Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 23, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. XIX
mm mm
"fool play
Brother of Explorer Thinks He
Has Been Kidnaped and
Met With Foul Play.
La6t Heard From Cook Wns n Letter
Dated "On Board Ship" Outlined
Plans of Presenting Data to the
University of Copenhagen and Its
New York, Dec. 2 3. William
Cook, brother of Dr. Frederick A.
Cook, today expressed the fear that
tho Brooklyn explorer has met foul
play. In support of his belief he
"I recently received a letter from
my brother, mailed two weeks ago in
a foreign port. It was dated "On
Board Ship," but didn't give the
name of tho ship. The letter out-
The choicest lines of Christmas Goods at Sale Prices to
insure quick selling. Don't wait any longer to do your
Xmas shopping for there is sure to be a scramble. Here
you will find quality and prices to suit everyone
5000 Yards of Fine Dress Goods
and Silks now on Sale
Wo realize that the holidays is a god time for
selling dres3 goods and dress silks. Wo havo
marked them at prices that will induce quick
selling. Wo show tho most complete lines of
these goods in Salem; all spick span and new
of others
Dress Goods, yard ,.2G..c, 35c, 49c, 75c and up
Dress Silks, yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 69c and up
aow only SSc
'ined his plans, which had largely to
o with the presentation of his polar
ta to the committee of the Unlver
ft v of Copenhagen.
, In the letter he told mo that only
vvi v of his records had been sent
t& nmark by Walter Lonsdale, his
piv 1 secretary. Ho stated further
thK o originals of these records,
anu iy more important docu
ment, o was carrying to, Copen
hagen ho feared those in Lons
dale's ession would be stolen.
"His .ure to maet Lonsdalo in
Copenhagen to deliver these records
has led me to the belief that some
thing has happened to him. There
is no neason to believe he would not
have met Lonsdale, according to his
original intention."
Policc Still Looking for Bandit.
UNITED I'KESB leased wire.
Los Angeles, Dec. 23. The theory
that Leslie Harris, tho young attor
ney who is in jail here charged with
robbing the safe of Don McFarland
last Sunday, may bo tho San Fran
cisco bandit who recently terrorized
San Francisco, was exploded i today
whe the polce compared the descrip
tion of tho bandit sent by tho author
ities at San Francisco with that of
After an investigation the police
here concluded that there is no pos
sibility of Harris being tho bandit.
According to the description re
ceived here the desperado is of slen
der build, and about five feet 11 in
ches In height. Harris is six feet
two and is heavily built. Harris was
in Los Angeles a week before he was
arrested hero and during that time
the San Francisco bandit did aother
Harris probably will pass Christ
mas in jail as he has been unable to
secure the $3,000 ball necessary for
his release.
Half Price on Ladies'
At the Chicago Store you will And tho greatest stock of I
up-to-date Coats and Suits in Salem. Remember, we J
are not loking for rpofits now. It Is a matter of dls- K
posing of tho stock before Christmas. Right after the
holidays we begin taking stock, consequently wo want
all our Cloaks and Suits closed out. At half-prico and j
less. Here is a chance to buy this season's newest i
Coats, and it is at prices that wero never quoted be- j
fore in Salem. ,
$12.50 and $15 Coats
$18 and $20 Suits
$4.58, $6.50, $7.50
$7.50, $8.90, $9,90
Silk Underskirts and Furs at Reduced
"The Store Tliat Saves You Money"
Washington, D. C, Dec. 23. Commander Robert 13. Peary today
informed the United Press that he Intends to seek the south pole.
Ho intimated that ho will organize an erpedition as soon as ho has
completed the magazine work on which he is now engaged.
n,H.n,i nni rw ninmir.
Black, who is said to bo a vaudeville
actor, and Ruth Ward, 15 .years of
ago, wero piacea under arrest nere
today, following the receipt of ad
vices from Lindsay, Tulare county,
California. The advices stated that
Black is wanted in Lindsay to an
swer felony charges, and for "run
ning away" with Miss Ward.
The girl's parents live in Collins
vilje, Okla., whore her father is a
notary public. She recently went
to Lindsay to visit a sister, and there
met Black. Tho couple will bo re
turned to Lindsay.
Will Ho Burled at Brandon.
Jackson, Miss., Dec. 23. The fu
neral of Senator McLaurln, of Miss
issippi, who died at his homo last
night, will bo held at Brandon, Miss.,
and will be unostentatious in every
i it m
a hi w
Wonderful Bargains In
Holliday floods
Dolls, Toys, Games, Drums, Airships, Boqk3,
Guns, Wagons, Mechanical Toys and Hundred
Ladles' Shopping Bags, Kid Gloves and Silk Um
brellas now on salo at very low prices.
