Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 22, 1909, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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fcLast night the mercury In the
ftbrmomoter at the local woathor
tireau, which Is in the custody of
P. Baldwin, was froze down to
io coldest mark for several weeks.
Ehey registered 23 degrees above
jro. and reinalnfed at that mark.un-
II 9 o'clock this morning.
The present cold snap is consid
ered very favorable weather, even
)r Oregonlans, notwithstanding that
fne is compelled to hunt the deepest
Bcesse3 of some friendly pocket. Sa-
ra noonlo are becinninc to cet ac-
Bustomed to cold weathfcr here, and
ress in accordance, although they
nave learned that too many clothes
Is an inducement for the grip, unless
this custom of dress is adopted the
fear around, and on the coldest
tnornlng many p'eople are up and
busy, dressed in their usual man
ner, without ovorcoats or mufflers.
. As long as the sun shines and the
thermometers continue to get up the
glass during the day as far as 40 de-
Igrees, let er freeze, says Mr. Sa
A suit has been instituted in the
circuit court by Geo. Bayne against
Jacob voght & Company, who con
iduct a retail shoe store in this city.
lit is alleged by the plaintiff that he
rented to tho defendant company a
store room from August 10, 1904,
until September 10, 1909, and that
tne defendant paid to the plaintiff in
!cash and merchandise sundry sums
on account. It is then alleged that
October 6, 1909, a stated account
fwas had between the two, and that
!a balance of $235 in favor of the
i plaintiff was agreed upon, and that
' the defendant agreed tb pay it. There
still remains, it is alleged, $119.25
unpaid on this balance, and a judge
ment for that amount is -asked.
Notice of Street Assessment.
Notice is her.eby given that the
common council' of the City of Salem,
Oregon, will, at the common council
chambers in said city at or about S
o'clock p. m. on the 3rd day of Janu
ary, 1910, assess against each lot or
parcel of land liable therefor its pro
portionate share of the defect on ac
count of improving Kearney street,
in the City of Salem, Oregon, be
tween tho east line Of Commercial
street and the west line of High
street in said city.
Any persons having objections to
any of said assessment may present
them to the said common council at
said meeting or file them with the
recorder within five days threafter.
By order of the common council.
12-22-3t City Recorder;
I mm. to
5i 5jc Jt 3 C 5C j(c ft jjc 3jt 5C 5j (
The following articles of incorpor
ation havo been filed In tho office of
the Secretary of State:
Union Construction Company;
principal office, Portland; capital
sock, $5,000; incorporators, Frank
E. Smith, W. P. Andrus anxl E. A.
Condon Athletic Club; principal
office, Condon; incorporators, Prod
A. Edwards, J. C. Sturglll, Frank
WhitA?, Lester Wade, W. C. Brown.
O. C. Veatch and Harry Fltzmaurlce.
Mt, Hood Cream Co.; principal
office, Portland; capital stock, $20,
000; Incorporators, J. O. Williams, C
M. Egbert and M. C. Pnrrlsh.
Tho Cornett Stage and Stable
Company; principal office, Prlne
vlue; cap'tal stock,. $9,000; incor
ators. J. H. Reams, G. P. Reams and
C. L. Shattuck.
West Umatilla River Water Users'
Association; principal office Her
mlston; capital stock, $10,000; in
corporators, O. D. Teel, R. C. Cau
fleld, Thos. Hurlburt, E. W. Rhea
and J. W. Campbell.
"In Wyoming," H. E. Pierce &
Co.'s great play of western ranch
life, will be the attraction tho
Grand Opera House Friday night,
Dedembor 24. Tho selection of this
drama of the West will meet with
wide approval in Salem and. the pro
duction Itself promises to be on of
the most pretentious that will be
seen here during thte present sea
son. "In Wyoming" Is a genuine
American play, replete with virility
and sttrength. Wlllard Mack, the
author, has skillfully combined his
ingred'ents of dramatic interest with
the proper admixture of comedy.'nnd
has succeeded in evolving a rare
play wherein swiftly alternating
laughs give place frequently to mo
ments of intense pathos. The
scenes are laid near Casper, Wyom
ing. The management has furnished
a complete scenic production, which
will be used in its entirety during
the engagement. Seat sales start
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.
