Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 1.
Record of Absenthe Fiend, the
Keeper of a Ward In an
Insane Asylum.
jrtmlcs of tho Asylnm Allowed the
Keepers of Wards One Franc for
Bach Death in His Ward Induced
tho Maniac to Commit a Series of
Most Atrocious Murders.
Paris, Jan. 1. Preliminary ar
rangements are being completed to
day for the trial of Leon Thabuis, an
absintho fiend, who, as keeper of a
ward in an insane asylum, strangled
dozens of patients to get money to
satisfy his thirst. It is believed to be
certain that he will go to the guillo
tine. Poe, in his most somber mo
ments, could 'not have dreamed of
crimes more hideous than those per
petrated by tho monster, Thabuis.
Thabuis was the keeper of an in
curable ward. For weeks before the
discovery of his crimes It was noted
by the asylum authorities that his
patients trembled in fear every time
he approached them. Later his vis
its to tho ward created a veritable
panic among the gibbering folk.
Tho crime that resulted in tho dts
QTory of h's atrocities was tho brut-
Our Annual
Is now in full Mast and will be
continued until further ;tice
There will be no mercy shown.
to prices
The -entire stook must be closed out to make
room for our spring goods. It is not profits we
are looking for now; it is the matter of dispos
ing of the stock. Just think of it this mag
nificent stock of this season's newest and best
goods offered at less than manufacturer's cost.
Now is a good time to buy up-to-date merchan
dise, at prices that no competition can touch.
Come)anjget our prices and save good money
on each purchase. ,
"The Store that
nl murder of an old man, -who was
a hopeless idiot. Ho was found to.
have been strangled to death. Tha
buls said it was an accident, that the
old man had attacked him, and that
ho found it necessary to kill him to
defend himself.
An investigation followed. It was
found that there had been a death in
Thabuis' ward every other day for
12 days. The bodies of six patients
exhumed showed that they had been
strangled. Further invests am
showed many more case3.
tho asylum allowed one frai me
keeper of the ward for the extra work
entailed by tho death of one of his
charges- Thabuis, to buy his ab
sinthe, had engaged in a carnival of
strangulations, and, with the money
he had gained, would sit all night at
a table and tippling nd grinning at
tho pictures the poison made.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 1. In tho fu
ture Christian Science practitioners
may ask fees that are no higher than
thoso charged by reputable physi
cians In the community. Mrs. Mary
Baker G. Eddy, founder and head of
tho Christian Science church, today
definitely fixed the charges for treat
ment in the following general letter
to Christian Science healers:
"Christian Science practitioners
should make their charges for treat
ment reasonable to thoso of reputable
physicians In their respective locall
tis. Sincerely yours,
The West Salem Transfer Com
pany is now operating two covered
hacks to and from ai ltralns between
this city and the West Salem depot.
Messrs, Underwood & Inman aro the
men who handle tho baggage, ex
press, mail and passengers. Phone
orders to the Journal office, or leave
orders on the slate. Hacks will
meet, coming and departing trains.
Saves You Monkey."
m ri m m abac nnftT nit nnniirT
' 0 ' N MHKIIrK liANfc rlnSI UN UUbkt
Monday will mark tho opening of
the January term of tho circuit court
and at tho convening hour on that
day of the now grand jury will report
for duty. As a general rule, the
grand jury for tho preceding term dis
poses of all matters to be considered
for tho now term so that the new
grand jury merely goes through the
formality of reporting for duty and
is then dismissed until the next term
is commenced or subject to the call
of the court.
At ths term of tho court, however,
tho old grand Jury was not enabled
to complete all business that camo be
fore it as tho insurance cases were
brought up just at tne last hour.
Sufficient evidence was not sub
mitted to the jury for tho returning
of any Indictments, put it is under
Stood that tho evidence needed can
be secured, and tho jury recommend
ed that tho cases bo investigated by
the new grand jury Monday.
Reports aro current that Insur
ance Commissioner Kozier will then
havo in his possession and be ready
to submit to the jury tho necessary
evidence and thenew grand jury will
probably act upon tho cases immo
tliatoly after convoning.
Ashlnd, Ore., Jan. 1 Tho re
markable campaign of tho Ashland
Commerfial Club closed with a hur
rah' last night. Two months ago tho
club, with a membership of less than
150, started to make it 400 by tho
first day of the new yoar. A sys
tematic canvass of tho city was made
and new members secured, many who
never could be interested in this kind
of work, before falling into lino, with
the result that tonight Secretary Fro
bacli announces that the 400 mark
has been passed, with some names
to spare.