$7.50 Dress Silk Waists now $3.90
$7.50 Sulk Underskirts now $3.90
$1.25 Leather Shopping Bags now 65c
$6.90 Dress Skirts now only ,.$3.90
$5.00 values
now $3.00
ixur years or nappy married llfo.
a.ad t)C1 camo tho. break, and affec-
"on aied and two lives were plunged
into a separate existence is the story
loiu in a complaint for divorce filed
in tho circuit court today by Mason
Mickenham against his wife, Mary
Tho Carriage, tho husband .says in
his complaint occurred in the city of
Salem on November 23, 1904, and
they lived happily together until one
day in July, 1908, at Turner, Ore.,
trouble came, but the' complaint does
not say what, and tho wife left tho
husband. Shortly after that, ho says,
he came to Salem in search of em
ployment, and after securing it sent
for her to join him, but she declined
to come. Ever since they have lived
separate and apart and tho husband
now asks that a decree of divorce
bo given him, making that separation
N children resulted from tho un
ion, nor are there any property
rights to bo adjudicated between tho
By a staff correspondent of tho
United Press.)
Kamata, Uganda, B. E. A., Dec. 23.
Colonel Roosovelt and his party left
here this afternoon for Lake Nyanza
after spending two days in tho Ugan
dan capital.
Dadi Ohwa, tho 12-yoar-old king of
Uganda, presented tho former presi
dent with many valuable ivory orna
ments prior to his departuro and
waved good bye to tho 'party from
tho steps of his palace.
Volcanic Outburst of Gas Is
Said to Be the Cause of
the Catastrophy.
Albuquerquo, N. M., Dec. 23.
Two Mexican minora are dead and 12
aro hovering botwoon llfo and death
as tho result of a volcanic outburst
of gas in tho Woavor mlno at tho
Amorican Puol Company's plant near
Gallup yesterday, when the work
men broko through a wall sopanitlig
tno woavor mluo shaft from the
workings of nn old coal mine, which
has boon burning for several years.
Tho miners didn't know the wall was
thin at that point.
Thoy wore drilling preparatory to
sotting off a blust, when tho heavy
iron snot through tho wall. In an
instant there was a rush of uas into
tho shaft whero tho workmon wore
Mho explosion followed, and tho
two mon noarost tho drill holo wore
instantly killed, whilo 12 wero on-
voloped by the flames. Thoy wero
terribly burned beforo thoy could es
cape. Later a forco of minors was
sent Into tho shaft and tho holo wan
Healed up.
Work In tho shaft will bo contln-
tlnucd, according to tho announce
ment of thto officials, who assert that
the workings are not dangerous,
despite tho proximity of tho burning
mino shaft.
Aro Now Notaries.
Notarial commissions wero issued
today by tho governor to tho follow
ing persons: Goo. G. Harris, As
toia; Hay C. Stoans, Yoncalla; J. M.
Englo, Oakland; W. 8. Nochol, Hood
River; A. D. Hall, Albany; T. K.
Ford. Salora; Goo. W. McWIro,
, David A. Popp. T. M. Word, David
N. Mosossohn, H. S. Clodeler. Portland.
Tho steamer Oregona, which was
stranded on a reef in tho Wlllam
otflo river near Dnyton about two
weeks ago, will bo ready to bo
launched and sont to Portland for
ilnal repairs soon, according to a
statement mado by County Clork Al
len, who returned last evening from
a business visit to his farm ntear St.
Paul, Oregon.
Tho steamer when stranded sank
in about six or oight feot of water,
and tho largo cargo of morchandiso
which it carried was badly damaged.
SIuco then workmen havo raisod it,
and it is now resting on tho bank of
tho river, whilo a false bottom is be
ing constructed for it to bo used in
its journoy to Portland. Tho work
is now about completed, and tho
boat will bo launched In a fow days.
Tho steamer was ono of the Quest
and best operating on tho Willain
otto or Columbia rivers.
The State Horticultural S'icloty
.n independent organization, which at
tho Inst legislature received some
financial aid tp assist it In Us 'ubors,
has wrtton to State Printer Duuhvay
for tho purpose of ascertaining th
cost of having tho proceedings of
tho organization published for the
past year. Tho society proposed to
publish botweon 2,000 and .l.i-'-O
Will liter Other Business.
E. G. Miller, rnto clork and stat
ician for tho rairoad commission,
has tendered his resignation and will
accept a position with the .North
wester Corponito, which operates a
line of street railways in Walla Walla
and also an intorurban lino be
tween that city and Milton.
Mr. 'Miller is a experienced rail
road man. Ho has been with tho
commission over sinco May, 1907,
and his services havo been both sat
isfactory and efficient in every re
spect. Andrew P. Harvey, chief clork to
the gonoral freight agent of tho
Northern Pacific Railroad company
at Portland, has boon appointed as
Mr. Miller's successor, and will as
sume his duties at tho first of tho
year. Mr. Harvey is an experienced
railroad man and is very familiar
with the into situation.
Mineaola, L. I., Dec. 23. Declar
ing that "your mother," was tho
worst thing ho over Bald to his wlfo,
W. Gould Brokaw took tho stand to
day In the separation suit brought
by his wlfo, Mrs. Mary Blair Bro
kaw. Brokaw donlos that ho had mis
troatod his wlfo and reiterated tho
Htutomonts made by him previously
thnt ho bolioved tho milt had boon
brought for tho purposo of forcing
him to puy a largo sum of monoy, Ho
admitted that ho and his wife had
"occasional spats.' Sometimes she
callod him n liar, ho said, nnd he re
torted in kind.