Chehalem Mountain Orchard Co.
Principal office, Portland. Capital
stock;. $20,000. Incorporators
Josephine F. Gannon, Cladstone Ste
vens and Thomas Withycombe. .
Cleveland Investment Co. Prin
cipal office, Portland. Capital stock,
$100,000. Incorporators Albert
Ask your doctor to name the best family
medicine for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weaiz
'nngs. Follow his adotce. fare,';:
k Lunqs
run after you-biit will take
to show you
valued and
most worthy line of Rockers
ever shown in Salem. Our
Rocker show is great in every
respect except price. New
ones arrived Saturday and
Monday. Come often and
, early if possible.
Cleveland, William T. Kroba and Ed
ward A. Lundburg.
Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co.
Principal office, Portlnnd. Capital
stock, $250,000. Incorporators W.
L. Morgan, S. H. Morgan and Geo.
T. Atchley. ,
Stokes-Flfleld Lumber Co. Prin
cipal office. Portland. Capital stock,
$10,000. Incorporators Frank R.
Stokes, E. L. Fifleld arid F. L. Stokes
. o
Tho old fashioned way of dosing
n weak stomach, or stimulating the
Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr.
Shoop first pointed out this error.
This is why his prescription Dr.
Shoop's Restorative is directed cn
Iroly to tho cause of these ailments
hn wAnir insldn or controlling nerves.
It Isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop.
to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart
or kidneys, ff one goes at It correct
ly. Each inside organ has its con
trolling or insldo nerve, wnen tnese
noma fnll. then those orcans must
surely falter. These vital truths are
leading druggists everywhere to dis
pense and recommend Dr. Shoop s
TnatnrnHvn. Tpst. U .1 fflW dttYS anO
see! Improvement will promptly and
... h 11.1 T"V..m
surely follow, sold uy uapiuu uruj.
Butte, Mont., Doc. 22. In a quar
rel over a game of cards at a pros
pector's camp, in the Powder river
country, near hero, early tottay, W.
J. Schmalsle instantly killed Thomas
Bell, a prospector, when he struck
him over tho head with a poker.
Schmalsle then telephoned to the
Butte officers to come and get him.
He claims he acted in self-defense
Electric Travel Heavy.
Tho Oregon Eloctric lino is realiz
ing a surprisingly heavy passenger
traffic before thb last day arrives
for purchasing Christmas gifts. The
onmnanv made an attempt to handle
the passenger business with a single
passenger car, out touay trains are
being operated out of Portland to
accomodate the rush and upon
mvfirv nrrival larce crowds are
broucht in. Tho Oregon Electric
nopnninilntflR hundreds of neonle Who
reside but a few miles north of Sa
lem and from the number that pa
tronize the road, tho service is much
Seventy years of experience with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral have given us great
confidence in it. We strongly recom
mend It for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
weak throats, and weak lungs. It pre-
vents, u protects. 11 soouies. uucaia.
Just the help nature needs.
the largest,
all round
Time J
store will be
until Friday
brand, which
Have you seen our assortment of
They're all arranged on hoops, according to
price. You'll find it easy to make a selec
tion of the kinds you want.
Nino husky men wore turned out
in tho cold by tho pollco this morn
ing, they having applied to tho of
ficers for a plaoo to sloop Inst
night. A few of thoni looked back
longingly at tho warm confines of
tho city bastile with expressions on
their faces like "no place like
homo." Theso men tute found some
times huddled up against a frost
covered pile of ties at tho Southern
Pacific passenger depot, standing
about in somo wind Bheltored al
cowo of buildings and many of
them senrch for the pollco in order
to protect themselves from tho bit
ing cold of tho night. By locking
theso men up,' tho police render
thom charltabio assistance and keep
them from committing somo crime
in order to find a place to sleep and
oat. Thoy are turned out early In
tho morning and told to either go
to work in tho city or leave It.
