DATE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1910. PAGE TWO THE CAPITAL JOURNAL E. IIOPER, Editor and Proprietor. pencer Hardware independent Newiptper Defoted to American Principle and ' the ProjrrcM and DoTClopemcnt of All Oregon. Published Bvcry Kvenlng Except Sunday, galom, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Adranco.) Prepare for a New and Better Year for mii. h pjirrier. nor year W.00 Per month, tally, by mall, per year- Weekly, by mall, por yew-..... , 4.00 .1.00 Per month 35c Six monthi ......60c ore and Better Fruit of All Company I s 1910 Kinds M HIGHER COST OF LIVING Basis of General Demand for Wage Increase In the Coming Year. THEY MOST BOY STAMPS The Practice of Dropping Pen nies in the Mail Boxes Must Be Stopped ... i.i i n 11 Bnma I "Tliiv ntntnnn" in tho rnntlfiSf. HOW members of tho Interstate Com- sent out to millions or peopio inai morco Commission and many rail- aro Bonding out mall by rural car- j - l. tUnv ran nnn rlnrc liw fhn TinHf niTlp.OH (lonfirtmfint. ruau oiuciuio uuuuu uiujr vw -- rapidly approaching ono of tho So groat a burdon has boon Invested sharpest contests between labor and capital In recent history. This does not necessarily mean inai rauruuu mon gonorally aro expecting big strikes in tho labor world. Such strikes, however, aro always among tho possibilities when labor and capital clash. It is ilrmly bolleved by tho railroad men that this strug gle will bo begun by tho railroad labor organizations and will rapidly spread to other lines of work and may ovontually result in a comploto readjustment of industrial condi tions. Tho situation with respect to rail road labor Is unique in tho history of this or any other country. Novor boforo haB labor enjoyed bucIi high wages. During tho rocont periods of great prosperity wages in tho railroad flold havo mounted vory high. As a result, labor men havo becomo accustomed to living on an ontiroly different piano than former ly, Notwithstanding tho fact, how ovor, that oxcoodlngly high wagoB, comparatively speaking, havo ena bled tho laboring classes In tho rail road flold to bottor tholr conditions, thoy now find thomBolves unablo to livo on their prosont rateB of pay. Ono or two thlngB must result namely, olthor tho railroad laborer must return to his old stylo of liv ing, or ho must havo increased wagos. Railroad manngomontH ovorywhoro recognize this economi cal fact, and Hkowlso the fact that tho cost of living has materially In creased nil oyer tho country. Plea for Hnfnrlcd Employes. President Itlploy, of tho Santa Fo, udhoros to his position that on tho basis of tho Incroasotl cost of living, tho salaried mon and clorlcal forces aro ontitlod to tho first considera tion. Tho wages of skilled work in on havo boon stoadlly advnnccd from tlmo to tlmo, bocauso tho do manda of tho organized employes through tholr rospectlvo unloiiB had lo bo conceded. Not so, howovor. with tho mon lucking tho protection of tho brotherhoods. Tholr snlarlos havo romalnod on the samo basis for many years, notwithstanding tho hlghor cost of living. hv thn dpnnnltincr of 300.000.000 ono cont pieces annually in boxes along tho rural routes mat tno ue partmont has decldod that somo ac tion must bo taken. Persons living on rural routes vory frequently when they do not havo Btamps, deposit letters In tho collection box and drop pennies for tho postage. Horetoforo tho car riers finding tho letters in tho mail box unstamped and tho pennies In tho box would stamp tho letters. For a tlmo this systomj worked satisfactorily In tho country, but now tho practlco has becomo so com mon as to work hardship on tho carriers. Last year more than 300, 000,000 ono cent pieces were left in tho rural boxes. Bocauso of the Increasing number of coins so loft carriors, according to a lottor mailed to Postmaster Squiro Farrar havo wasted tlmo and tho delivery of malls havo boon delayed. Froquontly during tho cold weath er In tho outsldo districts tho coins freeze to tho bottom of tho mall box and great difficulty has boon exper ienced by tho carriers, who havo beon compolled to romovo from 100 to 300 on a trip. "SPLASH DAM" CASES ARGOED Loggers and Lumbermen Are Busily Interested In Coos County Suit. PROMINENT PORTLAND MINISTER RESIGNS UNiiiui rituBS m:a8bu wtnu.1 Portlnnd, Jan. 1. At a business mooting In tho Whlto Tomplo last night, Dr. J. WhitoomU llroughor, pastor, of tho First Daptist church lmrtt, formally presented hla roalg natldu to mpond to a call for hla sorvldos Troin tho Tomplo Baptist church In Los Angola. Tho resignation was reluctantly