Ashland challenges tho world to
show a Commercial Club with a larger
membership in proportion to tho pop
ulation. It is planned to celebrate
the event approprately within a short
Chfkland, Cal., Jan. l. Attorney
Itollo J. Hough of this city left today
for Now York toreprcsent Mrs.
Emma Seaman Bennett of Berkeley
ind Mrs. Elizabeth Seaman Johns
of Oakland in a legal fight they havo
instituted to secure part of the for
tune loft by their mllllonaro uncle,
Robert Seaman, to his wfo, who was
nelly Bly, tho globe trotter. It do
ivoloped after Seaman's death in
1903 that ho had made several wills,
oncdrwn up at Weishadon, Germany,
being tho one uponwhich his -widow's
claims aro based. It was also found
that a great bulk or tho $5,000, 0k
estate of Seaman had boen trans
ferred to his wife during his life
tlmo. Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Bennett, Sea
man's nieces, not alono attacked the
WMoshadem will, but alleged that
tho transferred tho estate was made
whilo Seaman was mentally in coin pe
tent and unduly influenced by his
Albany, Ore, Dec. 31. -Dr. Hill of
this city has Just received, to be
placed In his largo museum, a valu
able collection of Itidlan relics and
about twonty mountod oik and deer
horns. Tho collection was nougat
fit B. K. Learcy of Condon.
j Dr. Hill, (at the preadnt time,
boasts of quo of tho finest muueums
in tho Willamette valloy rind is con
sidered to bo, worth many thousands
of dollars.
The Albany high school basketball
team, anticipating a hard garao on
"Vodnes'lav nuxfc wlinn thav'S mnat
tho Silom team at tuts altyfr hava
engaged tno services' or
Bllyeu of Corvallls to put tho team;
In the tm of ogndjtjqn.,
Mrs. Graoo Shaw dind thin morn
ing st the hpma of? Mrs, Siodjfard
tn-oman, or this city, at the age of
0 years. Mrs. Shaw was born and
ralsAl in thin county ind was a
member of Orngo No. 10. Fhe leaves
a husband and ono daughter
Theso insurance cases consist In
tho violation of tho insurance laws
of tho state by Insurance companies,
and while nothing definite can bo
learned a to tno names of tho com
panies or tho character of tho charges
preferred against them, it is said that
s'omo of tho leading companies aro
involved and tho evldenco against
theelr violation- of the Btate law is
ample to warrant the returning of
Meyers Cnsc Will Ilo First
The criminal cases will be tho first
trial cases to bo taken up by Judgo
Burnett, and tho first of those the
Meyers case has been set for trial
Monday afternoon. Geo. Meyers, in
this case, Is charged by tho stato
with the crime of murder, alleged to
consist in tho killing of Night Patrol
man Eckhart las.! fall. Tho mur-
dor is alleged to havo been commit
ted after Eckhart arrested him and
was seeking to confino him in tho
city Jail. Eckhart was well known
in the city and so is Meyers, and tho
trial will bo a subject of much inter
est. It is not likely that much evi
dence will bo taken the first day of
the trial, but that most of it will
bo occupied In the empaneling of a
58-Year-0ld Bridegroom For
gets the Woman's Name.
He Is to Marry.
Oakland, Cal., Jan. 1. "Dearie"
was Spencer Tyre's answer to tho
county clerk when that official asked
him tho namo of tho lady who was
to become his wife by virtuo of the
license he had appliod for. And
"dearie" was all ho could say.
Spencer Tyro, who hailed from
Fitchburg, near here, completely for
got the name of tho woman ho was
going to marry. He was embarrass
ed exceedingly when tho elork prossod
him for tho lady's real namo.
"Dearie," said Mr. Tyro. Tho
bridegroom, whoso ngo was given ns
58, was sent away to loam 'Doarlo's"
othor name. Ho never camo hack.
Instead, blushing tremulous, Nancy
A. Peter's, 52 years old, appeared
lator, apologized for Tyro, explained
that in his confusion ho forgot his
name.and asked for tho license. Sho
got it and paid for it.
Lebanon. Ore., Jan. 1. January 7
has boon sot as tho tlmo for laying
tho corner stono of tho now $10,000
Lebanon high school building. Tho
schools will havo a half holiday.
Tho pressed brick building will
go up as fast as weather condtlons
permit and will bo completed early
in tho summor. The grounds com
prise 10 acres in tho heart of tho
city and are said to bo tho finest
pubic school grounds In tho state
Thoy formerly woro tho campus of
tho old Santam Academy andwero
a girt to tho academy In 1SC8 by
jurumiuu untsiou ana Morgan Koos.
