, the tanks are mado of galvanized Iron, copper or enamol. Tho main top of
ranges are mado in panels nnd aro interchangeable. They ni)o braced with four cast braces on ovon
oiJL WI, Irovonts them from warping. Tho ovens aro equaro and will admit a pan as largo as tho
size ot tno oven, they are wide, deep and high. The sides, top and bottom aro braced to prevent break-
nni? i """' '-i'iwiniuii, mjio uigu ciosois aro mauo oi uio aamo stcoi, naving ion pot sneives,
found Inking it all in all, indeed this rango Is a crallt to any homo wlioro thoro is ono to bo
trnn-i W(? a'S0 mailutfactre many other ranges In tho steel lino being smaller, but thoy aro neat nnd
t,oou woricors and have received many words of pralso from tho usors of thtoni. Thou comes our lino
ni o i ,co ' whlch would bo hnr(1 to lJHcato. As to mntorlal and workmanship they aro unox
i,ri !avo wo,n fftVor 1,1 0VGry ,10I t,loy hllvo ,,eon Plaood. Our enroful mothod of moulding,
th iV i' ntHDB and Polishing together with tho bent material wo can obtain, Is what makes our cast lino
whini c!mt cooks 0,1 tho const. Eacli and ovory ono of tho different dopnrtmonts through
'M metal must pass during construction of tho stoves aro under tho supervision of practical
r,t ,a , , lny yoar8 expcrlonce in tho mnnuufneturing or stoves, Wo might montion a fow of
r,?nJ ln th? cast cook 1,110 b0,n' Th0 1,ac,"c Royal, Ohio, Drosdon. Toxoda and Tecoln. Theso
nVwi T swirnnteo to be porfect, and good workers. Wo also manufacture a comploto lino of stool
li 1. . , stoves, for use of ovory kind elthor homo, storo or ofilco. Theso can bo hail in the small
P am cast heater to the fancy .itool to bo used either for wood or coal. Wo fool safo In saying that no
ouer nno on tho Pacific Const uun equal our lino of hoators. Thou comes our largo lino of Hotel and
itestaurant ranges, Including the well known Hotel Specials nnd Portablo French Rnnflsa In difforont
naZi?.!Lt f.0,,0WlH' 4 n' i5, aml 7 f00t' ma1 of Bt1,d Btoel bodloa a,ld aU Ht tops, Hnod with steo! nnd
asbestos, Insuring tho porfect working of them In baking nnd roasting. All nro flttod with either high
i,ni mr i! B, 8 , 1 Iiy. tho IarK do,naml ,nail r theso ranges by our patrons is convincing proof of
tno r merit. Wo also mako tho Brick sot rang, with steel bodlos nnd all cast front sot in solid brick.
oiuior in two ovens, or three. Wo havo mist with porfect success In this lino. Thon comes our Fruit
uryers and Hop Stoves, with several years' porslstont efforts wo havo succeeded in making this lino tho
ocst mat can ba had. Thoy aro constructed with heavy all cast sldeB, top and bottom. Tho numbor of
inoHo wo havo placed with fruit raisers and hop growers spoak for thomsohVH. Wo manufacturo a lino
fwLC"ini 08 thn.t aro ,COI11Ploto In ovory rospoct. Wo mako them in many dirforent stylos and slzos
,S m V07 sinu,L tha I,UK0 four 1,oK 01,0 lno bnving east tops. A camping outfit is not com
plete without ono of those stoves, thoy suit ovory convonionco and any kind of camp.
In following tho prooesg of construction through our plant any ono would bo convinced of tho
merit or our goods, ovory dopartmont is undor tho porsonnl supervision' of praotlcal mon, with from
ton to twenty-fhTo yoars' oxporloiKio In stovo bulltliiiK. Our machinery and tools nro tho kind usod In
J"Lm.0fl ,nodo"l1 foundries. Wo build our stovoa mid rnng i moot tho domnnd or tho pooplo, while
S a Brea,t cJlaK takes place ovory year wo must koop abreast or tho grand march of ndvanoe
mont and produco goods on tho market that up-to-dato pooplo want. It would bo Impossible tor us
to supply tho present demnnd with goods thnt wore In demimd i n yoars ago. so tho march Is stead!-
ntrnlaJ r ,J?ot, " l? l0ft( ' "ot 10 rollow "nd ordor t0 H1l",Iy our JnPBO domain! aud retain tho
F J?f frlod nnd customers, wo must lo modorn und produco goods that will stand tho
test or tlmo. Wo must glvo tho public what thoy want, not what wo think thoy nood. Wo ondoavor
tp do this in ovory lino wo placo boforo tho nubile. Thoso statements nro mado, boJng supported by
tho heavy domand mado for our production. Aw ovry stovo and rango wo put on tho mnrkot drives tho
, i ?f -Uft";y ueopor. Wo aim at the heart and doslros or modern civilization and wo havo novor
Wo can furnish ropnirs for any stovo or rango wo put out In a moment's uotlce. A great ad
vantage to users of our goods is this when considered, as ln using a rango that has boon manufac
tured in tho east, If small parts or ropnirs aro roqulred thoro Is a delay or wait of from ton days to two
weeks In gottlng thorn, and thon take tho risk of not boing ablo to got thorn at all. Anothor stroug
feature Is: you aro not paying 10 per mt tho cost of tho range for frolght rates, but aro paying your
money for tho rango alono. Wo solicit tho patronage of any and all who wish to got tho full value of
tholr money.
The Ranges are for Sale by the
Spencer Hardware Company
in Salem, where you can see the different samples