and regretfully accepted. Tho min ister asked that U bo orfotlvo Fou ruary 1. - Until another minister can bo se cured permanently. Dr. Broughor was uuthorlauul to secure the services of Dr. 1. S. Honflon, recently rotlrod from tho Tromont Tomplo church of Bogtou, to fill tho pulpit at the Whlto Tomplo temporarily. Dr. Broughor statod that ho had decided to accopt tho Lo Angolea nail only nttor wiving tho nuittor much thought. Ho expressed satis faction for what ho had accom plished at tho Whlto Tomplo by tho aid of thu congrugKlon since ho nimo hero six years ago from Chattanooga. And othor constituents of your blood nro poworfully onrlchod and vltalliod by Hood's Snranpnrllla. It Increases tho red corpnscloa and makes strong tho white corpuscle, and thus protects and rudtorod tho iieaitn. It euros scrofula, eczema, eruptions, nntnrrli rlinumntliiiit. nimiiilil. iinrvous neea, that tired fooling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, genural debility and builds up tho wholo system. Oct U today in tti uauat liquid form or Ir Capital National Bank Salem, Oregon. OLDI1ST NATIONAIj BANK IN MAHION COUNTY. Baring Department In Connection. J. II. Albert. Prenldet. IS. M. CroUftn, Vle-Prea. Jos. II. Albert, C&shter Your trees and vines and bushes need pruning and trimming- We have the tools. Pruning shears priced up from 50c. Pruning saws in many various shapes and kinds. Pruning hooks on poles from 4 to 12 feet long: Call and see our line. We are headquarters for shelf and heavy hardware, paints, oils ,glass, kitchen utensils, etc. Spray Hose. A ne.w shipment just in from tho. factory. Hose warranted to suit. Price, 18c and 20c por foot. ,1 Tin ill i Butcher Knives. . We have them in 25 different styles and lengths. Priced from 20c up. "Washing Machine. Automatic, works while you rest. Guaranteed to do tho work or no sale. Price, $15.00. Automatic Washer and Wringer, ?35.00. Bread Mnchinc. Makes bread In 3 minutes. You do not need to touch the dough with tho hand boforo placing in tho pan. Price, $2,00. Boilers. "Wo are overstocked with a line of heavy, large size boilers and will sell whilo they last, one $3.00 Boiler for $1.95; $3.25 Boiler for ?2.20. Other Boiler from S5c up. Loggors and lumbermen through out Oregon and especially In this section aro awaiting with, considera ble intorost tho decision of tho Ore gon Supromo Court on u caso In volving tho construction of splash dams," says tho Coos Bay Tlmos. "Tim rmsn which was carried un to Ltost tho law restricting splash dam construction is lioono vs. vaugun, Involving a contest arlslutr on tho North Fork or tho Coqulllp vrlvor. and was arguod heforo tho Orogon Supromo Court last wook, .1. . Bonnott of Marsh flold presenting tho loggers' sldo of tho case. A nnnnllnr nlmsii of tho suit 111 question is that tho original point of 188UO was disposed oi long ago uy "An Act of (5od" aa It is legally termed. Vaughn had a Inrgo nuiii hor of logs In tho North Fork, of tho Coqulllo and was anxious to get thani miL Tho water wn very low and ho started to construct splash dams, uoone nognn injunction pro ceedings and, of course, tho splash ilnin nlnn cnulil uot bo niiri'lud out. Soon afterwards a heavy rain and froHhot accomplished tiu woric tnat tho splash dam was being construct ed for. Howovor, tho caso is being carried to tho highest court la order that the question win be llnaily dis posed of as tho loggors can't, always depend on "An Act of God" inter vention In tholr favor. Even though freshets may seomliigly got tho log out ehonpor than tho cost of splash dams, uio loggers want tno umer prlvllogo anyway as froshots In this country often nauso tho streams to loavo tholr bunks and tholr logs are thn scattered all over tho valley. HAY VERY SCARCE AT SPRINGFIELD Hnv la mi Kivivcn at Snrintrflolil that It has boon necessary for a lo. cal food storo to ship It In from Eastern Washington. This Is bolng sold at J22.50 a ton. u very. high m Ai. . i . rryi . prico tor huh timo oi yuar. mu fnnuors roallro tnat tnoy navo no more than thoy neod to last thorn through tho winter, and will sVU none. Othor feed Is also high. Shorts aro hard to obtain, and inlvml foixl In hlch. Tho Utah Construction Company. taking advnntngo of the fact tint the fnrmors will not sell hay, la making 11101114' off Its anb-contrao tors by Bhlimlng tho hay in and soil lug it at an exhorhltitnt price. Ahnvn Nut rrm It rutalls for JUG a ton. This U th sHine hay that onn ha ImiiL'lit nhlniKMl and sold 111 Sprlngflold for $28.60. it costs tno (vompHiiy $19 vr ton mid thy hav no