Itocorda Knrtliqunlce Shock.
uiovoland,. O., Jan. 1. Father
uuenuacn, prorossor or astronomy
at St. Ignatius College, In this city,
unuounceu louay mat tno solsmo
grnph rocorded a sovero ourthqunko.
Tno shocks rocorded. Father Odon
'bach stated, woro tho severest com
munlcnted to tho Instruments slnco
ho has been connected with tho
college. . He estimated tho contor
or the shock at 3000 miles distant
from Cleveland.
A prottyentortalnmon t was given
at tho homo of Mflrcnrnt Pnlnal tnnf
Hannon4nght in honor of her 16th birthday,
ai which more woro in aiemuanco so
young ladies of Salem.
In connection with tho principal
occasion of tho party, the young peo
ple oelebrntod the arrival of tht
New oar by Indulging In a trip to
"Whistland," and the popular amuse
ment was greatly appreciated by all.
The Polunl home, which Is located
on Salom Holghts, was decorated up
in a beautiful original manner, tho
residonce being arranged tc repre
sent a union depot, with all tho reg
ularities necessary to the "traveling
public." Tho different rooms wore
converted into lunch counters,
whore tho guests wore served with
lunch, which consisted of dainties of
all kinds. A parlor car was provid
ed, in connection to which was a woll.
arranged smoking car, and a very
morry train load of young people bid
farewell to old Father Tlmo and his
discarded friend, 1909, and received
the New Year with cheers.
Tho victors in tho Whistland trip
woro Edith Shnw, who captured first
prize, and Edith Shaw won tho booby
Tho guests were: Helen Farrar.
Edith Shaw, Beryl Holt, Lela Slator,
Lucllo Staley, Ruth Staley, Ruth
Shepard, Mabol Smith, Floronco
Houscon, Efflo Noodham, Myrtlo
Montgomery, Adelta Nyo, Margaret
Schrieder, volnia Hoovor, Iva Mo-
aiichrlst, Ruby stolwor, Hazel Kel
ler, Lylo Stolwor and Mignon Oliver.
San Francisco, Jan. 1. F. N. Jor-
myn, millionaire membor of tho fam
ily of coal magnates of that namo of
Scranton, Pa., was struck by a street
car hero early today, and Is In a crit
ical condition at tho Adler Sanltorl-
um, whoro thero is gravo doubt of his
Jormyn camo hero six weeks ago,
and has boon living at tho Fair
mount Hotol. Last night ho joined
with tho Now York revolors who
thronged and blocked Market street,
continuing tho celebration until long
after midnight. It was about 2:15
a. m. when Jormyn, with a party of
frlonds, attempted to cross Markot
streot, at the intersection of Third.
They tried to pass between two cars,
which woro going in opposlto direc
tions. Jermyn was hurled to tho
pavement, and wns unconscious when
ho was picked up and taken to tho
emergency hospital.
After an examination was made,
and it was found that tho million
aire's condition was critical, his
friends had him romovod to tho pri
vate sanitorium.
Eight ribs were broken, Cour on
oach side. A sovoro blow on tho
head and Internal injuries also woro
sustained, but an injury to his spina
is considered tho most sorious fea
ture of his condition.
"It is impossible" to tell yet wheth
er ho has a chance to recover," said
Dr. Wallnco Currio today. "Thero
is a possibility of tho injury to his
splno being most sorious. His con
dtlon s crtcal."
San Lucar, Spain, Jan. 1. Tho
pollco nre couvincod today that with
the arrest last night of throo Gor
mans, two Frenchmen and an Italian
thoy frustrated an attempt to assas
slnato King Alfonso.
Tho king passed through horo yes
tordny on his way to Oranada, whoro
ho is tho honored guest at today's
Now Yoar foto.
Tho six suspects aro known to bo
anarchists, and havo boon undor tho
oyo of tho secrot sorvlco ison for a
long tlmo. Thoy woro rocont arrivals
at San Lucar, through which city
King Alfonso announcd that ho would
puss on his way to Oranada, and this
led tho pollco to bellovo that tho reK'
lcldo plot, hatched at tho capital, was
to havo boon carried out hro.
Tho Buspectfl woro taken into cus
tody before tho king's train roachod
the city,
Make u Now Tear's HcKoltition
To get yuor moat nt the big, clean
market on Court and Liberty. Stous
loff ISros. treat their cuatoincra right
Sturt tho Nciv .Year Itlght
Duy your groceries whoro you avu
got tho mpst for your monoy. Tho
pluco Is J. M. Lawreuce, corner of
Commercial mid Forry.