On one occasion, ho tostifloil, who
charged him with visiting othor wo.
mon, and when ho denied it alio callod
him a "damned liar." Ho admit
ted that ho thoiieupon ropllod, "you j
are anotnor."
The millionaire declared that ho
had novor glvon his wlfo any causo
for tho allegations of cruelty nnd
mistroatmifn't which sho has brought
against him.
10-Year-Old Boy Seriously Injured.
Los Angolos, Cnl., Doc. 23. Whilo
gathering holly branches on Santa
Po Hill, nour Highland Park today,
for Christmas treo decorations,
Prancls Hutchinson, tho 10-yonr-old
son of P. S. Hutchinson, of 358 Boylo
nwnue, sllpopd nnd foil on tho largo
blado or his pocket knlfp. Tho
sharp steel punctured a lung. pono
trntlng just below tho heart. His ng
onlzod cries wore heard by boy com
panions who rushed to his aid. Thoy
found him lying on tWu ground with
tho knlfo burled to tho hilt in his
broaat Help was summoned and tho
injured boy was takon to his homo.
A physic'-1 was summoned who pro
nouucp ,io injuries vary dangerous,
oh hr ,h nufforlng from internal
hem .jngos.
NO. 204.
Appropriate Exercises Will Be
Held Friday Evening for
the Children.
Santa Clous and His Reindeers Will
Make His Annual Tour and
Gladden tho Hearts of tho Little
Ones, While tho Older Heads WU1
Exchango Greetings.
Christmas will bo colebrated at
tho churches of tho city Friday ovon
Ing with a program- of recitations,
song nnd music In harmony with tho
spirit of tho occasion. ThoBO in
charge of tho Sunday schools havo
mado extensive preparations for tho
event, and tho celebrations promise
to surpass all othors hold in previous
years. Tho Interior of tho churches
havo boon artistically decorated
handBomo Christmas troes will bo In
ovidonco, and tho traditional Santa
Claus will entor upon tho scono at
tho conclusion of tho programs and.
dlstributo thio many beautiful gifts.
Each membor of tho Sunday 'school
classes will receive as a present ft
package of nuts nnd candy.
Central Congregational Church.
Tho feature of tho celebration Fri
day .evening at tho Centrnl Congre
gational church, which is presided
over by Rev. Stillman, will bo a hand
somo treo, londcd with beautiful
gifts, and nn excollont program,
which will bo participated in by tho
oldor mombors of tho congregation,
aa well ns tho childron.
U. B. Church.
At tho U. B. church Christmas eve
will bo ushered in with a fitting pro
gram, consisting of recitations, songn
nnd musical soloctlons, nnd tho ovont
Is anxiously looked forward to by
tlm childron. A handsomo treo haa
boon securod for tho occasion, and
is now being decorntod, and tho many
presonts that it will boar will bring
joy and rojoicing to tho mombors of
tho Sunday school of this rollgiouu
Lesllo Church
An exceptionally Interesting and"
attractive program Is boing proparod
nt tho South Salem Loslio church for
Friday ovonlng. Thoso in charge aro
also busily ongngd in tho decora
tion of tho largo troo which will
graco tho church on this occasion,
and ovory offort will bo mado to
mnko tho colobratlon ono of tho best
ever given at tho church
Brush College.
Tho Brush Colloeo. ill Wont Hn mm
will obsorvo Christmas ovo this ov
onlng, instead of FWilnv
rho progrnm for this ovonlng han
boon proparod by Miss Minnio Dock
et, tho Instructor, and tho pupils of
tho school,- and an oveninc nr w
nnd rojoicing is being looked forwurd
to by tho pupils.
First Methodist Eplscopnl.
Sunduy school will hold itn
cIhoh connector with Christmas treo
on Friday ovoninir. at 7-'n ti.
program will consist of lnimtn. imi
tations and class oxorcisos, and will
closo In giving and distributing of
prosonts to and bv ranmiin nt i,.
Sunday school. Tho nrimnrv dnnnn.
mont of tho Sunday school wjll hold
an annual Christmas party on Wed
nesday of noxt weok. Sunday morn
lg tho musical oxorcisos will bo in
harmony with tho spirit of tho day.
in tho morning tho pastor will de
liver a Bormon on Incarnation. In
tho ovonlng at 7:30 tho church choir
will render a Christmas cantata, en
titled, "Tho Princo or Poaco," by
John Spencer Camp, undor tho direc
tion of Prof. Mondonhall. Tho boIo
Ists will bo Mrs. F. S, Mondonhall,
soprano; Mlas Helen Smith, alto;
Frank Hughes, tonor; Ralph Jones,
bass. Prof. T. 8. Roborta will offi
ciate nt tho organ. A cordial Inven
tion is extended to all,
At Presbyterian Church.
Tho Sunday school of tho Presby
terian church will obsorvo Christmas
tomorrow ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock,
and a splendid program has baen pro
pa rod for tho occasion. Arrange
ments havo boon perfected with tho
Salvation Army to provide tho poor
(Continued on Pace B.)