frMleht to nay othor thsn the rot of loading Hud "pw diem" chHrgss. whtoh sro but a trill- Th muddy condition ot tho rods mak it impractical for tho teamstors to Spencer 465-74 State St. Phone 19 CHURCH SERVICES Central Congregational, flnrnnr or 19 th and Forry streets. llov. O. A. Stlllman, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. .m. Mounlng punch ing sorvlco at U o'clock; sermon by Itov. A. Frank Fords. Junior Bn- iloavor at !l p. m. ; V P. S. t . Vj, at G: 30 p. m. Evening sermon at 7:30 o'clock. Special oVangollstic moot- Intra pniltllllllnir HVOt'V nllTllt Ihl'OUgh the wook, conducted by Row A. Frank Forrls. Kvcryuociy coruiauyinvxiuu. Khst Methodist- Kplscopal. Sorvicos appropriate to tho now year. At 10:5iu tno pasior m pronch on "This Yonr Also nnci ii 7:30 on Off witn tno uui im, uu with tho Now." Junior Loaguo at 3:30 p. m.; Hpworth Loaguo at C:.t0. Good music at all sorvicos. The pub lic is hoartily wolcomo. p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday ov anlng at 7:30. German Evangelical Lutheran. East State streot. Sylvertor. Ev ening sorvlco at 7:30 p. m. Sunday rogulnr service at 10:30 a. in. C. Hopf, pastor. W. C. T. TJ. Meetlng. Thoro will bo a Now Year's meet ing at tho W. C. T. U. hall tomor row, January 2, at 4 p. m. There will be spoochos from different once, Intorsporsod with songs and music. Wolcomo to an. o l)oi "With Pneumonia. UNLAWFUL TO ISSUE CHECK LESS. THAN $1 Martin Sweeney, foreman on the day side of the morning Statesman, ts suffering with a caso of pneumonia. Tho announcement from Wash ington that after January 1 it will bo unlawful to issuo a check for less than $1 need not alarm any ono, for thero has been an unob served law to this offect for over 40 years, and tho recent ono is only tho work of some ldlo congressman who learned that thoro was such a statute. Tho local banks will not enforce it, as It has no purpose whatever. Tho original law was passed soon after the civil war for a purpose ' that has been outgrown long ago. I Kvory ono knows tho financial con ditions at that time how paper i money was spoken of In terms of bushels. Because of this, it became I the custom to draw checks for everything. These were transferred and endorsed and became almost an individual currency that caused much trouble. To eliminate this the law was passed. As Its usefulness passed, it was not enforced and has almost been forgotten until brought up by a member of congress who could think of no othor way to make himself known. Trouble Maker? Ousted. WhOn a sufferer rrom stomach trouble takes Dr. King's Now Life Pills ho's mighty glad to see his Dys pepsia and Indigestion fly, hut more he's tickled over his new, fino ap petite, strong nerv63, healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kid neys now work right. 25c at J. C. Perry. FlrM Christian, rnminr of IliKi. and Cantor streets. Blblo school nt lO a. in., Dr. H. C. Wploy. suporintonnont. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:au p. m. aionuuK subject, "Some Roriootlons ror tno Now Yoar." Evening subject, "Hold to tho Truth." Christian Endoavor at 6:30 p. m.. Miss Vara Kitcnon, president. Tho C. C. C. C. will fur nish music notn mormiiK mm tun ing. Easy pows and a cordial wel come. D. Errott Pastor. KlrM Presbyterian. Church street, near Chomoketa. Row Honry T. BabcocK. l'astor. Morning sorvlco at 11 o'clock. Cele bration of the Lord's Suppor. Hvon- Ing sorvlco at 7:30 o'clock, itorcu inr hv tho nnstor. Thomo. "A Vision of God and Its Results." a Now Year sormon. Prof. Hull will sing. "Only a Little Way." Tho orchestra will nluv as usual. Sunday school at to a. m.: Sr. C. K. at 6:30 p. in. This church will observe tno wook oi prayor. a mooting bolng held ovory evening oxeopt Saturday at 7:30. Public ts cordially ihvltod to all of those sorvlco. livuugolical Association, Corner of Seventeenth and Che mekettt strot. H. C. Bakor. pRstor Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Morning a, 11 n m Wi-nnlni. sat. mi f tVO v- . . ..... n - vh at 7:30 p. m Y P. A. at 6 SO KING OF THROAT AND LUNG 9i FOR 9UGHS ND GOLDS ll THROAT LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S UFE My eon Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble- We doctored some months without improvement. Then 1 C Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a chtnee tor tte Deuer. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my n ispenecuy well and works every day. MRS. SAMP. RIPME Ava Mo' 50o AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. PERRY ( 4 buy It In tho valley.