"Wlwt Doom Wljolu Ileum Mynn?"
said Mrs. unto. "Why. coffeo
rountod and not ground until roady
for uhb," said her husband. For ox-
ample, Folger's Oolduu Qatu,
Narrow Kscnpo From Ducking
Hatty cooper, a popular young Sa
lom lad.liud a narrow escape from got
lug a cold ducking In the slough In
goyth Salem ytwtorday. Hatt' was
making graceful olrolw over the lco
covered water when one unruly foot
plunged Into the wet. Tho nimble
skater than had a Marathon raoe for
the beach, breaking the Ice at overv
Uep. o finallyy succeeded In readi
ng safety on the stronger lco near
lie shore and immediately nostnoned
skating until the weather became
Jos. J Buhhrlght, City Record
er and Prominent Citi
zen, Arrested.
Tho Arrest Wns Made Jjast Evening
by Deputy Sheriff Escb. On an In
dictment Returned by the Grand
jury Released on 300 for His
Appoarnnco Monday.
Jos. J. Buhhight, city recorder of
tho town of Mount Angol, and also
promlnout in tho surrounding coun
try of that placo, and woll known
throughout Marlon count, was ar- ,
rested last night at Mount Angol by
Doputy Sheriff Esch, on tho charge of
extortion, Tho indictment against
him was found by tho grand jury
during its recent seasion, and was
tho indictment which was not made
public yesterday afternoon, when
tho jury mado Its roport, ns tho do
fondant was not then In custody. Im
mediately upon his arrest Buhhight
furnlshod a bond of $300, and waB
roloased. Ho will make his appoar
anco for tho purpoBo of being ar
raigned before Judgo Burnett Monday
KUnger Coniplalnlng "Witness.
Tho crime Is alleged to havo been
commuted on Novombor 27, 1909,
and Is nllogod to consist In threaten
ing to nccuso Alfred Kllngcr of a
crime, with intent thoroby to extort
from him tho sum of $35, and to
causo him to act against his will
that Is to pay to him tho $35 by ver
bally accusing Kllnger of unlawful
ly selling Intoxicating liquors to a
half-brcod Indian, and threatening
to prosecute him If ho refused to pay
tho $35. That is in substanco tho
languogo contninod In tho indlct
mont proforred against Buhhight,
Arrest Causes Sensation.
The nrroat of BllllhlRllt caused
moro or loss of a sensation In Mount
Angol, whoro ho stands high among
tno people, and also olsowhoro whor
over ho Is known. Ho is tho posses
sor of hosts of frlonds, who aro con
Ildont that ho Is inuocont of the
crimo with which ho is charged, and
predict that whon tho caso comes up
that ovorything will bo satisfactorily
explained, and that ho will bo shown
innocent and acquitted. s
Passes away:
Judgo J. O'Donnld, aged 83, died?
this morning nt hlsjiorno on tho cor--nor
of Thirteenth and Hoyt otro5nj
aCtor n lingering illness that had ex
tended ovor a period of two years.
Judgo O'Donald was born In tho
stato of Pennsylvania, Ho croseod
the plains In laD2, and sottlod in the
vicinity of Salem, whoro ho has re
sided ovor slnco. Ho loaves to sur
vivo him a wife and two childron,
Mrs. A. C. Wyman, of San Francis
co, and Frnnk O'Donald, of thlB city.
Tho funeral sorvlces wll bo hold at
tho chapol of tho Rlgdon undortakln
parlors tomorrow nftornoon. at 2
o'clock. It will bo undor tho aus
pices of tho Masonic lodgo mid inter
ment win bo had In tho I. O. O. F.
A Word of Appreciation
Mention was mado In our columns''
last evening that the inmatos or tho
Oregon Stnto Ponltontlnry would ha
given an ontortalumont this morning
In tho way of a moving plcturochow.
The ontortalumont was glvon and
proved u most hnppy surprlso. as
sdmo of tho Inmates had never be
fore seen such n show. It was ro-
colved with hoarty appreciation, be
ing thoroughly oujoyod by all. Spo-
olal thnnks Is -duo Mr. F. L. Wators,
of Yo LIborty, who furnlshod tho
muchlno without chnrce.and also his
iqporator. Mr. II. H. Moyort Mrs.
Mflaylor, muslolau, and Miss May,
vocalist Mr. Bly, of tho Star thoa
(er, furnlshod throo fll m.t nnil nn nr.
chostrn. Tho AmaiKamatod Film Co.
very KnrouHty granted namnwlon
to uno all films Without chargo. Great
good was done tho boys In glvng this
in V-tiruunmoui. u was good seed
sown, croatlng now thoughts and now
Hopos io inoso "down and out."
" '-O
CoploH of tho Now Vcr's Journal
sold at this office mid nil news
j stands for 10 cents each.