Lob Angolas, Cal., Doc. 22. - IU-v.
C. W. McCrossman, who, it ). (insert
ed, cleared up about $ti,000 In gold
in exchnnge for nilnlPK stook. van
i!v!-teil, trl.-'J r.nd conv:"?-1. n( tu
Ml .f.ng fa se fttntomeu' concerning
t:-. -.aiiiL nf alleged inhio in Vex
co, oecaped a ponltontlary sentence
by promising to pay a lino of $4000.
Tho lino will bo puld late today, ac
cording to statements n:crcedlted to
the "Divine promoter."
When on trial, McCronnman as
serted that fie did not know that the
circulars issuod by him wore untrue.
Prevontlcs, tho new Candy Cold
CUro Tablets, are said by druggists
to havo four special specific advan
tages over all other remeOios for a
cold. First. They contain no qui
nine, nothing harsh or sickening.
Second. They give almost instant re
lief. Third. Pleasant to the taste,
like qandy. Fourth. A large box
48 Preventlcs at 25 cents. Also"
fine for fevorUh children. Bold by
inning Toni
open evenings until Christmas. Don't
to do your shopping. Trade early in
the forenoons if you can and avoid
the .afternoon rush.
We are pleased to notice that there
are more customers every year buy
ing useful articles for Christmas
Present your friends with something they can make practical uso of
and they will romember you every tlmo they uso it. Ono of thoso
FUR BACK GLOVES would bo appreciated by your friends who
drives a team theso cold mornings. A suit or WARM UNDERWEAR
might save your friend from a sovore sick spell. Your schoolboy
friends could use a good suit of clothes, a pair of SCHOOL SHOES,
or a now hat. Wo show tho best assortment of RELIABLE SHOEri
in tho city for every member of tho family. They boar tho
Means' quality
moans that overy pair is built to glvo
Give your family
woolen DianKets
" and enough com
SHOES forts to keep them
AVo undersell "Heular" StoreH.
l aiiiAv dasvHT BHHit.i OHXiwn
Cincinnti, O., Dec. 22. CharlOB L.
Warrlnier, who confessed to' stealing
$040,000 from tho Dig Four rail
road while ho waB Its local treasurer,
today pleaded guilty to an indlct
niont charging him with tho thoft of
$G000. Ho was sontoncod by Judge
Woodmnnseo to servo flvto years in
tho Ohio ponltontlary,
Try a Journal Classified Want Ad.
Holiday Ideas in Plenty
At Hinges'
All tho now ideas in Chrlstmns Jowolry await your inspection.
That thoy will win your approval Is cortaln. Thoy havo won tho
approval of so many glft-buyors nlroady that tho regular Christ
mas Doxob aro fast filling with presents to bo lnld away until
Christmas. Wo havo appropriate presents for
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and the Baby
Make Any Comparison You Like
You will bo surprised to find the boautiful gifts at Buch a reas
onable prlco at
Chas H
Jeweler anrlDlamond Setter
satisfactory wear
a of good
Tho nbovo is tho nnrao of a Gor
man chemical, which is ono of tho
many valuablo iugrodlonts of Foloy'a
Kidney Remedy. Hoxamothylenoto
tramino is recognized by medical toxt
books and authorities as a uric acid
solvont and antisoptic for tho urino.
Tnko Foloy'a Kldnoy Itomody as soon
ns you notlco any Irrogularitios and
avoid a serious malady. J, O. Porry.
Strength to do n great tiling to
morrow comoB only from doing u
lessor thing today.
I Capital Drug Store.